there was no insurrection on jan 6th !

there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
They tried to kill cops you dumbass.

which is what extremist animals do ... just like the ones that attacked the capital police. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... you are comparing apples to oranges when it comes to insurrection - one was carried out on federal property - the other was not ... & the capital police were protecting the capital - the cornerstone of the US GOVERNMENT. not a police station which is local & state property.

not federal.

YOU dumb ass.
Your guys tried to breach the white house, which is a federal building, dumbass.

lol ... & it looks the powers that be determined that it was not a seditious act.

Lol, the powers to be. Your guys tried to breach the Whitehouse so shut the hell up.

stop with the 'my guys' pablum. you're trying to justify what happened to the capital because ' the other side' blah blah blah....

there are varying degrees of many crimes. one size does not fit all. whoever it was that tried to breach the WH or the treasury didnot reach the level of sedition. even the extremist animals that caused all that destruction during the protests didn't ... so trying to equate the two is absurd at best.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.

i know what i wrote. but trump's TWO impeachments had ZERO to do with the capital's attempted bloody coup. why you are even saying that is perplexing to say the least.
He was impeached the second time for supposedly starting the riots.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
They tried to kill cops you dumbass.

which is what extremist animals do ... just like the ones that attacked the capital police. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... you are comparing apples to oranges when it comes to insurrection - one was carried out on federal property - the other was not ... & the capital police were protecting the capital - the cornerstone of the US GOVERNMENT. not a police station which is local & state property.

not federal.

YOU dumb ass.
Your guys tried to breach the white house, which is a federal building, dumbass.

lol ... & it looks the powers that be determined that it was not a seditious act.

Lol, the powers to be. Your guys tried to breach the Whitehouse so shut the hell up.

stop with the 'my guys' pablum. you're trying to justify what happened to the capital because ' the other side' blah blah blah....

there are varying degrees of many crimes. one size does not fit all. whoever it was that tried to breach the WH or the treasury didnot reach the level of sedition. even the extremist animals that caused all that destruction during the protests didn't ... so trying to equate the two is absurd at best.
My guys can do whatever they want to, or I'm going to take my ball and go home. Your guys cost us billions of dollars and killed multiple cops and innocent people. So go fuck yourself.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
Not if your hillary Clinton.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.

i know what i wrote. but trump's TWO impeachments had ZERO to do with the capital's attempted bloody coup. why you are even saying that is perplexing to say the least.
He was impeached the second time for supposedly starting the riots.

ah damn it - you're right. i did know that - but got some wires crossed in my head - i think the fact that turtleboy gave him a pass got it messed up where i wasn't thinking he was actally impeached for it.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
No chance of success matters. If I intend to overturn the Gov't is there a threat of an insurrection? Come on. You're digging a giant hole. Stop listening to the News Entertainment Media. Saying "Not My President" that insurrection? Attacking Rand Paul as he was walking outside with his wife. Insurrection?
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
Not if your hillary Clinton.

when did SHE incite insurrection by hundreds showing up to scale the capital, storm inside, go hunting for paul ryan ... throw shit on the walls .... etc etc etc?
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
No chance of success matters. If I intend to overturn the Gov't is there a threat of an insurrection? Come on. You're digging a giant hole. Stop listening to the News Entertainment Media. Saying "Not My President" that insurrection? Attacking Rand Paul as he was walking outside with his wife. Insurrection?

it's not up to me. i'm in the court of public opinion. zogster ... nobody hasta tell me what to think or how. i tend to believe what i see with my own eyes & hear with my own ears.

you voted for donny.


so i know some ( not all, cause i'll admit you make sense sometimes) of your thinking process' are skewed.
There was no insurrection. Almost 400 people were arrested for various trespassing and minor property damage crimes and released. No one has been charged with insurrection. Without insurrectionists there can be no insurrection. In the minds of communists the need for insurrection is so great they will invent it. The invention does not reach the level of reality.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
No chance of success matters. If I intend to overturn the Gov't is there a threat of an insurrection? Come on. You're digging a giant hole. Stop listening to the News Entertainment Media. Saying "Not My President" that insurrection? Attacking Rand Paul as he was walking outside with his wife. Insurrection?

it's not up to me. i'm in the court of public opinion. zogster ... nobody hasta tell me what to think or how. i tend to believe what i see with my own eyes & hear with my own ears.

you voted for donny.


so i know some ( not all, cause i'll admit you make sense sometimes) of your thinking process' is skewed.
The other options were worse. I would do it all over again. You and I just think very differently. I don't like the soft approach of love everyone. It is a difficult world and I want leaders who make difficult decisions and if it offends people, so what, toughen up. We live in the greatest country in the world. I don't allow whining from my kids and I certainly don't want to hear it from our leaders, media personnel and fellow Americans.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
They tried to kill cops you dumbass.

which is what extremist animals do ... just like the ones that attacked the capital police. howeverrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......... you are comparing apples to oranges when it comes to insurrection - one was carried out on federal property - the other was not ... & the capital police were protecting the capital - the cornerstone of the US GOVERNMENT. not a police station which is local & state property.

not federal.

