there was no insurrection on jan 6th !

Stop being such a snowflake

WTF is the matter with you?
Are you really this big an asshole?

An angry mob storms Congress and drives Congress into hiding and several were killed for no reason other than the President is too big a baby to admit he lost. You just laugh it off
Because Trump supporters have the hardest time holding him accountable for his actions.

They believe whatever alternate reality Trump gives them
You said those who put people on ignore are pussies. Yes or no?
Stop being such a snowflake

WTF is the matter with you?
Are you really this big an asshole?

An angry mob storms Congress and drives Congress into hiding and several were killed for no reason other than the President is too big a baby to admit he lost. You just laugh it off
Because Trump supporters have the hardest time holding him accountable for his actions.

They believe whatever alternate reality Trump gives them
You said those who put people on ignore are pussies. Yes or no?
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
Off your meds today?
There was no insurrection. Almost 400 people were arrested for various trespassing and minor property damage crimes and released. No one has been charged with insurrection. Without insurrectionists there can be no insurrection. In the minds of communists the need for insurrection is so great they will invent it. The invention does not reach the level of reality.
Their intention was to use force to affect the leadership of the government.

How is that not an attempt at insurrection?
Someone intended to use force and you can prove this in a court of law? How? Seems to me that most were there in an attempt to prevent an illegal coup from taking place.

Police seized alarming number of weapons on Capitol rioters, court documents show

By Harper Neidig - 01/16/21 09:49 AM EST

Police seized alarming number of weapons on Capitol rioters, court documents show

Guns, knives, bombs and bear spray: Here are the weapons Trump supporters brought to DC on the day of the Capitol attack
By Marshall Cohen, Eric Hall, Brianna Keilar and Catherine Valentine, CNN

Updated 4:31 PM ET, Wed February 17, 2021

In this photo submitted in court filings by the Department of Justice, a rioter throws a sharpened pole at Capitol Police Officers.

In this photo submitted in court filings by the Department of Justice, a rioter throws a sharpened pole at Capitol Police Officers.

Photo submitted in court filings by the Department of Justice.

Photo submitted in court filings by the Department of Justice.

This photo from court filings by the DOJ, shows eleven mason jars and related items were parts designed to create a Molotov cocktails, a dangerous incendiary explosive, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms concluded.

This photo from court filings by the DOJ, shows eleven mason jars and related items were parts designed to create a Molotov cocktails, a dangerous incendiary explosive, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms concluded.
Lonnie Coffman of Alabama was arrested near the Capitol shortly before the attack and was found with what one judge called a "small armory" in his truck. Investigators discovered three guns, 11 Molotov cocktails, a crossbow with bolts, smoke bombs and a stun gun, according to court documents. Coffman, 70, pleaded not guilty last month to a 17-count criminal indictment.


Photo submitted in court filings by the Department of Justice

Guns, knives, bombs and bear spray: Here are the weapons Trump supporters brought to DC on the day of the Capitol attack

sooooooooooooo...... all them thar trump humping thugs brought all that there weaponry to the insurrection did it just 'because'
& had no intention of using them?

lol .... uh-huh.
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
No chance of success matters. If I intend to overturn the Gov't is there a threat of an insurrection? Come on. You're digging a giant hole. Stop listening to the News Entertainment Media. Saying "Not My President" that insurrection? Attacking Rand Paul as he was walking outside with his wife. Insurrection?

it's not up to me. i'm in the court of public opinion. zogster ... nobody hasta tell me what to think or how. i tend to believe what i see with my own eyes & hear with my own ears.

you voted for donny.


so i know some ( not all, cause i'll admit you make sense sometimes) of your thinking process' is skewed.
The other options were worse. I would do it all over again. You and I just think very differently. I don't like the soft approach of love everyone. It is a difficult world and I want leaders who make difficult decisions and if it offends people, so what, toughen up. We live in the greatest country in the world. I don't allow whining from my kids and I certainly don't want to hear it from our leaders, media personnel and fellow Americans.

i'm no bleeding heart either.
Everything is relative. Compared to me you are a delicate flower.

ne'eh. i may be a hippie, but i'm also a pretty good shot.
Not for long. Joey is taking your guns.

no he's not. obama was accused of the same thing.... & CT has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.

we still have ours - & nobody ever came for them. nobody even tried.

that's just more scare tactics coming from the bought & pd for politicians being the mouthpieces for the NRA - who are the mouthpieces of the gun manufacturers.
Stop being such a snowflake

WTF is the matter with you?
Are you really this big an asshole?

