There oughta be a law that requires everyone to like gays

Why does the religious people only pick on the gays?? What about the rest of the people they hate according to their scripture?
Why do they pick and choose what part of the bible to follow???
Libs, so if you think it's illegal to discriminate against the mentally ill, why do you want to begin with them to deprive them of gun rights?
I DON'T EXPECT ANYONE TO LIKE ANYONE. Not taking that dislike and screwing someone over or rejecting their business is another matter.

So if they baked a cake, but had up signs that homosexuality is immoral and that they believe homosexuals will go to hell, would be fine with you, so long as they baked them the cake?

No, you would throw the biggest, most limp wristed, HIV positive hissy fit the world had ever seen. You want to force people to accept deviants as being normal.

Nothing wrong with them having up signs like that. Matter of fact thats what all businesses should do. If you are a business owner that hates Mexicans, put up a sign stating this but if one comes in your store to buy something then you better serve them. Dont be a pussy about it. Let everyone know your belief system so they can make the determination to do business with you or not. My guess is that bigots would soon be out of business or very limited to how much they could make in profit. They have no fortitude in their beliefs thats why they hide their feelings and selectively discriminate.

I agree with you 100%. Advertise who and who you won't serve and I'll make the choice whether to be your customer or not. At least we will know who the bigots and racists are.
Why does the religious people only pick on the gays?? What about the rest of the people they hate according to their scripture?
Why do they pick and choose what part of the bible to follow???
I don't believe that religious people are the only people who pick and choose what part of the Lord's word to go by. I've heard plenty of people say that they are Christians, but then they have no problem with those who thumb their nose at the Lord's word. They actually encourage it.

God bless you always!!!

This is why its called "homophobia". Folks are afraid that Gays will want to have sex with them and demand it in a way that they will have no choice but to accept and maybe even enjoy it. This frightens them, hence the term "homoPHOBIA".

No one expects you to accept all offers of Gay sex. We only demand that you mind your own business and not try to hurt other people.

Question for you, if a man went up to a woman and said something a bit lewd, and the woman slapped him shouting "pervert!", do you think she did something wrong?

Now, say if a gay man approches a man, says something lewd , and the man (who turns out to be straight) shouts "pervert" and slaps the gay guy, do you think the straight man committed a hate crime?

What a retarded question. Neither committed a hate crime moron.

The authorities would treat the 2nd case as a hate crime.
Libs, so if you think it's illegal to discriminate against the mentally ill, why do you want to begin with them to deprive them of gun rights?

For the same reason people are committed. To protect them and to protect the public.

But you limp wristed faggots just said you can't discriminate against them. But now you say you can.

You must be really retarded. You can discriminate against anyone if its to protect other people from harm dumb-ass. You cant drive a car if you are unable to gauge distance and read the stop signs. That is a form of discrimination. In areas where you are not protecting anyone you cant discriminate. How does that concept confuse you?
There oughta be a law that requires everyone to like gays

There should be a biblical scripture allowing people to stone gays in God's name....oh, there already is, gotta love the religion of love...
Is it wrong to stone gays because they are gay but right to stone them because they are obnoxious?
Smokers are taxed heavily, and pay higher insurance premiums. Faggots are not.

Obese people aren't taxed any higher than folks who eat only granola and drink water.

Yet that doesn't bother you.

You're only bothered by your fellow homosexuals.

No one expects you to love gay man, or even have sex with them. But we do expect you to mind your business and live and let live.

Problem is that many Americans, probably most, consider homosexuality to be an unhealthy thing, if not a mental abberation, and thereby a danger to children. This would require that homos stay away from occupations being close to kids.

Secondly, many if not most adult Americans feel uncomfortable around homos of their same sex, and just don't want to be around them. This becomes even more extreme in situations like sports and the military where people share the same locker rooms, and even shower together. Personally, if I were an offensive football player, I think I'd have more than enough to handle to pass a football or catch one , and avoid the defensive tacklers, without having to think about some homosexual guy tackling me, and having his hands all over me, grabbing me. I think the homo guy who wants to play pro football as a defensive end, ought to go straight, or find another occupation.
Smokers are taxed heavily, and pay higher insurance premiums. Faggots are not.

Obese people aren't taxed any higher than folks who eat only granola and drink water.

Yet that doesn't bother you.

