there was no insurrection on jan 6th !

Peacefully no but they aren’t peaceful. If I told you that 100 people were coming to your house of which 93 would be peaceful but seven would tear it apart and beat you up, would you allow the 100 in? No!

My house is not the government so it has nothing to do with the first Amendment.

You are one if the stupidest TrumpOroids out there.

If I was arresting and needlessly killing black people that I had in handcuffs in my house and 100 came to protest that . ... I would be charged and taken into court Im sure. If seven of that 100 tried to burn down my house and beat me up they become criminals and should be dealt with according to the law.

The 93 that come peacefully have every right to do so it’s a Constitutional Right that I cannot deny. ONLY a right wing fascist like you would restrict American freedom as you cower in fear in the Trump sewer system.
Biden creates an alternate reality and his minions swear by it.

Did Biden program the DOMINION machines to flip 15 million votes his way? Why didn’t he program a 60 seat majority in the Senate so he could destroy America with no way Republicans to stop him?

what did Biden do exactly.

Did Biden assassinate Q and murder Rush and now you losers have no clue what to do.
Show me an example of Biden doing it or admit you are making shit up
"AFT" for one. He also claimed that the Georgia voting law restricted voting opportunities when actually it expanded them. Biden accused Trump of letting kids starve to death at the border. Biden is laboring under the delusion that hiking taxes, limiting the availability of oil, removing voting safeguards and opening our Southern border to anyone with a pulse is good policy for America and Americans. Just a few....There is much much more.

Did Biden program the DOMINION machines to flip 15 million votes his way? Why didn’t he program a 60 seat majority in the Senate so he could destroy America with no way Republicans to stop him?

what did Biden do exactly.

Did Biden assassinate Q and murder Rush and now you losers have no clue what to do.
Biden does nothing himself. He doesn't even think for himself these days, he is told what to do and say....If he can remember how and what to say that is.
Because my eyes tell me differently. You are one dumb mother fucker.

Your eyes are not connected to a brain. They are connected to your ass. Your eyes see a photo of a black man in front of a fire and that tells your ass for a brain that the black guy in the photo set the fire and that proves somehow that every protester near the fire were in on setting the fire too.

Where is that fire on what date and were there any arrests?

Do you think the right wing hate TV that you watch have ever sent a camera crew to record the more than 7000 peaceful protest that have taken place in the US over the past few years where there were no fires or violence? How do you give your racist eyes equal time to visualize the true conception of what’s happening at so many peaceful protest around the country?

Do you think what you see on Newsmax is everything a protest it was ever taken place?
Mother fucker, open your eyes. BLM burned and looted small businesses like animals and Antifa joined them. The cops were powerless and that emboldened the rioters on January 6th. I would Have shot all of them and no more riots. You are one stupid dude if you believe that the protests were peaceful. They were antagonistic and violent.

Trump sent a Mob to get his vice president and stop Congress from affirming Biden.

Conservatives......<sob> But......but....what about Antifa?
Nope. Never happened. But you keep repeating that lie to yourself to make yourself feel better.
There is no denial that it was Trumps mob and what they were trying to do
They’ve been revising the reality of the Trump mob from day one. They’ve had a ton of practice doing so over the last few years.

It all comes down to Alternative Facts

Trump creates an alternate reality and his minions swear by it.
Says the dude who believes in one party rule and parrots MSDNC non stop
Peacefully no but they aren’t peaceful. If I told you that 100 people were coming to your house of which 93 would be peaceful but seven would tear it apart and beat you up, would you allow the 100 in? No!

My house is not the government so it has nothing to do with the first Amendment.

You are one if the stupidest TrumpOroids out there.

If I was arresting and needlessly killing black people that I had in handcuffs in my house and 100 came to protest that . ... I would be charged and taken into court Im sure. If seven of that 100 tried to burn down my house and beat me up they become criminals and should be dealt with according to the law.

The 93 that come peacefully have every right to do so it’s a Constitutional Right that I cannot deny. ONLY a right wing fascist like you would restrict American freedom as you cower in fear in the Trump sewer system.
Well the problem is the police don't know which seven will be violent and stop your pussy talk. There is no systemic racism. One or two rogue cops don't mean all police officers are bad and again if I am walking down the street and BLM rioters (black and white) yell black lives matter in my face, that is not peaceful. My analogy was accurate. You would not allow the 100 people near your house and blacks kill other blacks at alarming rates. Doesn't bother you though.
Because my eyes tell me differently. You are one dumb mother fucker.

Your eyes are not connected to a brain. They are connected to your ass. Your eyes see a photo of a black man in front of a fire and that tells your ass for a brain that the black guy in the photo set the fire and that proves somehow that every protester near the fire were in on setting the fire too.