An angry mob storms Congress and drives Congress into hiding and several were killed for no reason other than the President is too big a baby to admit he lost. You just laugh it off
Because Trump supporters have the hardest time holding him accountable for his actions.

They believe whatever alternate reality Trump gives them
I think they’ve gotten their identity so mixed up with him that they can’t blame Trump without having to accept blame themselves.

A lot of them, I believe, have a hard time separating themselves from Trump.
Stop being such a snowflake

WTF is the matter with you?
Are you really this big an asshole?

An angry mob storms Congress and drives Congress into hiding and several were killed for no reason other than the President is too big a baby to admit he lost. You just laugh it off
Because Trump supporters have the hardest time holding him accountable for his actions.

They believe whatever alternate reality Trump gives them
I think they’ve gotten their identity so mixed up with him that they can’t blame Trump without having to accept blame themselves.

A lot of them, I believe, have a hard time separating themselves from Trump.

They substitute loyalty for common sense
They lie about everything.
That would be you that you are identifying, Chica!

You need another spanking???

Sure thing.....

You have been unable to demonstrate a single 'lie ' on my side......but on yours, one cannot keep up with the torrent.

11. Remember this one?

…here is the NYTimes, the Democrat house organ, essentially lying to attack a political opponent.

“Liberal Hack Reporters Deliberately Use Half of President Trump’s Quote in Conference Call with Governors on Coronavirus in Order to Cause Panic

President Trump on Monday spoke to the nation’s governors as part of his ongoing efforts to assist states in combating the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Like clockwork the lying liberal media hacks only used half of President Trump’s quote to governors in order to cause more panic and mass hysteria.

New York Times reporter Mara Gay is not only bad at math, she deliberately only used half of the President’s quote in order to make it sound like Trump told the governors they are on their own.

“Trump told governors this morning they are on their own: “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” Mr. Trump told the governors during the conference call, a recording of which was shared with The New York Times,” Mara Gay said on Twitter.

Julie Bosman, another New York Times hack reporter did the same thing as Mara Gay and only used half of Trump’s quote.

“Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” Mr. Trump told the governors during the conference call. via


The full quote from President Trump is as follows: “We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”

Ben Williamson@_WilliamsonBen

'Appalling misrepresentation of a quote. The full quote was "We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves first"--basically saying pricing could be more efficient on the front end. Good Lord. …

Tim Murtaugh - Text TRUMP to 88022


He most definitely did not say they are “on their own.”

The President quite clearly said states would have the backing of the federal government but that they might have better success if they moved forward on their own first.”

Liberal Hack Reporters Deliberately Use Half of President Trump's Quote in Conference Call with Governors on Coronavirus in Order to Cause Panic

Democrats.....they lie about everything.


12. They totally messed up immigration, so they simply lied about Trump’s system:

"Biden “Homeland Security chief Mayorkas grilled by lawmakers over handling of migrant surge

"Give us the time to rebuild the system that was entirely dismantled in the prior administration, and we have in fact begun to rebuild that system," he told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.” Homeland Security chief Mayorkas grilled by lawmakers over handling of migrant surge

Let’s check:

Mayorkas’ claims are simply false. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services hired approximately 500 additional asylum officers to advance the Trump administration’s priority of reducing the asylum backlog. The administration also shifted resources to prioritize the asylum backlog and those seeking protection at our own border.

The Trump administration inherited a back-logged asylum system, and wisely chose to focus on reducing this backlog throughout his term. More individuals were granted asylum by DHS and DOJ during the four years of the Trump administration than under the last four years of the Obama administration. Total asylum grants in 2019 alone – 46,508 – were the highest annual total since at least 1990.” – Lora Ries, senior research fellow for homeland security & former acting DHS deputy chief of staff

Not once is responsibility taken [by Biden] for disastrous messaging and the removal of effective immigration policies without a clear plan in place. This is absurd. Monthly apprehensions nearly doubled between summer of 2020 and February 2021, because the Biden campaign and then the Biden administration was sending a clear signal to the world – if you arrive soon, you will receive amnesty.” –Former Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf

Democrats…..they lie about everything.