You're only bothered by your fellow homosexuals.

No one expects you to love gay man, or even have sex with them. But we do expect you to mind your business and live and let live.

Problem is that many Americans, probably most, consider homosexuality to be an unhealthy thing, if not a mental abberation, and thereby a danger to children. This would require that homos stay away from occupations being close to kids.

Secondly, many if not most adult Americans feel uncomfortable around homos of their same sex, and just don't want to be around them. This becomes even more extreme in situations like sports and the military where people share the same locker rooms, and even shower together. Personally, if I were an offensive football player, I think I'd have more than enough to handle to pass a football or catch one , and avoid the defensive tacklers, without having to think about some homosexual guy tackling me, and having his hands all over me, grabbing me. I think the homo guy who wants to play pro football as a defensive end, ought to go straight, or find another occupation.

1. You dont know anything about what most americans think. There are plenty of homosexual day care providers and people are totally comfortable leaving their children with them. Same with teachers in school dumbass.

2. I played sports and we had a number of players on my various teams everyone knew was gay even though they never admitted it. Its not a big deal at all. No one cares but homophobes.
Obese people aren't taxed any higher than folks who eat only granola and drink water.

Yet that doesn't bother you.

You're only bothered by your fellow homosexuals.

No one expects you to love gay man, or even have sex with them. But we do expect you to mind your business and live and let live.

Problem is that many Americans, probably most, consider homosexuality to be an unhealthy thing, if not a mental abberation, and thereby a danger to children. This would require that homos stay away from occupations being close to kids.

Secondly, many if not most adult Americans feel uncomfortable around homos of their same sex, and just don't want to be around them. This becomes even more extreme in situations like sports and the military where people share the same locker rooms, and even shower together. Personally, if I were an offensive football player, I think I'd have more than enough to handle to pass a football or catch one , and avoid the defensive tacklers, without having to think about some homosexual guy tackling me, and having his hands all over me, grabbing me. I think the homo guy who wants to play pro football as a defensive end, ought to go straight, or find another occupation.

1. You dont know anything about what most americans think. There are plenty of homosexual day care providers and people are totally comfortable leaving their children with them. Same with teachers in school dumbass.

2. I played sports and we had a number of players on my various teams everyone knew was gay even though they never admitted it. Its not a big deal at all. No one cares but homophobes.

FALSE! You are talking nonsense. I've already posted links regarding the way Americans think of homosexuality. They weren't favorable. And who cares what YOU and your little football team did ? I'm talking about an entire society, not one person's football field.

I never said there weren't idiots running around, doing idiotic things. Sure there are. The people who leave their kids in day care with queers, are the dumbasses.. ANd those who hire queers to be teachers are even dumber. What are those teachers then going to teach the kids ? That homosexuality is normal and acceptable ? That's why queers should never be allowed to be teachers. Discrimination against them in these occupations should be mandatory by law.
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Problem is that many Americans, probably most, consider homosexuality to be an unhealthy thing, if not a mental abberation, and thereby a danger to children. This would require that homos stay away from occupations being close to kids.

Secondly, many if not most adult Americans feel uncomfortable around homos of their same sex, and just don't want to be around them. This becomes even more extreme in situations like sports and the military where people share the same locker rooms, and even shower together. Personally, if I were an offensive football player, I think I'd have more than enough to handle to pass a football or catch one , and avoid the defensive tacklers, without having to think about some homosexual guy tackling me, and having his hands all over me, grabbing me. I think the homo guy who wants to play pro football as a defensive end, ought to go straight, or find another occupation.

1. You dont know anything about what most americans think. There are plenty of homosexual day care providers and people are totally comfortable leaving their children with them. Same with teachers in school dumbass.

2. I played sports and we had a number of players on my various teams everyone knew was gay even though they never admitted it. Its not a big deal at all. No one cares but homophobes.

FALSE! You are talking nonsense. I've already posted links regarding the way Americans think of homosexuality. They weren't favorable. And who cares what YOU and your little football team did ? I'm talking about an entire society, not one person's football field.

I dont care what you posted. The point is that all you homophobes are losing round after round and its funny to watch. :lol:

Most americans dont care if you are gay or not. Its just the homophobes that are latent homosexuals that still havent got the memo. Cant you figure out thats why you are losing?

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