There oughta be a law that requires everyone to like gays

Way back in the 80s, when I belonged to the ACLU that was the subject of a lecture on anti discrimination.

They had this transgender nonsense back then? I thought this was all quite recent. Heck, even into the mid 1990s you could make fun of gays on talkshows during teh day. When I was in college I was watching one of those Jenny shows or whatever it was called, like ummm, that guy who was the mayor of cincinnatti or whatever, and he had two gay guys on or at least actors pretending to be gay, and they had all of these women saying "what a waste" and the audience would cheer, and then the gay could be like :


and then the audience would boo him.

It wasn't about anything transgender. The lecture was actually about the discriminatory effect of marriage. That's where it started, then extended onto how rejecting offers of sex with same sex partners was bigoted. The logic seemed quite convoluted because the premise was that if someone has a right to have sex and choose you, there is no good reason to turn them down except discrimination. Marriage unfairly demands bigotry since you might not turn them down if you weren't in the artificial construct of marriage.

That lecture was one of the reasons I quit the ACLU. I quit NOW because NOW meetings were just a lesbian meat market.

I used to be liberal.
Queers (euphemistically and falsely called "gays") are just another minority group that Democrats suck up to to get VOTES. Secretly, they hate queers just as much as anyone else.

They're not that huge of a voting block, it is a campaign funding issue for them, and it diflects from the horrible economy. People will not be able to retire in the future, not will they be able to afford homes, but so long as fags can force people to make them wedding cakes, all is fine.
is one a homophobe for acknowledging that gay men are much more susceptible to most STDs? Are facts bigoted?

You are only a homophobe if you are afraid a gay person may tempt you to carry out your gay fantasies. If you are not gay why are you worried about it? Facts are not bigoted. Opinions are. People get the 2 confused pretty easily.

Well first, I'm forced to think that faggotry is fine. Second, I'm required to pay for the consequences of faggotry. If you looked at my other postings from the past 24 hours, faggots, because they can't be bothered to use condoms, are demanding that they be prescribed Truvada, to be used as "PReP", and demanding that insurers cover it. It costs 14,000 a year, and that will be passed onto others as fags cannot be charged more for insurance. That means all that cost is passed onto others, so fags can be enabled to not use condoms, and then other premium payers will have to pay for all the other STDs they catch from not using condoms, then the consequences of this causing HIV to mutate. HIV is entirely preventable, but faggots are so selfish, so fucking perverted, that they cannot stop themselves, so all this money needs to be wasted on them, while kids die of leukemia becaues so much attention and money is spent on HIV.
That's why.

You are not forced to think homosexuality is fine. You are required to pay for a lot of things you may not like but your choice is to pay or go to jail. How committed are you to your values?
You are only a homophobe if you are afraid a gay person may tempt you to carry out your gay fantasies. If you are not gay why are you worried about it? Facts are not bigoted. Opinions are. People get the 2 confused pretty easily.

Well first, I'm forced to think that faggotry is fine. Second, I'm required to pay for the consequences of faggotry. If you looked at my other postings from the past 24 hours, faggots, because they can't be bothered to use condoms, are demanding that they be prescribed Truvada, to be used as "PReP", and demanding that insurers cover it. It costs 14,000 a year, and that will be passed onto others as fags cannot be charged more for insurance. That means all that cost is passed onto others, so fags can be enabled to not use condoms, and then other premium payers will have to pay for all the other STDs they catch from not using condoms, then the consequences of this causing HIV to mutate. HIV is entirely preventable, but faggots are so selfish, so fucking perverted, that they cannot stop themselves, so all this money needs to be wasted on them, while kids die of leukemia becaues so much attention and money is spent on HIV.
That's why.

You are not forced to think homosexuality is fine. You are required to pay for a lot of things you may not like but your choice is to pay or go to jail. How committed are you to your values?

You think it's fine for faggots to pass on a 14k a year medication so they don't have to be bothered to use condoms? If there were a drug that costs 14k a year that would prevent lung cancer in smokers, but they could continue to smoke, you'd be fine with that and the cost passed onto others, instead of them having to pay for it themselves?
man, you idiots who want to force someone to bake a cake for you don't even consider what can be done (to the cake) if THEY DON'T LIKE YOU...I don't care what YOU ARE

stupid people, but we the people need to be FORCED into doing what they demand or get called cute names, like homophobe...

All I ask is for you bigot types to not be pussies. Put up your signs so everyone knows you are stupid. I'd hate to think that my money has most likely gone to some bigots bank account. I guarantee if you put up your signs you would keep the majority of the people you dislike out of your stores.

The word "bigot" is hateful and a pejorative, let alone unprovable. Then, there is the word "PUSSY". Hmm. THAT is offensive, anyway you want to slice it. You obviously hate and have your preferences, if not a little misogynistic,... We are all human beings here, and we have different opinions. I think nowadays, people are a little too quick to jump on popular bandwagons and condemn others that don't, won't or can't. Perhaps THAT is what the OP was opining about. Like Obama wouldn’t commit to gay marrige back in 08’, and now he’s all over it. Now, if you mean by being a “pussy” you mean being weak willed vacillating fools, well, Obama and the lot of you got that covered.
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There are already laws that prevent against discrimination race, or rather you're old. Why should someone be able to screw someone over for liking men?

