there was no insurrection on jan 6th !'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed argument.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgment deciding who has those unalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!

Get back under the rock, slime.
What's wrong Chica? Have all of your LIES caught up with you and you are feeling all the weight now? Life's a bitch sometimes, huh!'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed argument.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgment deciding who has those unalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!

Get back under the rock, slime.
What's wrong Chica? Have all of your LIES caught up with you and you are feeling all the weight now? Life's a bitch sometimes, huh!
Chico, know your role and shut your mouth.'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed argument.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgment deciding who has those unalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!

Get back under the rock, slime.
What's wrong Chica? Have all of your LIES caught up with you and you are feeling all the weight now? Life's a bitch sometimes, huh!

It's constant: every time I give one these dunces a spanking, they claim I lie....but they can't seem to find any.
Such low-class trash like you slips into threads all too often. This is the coarsening of the culture that poor upbringing causes, and Democrats bring forth.

The only lie I tell is ‘just kidding.’'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed argument.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgment deciding who has those unalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!

Get back under the rock, slime.
What's wrong Chica? Have all of your LIES caught up with you and you are feeling all the weight now? Life's a bitch sometimes, huh!
Chico, know your role and shut your mouth.
Polish up your Spanish, pendejo. Know the difference between a name and a noun for starters, FOOL!
We all agree what Chauvin did was bad so what the fuck are you protesting and yelling in my face for?

Who is “we”? I don’t believe you speak for anyone other than yourself because you are not intelligent or honest..

This morning you posted this26897592
If for 23 hours of the day I am peaceful but for an hour I smash windows in 30 cars on my street and break into half of them..should I not be prosecuted because I was mostly peaceful that day?

That is one of the stupidest arguments I’ve ever seen. who would pick you to speak for them.

You need to drop the “we” from your posts There care too many out there who defend what Chauvin did in denial of what they see if they watch the video..
Never really seemed like an insurrection, just a riot. Trump should be charged with inciting a riot though.
The Dems just said insurrect8on so they could invoke section 3 of the 14 ammendment.

Utter frauds.

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
From a long distance away you can be fooled by Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters.

Poster partiv, share with us your opinion on how far that distance need be to be fooled?

And then, and I am merely curious about this one, but I'm not sure we've seen ANTIFA adherents claiming to be Trumpers.

Seems to me, there haven't been credible reports from authoritative sources that identified such a phenomena that had a significant impact on any significant event?

Have you got any you can share with readers of this forum?
and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.
When did the BLM organization/movement take over a city block and rape and murder. Will you provide a link to that story?
Be sure it ties the rape and murder to the BLM leaders.'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed argument.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgment deciding who has those inalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!

Get back under the rock, slime.
What's wrong Chica? Have all of your LIES caught up with you and you are feeling all the weight now? Life's a bitch sometimes, huh!

It's constant: every time I give one these dunces a spanking, they claim I lie....but they can't seem to find any.

The only lie I tell is ‘just kidding.’
It's constant: every time I give one these dunces a spanking, they claim I lie....but they can't seem to find any.
I gave your lying self multiple examples, but you did not respond because I provided true examples. Not my fault you were embarrassed to respond on topic. And your response directly above is another of your unresponsive dodges to avoid the topic.
Such low-class trash like you slips into threads all too often. This is the coarsening of the culture that poor upbringing causes, and Democrats bring forth.
Let's see if I can decode that uppity crap above by this entitled Karen!

Is this where we whip out our junk and measure or do we compare SAT scores, final GPAs, awards, and degrees OR ALL! You tell us all Chica and the rest of your 4th-grade class!'re a liar and a fool.

I proved it in two previous posts.
Your "proof" as you refer to those bits of propaganda from far rightwing sources YOU C&P'ed were not of my authorship, Chica! Trying to pin them on me is stupidity bordering on desperation on your part. You can't prevail by simply slinging dung! You only proved your desperation to get out from under your failed argument.
And your avi......couldn't be more unAmerican......we don't believe in thought crimes.....and it fits you perfectly.
You refer to my avatar as unAmerican, but you obviously don't see the partisan driven irony in your complaint of My exercise of My 1st Amendment rights. Rather, you sit in judgment deciding who has those unalienable rights and who does not! Now that is truly unAmerican, Chica!

