There is something seriously warped about this Duggar statement

"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?

yeah, it's just inappropriate period. and inappropriate for them to characterize those 'bad choices' as mild.
"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?
its ok 'cause they're rw'ers :thup: They get a pass from Repub jesus
Here is the deal, when I see these left loons outraged at one of their own molesting kids I might and that's a big might, take their whines serious. Not long ago there was a thread about Terry Bean getting caught. All you heard from the left was some timid excuses but mostly just crickets. Their faux outrage and hypocrisy is duly noted.
The day one of these kooks told me that what Roman Polanski committed was not "rape,rape". Was the day they lost all credibility on the subject of sexual abuse issues.
A big YAWN to the faux outrage when it is convenient crowd.
Got any Harvey Milk postage stamps in your purse? Speaking of faux-outrage...
Harvey Milk was one sick bastard
He liked to sodomize minor boys who were homeless, vulnerable, mentally ill and on drugs. That way they had no family to step up and defend or protect them. LGBTS know this is what he did. He and they are completely unrepentant and unapologetic about it. But they haven't stopped there in their hubris. They made a holiday after Milk, celebrating his "sexuality achievements" and require kids in California to celebrate his violation of minors each May 22 there.

Everyone knows that the real outrage by the LGBT posters here and elsewhere directed at Josh Duggar was for the fact that he was trying to rise above a sordid sexual past and denounce it publicy as a living warning to others: "don't go there!". He headed up the family council that opposes most vigorously the Agenda that seeks to urge everyone to "go there, frequently and unapologetically".

They were very angry with him. It was a political hit. Their professed outrage at him molesting little girls is a patent lie. They are quite comfortable with very old adults molesting minors, evidenced by the worship of their messiah Harvey Milk. So when they scream foul about this, know precisely why. It has NOTHING to do with the victims, if the faux-outragers have Harvey Milk stamps or a poster or t-shirt with his image on it and rainbows. Child predators are A-OK with them. Standing up against gay marriage isn't, however.

Do you agree with the Duggars that touching young children while they sleep is mild?
No, Ravi, I don't. I think his acts were serious.. I know he will wear the scarlet letter among his peers no matter how any of this washes out, forever. Which is different from your hero. Let me ask you a question; "do you believe that homeless minors on drugs and mentally ill/vulnerable are OK for men as old as their 40s to sodomize?
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No, Ravi, I don't. I think his acts were serious.. I know he will wear the scarlet letter among his peers no matter how any of this washes out, forever. Which is different from your hero. Let me ask you a question; "do you believe that homeless minors on drugs and mentally ill/vulnerable are OK for men as old as their 40s to sodomize? on...

Here is the deal, when I see these left loons outraged at one of their own molesting kids I might and that's a big might, take their whines serious. Not long ago there was a thread about Terry Bean getting caught. All you heard from the left was some timid excuses but mostly just crickets. Their faux outrage and hypocrisy is duly noted.

The day one of these kooks told me that what Roman Polanski committed was not "rape,rape". Was the day they lost all credibility on the subject of sexual abuse issues.

A big YAWN to the faux outrage when it is convenient crowd.
Got any Harvey Milk postage stamps in your purse? Speaking of faux-outrage...

Harvey Milk was one sick bastard
He liked to sodomize minor boys who were homeless, vulnerable, mentally ill and on drugs. That way they had no family to step up and defend or protect them. LGBTS know this is what he did. He and they are completely unrepentant and unapologetic about it. But they haven't stopped there in their hubris. They made a holiday after Milk, celebrating his "sexuality achievements" and require kids in California to celebrate his violation of minors each May 22 there.

Everyone knows that the real outrage by the LGBT posters here and elsewhere directed at Josh Duggar was for the fact that he was trying to rise above a sordid sexual past and denounce it publicy as a living warning to others: "don't go there!". He headed up the family council that opposes most vigorously the Agenda that seeks to urge everyone to "go there, frequently and unapologetically". They were very angry with him. It was a political hit. Their professed outrage at him molesting littler girls is a patent lie. They are quite comfortable with very old adults molesting minors, evidenced by the worship of their messiah Harvey Milk. So when they scream foul about this, know precisely why. It has NOTHING to do with the victims if they have Harvey Milk stamps or a poster or t-shirt with his image on it and rainbows. Child predators are A-OK with them. Standing up against gay marriage isn't, however.
I know nothing about Milk other than the fact that you are probably lying about him. And even with your lies, it seems clear he wasn't a pedo since he didn't go for pre-pubescent children like Josh Duggars did.

Thanks for admitting that you think what Duggars did wasn't serious.
"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?