I am against any law that takes a way freedom of speech.

I see you missed the point, what a surprise.

You sure seem like a fascist to me...One that has nothing better to do in life then to tor other people down...Sad it must be.

I am not the one that called someone an anti American extreme nutcase, am I? I don't tear people down, i tear down opinions.
Well first, I'm forced to think that faggotry is fine. Second, I'm required to pay for the consequences of faggotry. If you looked at my other postings from the past 24 hours, faggots, because they can't be bothered to use condoms, are demanding that they be prescribed Truvada, to be used as "PReP", and demanding that insurers cover it. It costs 14,000 a year, and that will be passed onto others as fags cannot be charged more for insurance. That means all that cost is passed onto others, so fags can be enabled to not use condoms, and then other premium payers will have to pay for all the other STDs they catch from not using condoms, then the consequences of this causing HIV to mutate. HIV is entirely preventable, but faggots are so selfish, so fucking perverted, that they cannot stop themselves, so all this money needs to be wasted on them, while kids die of leukemia becaues so much attention and money is spent on HIV.
That's why.

You are not forced to think homosexuality is fine. You are required to pay for a lot of things you may not like but your choice is to pay or go to jail. How committed are you to your values?

You think it's fine for faggots to pass on a 14k a year medication so they don't have to be bothered to use condoms? If there were a drug that costs 14k a year that would prevent lung cancer in smokers, but they could continue to smoke, you'd be fine with that and the cost passed onto others, instead of them having to pay for it themselves?

You didnt answer my question.
If gays had a law that mandated everyone like them it wouldn't be good enough. They'd want a law mandating that no one would be able to turn down sex offered by a homosexual. They want everyone to rejects them arrested and prosecuted as a hate crime.

You go with that. It really makes you look rational. :D
Well first, I'm forced to think that faggotry is fine. Second, I'm required to pay for the consequences of faggotry. If you looked at my other postings from the past 24 hours, faggots, because they can't be bothered to use condoms, are demanding that they be prescribed Truvada, to be used as "PReP", and demanding that insurers cover it. It costs 14,000 a year, and that will be passed onto others as fags cannot be charged more for insurance. That means all that cost is passed onto others, so fags can be enabled to not use condoms, and then other premium payers will have to pay for all the other STDs they catch from not using condoms, then the consequences of this causing HIV to mutate. HIV is entirely preventable, but faggots are so selfish, so fucking perverted, that they cannot stop themselves, so all this money needs to be wasted on them, while kids die of leukemia becaues so much attention and money is spent on HIV. That's why.

You think it's fine for faggots to pass on a 14k a year medication so they don't have to be bothered to use condoms? If there were a drug that costs 14k a year that would prevent lung cancer in smokers, but they could continue to smoke, you'd be fine with that and the cost passed onto others, instead of them having to pay for it themselves?

How come you're only angry at Gays like yourself? Why aren't you also angry at all the heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer, and other expensive medical problems caused by poor behavior? How come you're only bothered by the actions of Gays?

No one demands that you accept Gays or your own homosexuality, but we do expect you to mind your own business and not seek to make difficult the lives of other people who have never harmed you.
Well first, I'm forced to think that faggotry is fine. Second, I'm required to pay for the consequences of faggotry. If you looked at my other postings from the past 24 hours, faggots, because they can't be bothered to use condoms, are demanding that they be prescribed Truvada, to be used as "PReP", and demanding that insurers cover it. It costs 14,000 a year, and that will be passed onto others as fags cannot be charged more for insurance. That means all that cost is passed onto others, so fags can be enabled to not use condoms, and then other premium payers will have to pay for all the other STDs they catch from not using condoms, then the consequences of this causing HIV to mutate. HIV is entirely preventable, but faggots are so selfish, so fucking perverted, that they cannot stop themselves, so all this money needs to be wasted on them, while kids die of leukemia becaues so much attention and money is spent on HIV. That's why.

You think it's fine for faggots to pass on a 14k a year medication so they don't have to be bothered to use condoms? If there were a drug that costs 14k a year that would prevent lung cancer in smokers, but they could continue to smoke, you'd be fine with that and the cost passed onto others, instead of them having to pay for it themselves?

How come you're only angry at Gays like yourself? Why aren't you also angry at all the heart disease, diabetes, lung cancer, and other expensive medical problems caused by poor behavior? How come you're only bothered by the actions of Gays?

No one demands that you accept Gays or your own homosexuality, but we do expect you to mind your own business and not seek to make difficult the lives of other people who have never harmed you.
Smokers are taxed heavily, and pay higher insurance premiums. Faggots are not.
If gays had a law that mandated everyone like them it wouldn't be good enough. They'd want a law mandating that no one would be able to turn down sex offered by a homosexual. They want everyone to rejects them arrested and prosecuted as a hate crime.

