there was no insurrection on jan 6th !'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed argument.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgment deciding who has those inalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!

Get back under the rock, slime.
What's wrong Chica? Have all of your LIES caught up with you and you are feeling all the weight now? Life's a bitch sometimes, huh!

It's constant: every time I give one these dunces a spanking, they claim I lie....but they can't seem to find any.

The only lie I tell is ‘just kidding.’
It's constant: every time I give one these dunces a spanking, they claim I lie....but they can't seem to find any.
I gave your lying self multiple examples, but you did not respond because I provided true examples. Not my fault you were embarrassed to respond on topic. And your response directly above is another of your unresponsive dodges to avoid the topic.
Such low-class trash like you slips into threads all too often. This is the coarsening of the culture that poor upbringing causes, and Democrats bring forth.
Let's see if I can decode that uppity crap above by this entitled Karen!

Is this where we whip out our junk and measure or do we compare SAT scores, final GPAs, awards, and degrees OR ALL! You tell us all Chica and the rest of your 4th-grade class!'re an empty suit and a stuffed shirt at the same time.

And a lying windbag.

That study was not conducted by CNN. They referenced a CNN report. Do you have information that indicates the CNN report is not accurate and not an honest representation of the facts? What are you laughing about. You keep showing you are stupid.

That study was not conducted by CNN. They referenced a CNN report. Do you have information that indicates the CNN report is not accurate and a honest representation of the facts? What are you laughing about. You keep showing you are stupid.
Yes, CNN ran the propaganda that the protests were mostly peaceful, which I proved was and remains a false narrative. CNN also worshiped Andy Cuomo and now are side stepping the story with his brother stating he wants to recuse himself but he didn’t recuse himself when the stories were positive. Pretty hypocritical.

I 100% support peaceful protests. My kids and I along with numerous families peacefully protested the shut down of sports this past winter. We stood in the cold with signs in the center of town. We didn’t interrupt traffic we didn’t yell in people’s faces. We didn’t confront anyone. That is peaceful. Yelling shit in little kids faces is not remotely peaceful. Yelling defund the police is not remotely peaceful.

This isn’t peaceful, leftist. Not remotely.

Yes, CNN ran the propaganda that the protests were mostly peaceful, which I proved was and remains a false narrative.

WHEN did you prove that the CNN September 1 report regarding the city block in Portland was a false narrative. Give me a post number.

If you can’t you are a liar.
Yes, CNN ran the propaganda that the protests were mostly peaceful, which I proved was and remains a false narrative.

WHEN did you prove that the CNN September 1 report regarding the city block in Portland was a false narrative. Give me a post number.

If you can’t you are a liar.
What? I proved that CNN lied and posted a picture regarding peaceful protests. Don’t change the narrative and you never answered my question. One way conversations don’t work, mother fucker.
This isn’t peaceful, leftist. Not remotely.

There is not an ounce of violence in that video? You are snowflake if you think that us violence.

DO you have a video of you and your kids ‘polite white protest? Such a pro-death anti-science cause that you are teaching your kids. what a shame! Do you know the black population is more susceptible to death from COVID19. A lot of black athletes live with elderly relatives and playing sports in a pandemic could kill them. Is that what you teach your kids - the value of genocide during a pandemic. So violent you are. So nasty you are to people saying Black Lives Matter while teaching your kids that Black Lives Don’t MATTER during a pandemic .

My kids and I along with numerous families peacefully protested the shut down of sports this past winter.

Sick dude.
you never answered my question.

What question? Is it this bullshit?
“We all agree what Chauvin did was bad so what the fuck are you protesting and yelling in my face for?”​

I’m not doing that so why ask a stupid question?
Right. Doesn’t fit your narrative so you call it stupid. Got it. Go jump in a frozen lake, head first.
Narrative is African Americans have been voting Democrat for my entire life (40 yrs) and they are no better off.

They know it’s white wing racism and obstruction that prevented more progress than the progress made during your lifetime.

If you don’t see how a Black President and a black woman Vice President represents progress for Black people and all people in your lifetime you pretty much suck as a human being.

And why any black American would ever vote for the political hate party that continues to embrace an elected president who refused to accept defeat as he tried for a second term. The sitting president who turned that election loss anger into failed court cases and then a failed insurrection which had at the heart of it the goal of disenfranchising millions of black voters in cities like Atlanta Detroit Philadelphia Phoenix Las Vegas Milwaukee who voted for Joe Biden. How dare you sit there and complain because most blacks will not vote for Republicans before and after that shameful and disgusting behavior of Donald J Trump. His grossly un-American ‘stop the steal’ scheme was nothing but shitting on the heads of black Americans and you don’t seem to mind very much at all, do you?
This isn’t peaceful, leftist. Not remotely.

There is not an ounce of violence in that video? You are snowflake if you think that us violence.

