There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

Fundamentalist Christians who rationalize this behavior are sick demented people
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.
I would respond to that i am not sure how the rule about responding to teapers spplies to black people on USMB
How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.
I would respond to that i am not sure how the rule about responding to teapers spplies to black people on USMB

There are some very good political speakers in the tea party that are black. Too bad you are closed minded.

But I'm still not a teaper.
They didn't turn him into the police or get him counseling. They lied about the counseling so who knows what else they lied about.

Oh for f*cks sake. Sometimes your inaneness never ceases to amaze.
"turn him into the police"....yeah brilliant. The last thing a parent would or should do in such a case is call the police. HUUUGE mistake that would turn an already bad situation into a life altering nightmare. That would involve the nazi child "protection" services and then the real problems would begin.
Same with child psychiatrist. They are required by law to inform authorities on sch an occasion - and again the situation would escalate into a super nightmare.
Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.
I would respond to that i am not sure how the rule about responding to teapers spplies to black people on USMB

There are some very good political speakers in the tea party that are black. Too bad you are closed minded.

But I'm still not a teaper.
Teapers just pretend to like them to hide their hate
Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.
I would respond to that i am not sure how the rule about responding to teapers spplies to black people on USMB

There are some very good political speakers in the tea party that are black. Too bad you are closed minded.

But I'm still not a teaper.

I'm not a Tea Party member either but I do support a lot of what they do and we are friends with a black couple....they are devout "teapers".
And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.
I would respond to that i am not sure how the rule about responding to teapers spplies to black people on USMB

There are some very good political speakers in the tea party that are black. Too bad you are closed minded.

But I'm still not a teaper.

I'm not a Tea Party member either but I do support a lot of what they do and we are friends with a black couple....they are devout "teapers". don't have any black friends. You posr racist nonsense oon a hate site that censors anyone who doesn't toe the hate hate agenda if USMB
And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.
I would respond to that i am not sure how the rule about responding to teapers spplies to black people on USMB

There are some very good political speakers in the tea party that are black. Too bad you are closed minded.

But I'm still not a teaper.

I'm not a Tea Party member either but I do support a lot of what they do and we are friends with a black couple....they are devout "teapers".

I like Mason Weaver for example. He wrote the book... It's okay to leave the plantation.

He has also been a speaker at several TP rally's. Talking about how Obama's message of "Hope and Change " really means "Rope and Chains" to the black community.
Hollywood pedophilia is a big is the "producer's couch". No one is excusing that here, are they?

And yet you say everyone is excusing the Duggar man?
Hmm....there is a correlation here isn't there?
I made 5-6 post about celebrated Hollywood sickos and they were either ignored or deflected.
My showing, inarguably, that the left's faux and hypocritical attacks on the Duggars while not only ignoring REAL sexual predators in Hollywood - but continue to idolize and celebrate them is a bit...let's say artificial
Because this thread is not about those cases and tu quoque is a sign of weakness.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

Deflection points! Double for going to police.

Hit a bullseye on that one didn't I? Now all of a sudden police breaking the law is good. When just last month it was worthy of riots.
A bullseye Deflection? Absolutely. Well done!
How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

Deflection points! Double for going to police.

Hit a bullseye on that one didn't I? Now all of a sudden police breaking the law is good. When just last month it was worthy of riots.
A bullseye Deflection? Absolutely. Well done!

Hardly. The police chief released the police records illegally to a tabloid. Knew it was shady .. So sneakily did it as she retired... Just like the coward most libs are.
The only thing seriously warped is the Leftoids refusal to respect the viewpoints of the victims, who feel that the media exploitation is far worse than their repentant brother's touching them years ago.
The only thing seriously warped is the Leftoids refusal to respect the viewpoints of the victims, who feel that the media exploitation is far worse than their repentant brother's touching them years ago.
"Repentant" only because he was caught.

What a crock of shit.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.
I would respond to that i am not sure how the rule about responding to teapers spplies to black people on USMB

There are some very good political speakers in the tea party that are black. Too bad you are closed minded.

But I'm still not a teaper.
Name them.
Well I see another thread has been started. The left obviously using their scorched earth tactics to keep this story alive in order to destroy this family.

Once again it's fear and ignorance of Christians and Christianity that motivates them. Haters gotta hate I guess.
Fear and ignorance of Christians? If Christians think this behavior is okay we should all fear them around our children.

But that's not why you started another thread on this.

Like the other libs on this board, your real reason for starting this thread is to take the opportunity to trash a Christian family, and to keep this story going as long as possible by posting Duggar threads all over the internet.
In your mind the more people see a dark secret of a traditional American Christian family, the more likely traditional families and traditional values will decrease more and more.

Be honest with yourself, if this were a non-traditional family, like say the Kardashian's, you would have made a comment or two and you and the rest of the left would move on.
And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.
I would respond to that i am not sure how the rule about responding to teapers spplies to black people on USMB

There are some very good political speakers in the tea party that are black. Too bad you are closed minded.

But I'm still not a teaper.
Name them.

See post 89. Been there done that.

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