Where is that fire on what date and were there any arrests?

Do you think the right wing hate TV that you watch have ever sent a camera crew to record the more than 7000 peaceful protest that have taken place in the US over the past few years where there were no fires or violence? How do you give your racist eyes equal time to visualize the true conception of what’s happening at so many peaceful protest around the country?

Do you think what you see on Newsmax is everything a protest it was ever taken place?
Mother fucker, open your eyes. BLM burned and looted small businesses like animals and Antifa joined them. The cops were powerless and that emboldened the rioters on January 6th. I would Have shot all of them and no more riots. You are one stupid dude if you believe that the protests were peaceful. They were antagonistic and violent.

Trump sent a Mob to get his vice president and stop Congress from affirming Biden.

Conservatives......<sob> But......but....what about Antifa?
Nope. Never happened. But you keep repeating that lie to yourself to make yourself feel better.
There is no denial that it was Trumps mob and what they were trying to do
They’ve been revising the reality of the Trump mob from day one. They’ve had a ton of practice doing so over the last few years.

It all comes down to Alternative Facts

Trump creates an alternate reality and his minions swear by it.
Says the dude who believes in one party rule and parrots MSDNC non stop
I don’t believe in one party rule but have repeatedly stated it will be the result of Republicans offensive behavior
Because my eyes tell me differently. You are one dumb mother fucker.

Your eyes are not connected to a brain. They are connected to your ass. Your eyes see a photo of a black man in front of a fire and that tells your ass for a brain that the black guy in the photo set the fire and that proves somehow that every protester near the fire were in on setting the fire too.

Where is that fire on what date and were there any arrests?

Do you think the right wing hate TV that you watch have ever sent a camera crew to record the more than 7000 peaceful protest that have taken place in the US over the past few years where there were no fires or violence? How do you give your racist eyes equal time to visualize the true conception of what’s happening at so many peaceful protest around the country?

Do you think what you see on Newsmax is everything a protest it was ever taken place?
Mother fucker, open your eyes. BLM burned and looted small businesses like animals and Antifa joined them. The cops were powerless and that emboldened the rioters on January 6th. I would Have shot all of them and no more riots. You are one stupid dude if you believe that the protests were peaceful. They were antagonistic and violent.

Trump sent a Mob to get his vice president and stop Congress from affirming Biden.

Conservatives......<sob> But......but....what about Antifa?
Nope. Never happened. But you keep repeating that lie to yourself to make yourself feel better.
There is no denial that it was Trumps mob and what they were trying to do
They’ve been revising the reality of the Trump mob from day one. They’ve had a ton of practice doing so over the last few years.

It all comes down to Alternative Facts

Trump creates an alternate reality and his minions swear by it.
Says the dude who believes in one party rule and parrots MSDNC non stop
I don’t believe in one party rule but have repeatedly stated it will be the result of Republicans offensive behavior
Bullshit. You parrot Democratic party talking points. They can do no wrong in your warped eyes. Border crisis? What border crisis.
One or two rogue cops don't mean all police officers are bad

You are stupid and A liar. I never ever said all police are bad.

And now that I know you understand that a few bad cops dies not make all cops bad. So it is with BLM protests. A few violent types do not make the other peaceful protesters bad.
Well the problem is the police don't know which seven will be violent

And so why does that give you the right to abolish the constitutional rights of anyone just because you are afraid - just go hide somewhere and quit doing this fascist crap around in a message board.
I am walking down the street and BLM rioters (black and white) yell black lives matter in my face, that is not peaceful.

You are a chickenshit snowflake IF you THINK (yelling Black Lives Matter is violence) but keeping a knee on a handcuffed arrestee’s neck for nine minutes until dead is not violence ???
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .

It was a goddamned selfie-taking session.
Insurrection?; Americans no longer know the meaning of the word.'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed arguement.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgement deciding who has those unalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!
One or two rogue cops don't mean all police officers are bad

You are stupid and A liar. I never ever said all police are bad.

And now that I know you understand that a few bad cops dies not make all cops bad. So it is with BLM protests. A few violent types do not make the other peaceful protesters bad.
Every single BLM protest consists of “woke” assholes yelling at innocent bystanders. We all agree what Chauvin did was bad so what the fuck are you protesting and yelling in my face for?'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed arguement.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgement deciding who has those unalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!

Get back under the rock, slime.
I am walking down the street and BLM rioters (black and white) yell black lives matter in my face, that is not peaceful.

You are a chickenshit snowflake IF you THINK (yelling Black Lives Matter is violence) but keeping a knee on a handcuffed arrestee’s neck for nine minutes until dead is not violence ???
Again, one cop. Why are you yelling in my face? Mother fucker, call me a chicken to my face and see what happens.

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