There Isn’t A Single State Where A federal Ban On Abortion Polls Higher Than 30%

Actually, it might end up as a winning issue for the Dems. Hopefully, this will activate women who don't want to live in a Taliban state.

There are def going to be two Americas. One forward-looking America lets women have control over their bodies and the other is a virtual Taliban state that hates gays, women, minorities etc.
Taliban? OMG!!! You are really wanting to pull the drama card!! Abortion won't be banned, the overturning would make abortion a state issue and force Congress to get off their ass they have been sitting on for the last 50 plus years and pass a law one way or the other to finish this issue. Dems don't want this issue to go away, they get a voter advantage by relying on Roe v Wade.
IF does not mean anyone has proposed a federal ban on abortion. A federal ban would suffer from the same defects as the Roe decision. If abortion is so popular and necessary, states will have no problem passing abortion protection laws.
Yet another example of the tyranny of Republican minority rule and the authoritarian right's contempt for the will of the people.

Except you have the disposition of a feminist named Karen easily led astray by other feminists named Karen. Don't be such a puss, read post 40
If you ban abortion at 6 weeks pregnancy, and 6 weeks is the earliest women discover they are pregnant, that is essentially a full ban. Maybe it fools dense people. Well, not "maybe", as your posts show...
If abortion is allowed at some point, no matter how restricted, then it is NOT a "ban".
But I'm glad to know you read my posts - you might actually learn something.

Not a winning issue. Anywhere. And the 70% of normal mainstream America are getting tired of the 30% of fringe nut jobs, that think the majority are supposed to continue putting up with their lunacy.

Most Americans feel that a transgender man is not an man, that transgenders should not compete in women's sports, most Americans feel that transgenders should not be allowed to use the opposite sex bathroom. So are you fringe minority fruitcakes going to let us ban what is not normal?
Taliban? OMG!!! You are really wanting to pull the drama card!! Abortion won't be banned, the overturning would make abortion a state issue and force Congress to get off their ass they have been sitting on for the last 50 plus years and pass a law one way or the other to finish this issue. Dems don't want this issue to go away, they get a voter advantage by relying on Roe v Wade.
Yes. A state issue where the state can ban abortion. The same state that also hates gays, anyone not white, anyone not Christian, etc.

If it makes you feel any better, we can call it the Christian Taliban. Deal?

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