Fundamentalist Christians who rationalize this behavior are sick demented people
"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?

yeah, it's just inappropriate period. and inappropriate for them to characterize those 'bad choices' as mild.
Given that they've been brainwashed all their lives and were probably forced by their parents to go on TV and defend the indefensible I won't really hold it against them. But the many nutters here that agree with their statement I will hold against them.
Are there no Righties here who cannot see how sick this is? Stop fucking making excuses and accept that the Duggars are really, really, really bad apples. They pulled the wool over an adoring public that allowed them to live a multi-millionaire lifestyle, based on clean christian virture.


No "righties" have said it was ok.
Hyperbole overdrive again

Really? Been watching what Typsykatzenfotze and Staph Infection have been writing? Really?
Righties have been deflecting over this for days and days now. All over the place.

What you call deflection, a more level headed/open minded person would call refusal to take part in the left's uber-hypocritical attack on someone for doing something that they have forgave/looked past/ignored others for doing far more heinous activity than this man when he was a child.
And now we have excuses for the excuses.
The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

Are there no Righties here who cannot see how sick this is? Stop fucking making excuses and accept that the Duggars are really, really, really bad apples. They pulled the wool over an adoring public that allowed them to live a multi-millionaire lifestyle, based on clean christian virture.


No "righties" have said it was ok.
Hyperbole overdrive again

Really? Been watching what Typsykatzenfotze and Staph Infection have been writing? Really?
Righties have been deflecting over this for days and days now. All over the place.

What you call deflection, a more level headed/open minded person would call refusal to take part in the left's uber-hypocritical attack on someone for doing something that they have forgave/looked past/ignored others for doing far more heinous activity than this man when he was a child.

No, it's simply deflection.

When Weiner fucked up, I was the first one on that forum to roast him. And he's a Democrat.
And I am very very happy he was a big fail in running for NYC mayor.
"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?
I like to judge people not by their anxious words seeking to smooth a bad situation over and mollify the wildfire burning up their family's reputation and serenity with libellous viral crapola. I look at what they DID about it. They turned him into police, reached out to the victims to help them come to grips with what happened and then sent the boy away to be punished in a work-camp environment. Did you forget about that last part?

Where's your outrage about the media making it simple for the world to deduce who the victims were and destroy the reputation of their chastity (which is extremely important to their faith) prior to marriage? Now the relationships with their new husbands will be strained from being forced into the limelight of shame, which always always unfortunately hangs around the necks of victims of molestation even if they weren't responsible for it.

For that matter, where's your outrage at people who carry Harvey Milk postage stamps around in their wallet or purse? Why idolize a 40 something year old man who sodomized minor boys on drugs one after the other and not only wasn't apologetic about it and got zero therapy for his disease, he was and is celebrated for this particular sexual-orientation?

If you have a pack of Harvey Milk stamps in your wallet or purse, you are DISQUALIFIED to pass judgment upon Josh Duggar. Let his peers do that. And don't worry, WE at least will not be commemorating a postage stamp in his "sexual honor" anytime soon..
They didn't turn him into the police or get him counseling. They lied about the counseling so who knows what else they lied about.

A serial liar calling others liars. That's credible. Not.
The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

Deflection points! Double for going to police.
In reading many of these posts, it seems clear to me that what would be a punishable crime if done to your child by a stranger, becomes a "lapse of good judgement" if done to your child by a family member.

Ok, got it!

The logical conclusion is simply, "Keep incest in the family!"


I think you have a good point.

I was pretty shocked to read Delta saying that this is just something brothers and sister do. Others have made similar excuses, including variations of "boys will be boys".

If this had been a stranger, an outsider, the family, church and others would react completely differently.

Also note that some posters here have gone ballistic about incest between consenting adults. Where are their objections about these little girls being forced to submit to incest?

And of course, Josh Duggar himself has preached that being gay means you're a pedo - all while lying about his own compulsion.
"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?
I like to judge people not by their anxious words seeking to smooth a bad situation over and mollify the wildfire burning up their family's reputation and serenity with libellous viral crapola. I look at what they DID about it. They turned him into police, reached out to the victims to help them come to grips with what happened and then sent the boy away to be punished in a work-camp environment. Did you forget about that last part?

Where's your outrage about the media making it simple for the world to deduce who the victims were and destroy the reputation of their chastity (which is extremely important to their faith) prior to marriage? Now the relationships with their new husbands will be strained from being forced into the limelight of shame, which always always unfortunately hangs around the necks of victims of molestation even if they weren't responsible for it.

For that matter, where's your outrage at people who carry Harvey Milk postage stamps around in their wallet or purse? Why idolize a 40 something year old man who sodomized minor boys on drugs one after the other and not only wasn't apologetic about it and got zero therapy for his disease, he was and is celebrated for this particular sexual-orientation?

If you have a pack of Harvey Milk stamps in your wallet or purse, you are DISQUALIFIED to pass judgment upon Josh Duggar. Let his peers do that. And don't worry, WE at least will not be commemorating a postage stamp in his "sexual honor" anytime soon..
They didn't turn him into the police or get him counseling. They lied about the counseling so who knows what else they lied about.