=======================================================================13. Apparently Democrats/Leftists are unaware of the definitions of these terms…defend, refute, segregation…

Either that…..or they lie about everything.

This story broke about segregated graduation ceremonies:

'Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation ...

Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

Columbia University is so woke that they are now bringing back segregation. Columbia University will host six graduation ceremonies for Native, Asian, LatinX, Black, LGBTQIA+ and "first generation/or low income community." Advertisement - story continues below

But it must be too “illiberal” to advance segregation in this day and age…

Columbia refutes reports of separate graduation ceremonies ...

Columbia refutes reports of separate graduation ceremonies based on race and ethnicity

The Columbia University spokesperson said the reports that it is holding separate graduating events for students "based on race or ethnicity are incorrect." "Columbia marks graduation every spring... The Columbia University spokesperson said the reports that it is holding separate graduating events for students "based on race or ethnicity are incorrect."

Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race ...

Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race, Income, and Sexual Identity | Todd Starnes

Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race, Income, and Sexual Identity. Caleb Parke. Mar 16, 2021. New York City's Columbia University responded after getting heat for holding separate graduation ceremonies based on race, income, and sexual identity.

The school added the separate ceremonies are “important, intimate and welcoming spaces for students aligned with these groups to come together to celebrate their achievements if they wish.”

The Ivy can't make up its mind......refute.....defend.......simply lie.

Democrats.......they lie about everything.


Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie.

How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?

========================================14. Psaki Confronted at Briefing Over Media Access at Border: You ‘Promised to Be the Most Truthful and Transparent Administration’
14. They lie about everything:

“White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about lack of access during today's press briefing by Fox News White House correspondent Kristin Fisher. The exchange was notable not just because of how Psaki tap-danced around the question but also by how Fisher played the Trump card, with an emphasis on the capital "T", while using Biden's pledge to be the most transparent administration ever against him. Here's the transcript:

Fisher: "Is the White House or DHS instructing border agents to refuse ride-along requests from reporters? Because that's what a lot of our folks on the ground are hearing."

Psaki: “Again, I think we’ve seen, watching a number of the reports you all do, a number of Border Patrol officials who are quoted in them, who appear in them, and certainly from the White House we support that. It’s coordinated through the Department of Homeland Security and I point you to them for any additional questions about the logistics of press access.”

Fisher: “But our reporters used to be able to get ridealongs during the Trump administration. And you all came in and promised to be the most truthful and transparent administration, and you all, you know, oversee the Department of Homeland Security. So, if you all wanted to grant access to the press, couldn’t you just tell DHS to do it?”

Psaki: “Again, we fully support transparency, and I would encourage you to talk to the Department of Homeland Security about any requests you have for press access or what you’re looking to accomplish at the border.” Fox News Reporter Nukes Jen Psaki in Back and Forth Over Lack of Press Access to Migrant Facilities

What do you suppose they’re hiding with these lies????

15. Democrats have found myriad ways of lying.

“Judge Rules New York Times Used 'Deceptive Disinformation' To Smear Project Veritas

…"acted with actual malice" when two of their reporters deceptively presented opinions as fact in several articles denigrating whistleblower organization Project Veritas.

What the Times did, as you'll see below, is similar to countless hit-pieces against Zero Hedge and others; using broad, unsupported brush strokes to slander their ideological opponents. …writers Maggie Astor and Tiffany Hsu inserted sentences that were opinions despite the articles being billed as news,…

In one of Astor’s articles, she wrote: “Mr. O’Keefe and Project Veritas have a long history of releasing manipulated or selectively edited footage purporting to show illegal conduct by Democrats and liberal groups.”

Hsu, meanwhile, wrote in part that conservative publications “magnified the reach of a deceptive video released last month by Project Veritas…

Stating that the video is ‘deceptive’ and stating ‘without verifiable evidence’ in a factual way in a news article certainly presents the statement as fact, not opinion,” Wood wrote in his decision.” NY Supreme Court Judge Rules New York Times Used 'Deceptive Disinformation' To Smear Project Veritas | ZeroHedge

They lie about everything.