Get back under the rock, slime.
What's wrong Chica? Have all of your LIES caught up with you and you are feeling all the weight now? Life's a bitch sometimes, huh!
Chico, know your role and shut your mouth.
Polish up your Spanish, pendejo. Know the difference between a name and a noun for starters, FOOL!
It was a Scott Hall reference. Learn your pop culture, leftist.
We all agree what Chauvin did was bad so what the fuck are you protesting and yelling in my face for?

Who is “we”? I don’t believe you speak for anyone other than yourself because you are not intelligent or honest..

This morning you posted this26897592
If for 23 hours of the day I am peaceful but for an hour I smash windows in 30 cars on my street and break into half of them..should I not be prosecuted because I was mostly peaceful that day?

That is one of the stupidest arguments I’ve ever seen. who would pick you to speak for them.

You need to drop the “we” from your posts There care too many out there who defend what Chauvin did in denial of what they see if they watch the video..
Mother fucker, answer me. We all agree what Chauvin did was bad, we, meaning the American people not necessarily deranged leftists like you. And my post was 100% accurate. No such thing as mostly peaceful. Either it’s peaceful or it isn’t and yelling black lives matter in my face like rabid animals is far from peaceful. Would you like it if you walked by and people screamed, Pro Life like lunatics in your face? No. You’re definitely two french fries short of a happy meal.
and what BLM did this summer, 100% sedition. Taking over a city block? Murder, rape, no law and order.
When did the BLM organization/movement take over a city block and rape and murder. Will you provide a link to that story?
Be sure it ties the rape and murder to the BLM leaders.
CHAZ....connect the dots, dumb leftist. Or are you Antifa and not BLM?
call me a chicken to my face and see what happens.

Apparently it doesn’t take much to scare you?

if I am walking down the street and BLM rioters (black and white) yell black lives matter in my face, that is not peaceful.
Never said it scared me. Learn English. I said It wasn’t peaceful. Post where I said it “scared” me. Such a lying coward you are. Well maybe you’re mostly honest.
Either it’s peaceful or it isn’t and yelling black lives matter in my face like rabid animals is far from peaceful.

Is your argument that this study....

The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).​



The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).​

Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property” (FiveThirtyEight, 5 June 2020).​ wrong because absolutely no part of the BLM MOVEMENT is peaceful because it involves shouting BLACK LIVES MATTER on a public street?

Why have TrumpWhites worked so hard to convince Never Trump Normies that peaceful black social justice protest is entirely violent.

An example from the past 26360571
Hell, this last two years, you've been supporting race riots, pretending they were "mostly peaceful protests".

There’s that ‘pretending’ word used in an argument again.

Last edited:
Either it’s peaceful or it isn’t and yelling black lives matter in my face like rabid animals is far from peaceful.

Is your argument that this study....

The demonstrations remain ongoing. Though reported events associated with the BLM movement have gradually declined since their peak in late May and early June, ACLED still continues to record dozens of demonstrations each week (see graph below).​

View attachment 478379


The vast majority of demonstration events associated with the BLM movement are non-violent (see map below). In more than 93% of all demonstrations connected to the movement, demonstrators have not engaged in violence or destructive activity. Peaceful protests are reported in over 2,400 distinct locations around the country. Violent demonstrations,4 meanwhile, have been limited to fewer than 220 locations — under 10% of the areas that experienced peaceful protests. In many urban areas like Portland, Oregon, for example, which has seen sustained unrest since Floyd’s killing, violent demonstrations are largely confined to specific blocks, rather than dispersed throughout the city (CNN, 1 September 2020).​

Yet, despite data indicating that demonstrations associated with the BLM movement are overwhelmingly peaceful, one recent poll suggested that 42% of respondents believe “most protesters [associated with the BLM movement] are trying to incite violence or destroy property” (FiveThirtyEight, 5 June 2020).​ wrong because absolutely no part of the BLM MOVEMENT is peaceful because it involves shouting BLACK LIVES MATTER on a public street?

Why have TrumpWhites worked so hard to convince Never Trump Normies that peaceful black social justice protest is entirely violent.

An example from the past 26360571
Hell, this last two years, you've been supporting race riots, pretending they were "mostly peaceful protests".

There’s that ‘pretending’ word used in an argument again.


If you lie sometimes but mostly tell the truth, does that make you an honest person or a liar? I ll answer for you since you’re stupid, it makes you a liar. There is zero that is peaceful about BLM and their antagonistic movement. Zero.

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