There oughta be a law that requires everyone to like gays

I DON'T EXPECT ANYONE TO LIKE ANYONE. Not taking that dislike and screwing someone over or rejecting their business is another matter.

So if they baked a cake, but had up signs that homosexuality is immoral and that they believe homosexuals will go to hell, would be fine with you, so long as they baked them the cake?

No, you would throw the biggest, most limp wristed, HIV positive hissy fit the world had ever seen. You want to force people to accept deviants as being normal.

Always being in favor of equality, how about laws against KKK, closet tranny/gays like you, fundie christians. Why should I be forced to do business with people I consider to be sub-human anti-Americans?

And, hey, I wouldn't mind getting tax free status as a church so I can call it "religious belief"

You shouldn't.
Can't we just skip all the bullshit about public accommodation and cut to the chase? Why not just go where you really want and force your fascism down people's throats?.

not allowing you to impose your hatred on others outside of your own little hate-filled environment isn't fascism.

and fascism has a particular definition. it might be helpful for you to look it up.

I don't hate anyone.
There are already laws that prevent against discrimination race, or rather you're old. Why should someone be able to screw someone over for liking men?

I am against any law that takes a way freedom of speech.

I see you missed the point, what a surprise.

You sure seem like a fascist to me...One that has nothing better to do in life then to tor other people down...Sad it must be.
Is there a law that says everyone must like blacks?
Say a compromise? Fags can force religious people to bake them gay wedding cakes, while the baker gets to have signs up saying gay men are the #1 leading cause of the transmission of HIV and put up pictures in the gay wedding catalogue of men with caposi's sarcoma?
If gays had a law that mandated everyone like them it wouldn't be good enough. They'd want a law mandating that no one would be able to turn down sex offered by a homosexual. They want everyone to rejects them arrested and prosecuted as a hate crime.
Say a compromise? Fags can force religious people to bake them gay wedding cakes, while the baker gets to have signs up saying gay men are the #1 leading cause of the transmission of HIV and put up pictures in the gay wedding catalogue of men with caposi's sarcoma?

You can put up such signs as i already suggested. I just wish bigots and homophones had the guts to do it so everyone knows who you are. If their beliefs were valid they should have no problem dealing with the back lash they would get letting their beliefs be known. The problem is they lack conviction and courage.
I hope bakers put up signs stating facts about how gay men are so much more at risk for all sorts of STDs. Perfectly protected by the first amendment, but liberals would go insane, and call it "hate speech" despite being undeniable fact. They would, prance, throw tantrums, etc. It would be hilarious wanting the limp wristed hissy fits.
Say a compromise? Fags can force religious people to bake them gay wedding cakes, while the baker gets to have signs up saying gay men are the #1 leading cause of the transmission of HIV and put up pictures in the gay wedding catalogue of men with caposi's sarcoma?

You can put up such signs as i already suggested. I just wish bigots and homophones had the guts to do it so everyone knows who you are. If their beliefs were valid they should have no problem dealing with the back lash they would get letting their beliefs be known. The problem is they lack conviction and courage.

is one a homophobe for acknowledging that gay men are much more susceptible to most STDs? Are facts bigoted?
Say a compromise? Fags can force religious people to bake them gay wedding cakes, while the baker gets to have signs up saying gay men are the #1 leading cause of the transmission of HIV and put up pictures in the gay wedding catalogue of men with caposi's sarcoma?

You can put up such signs as i already suggested. I just wish bigots and homophones had the guts to do it so everyone knows who you are. If their beliefs were valid they should have no problem dealing with the back lash they would get letting their beliefs be known. The problem is they lack conviction and courage.

is one a homophobe for acknowledging that gay men are much more susceptible to most STDs? Are facts bigoted?

You are only a homophobe if you are afraid a gay person may tempt you to carry out your gay fantasies. If you are not gay why are you worried about it? Facts are not bigoted. Opinions are. People get the 2 confused pretty easily.
You can put up such signs as i already suggested. I just wish bigots and homophones had the guts to do it so everyone knows who you are. If their beliefs were valid they should have no problem dealing with the back lash they would get letting their beliefs be known. The problem is they lack conviction and courage.

is one a homophobe for acknowledging that gay men are much more susceptible to most STDs? Are facts bigoted?

You are only a homophobe if you are afraid a gay person may tempt you to carry out your gay fantasies. If you are not gay why are you worried about it? Facts are not bigoted. Opinions are. People get the 2 confused pretty easily.

Well first, I'm forced to think that faggotry is fine. Second, I'm required to pay for the consequences of faggotry. If you looked at my other postings from the past 24 hours, faggots, because they can't be bothered to use condoms, are demanding that they be prescribed Truvada, to be used as "PReP", and demanding that insurers cover it. It costs 14,000 a year, and that will be passed onto others as fags cannot be charged more for insurance. That means all that cost is passed onto others, so fags can be enabled to not use condoms, and then other premium payers will have to pay for all the other STDs they catch from not using condoms, then the consequences of this causing HIV to mutate. HIV is entirely preventable, but faggots are so selfish, so fucking perverted, that they cannot stop themselves, so all this money needs to be wasted on them, while kids die of leukemia becaues so much attention and money is spent on HIV.
That's why.
Novasteve only has sex with women, he's a bigot! It's discrimination.

I was reading some interview with a tranny, and the tranny said that cisgendered men who wouldn't consider dating a tranny border on transphobia...

Liberals are really getting this insane.
Way back in the 80s, when I belonged to the ACLU that was the subject of a lecture on anti discrimination.
Way back in the 80s, when I belonged to the ACLU that was the subject of a lecture on anti discrimination.

They had this transgender nonsense back then? I thought this was all quite recent. Heck, even into the mid 1990s you could make fun of gays on talkshows during teh day. When I was in college I was watching one of those Jenny shows or whatever it was called, like ummm, that guy who was the mayor of cincinnatti or whatever, and he had two gay guys on or at least actors pretending to be gay, and they had all of these women saying "what a waste" and the audience would cheer, and then the gay could be like :


and then the audience would boo him.
Novasteve only has sex with women, he's a bigot! It's discrimination.

I was reading some interview with a tranny, and the tranny said that cisgendered men who wouldn't consider dating a tranny border on transphobia...

Liberals are really getting this insane.

Richard Fowler was on Hannity discussing the Duck Dynasty flap. He said that any man who says in public that he prefers a woman's vagina instead of a man's anus has committed hate speech.
Novasteve only has sex with women, he's a bigot! It's discrimination.

I was reading some interview with a tranny, and the tranny said that cisgendered men who wouldn't consider dating a tranny border on transphobia...

Liberals are really getting this insane.

Richard Fowler was on Hannity discussing the Duck Dynasty flap. He said that any man who says in public that he prefers a woman's vagina instead of a man's anus has committed hate speech.

Don't forget these are the libs that think "all PIV is rape, okay?"
Queers (euphemistically and falsely called "gays") are just another minority group that Democrats suck up to to get VOTES. Secretly, they hate queers just as much as anyone else.

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