Zone1 There really is no such thing as " My body choice ".....

Technically speaking there really is no such thing as “ my body …my choice “ it’s nothing more than a fantasy, a day dream to make people believe that they are actually totally independent….which is another misconception ( no pun intended but hey).

Gravity says you have no choice…doubt what I say? Jump off of a high roof and test it out. Can you choose to boycott oxygen? I mean after all that evil gas is the reason why we produce so much Co2…why don’t you refuse to take in any Oxygen? It’s a worthy cause right? It’s my body and I say NO MORE OXYGEN! It’s my choice!!

Can you choose to defecate on your neighbor’s lawn? Sure you can….but can you do it with Impunity? After all it’s your body no? So have at it and try that line on the police officers that show up. Soooo…..what is this “My Choice” stuff? Does it apply to vaccines? Does it apply to abortions?

When does the option to choose become an issue? We have the argument that a fetus is not a person but there is no person alive today who was not first a fetus… yeah maybe Michelle Obama…not sure but she’s just different. So the actual and intrinsic truth here is that you cannot have a person without a fetus and I maintain that the reverse is also therefore true…you cannot have a fetus without also having a person.

So yeah….I guess that’s the big argument here. But to me it’s pretty clear. Can anyone think of any examples of anything at all as complicated as the human genome outside of the human body? I doubt it. That complete set of instructions embodied in the fetus is unique just like every finger print is unique.

So to the women who decide to ignore the fact that a life is in the womb and not just a chunk of fancy looking meat I say that you are ignorant of the greater social aspects of who you are and where you came from and what your moral and ethical obligations are.

I probably have some reservations about forcing a rape victim to give birth but that would be a totally different issue…more for the legal pages than here.
I also understand the termination of a pregnancy where the fetus has been determined to be fatally deficient and totally incapable of life outside the womb.
But for the idiot females who get pregnant just to have an abortion for the sake of it.

You deserve the death penalty IMO.

We'll see what Da Woominz have to say in November.
It’s a man’s baby and she and the man entered into contractual obligation upon copulation.
A man doesn't have the right to force a woman to remain pregnant or provide her body to that life conceived in her womb, at least not in early gestation before what is in her womb develops into a viable, perhaps sentient prenatal human being. Sex isn't a contractual obligation to do anything, much less carry life in the womb to term.

I also believe men shouldn't be held accountable for impregnating a woman and forced into fatherhood, based on what the woman wants to do with the life in her womb. He should be able to perform a "financial abortion", or "parental abortion", through the family court system, freeing him of any obligations towards the life in her womb that she chose to keep and raise. Just because a man has sex with a woman, doesn't imply that he wants or can be a father. Society and women should recognize that. If women can abort parenthood, so can men.
A man doesn't have the right to force a woman to remain pregnant or provide her body to that life conceived in her womb, at least not in early gestation before what is in her womb develops into a viable, perhaps sentient prenatal human being. Sex isn't a contractual obligation to do anything, much less carry life in the womb to term.

I also believe men shouldn't be held accountable for impregnating a woman and forced into fatherhood, based on what the woman wants to do with the life in her womb. He should be able to perform a "financial abortion", or "parental abortion", through the family court system, freeing him of any obligations towards the life in her womb that she chose to keep and raise. Just because a man has sex with a woman, doesn't imply that he wants or can be a father. Society and women should recognize that. If women can abort parenthood, so can men.
It’s his baby. She already entered into a contract.
I don’t support birth control, but I won’t try to force govt and non-believers to conform to it. Women have massive resources and options to not get pregnant.

Meanwhile, “My body my choice” is fine, but the fetus isn’t the woman’s body, it has its own DNA, so the fetus would say “My Body, my right to life”
WHY is it that when it comes to sex Everything is the woman's fault or responsibility? See any rules or laws where men who impregnate have some consequence attached to there body?
So if someone needs a kidney, and you are a match, they can force you to give one of yours? To save their life?
WHY is it that when it comes to sex Everything is the woman's fault or responsibility? See any rules or laws where men who impregnate have some consequence attached to there body?
Men have to pay child support or be denied the existence of their own child. That’s mighty profound.
I don’t support birth control, but I won’t try to force govt and non-believers to conform to it. Women have massive resources and options to not get pregnant.