A serial liar calling others liars. That's credible. Not.
I don't think Sil is a serial liar. I just think she's an idiot. You, on the other hand fit that description very well.
The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers
Here is the deal, when I see these left loons outraged at one of their own molesting kids I might and that's a big might, take their whines serious. Not long ago there was a thread about Terry Bean getting caught. All you heard from the left was some timid excuses but mostly just crickets. Their faux outrage and hypocrisy is duly noted.
Who's Terry Bean?
I know nothing about Milk other than the fact that you are probably lying about him. And even with your lies, it seems clear he wasn't a pedo since he didn't go for pre-pubescent children like Josh Duggars did.

Thanks for admitting that you think what Duggars did wasn't serious.

So pubescent minors are OK in your mind for men in their 40s to sodomize? Particularly as was documented of Milk, by his gay friend and biographer Randy Shilts, page 180 in the book The Mayor of Castro Street; The Life and Times of Harvey Milk: "Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems". Noted is your defense of a documented and unapologetic sexual exploiter of underaged and vulnarable boys. If Milk was this open today about what he did, he would be up for three felony counts in California: 1. Sodomizing a minor. 2. Sodomizing someone under the influence of drugs. 3. Sodomizing someone who is mentally ill.

Here are other quotes from Milk's biography, available in any library in the US and many other countries:

"...sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure...At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him." (pages 30-31)"

"It would be to boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20's that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life." (page 24)

"Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems." (page 180)

"Harvey confided one night that at twenty-four, Doug was the oldest man Harvey had ever started an affair with." (page 237)..

[Coldly agreed with a former lovers suicide threat]
"the phone rang. As soon as Harvey heard the voice, he rolled his eyes
impatiently at Jim. It's Jack McKinley, he said. He paused and listened
further. He says he's going to kill himself. Tell him not to make a mess,
Harvey deadpanned. Jack hung up." (Source: Randy Shilts, The Mayor of
Castro Street, p. 126)

(Later Jack McKinley, despondent over being used by Milk and then cast aside for younger meat as he aged into his 30s, did jump to his death in New York off a tall building near where the two had met.) Be sure to run out and buy yourselves a pack of Harvey Milk postage stamps today! Complete with the rainbow LGBT logo:

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The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

Deflection points! Double for going to police.

Hit a bullseye on that one didn't I? Now all of a sudden police breaking the law is good. When just last month it was worthy of riots.
"And he made some bad choices, but, really, the extent of it was mild – inappropriate touching on fully clothed victims, most of it while [the] girls were sleeping.”

wtf? It's okay to inappropriately touch children if they are sleeping?
I like to judge people not by their anxious words seeking to smooth a bad situation over and mollify the wildfire burning up their family's reputation and serenity with libellous viral crapola. I look at what they DID about it. They turned him into police, reached out to the victims to help them come to grips with what happened and then sent the boy away to be punished in a work-camp environment. Did you forget about that last part?

Where's your outrage about the media making it simple for the world to deduce who the victims were and destroy the reputation of their chastity (which is extremely important to their faith) prior to marriage? Now the relationships with their new husbands will be strained from being forced into the limelight of shame, which always always unfortunately hangs around the necks of victims of molestation even if they weren't responsible for it.

For that matter, where's your outrage at people who carry Harvey Milk postage stamps around in their wallet or purse? Why idolize a 40 something year old man who sodomized minor boys on drugs one after the other and not only wasn't apologetic about it and got zero therapy for his disease, he was and is celebrated for this particular sexual-orientation?

If you have a pack of Harvey Milk stamps in your wallet or purse, you are DISQUALIFIED to pass judgment upon Josh Duggar. Let his peers do that. And don't worry, WE at least will not be commemorating a postage stamp in his "sexual honor" anytime soon..
They didn't turn him into the police or get him counseling. They lied about the counseling so who knows what else they lied about.

A serial liar calling others liars. That's credible. Not.
I don't think Sil is a serial liar. I just think she's an idiot. You, on the other hand fit that description very well.

Nope. That would be you. Like I said. Typical of a serial liar to take my words out if context and assign it to someone else though. Thanks for proving my point. :)
The parents didn't think it was okay either. They sent Josh out of the home to get therapy.

Look at Ravi distorting the truth once again. Shocking.
How many times did it take before they sent him to that police pedophile?

How is it the Duggars fault that the police employed an officer that liked child porn?

He fooled the Police Chief who employed him... But the public is supposed to automatically "know". Sure. Took the police many years after the fact to find this out so that the lefties can now link that up as proof of something.

Lol...i thought all police were good and respectable. Teapers are such hypocrites. Nonetheless, this is a legitimate story to duscusd...too bad teapers want to defend a fucking pervert

And to libs all police officials who break laws should be held accountable. Unless of course what they do illegally fits into your agenda... Ain't that right.

I am no lib . I am no hypocrite like idiot teapers

I am no teaper. See how that works.

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