This is why its called "homophobia". Folks are afraid that Gays will want to have sex with them and demand it in a way that they will have no choice but to accept and maybe even enjoy it. This frightens them, hence the term "homoPHOBIA".

No one expects you to accept all offers of Gay sex. We only demand that you mind your own business and not try to hurt other people.
man, you idiots who want to force someone to bake a cake for you don't even consider what can be done (to the cake) if THEY DON'T LIKE YOU...I don't care what YOU ARE

stupid people, but we the people need to be FORCED into doing what they demand or get called cute names, like homophobe...

All I ask is for you bigot types to not be pussies. Put up your signs so everyone knows you are stupid. I'd hate to think that my money has most likely gone to some bigots bank account. I guarantee if you put up your signs you would keep the majority of the people you dislike out of your stores.

The word "bigot" is hateful and a pejorative, let alone unprovable. Then, there is the word "PUSSY". Hmm. THAT is offensive, anyway you want to slice it. You obviously hate and have your preferences, if not a little misogynistic,... We are all human beings here, and we have different opinions. I think nowadays, people are a quick to jump on popular bandwagons and condemn others that don't, won't or can't. Perhaps THAT is what the OP was opining about. Like Obama wouldn’t commit to gay marrige back in 08’, and now he’s all over it. Now, if you mean by being a “pussy” you mean being a weak willed vacillating fools, well, Obama and the lot of you got that covered.

Bigot is no more hateful than fag. Pussy is a soft furry cat. How is that hateful or misogynistic? I'm not talking to any specific person. I'm talking to everyone that feels its ok to discriminate and serve the public at the same time. Have some gumption instead of being a soft furry cat and hiding your beliefs. People that did not appreciate your views would never patronize you. Isnt that what you want?
Smokers are taxed heavily, and pay higher insurance premiums. Faggots are not.

Obese people aren't taxed any higher than folks who eat only granola and drink water.

Yet that doesn't bother you.

You're only bothered by your fellow homosexuals.

No one expects you to love gay man, or even have sex with them. But we do expect you to mind your business and live and let live.
If gays had a law that mandated everyone like them it wouldn't be good enough. They'd want a law mandating that no one would be able to turn down sex offered by a homosexual. They want everyone to rejects them arrested and prosecuted as a hate crime.

This is why its called "homophobia". Folks are afraid that Gays will want to have sex with them and demand it in a way that they will have no choice but to accept and maybe even enjoy it. This frightens them, hence the term "homoPHOBIA".

No one expects you to accept all offers of Gay sex. We only demand that you mind your own business and not try to hurt other people.

Question for you, if a man went up to a woman and said something a bit lewd, and the woman slapped him shouting "pervert!", do you think she did something wrong?

Now, say if a gay man approches a man, says something lewd , and the man (who turns out to be straight) shouts "pervert" and slaps the gay guy, do you think the straight man committed a hate crime?
Smokers are taxed heavily, and pay higher insurance premiums. Faggots are not.

Obese people aren't taxed any higher than folks who eat only granola and drink water.

Yet that doesn't bother you.

You're only bothered by your fellow homosexuals.

No one expects you to love gay man, or even have sex with them. But we do expect you to mind your business and live and let live.
I have a serious problem with that, but it's only because liberals are trying to make fatties a protected status group.
If gays had a law that mandated everyone like them it wouldn't be good enough. They'd want a law mandating that no one would be able to turn down sex offered by a homosexual. They want everyone to rejects them arrested and prosecuted as a hate crime.

This is why its called "homophobia". Folks are afraid that Gays will want to have sex with them and demand it in a way that they will have no choice but to accept and maybe even enjoy it. This frightens them, hence the term "homoPHOBIA".

No one expects you to accept all offers of Gay sex. We only demand that you mind your own business and not try to hurt other people.

Question for you, if a man went up to a woman and said something a bit lewd, and the woman slapped him shouting "pervert!", do you think she did something wrong?

Now, say if a gay man approches a man, says something lewd , and the man (who turns out to be straight) shouts "pervert" and slaps the gay guy, do you think the straight man committed a hate crime?

What a retarded question. Neither committed a hate crime moron.
Question for you, if a man went up to a woman and said something a bit lewd, and the woman slapped him shouting "pervert!", do you think she did something wrong?

Now, say if a gay man approches a man, says something lewd , and the man (who turns out to be straight) shouts "pervert" and slaps the gay guy, do you think the straight man committed a hate crime?

Assault is a crime. If you tomorrow offer me sex and I punch you in the jaw, I can be charged with assault.
Question for you, if a man went up to a woman and said something a bit lewd, and the woman slapped him shouting "pervert!", do you think she did something wrong?

Now, say if a gay man approches a man, says something lewd , and the man (who turns out to be straight) shouts "pervert" and slaps the gay guy, do you think the straight man committed a hate crime?

Assault is a crime. If you tomorrow offer me sex and I punch you in the jaw, I can be charged with assault.

Funny how TV shows make light of women assaulting men then..

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