And, as we have just proven....... do you.

They lie about everything.
That would be you that you are identifying, Chica!

You need another spanking???

Sure thing.....

You have been unable to demonstrate a single 'lie ' on my side......but on yours, one cannot keep up with the torrent.

11. Remember this one?

…here is the NYTimes, the Democrat house organ, essentially lying to attack a political opponent.

“Liberal Hack Reporters Deliberately Use Half of President Trump’s Quote in Conference Call with Governors on Coronavirus in Order to Cause Panic

President Trump on Monday spoke to the nation’s governors as part of his ongoing efforts to assist states in combating the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Like clockwork the lying liberal media hacks only used half of President Trump’s quote to governors in order to cause more panic and mass hysteria.

New York Times reporter Mara Gay is not only bad at math, she deliberately only used half of the President’s quote in order to make it sound like Trump told the governors they are on their own.

“Trump told governors this morning they are on their own: “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” Mr. Trump told the governors during the conference call, a recording of which was shared with The New York Times,” Mara Gay said on Twitter.

Julie Bosman, another New York Times hack reporter did the same thing as Mara Gay and only used half of Trump’s quote.

“Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” Mr. Trump told the governors during the conference call. via


The full quote from President Trump is as follows: “We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”

Ben Williamson@_WilliamsonBen

'Appalling misrepresentation of a quote. The full quote was "We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves first"--basically saying pricing could be more efficient on the front end. Good Lord. …

Tim Murtaugh - Text TRUMP to 88022

He most definitely did not say they are “on their own.”

The President quite clearly said states would have the backing of the federal government but that they might have better success if they moved forward on their own first.”

Liberal Hack Reporters Deliberately Use Half of President Trump's Quote in Conference Call with Governors on Coronavirus in Order to Cause Panic

Democrats.....they lie about everything.


12. They totally messed up immigration, so they simply lied about Trump’s system:

"Biden “Homeland Security chief Mayorkas grilled by lawmakers over handling of migrant surge

"Give us the time to rebuild the system that was entirely dismantled in the prior administration, and we have in fact begun to rebuild that system," he told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.” Homeland Security chief Mayorkas grilled by lawmakers over handling of migrant surge

Let’s check:

Mayorkas’ claims are simply false. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services hired approximately 500 additional asylum officers to advance the Trump administration’s priority of reducing the asylum backlog. The administration also shifted resources to prioritize the asylum backlog and those seeking protection at our own border.

The Trump administration inherited a back-logged asylum system, and wisely chose to focus on reducing this backlog throughout his term. More individuals were granted asylum by DHS and DOJ during the four years of the Trump administration than under the last four years of the Obama administration. Total asylum grants in 2019 alone – 46,508 – were the highest annual total since at least 1990.” – Lora Ries, senior research fellow for homeland security & former acting DHS deputy chief of staff

Not once is responsibility taken [by Biden] for disastrous messaging and the removal of effective immigration policies without a clear plan in place. This is absurd. Monthly apprehensions nearly doubled between summer of 2020 and February 2021, because the Biden campaign and then the Biden administration was sending a clear signal to the world – if you arrive soon, you will receive amnesty.” –Former Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf

Democrats…..they lie about everything.

=======================================================================13. Apparently Democrats/Leftists are unaware of the definitions of these terms…defend, refute, segregation…

Either that…..or they lie about everything.

This story broke about segregated graduation ceremonies:

'Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation ...

Woke: Columbia University to Host Six Graduation Ceremonies Based on Race, Sexuality, Income Level

Columbia University is so woke that they are now bringing back segregation. Columbia University will host six graduation ceremonies for Native, Asian, LatinX, Black, LGBTQIA+ and "first generation/or low income community." Advertisement - story continues below

But it must be too “illiberal” to advance segregation in this day and age…

Columbia refutes reports of separate graduation ceremonies ...

Columbia refutes reports of separate graduation ceremonies based on race and ethnicity

The Columbia University spokesperson said the reports that it is holding separate graduating events for students "based on race or ethnicity are incorrect." "Columbia marks graduation every spring... The Columbia University spokesperson said the reports that it is holding separate graduating events for students "based on race or ethnicity are incorrect."

Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race ...

Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race, Income, and Sexual Identity | Todd Starnes

Columbia University Defends Grad Ceremonies Based on Race, Income, and Sexual Identity. Caleb Parke. Mar 16, 2021. New York City's Columbia University responded after getting heat for holding separate graduation ceremonies based on race, income, and sexual identity.

The school added the separate ceremonies are “important, intimate and welcoming spaces for students aligned with these groups to come together to celebrate their achievements if they wish.”

The Ivy can't make up its mind......refute.....defend.......simply lie.

Democrats.......they lie about everything.


Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie.

How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?

========================================14. Psaki Confronted at Briefing Over Media Access at Border: You ‘Promised to Be the Most Truthful and Transparent Administration’
14. They lie about everything:

“White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about lack of access during today's press briefing by Fox News White House correspondent Kristin Fisher. The exchange was notable not just because of how Psaki tap-danced around the question but also by how Fisher played the Trump card, with an emphasis on the capital "T", while using Biden's pledge to be the most transparent administration ever against him. Here's the transcript:

Fisher: "Is the White House or DHS instructing border agents to refuse ride-along requests from reporters? Because that's what a lot of our folks on the ground are hearing."

Psaki: “Again, I think we’ve seen, watching a number of the reports you all do, a number of Border Patrol officials who are quoted in them, who appear in them, and certainly from the White House we support that. It’s coordinated through the Department of Homeland Security and I point you to them for any additional questions about the logistics of press access.”

Fisher: “But our reporters used to be able to get ridealongs during the Trump administration. And you all came in and promised to be the most truthful and transparent administration, and you all, you know, oversee the Department of Homeland Security. So, if you all wanted to grant access to the press, couldn’t you just tell DHS to do it?”

Psaki: “Again, we fully support transparency, and I would encourage you to talk to the Department of Homeland Security about any requests you have for press access or what you’re looking to accomplish at the border.” Fox News Reporter Nukes Jen Psaki in Back and Forth Over Lack of Press Access to Migrant Facilities

What do you suppose they’re hiding with these lies????

15. Democrats have found myriad ways of lying.

“Judge Rules New York Times Used 'Deceptive Disinformation' To Smear Project Veritas

…"acted with actual malice" when two of their reporters deceptively presented opinions as fact in several articles denigrating whistleblower organization Project Veritas.

What the Times did, as you'll see below, is similar to countless hit-pieces against Zero Hedge and others; using broad, unsupported brush strokes to slander their ideological opponents. …writers Maggie Astor and Tiffany Hsu inserted sentences that were opinions despite the articles being billed as news,…

In one of Astor’s articles, she wrote: “Mr. O’Keefe and Project Veritas have a long history of releasing manipulated or selectively edited footage purporting to show illegal conduct by Democrats and liberal groups.”

Hsu, meanwhile, wrote in part that conservative publications “magnified the reach of a deceptive video released last month by Project Veritas…

Stating that the video is ‘deceptive’ and stating ‘without verifiable evidence’ in a factual way in a news article certainly presents the statement as fact, not opinion,” Wood wrote in his decision.” NY Supreme Court Judge Rules New York Times Used 'Deceptive Disinformation' To Smear Project Veritas | ZeroHedge

They lie about everything.

And, as we have just proven....... do you.

there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
who the HELL appointed the left the definer of words?

Piss off.

there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
Who in the HELL appointed you the Official Definer of Right-Wing eruptions of angst and hissy fits? BTW, fool, there have been more than a... "few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital !" So your dumb ass claims!

"Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 397 people have been arrested and charged with crimes."
~~ 397 people have been charged in the Capitol insurrection so far. This searchable table shows them all.. ~~

That's a planned insurrection in any law textbook from what has been discovered so far!