Meanwhile, “My body my choice” is fine, but the fetus isn’t the woman’s body, it has its own DNA, so the fetus would say “My Body, my right to life”

The fetus isn't a person.
I don’t support birth control, but I won’t try to force govt and non-believers to conform to it.

Very honorable stance.

Women have massive resources and options to not get pregnant.

Not all of them. And when zealots shut down abortion clinics they also often decimate family planning resources for underserved communities.

Meanwhile, “My body my choice” is fine, but the fetus isn’t the woman’s body, it has its own DNA, so the fetus would say “My Body, my right to life”

Then the fetus will have no problem finding somewhere else to gestate.
I don’t support birth control, but I won’t try to force govt and non-believers to conform to it. Women have massive resources and options to not get pregnant.

Meanwhile, “My body my choice” is fine, but the fetus isn’t the woman’s body, it has its own DNA, so the fetus would say “My Body, my right to life”
So you claim a fetus can live and develope without being in the mother?
Technically speaking there really is no such thing as “ my body …my choice “ it’s nothing more than a fantasy, a day dream to make people believe that they are actually totally independent….which is another misconception ( no pun intended but hey).

Gravity says you have no choice…doubt what I say? Jump off of a high roof and test it out. Can you choose to boycott oxygen? I mean after all that evil gas is the reason why we produce so much Co2…why don’t you refuse to take in any Oxygen? It’s a worthy cause right? It’s my body and I say NO MORE OXYGEN! It’s my choice!!

Can you choose to defecate on your neighbor’s lawn? Sure you can….but can you do it with Impunity? After all it’s your body no? So have at it and try that line on the police officers that show up. Soooo…..what is this “My Choice” stuff? Does it apply to vaccines? Does it apply to abortions?

When does the option to choose become an issue? We have the argument that a fetus is not a person but there is no person alive today who was not first a fetus… yeah maybe Michelle Obama…not sure but she’s just different. So the actual and intrinsic truth here is that you cannot have a person without a fetus and I maintain that the reverse is also therefore true…you cannot have a fetus without also having a person.

So yeah….I guess that’s the big argument here. But to me it’s pretty clear. Can anyone think of any examples of anything at all as complicated as the human genome outside of the human body? I doubt it. That complete set of instructions embodied in the fetus is unique just like every finger print is unique.

So to the women who decide to ignore the fact that a life is in the womb and not just a chunk of fancy looking meat I say that you are ignorant of the greater social aspects of who you are and where you came from and what your moral and ethical obligations are.

I probably have some reservations about forcing a rape victim to give birth but that would be a totally different issue…more for the legal pages than here.
I also understand the termination of a pregnancy where the fetus has been determined to be fatally deficient and totally incapable of life outside the womb.
But for the idiot females who get pregnant just to have an abortion for the sake of it.

You deserve the death penalty IMO.

In those brief moments where someone does get a choice, it's a case of making the choice at the right time. As as for abortion, simply make the choice before conceiving. Unfortunately, the human race is flawed and there's a phrase, "Thick as fuck". So the problems in society are caused by those that are thick as fuck. It's a simple formula and I like your thread.
Very honorable stance.

Not all of them. And when zealots shut down abortion clinics they also often decimate family planning resources for underserved communities.

Then the fetus will have no problem finding somewhere else to gestate.
Women don’t get pregnant like catching a cold.
Personal responsibility. It’s a Democrat aversion.
Very honorable stance.
Thank you.
Not all of them. And when zealots shut down abortion clinics they also often decimate family planning resources for underserved communities.
Well nobody gets "all" of anything. Contraceptives are either super cheap at easily accessible convenience stores or free at family planning centers.

Meanwhile, when do these "zealots" shut down abortion clinics? Does it happen often?
Then the fetus will have no problem finding somewhere else to gestate.
That's not how biology works, an odd thing to say. Care to elaborate?

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