DO you have a video of you and your kids ‘polite white protest? Such a pro-death anti-science cause that you are teaching your kids. what a shame! Do you know the black population is more susceptible to death from COVID19. A lot of black athletes live with elderly relatives and playing sports in a pandemic could kill them. Is that what you teach your kids - the value of genocide during a pandemic. So violent you are. So nasty you are to people saying Black Lives Matter while teaching your kids that Black Lives Don’t MATTER during a pandemic .

My kids and I along with numerous families peacefully protested the shut down of sports this past winter.

Sick dude.
Wow. You really are racially possessed, aren't you? Do you realize that shutdowns have shown no appreciable effect in stopping the spread? Curfews haven't either.

The media certainly would love for you to believe that it's all about race though. Nevermind the fact that the real reason for the difference in effects has to do with poverty, not race. Yes, poverty and race often correlate, but it's not like there aren't white people in the same living situations.
Do you realize that shutdowns have shown no appreciable effect in stopping the spread? [/QUOTE

Doing nothing vs shutting down large gatherings you say ‘no appreciable difference.

NYC shut down abd still had bodies stacked in refrigerate tractor trailers - what would have happened in NYC if they did nothing There or in the TrI State area?

Trump was wrong was he? when he said this:

Dying on Airplanes
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing

Issued on: April 1, 2020

THE PRESIDENT: It says 100- to 200,000. Anything — it’s a lot of people, right? It’s a lot of people.

Well, you didn’t ask the other question. What would have happened — because this is the question that I’ve been asking Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx for a long time, and they’ve been working on this for a long time.
The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.

Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.

So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.
Doing nothing vs shutting down large gatherings you say ‘no appreciable difference.

NYC shut down abd still had bodies stacked in refrigerate tractor trailers - what would have happened in NYC if they did nothing There or in the TrI State area?

I'm not saying people should do nothing. I'm saying that wearing masks, social distancing, and higher amounts of cleaning should be enough. The bodies would be stacked high in NYC regardless, because of various factors, one of which is just the population density.

Trump was wrong was he? when he said this:

Dying on Airplanes
Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing

Issued on: April 1, 2020

THE PRESIDENT: It says 100- to 200,000. Anything — it’s a lot of people, right? It’s a lot of people.

Well, you didn’t ask the other question. What would have happened — because this is the question that I’ve been asking Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx for a long time, and they’ve been working on this for a long time.
The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.

Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.

So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.

Restricting flights is a better idea than most, because it controls for the movement of people from other countries. If the WHO and the media hadn't initially balked at flight restrictions, things might have turned out better globally.

Nevertheless, controlling the movement of people between nations is practical, whether during a pandemic or not, for various reasons.
Narrative is African Americans have been voting Democrat for my entire life (40 yrs) and they are no better off.

They know it’s white wing racism and obstruction that prevented more progress than the progress made during your lifetime.

If you don’t see how a Black President and a black woman Vice President represents progress for Black people and all people in your lifetime you pretty much suck as a human being.

And why any black American would ever vote for the political hate party that continues to embrace an elected president who refused to accept defeat as he tried for a second term. The sitting president who turned that election loss anger into failed court cases and then a failed insurrection which had at the heart of it the goal of disenfranchising millions of black voters in cities like Atlanta Detroit Philadelphia Phoenix Las Vegas Milwaukee who voted for Joe Biden. How dare you sit there and complain because most blacks will not vote for Republicans before and after that shameful and disgusting behavior of Donald J Trump. His grossly un-American ‘stop the steal’ scheme was nothing but shitting on the heads of black Americans and you don’t seem to mind very much at all, do you?
In MA we have been run by Democrats for my entire life. Most cities are run by Democrats....see Baltimore. So how is me, a white Jewish guy oppressing them?
. So how is me, a white Jewish guy oppressing them?

Just because Trump failed to get black votes tossed out in big cities so he could rule another four years doesn’t mean black voters didn’t notice the oppression he tried including insurrection, to make a black vote worthless. I don’t see you opposing what Trump and your party did. And now your oarty is making it hard for minorities and college students to vote the next time.
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Restricting flights is a better idea than most,

That Trump speech was not limited to restricting flights. Nice Dodge. You jumped in wishing we had done nothing - business as usual internally - big crowds -no restrictions. - no different outcome. You are wrong - are you anti/mask anti/vaccines too?
. So how is me, a white Jewish guy oppressing them?

Just because Trump failed to get black votes tossed out in big cities so he could rule another four years doesn’t mean black voters didn’t notice the oppression he tried including insurrection, to make a black vote worthless. I don’t see you opposing what Trump and your oarty did. And making it hard for minorities and college students to vote the next time.
Don’t have a party. I am an Independent. Democrats have been the party of choice for black persons my entire life (40 yrs) nothing has changed. Keep voting for those who give you scraps and blame persons like Trump and or me. Pretty funny.
Restricting flights is a better idea than most,

That Trump speech was not limited to restricting flights. Nice Dodge. You jumped in wishing we had done nothing - business as usual internally - big crowds -no restrictions. - no different outcome. You are wrong - are you anti/mask anti/vaccines too?
So in your POV division and racism didn’t exist until Trump became president? You’re a fucking idiot.

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