Now go and correct the near 30 odd misspellings in your OP, fool!
You say it was a planned insurrection, but you loons impeached Trump for supposedly starting it. This is a true insurrection.
View attachment 476753

So, people insurrected an empty building, that one will go down in infamy.
They tried to burn down the Portland police department after trapping people inside.

still not an insurrection.
Bullshit, government employees. You loons tried to burn the building down after trapping government employees in it because you didn't agree with them. Everyone of them should be tried for attempted murder and Harris should be impeached for raising bail money for them.

nope ... sorry ... homey don't play that.

they were city employees ... not federal. nor was it federal property ... nor was it to disrupt the workings of the US government.

did you stop to think ( lol ... you 'think'... lol... ) that if a charge of insurrection could have been dropped on them thar extremist animals ... then donny's DOJ/bill barr would have if it could stick?

take off that MAGA hat & go find yer critical thinking cap.
Same thing happened with the Kavanaugh hearings. There are stupid people on both sides. How do you not see that?

a coordinated effort ... carried out by extremists... months in advance... where the capital police literally lost their lives, were beaten & maimed, & extremists were calling for the head of the VP, went hunting for the speaker of the house, & destroyed the innards of the capital including shitting & literally threw it against the wall like a bunch of freakin' apes?

you mean like that?
Then why did they impeach Trump if it was planned.

uh ... what?
Read what you wrote, you say it was planned months in advanced. But Trump got impeached for supposedly starting it.
If it was planned months in advance and the FBI didn’t stop it then shame on the FBI.

indeed. but by some of the correspondence between a couple of the extremist animals responsible that was released to the public - they started planning & coordinating at least a couple weeks. all it takes is 2 individuals & there's your conspiracy for sedition.
That is craziness. Then what happened during the Kavanaugh hearings is all sedition by your operational definition and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.

it's not craziness - that is what the law says. i posted it - go back & read the definition. whatever happened during the kavanaugh hearings or the protests did not reach that threshold.

can you give me a credible showing those that were involved in either had trained for the actions they took, & showed up in tactical gear ready for war?
There was ZERO chance of them overthrowing anything. Please stop posting illogical crap. As I said and you ignored. If our police force was allowed to shoot rioters during the summer then January 6th never happens. Law and order is scared to do anything now due to News Entertainment media painting police officers as evil racists. I 100% blame the media for all this. I would die on that hill. DIE!

of course they didn't stand a chance. so what?

INTENT is all that matters.
No chance of success matters. If I intend to overturn the Gov't is there a threat of an insurrection? Come on. You're digging a giant hole. Stop listening to the News Entertainment Media. Saying "Not My President" that insurrection? Attacking Rand Paul as he was walking outside with his wife. Insurrection?

it's not up to me. i'm in the court of public opinion. zogster ... nobody hasta tell me what to think or how. i tend to believe what i see with my own eyes & hear with my own ears.

you voted for donny.


so i know some ( not all, cause i'll admit you make sense sometimes) of your thinking process' is skewed.
The other options were worse. I would do it all over again. You and I just think very differently. I don't like the soft approach of love everyone. It is a difficult world and I want leaders who make difficult decisions and if it offends people, so what, toughen up. We live in the greatest country in the world. I don't allow whining from my kids and I certainly don't want to hear it from our leaders, media personnel and fellow Americans.

i'm no bleeding heart either.
Everything is relative. Compared to me you are a delicate flower.

ne'eh. i may be a hippie, but i'm also a pretty good shot.
Not for long. Joey is taking your guns.

no he's not. obama was accused of the same thing.... & CT has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.

we still have ours - & nobody ever came for them. nobody even tried.

that's just more scare tactics coming from the bought & pd for politicians being the mouthpieces for the NRA - who are the mouthpieces of the gun manufacturers.
Watch and see. He will try. Obama never tried to take guns.
Stop being such a snowflake

WTF is the matter with you?
Are you really this big an asshole?

An angry mob storms Congress and drives Congress into hiding and several were killed for no reason other than the President is too big a baby to admit he lost. You just laugh it off
Because Trump supporters have the hardest time holding him accountable for his actions.

They believe whatever alternate reality Trump gives them
You said those who put people on ignore are pussies. Yes or no?
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
Off your meds today?
Colfax has me on ignore because I completely destroyed him in debates. So you’re talking to a pussy as described by you. That’s what it has to do with. I do not take meds, I am not an old fool like you and Biden.
Stop being such a snowflake

WTF is the matter with you?
Are you really this big an asshole?

