There oughta be a law that requires everyone to like gays

Tyranny is now defined as the suppression of bigotry, apparently.

This is satirical comedy material.

I know...let's put this suggested law next to the laws requiring people to like black people and the one requiring people to like handicapped people and the one requiring people to like immigrants and the one requiring people to like obese people....etc.

I DON'T EXPECT ANYONE TO LIKE ANYONE. Not taking that dislike and screwing someone over or rejecting their business is another matter.
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Tyranny is now defined as the suppression of bigotry, apparently.

This is satirical comedy material.

I know...let's put this suggested law next to the laws requiring people to like black people and the one requiring people to like handicapped people and the one requiring people to like immigrants and the one requiring people to like obese people....etc.

I DON'T EXPECT ANYONE TO LIKE ANYONE. Not taking that dislike and screwing someone over or rejecting their business is another matter.

So if they baked a cake, but had up signs that homosexuality is immoral and that they believe homosexuals will go to hell, would be fine with you, so long as they baked them the cake?

No, you would throw the biggest, most limp wristed, HIV positive hissy fit the world had ever seen. You want to force people to accept deviants as being normal.
I know...let's put this suggested law next to the laws requiring people to like black people and the one requiring people to like handicapped people and the one requiring people to like immigrants and the one requiring people to like obese people....etc.

I DON'T EXPECT ANYONE TO LIKE ANYONE. Not taking that dislike and screwing someone over or rejecting their business is another matter.

So if they baked a cake, but had up signs that homosexuality is immoral and that they believe homosexuals will go to hell, would be fine with you, so long as they baked them the cake?

No, you would throw the biggest, most limp wristed, HIV positive hissy fit the world had ever seen. You want to force people to accept deviants as being normal.

Nothing wrong with them having up signs like that. Matter of fact thats what all businesses should do. If you are a business owner that hates Mexicans, put up a sign stating this but if one comes in your store to buy something then you better serve them. Dont be a pussy about it. Let everyone know your belief system so they can make the determination to do business with you or not. My guess is that bigots would soon be out of business or very limited to how much they could make in profit. They have no fortitude in their beliefs thats why they hide their feelings and selectively discriminate.
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Tyranny is now defined as the suppression of bigotry, apparently.

This is satirical comedy material.

Except that the homophobes would cheerfully trash the Constitution just because they're scared of their own deepest darkest desires.
I know...let's put this suggested law next to the laws requiring people to like black people and the one requiring people to like handicapped people and the one requiring people to like immigrants and the one requiring people to like obese people....etc.

I DON'T EXPECT ANYONE TO LIKE ANYONE. Not taking that dislike and screwing someone over or rejecting their business is another matter.

So if they baked a cake, but had up signs that homosexuality is immoral and that they believe homosexuals will go to hell, would be fine with you, so long as they baked them the cake?

No, you would throw the biggest, most limp wristed, HIV positive hissy fit the world had ever seen. You want to force people to accept deviants as being normal.

Always being in favor of equality, how about laws against KKK, closet tranny/gays like you, fundie christians. Why should I be forced to do business with people I consider to be sub-human anti-Americans?

And, hey, I wouldn't mind getting tax free status as a church so I can call it "religious belief"
man, you idiots who want to force someone to bake a cake for you don't even consider what can be done (to the cake) if THEY DON'T LIKE YOU...I don't care what YOU ARE

stupid people, but we the people need to be FORCED into doing what they demand or get called cute names, like homophobe...
man, you idiots who want to force someone to bake a cake for you don't even consider what can be done (to the cake) if THEY DON'T LIKE YOU...I don't care what YOU ARE

stupid people, but we the people need to be FORCED into doing what they demand or get called cute names, like homophobe...

All I ask is for you bigot types to not be pussies. Put up your signs so everyone knows you are stupid. I'd hate to think that my money has most likely gone to some bigots bank account. I guarantee if you put up your signs you would keep the majority of the people you dislike out of your stores.
Question about the AZ law, is it meant to allow shop owners to refuse to serve gays for all reasons, or just speciality reasons like baking a gay wedding cake? I can see how the cake violates their religious beliefs, but if they can deny selling them muffins or cornbread, how is religion implicated there? What does the proposed AZ law do?

I posted a link to the ramifications of the law. Gays will still receive services as they always have. Religious freedom will be a defense to certain acts which require the participation in activities to which the provider objects.
All that I can say is that if anyone wants to be respected by other people, flipping their fingers at the beliefs that them other people have is not going to get them the respect that they are hoping to have any sooner. Therefore all that you can really do is just look for another person who doesn't care one way or another if they don't have the same beliefs that you have.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Can't we just skip all the bullshit about public accommodation and cut to the chase? Why not just go where you really want and force your fascism down people's throats?.

not allowing you to impose your hatred on others outside of your own little hate-filled environment isn't fascism.

and fascism has a particular definition. it might be helpful for you to look it up.
Can't we just skip all the bullshit about public accommodation and cut to the chase? Why not just go where you really want and force your fascism down people's throats?.

not allowing you to impose your hatred on others outside of your own little hate-filled environment isn't fascism.

and fascism has a particular definition. it might be helpful for you to look it up.

I think most nitwits like Quantum parrot what they hear others say without looking up the word.
Can't we just skip all the bullshit about public accommodation and cut to the chase? Why not just go where you really want and force your fascism down people's throats?.

not allowing you to impose your hatred on others outside of your own little hate-filled environment isn't fascism.

and fascism has a particular definition. it might be helpful for you to look it up.

but it's ok for you to impose your hate on us....You all have become the fascist

take the boys Scouts for example
Can't we just skip all the bullshit about public accommodation and cut to the chase? Why not just go where you really want and force your fascism down people's throats?.

not allowing you to impose your hatred on others outside of your own little hate-filled environment isn't fascism.

and fascism has a particular definition. it might be helpful for you to look it up.

but it's ok for you to impose your hate on us....You all have become the fascist

take the boys Scouts for example

People can disagree and disagree openly. They just cant discriminate.

fas·cism noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government
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QW makes a good point- the LBGT people are not content to have legal equality- they want full acceptance.

Sorry, but that ain't gonna happen. People are people. They will discriminate based upon their own life experiences. it's human nature. No law is ever going to change that.

Now, if a baker refused to bake a cake for me because I am heterosexual, or white, or because I am dazzlingly handsome, or for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. I would find a new bakery.
not allowing you to impose your hatred on others outside of your own little hate-filled environment isn't fascism.

and fascism has a particular definition. it might be helpful for you to look it up.

but it's ok for you to impose your hate on us....You all have become the fascist

take the boys Scouts for example

People can disagree and disagree openly. They just cant discriminate.

fas·cism noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

Sure they can when it works to the hypocrite liberals favor such as in the IRS targeting conservative groups.
but it's ok for you to impose your hate on us....You all have become the fascist

take the boys Scouts for example

People can disagree and disagree openly. They just cant discriminate.

fas·cism noun \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\
: a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

Sure they can when it works to the hypocrite liberals favor such as in the IRS targeting conservative groups.

??? What does that have to do with fascism?
There are already laws that prevent against discrimination race, or rather you're old. Why should someone be able to screw someone over for liking men?

I am against any law that takes a way freedom of speech.

I see you missed the point, what a surprise.

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