There should be more restrictions on what poor people can buy with food stamps.

Oh, we're moving on to equivocation now. Awesome.
Not allowing soda and candy to be purchasable with public funds granted to poor people is not some statist attack aimed at lording over your diet. Give me a fucking break.
Sounds to me like you've never been in the checkout line with these food stamp people. It happens to me all the time, and taxpayers get sick of what we see almost on a consistent basis.
I grocery shop frequently but I'm usually not nosey enough to pay attention to what people are buying. Tell us more.

Btw, how do you know what people are paying with? You must be laser focused on what card people are using. Which is a bit weird.
talking truth,, if a person cant take care of themselves and asks for the rest of us to do it they shouldnt be allowed to vote for more of our stuff,,,
He's taking issue with you calling them wards. That implies that the government would be taking full responsibility for the care of anybody that can't or won't care for themselves. That would be kinda socialist.
He's taking issue with you calling them wards. That implies that the government would be taking full responsibility for the care of anybody that can't or won't care for themselves. That would be kinda socialist.
well we dont call him admiral dumbass for nothing,,
I was specific about just voting after all,,
talking truth,, if a person cant take care of themselves and asks for the rest of us to do it they shouldnt be allowed to vote for more of our stuff,,,
How about people in the military who get food assistance, genius? Didn't think about that one didga, Ace?

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