An angry mob storms Congress and drives Congress into hiding and several were killed for no reason other than the President is too big a baby to admit he lost. You just laugh it off

those are the talking points of fox, oann, & newsmax.
No. Those are MY talking points from real life living and observations.
Stop being such a snowflake

WTF is the matter with you?
Are you really this big an asshole?

An angry mob storms Congress and drives Congress into hiding and several were killed for no reason other than the President is too big a baby to admit he lost. You just laugh it off
Because Trump supporters have the hardest time holding him accountable for his actions.

They believe whatever alternate reality Trump gives them
You said those who put people on ignore are pussies. Yes or no?
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
Off your meds today?
Colfax has me on ignore because I completely destroyed him in debates. So you’re talking to a pussy as described by you. That’s what it has to do with. I do not take meds, I am not an old fool like you and Biden.
Considering that what you posted had nothing to do with my post.....may be time to start taking some meds
when you said the BLM protests were mostly peaceful.

BLM protests were mostly peaceful and intended to be.

nor were they coordinated between paramilitary extremist a-holes who have teen weeny peenies, & had the overwhelming desire to be flying monkeys for their dear leader.
You guys live in a fantasy world. If for 23 hours of the day I am peaceful but for an hour I smash windows in 30 cars on my street and break into half of them..should I not be prosecuted because I was mostly peaceful that day? Once the so called protests and I have no fucking idea what they are protesting, turn into crimes they are not remotely peaceful.
Stop being such a snowflake

WTF is the matter with you?
Are you really this big an asshole?

An angry mob storms Congress and drives Congress into hiding and several were killed for no reason other than the President is too big a baby to admit he lost. You just laugh it off
Because Trump supporters have the hardest time holding him accountable for his actions.

They believe whatever alternate reality Trump gives them
You said those who put people on ignore are pussies. Yes or no?
WTF does that have to do with what I posted?
Off your meds today?
Colfax has me on ignore because I completely destroyed him in debates. So you’re talking to a pussy as described by you. That’s what it has to do with. I do not take meds, I am not an old fool like you and Biden.
Considering that what you posted had nothing to do with my post.....may be time to start taking some meds
It was a dig at you and colfax. And per your operational definition your fellow leftist is a cowardly pussy. LOL

Warms my heart
If for 23 hours of the day I am peaceful but for an hour I smash windows in 30 cars on my street and break into half of them..should I not be prosecuted because I was mostly peaceful that day?

Are you really that stupid?

Or is it your understanding as a Trump idiot that every individual who participates in a peaceful protest and are there for eight hours all peaceful like but then they turn like Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde into some crazy anarchist rioter burning and destroying everything in sight? And then that is why they are not prosecuted because they were peaceful for seven hours and only violent for one hour? My God you are stupid.

The point being made is that it is the protests that are peaceful because 99% of the protesters are peaceful the whole time. They do not turn into Dr. Jekyll’s and start burning cars. That is why they are not prosecuted because they do not ever commit the crime. The ones that do commit crimes in or near a peaceful protest are the ones that should be prosecuted and the peaceful protesters such as myself wish that they always were identified and taken off the streets and kept off the streets for a long long time.
If for 23 hours of the day I am peaceful but for an hour I smash windows in 30 cars on my street and break into half of them..should I not be prosecuted because I was mostly peaceful that day?

Are you really that stupid?

Or is it your understanding as a Trump idiot that every individual who participates in a peaceful protest and are there for eight hours All peaceful like but then they turn like Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde into some crazy anarchist rioter burning and destroying everything in sight? And then that is why they are not prosecuted because they were peaceful for seven and violent for one hour?My God you are stupid.

The point being made is that it is the protests that are peaceful because 99% of the protesters are peaceful the whole time. They do not turn into Dr. Jekyll’s and start burning cars. That is why they are not prosecuted because they do not ever commit the crime. The ones that do commit crimes in or near a peaceful protest are the ones that should be prosecuted and the peaceful protesters such as myself wish that they always were identified and taken off the streets And kept off the streets for a long long time.
I disagree that 99% of the protesters are peaceful the entire time. Watch less MSDNC, leftist. Idiot? Dude, you are one dumb mother fucker.

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