There needs to be a separate forum on antisemitism, just as there is for racism

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more, they are being painted antisemetic for merely questioning it

This is unfortunate but true. It reminds me of 9/11, when anyone who even remotely questioned it was personally attacked and stigmatized simply for not immediately believing whatever we were told.
Thank you! Here we’ve just come off the worst week for Jews since the Holocaust, hunted down and tortured to death because they are Jewish, and we have posters disdainfully trying to insinuate that antisemitism is overstated.
The good thing about threads like this, we learn who the sympathisers of evil are. Almost always, they reside on the left
The Holocaust never happened?

Innocent civilians weren't brutally murdered, raped and kidnapped?

There are no hostages in Gaza?

I don't want to speak for sparky, but he didn't say the attack didn't happen. Of course it did. His point was that people who are merely asking questions instead of automatically believing everything we're told are being labeled antisemitic.

There are former IDF soldiers who are publicly stating that there's no way the IDF could have not known the attacks were coming. And there are other Israelis (including conservative Israelis) who are questioning it. Are they antisemitic for questioning what happened? Yes or no?

Are the people who questioned the official 9/11 narrative anti-American? I'm sorry, but only someone who thinks that governments never lie or would do anything wrong would think so.
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Are the people who questioned the official 9/11 narrative anti-American?
I just saw a video of Israel "knocking on the roof" of a building before they leveled it 15 minutes later.

They do this as a moral KINDNESS, letting them know to GET OUT of the building

The comments were disgusting. The usual people blaming "the Jews" for bringing down the Towers in New York.

No, I don't accept the conspiracy crap.

Your video of Naomi Wolf, it is IMPLIED that the Boston Marathon attack never happened? Was a government operation? Sorry, but I'm not into the loony stuff.

Hamas MURDERED innocent villages. I know we have a small group here that wallows in every damn conspiracy theory and throws up dust to deflect from the brutal reality of what just happened.

Human beings are evil. Some more than others. The culture a generation is raised in makes that generation unredeemable. There is a reason God told Abraham that Israel wouldn't have a homeland then. "The sins of the Amorites hadn't reached their fullness." But God saw into the future to the time when the inhabitants of the Land would become SO CORRUPT AND EVIL that they would have to be destroyed.

Israel is facing the very same thing today.

None of this happened. It was all staged by the Zionist government to turn the world on the friendly Hamas government in Gaza. (,for the truly stupid here, Im mocking the conspiracy theorists)

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I just saw a video of Israel "knocking on the roof" of a building before they leveled it 15 minutes later.

They do this as a moral KINDNESS, letting them know to GET OUT of the building

The comments were disgusting. The usual people blaming "the Jews" for bringing down the Towers in New York.

No, I don't accept the conspiracy crap.

Your video of Naomi Wolf, it is IMPLIED that the Boston Marathon attack never happened? Was a government operation? Sorry, but I'm not into the loony stuff.

Hamas MURDERED innocent villages. I know we have a small group here that wallows in every damn conspiracy theory and throws up dust to deflect from the brutal reality of what just happened.

Human beings are evil. Some more than others. The culture a generation is raised in makes that generation unredeemable. There is a reason God told Abraham that Israel wouldn't have a homeland then. "The sins of the Amorites hadn't reached their fullness." But God saw into the future to the time when the inhabitants of the Land would become SO CORRUPT AND EVIL that they would have to be destroyed.

Israel is facing the very same thing today.

None of this happened. It was all staged by the Zionist government to turn the world in the friendly Hamas government in Gaza

It sounds like you didn't watch the whole Naomi Wolf video. It sounds like you only watched the first 10 seconds. No, it's not even about that. I highly suggest watching the whole thing before judging it.

False flags are not "loony stuff." They have happened historically, that is a fact, not theory.

Now before you get me wrong, I'm not saying that's what happened in this case. I'm just stating the fact that false flags happen, and they continue to happen. Why? Because globalists who pull the strings have gotten away with it, since clearly too many people are still quick to believe whatever they're told by the government and MSM.

As as Christian, you should know we are living in a time of great deception. But even before this time, there has always been deception in this world. Remember who the temporary 'god' of this world is...
CarlinAnnArbor , what do you have to say about this event in history that pulled at the heartstrings of our nation and was the catalyst for the Gulf War in the early 90's?