YOU dumb ass.
Bullshit. Government property is government property and that includes Federal, State, local, and all other divisions of government. And all divisions of government property were bought, paid for and are maintained by the people and are by definition public property. The federal capitol is no more-or less-the cornerstone of US government than is any local city hall. US government exists to serve the people; not the other way round.

a police station is not a government agency, nor are the police government employees working in a governmental environment, doing governmental work - therefore it is not governmental property.
Untrue. A police station is in fact a governmental building. Police are as much government employees as are congressmen and senators and in general far more honest. You never heard of City Government? Or State Government? Who are you to say that one part of government is more deserving of special consideration than another? Also let us not forget other government employees such as those who serve in the many and various departments and the military. How is a police car any less "government property" than a window or a door in the capitol? Which do you think taxpayers paid more for?

m'k .... since when are the po po the 'authority of the united states'?

18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

  1. § 2381. Treason
  2. § 2382. Misprision of treason
  3. § 2383. Rebellion or insurrection
  4. § 2384. Seditious conspiracy
  5. § 2385. Advocating overthrow of Government
  6. § 2386. Registration of certain organizations
  7. § 2387. Activities affecting armed forces generally
  8. § 2388. Activities affecting armed forces during war
  9. § 2389. Recruiting for service against United States
  10. § 2390. Enlistment to serve against United States
  11. [§ 2391. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330004(13), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2142]

there's a reason why barr didn't go there. there's every reason why garland should.
So? What point do you think you are making with this post?
There was no insurrection. Almost 400 people were arrested for various trespassing and minor property damage crimes and released. No one has been charged with insurrection. Without insurrectionists there can be no insurrection. In the minds of communists the need for insurrection is so great they will invent it. The invention does not reach the level of reality.

several have been charged with assaulting federal officers. there are charges that could carry a 20 year sentence AND the investigations are still on one has been charged with sedition & who knows? maybe no one will - but the standard protocol is to charge those with lesser crimes to get them in the net; that doesn't mean that's all they will be charged with.

some of the supreeeemisists are ratting out each other to get some leniency for themselves.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
No chance of success matters. If I intend to overturn the Gov't is there a threat of an insurrection? Come on. You're digging a giant hole. Stop listening to the News Entertainment Media. Saying "Not My President" that insurrection? Attacking Rand Paul as he was walking outside with his wife. Insurrection?

it's not up to me. i'm in the court of public opinion. zogster ... nobody hasta tell me what to think or how. i tend to believe what i see with my own eyes & hear with my own ears.

you voted for donny.


so i know some ( not all, cause i'll admit you make sense sometimes) of your thinking process' is skewed.
The other options were worse. I would do it all over again. You and I just think very differently. I don't like the soft approach of love everyone. It is a difficult world and I want leaders who make difficult decisions and if it offends people, so what, toughen up. We live in the greatest country in the world. I don't allow whining from my kids and I certainly don't want to hear it from our leaders, media personnel and fellow Americans.

i'm no bleeding heart either.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
Exactly. And there is no reason to believe anyone had any intention of overthrowing the government so a charge of insurrection is absurd. Who exactly is it that has been charged with attempted insurrection?
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
Exactly. And there is no reason to believe anyone had any intention of overthrowing the government so a charge of insurrection is absurd. Who exactly is it that has been charged with attempted insurrection?
Maybe Chewbacca Guy in his horned hat.
There was no insurrection. Almost 400 people were arrested for various trespassing and minor property damage crimes and released. No one has been charged with insurrection. Without insurrectionists there can be no insurrection. In the minds of communists the need for insurrection is so great they will invent it. The invention does not reach the level of reality.
Their intention was to use force to affect the leadership of the government.

How is that not an attempt at insurrection?
And there is no reason to believe anyone had any intention of overthrowing the government so a charge of insurrection is absurd.
Their stated intention was to present Biden from becoming president and keep Trump in despite having lost the election.

And they intended to do so by use of force.

How is that not an insurrection?

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