There She Goes Again!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Moochelle off on a lavish trip to china!

While lecturing Americans on the importance of ‘everyone paying their fair share’, the Obamas lifestyle of the rich and famous makes one wonder if in making that statement they are actually referring to everyone paying their fair share for their life of luxury. In 2012, the UK Daily Mail reported that the lifestyle of Barack Obama and family costs the U.S. taxpayer 1.4 billion per year. Yes, that is billion with a B. And that figure doesn’t even include their vacations! Compare that to the $60 million England spends on a year basis for the entire royal family. But, what should you expect from a family who makes the taxpayer pay $100K a year for a handler for their dog. (Incidentally, they have since gotten a second dog, so that charge has most likely gone up. The Daily Caller also reported that Michelle Obama spent 42 days on vacation within the span of just one year!

So, okay, many of you call the Daily Mail a rag but that's just another case of leftist denial of the truth. Read more @ THE UK DAILY MAIL | tomfernandez28's Blog and thank to Blogger Gunny for the link.

Oh, and before we get the Obama apologists asking, "So what? It's their money." let's put things in perspective, As the first lady, she travels in an Air Force executive jet with a backup aircraft and another jumbo jet to carry the equipment that goes where she does. And, as she always takes a huge entourage with here, that's more taxpayer's $$$$ :mad:

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