This woman is clearly a government operative. Nobody died except innocent Palestinians. The Zionist Jews need an excuse to wipe out the peace loving Palestinians

Hey CarlinAnnArbor ^that's^ a nice strawman, but you didn't answer my question in post #147. What do you have to say about that event in history? The post right above your last one.
Given the absolute TORRENT of vile, threatening comments about Jews throughout the world - ”Kill the Jews!…..”Gas the Jews!”……. - in an anti-Jew atmosphere not seen since the Nazi Holocaust, we need to have a dedicated forum. It should not have to be placed in the racism forum, where blacks object to attention to their cause being diverted, nor should it be hidden under the broad Religion forum.

This is alarming stuff for many Jews as the hate toward them is being increasingly revealed.

It can be placed in Zone 1, just as the racism forum is. But to allow a dedicated forum for blacks to discuss events of a century or two ago, and not have a similarly dedicated forum for Jews to discuss current events would show a liberal bias right there.
Have you seen the massive amount of bigotry toward Muslims. People calling for Palestine to be nuked. Pro Israel Christians white people saying let the Jews do whatever they want to do Muslims.

And then pro Israel people are shown Jewish monsters like this they’ve never said anything about it. Israel has the same fanatical Jews that Palestine has with fanatical Muslims.

I think all of those anti jew and anti Muslim voices are a minority and they’re entitled to their free speech.

Is there a separate section for Islam a phobia?

Israel has one of the strongest military in the world. Their opponents have rocks and pistols …israel simply cannot lose. This is an undeniable fact. Israel has one of the strongest military in the world.

Something went wrong with the idf they should’ve never allowed the attack to occur it’s astonishing every square inch of Israel is monitored. That should be the number one concern of pro Israel people.

The US message board is doing just fine. It’s a place for free speech. Better than most online forms.
Something went wrong with the idea if they should’ve never allowed the attack to occur it’s astonishing every square inch of Israel is monitored
Another not so subtle, "it's the Jews fault" posts

People, and governments, grow complacent when there are long stretches of peace.

Anyone living in America should understand this. Especially with our current inept government
People, and governments, grow complacent when there are long stretches of peace.

Not according to some former IDF soldiers who are saying there's "no way in hell" something like that could have happened without anyone knowing.

Also, reportedly, Egypt warned Israel more than once that an attack was coming.

Don't get me wrong, I am not anti-Israel. I have been to Israel, I love Israel, and I've always sided with Israel in the ME conflicts. I also love my own country, but that doesn't mean I'm naive enough to think there aren't subversive people in government. Or naive enough to think that everything we're told by the mainstream news is the truth. Again, watch that Naomi Wolf video.
anyone who thinks governments never lie did poorly in history class Buttercup ~S~
Nobody said that.

But have you ever noticed you guys never think the aggressors can be as bad as they are?

ISRAEL brought down the towers.

The US government brought down the towers

Hamas never went into Israeli villages and massacred these people.

It's always the "democracies" you nuts want to blame. You can never allow yourselves to see how barbaric these primitive 7th century cultures can be.

Some of you are so easily led, and you've convinced yourself it's the rest of us
Nobody said that.
nobody should have to
Some of you are so easily led, and you've convinced yourself it's the rest of us
LOL! , as well as completely blind to being easily led Carl

Nobody said that.

But have you ever noticed you guys never think the aggressors can be as bad as they are?

ISRAEL brought down the towers.

The US government brought down the towers

Hamas never went into Israeli villages and massacred these people.

It's always the "democracies" you nuts want to blame. You can never allow yourselves to see how barbaric these primitive 7th century cultures can be.

Some of you are so easily led, and you've convinced yourself it's the rest of us

Wow. You don't get it. At all. Not even close. I think the problem is your thinking is so binary.

Just by your response above it is clear that you always think in terms of two sides. Which is precisely how you've been manipulated to think.

It seems it never occurred to you that both the good guy and the bad guy are pawns of powers that are above both "sides."

I can't speak for sparky or anyone else here, but I never once thought that Israel brought down the towers. The people behind false flags are globalists.... the ones who have been planning a global government. The people who run this world are not on one "side" or the "other." They control pretty much all of it, and they purposely convince regular people to think in the binary way you think.... to think there are only 2 sides to choose from. Why, because they control both "sides."

But all this really should have gone on another thread, I didn't want to take Lisa's thread this far off topic.
I just wasted 30 minutes of my life watching a couple of these conspiracy videos recommended to me.

Nothing in there but 30 minutes of, "in my opinion"

If you want converts, you need better material
anyone who thinks governments never lie did poorly in history class Buttercup ~S~

Exactly. But not only history of the world in general...I've been realizing that many here sincerely don't know how corrupt the government is, in the last few decades. They claim they do, but I can tell they don't know the extent of it. If they did, they wouldn't be so eager to support EITHER "side."
Not trusting government does not make one a conspirator theorist , or for that matter a domestic terrorist (thx Hillary)

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