there was no insurrection on jan 6th !

You did steal the election
I did not steal anything. I certainly did not sign up as a fake elector when Trump beat Clinton in ‘16.

The election was not stolen and Trump has produced zero evidence that it was after three years.
I did not steal anything. I certainly did not sign up as a fake elector when Trump beat Clinton in ‘16.

The election was not stolen and Trump has produced zero evidence that it was after three years.

2020 was the most researched election in this nation's history. Multiple states did recounts. Some did manual recounts after doing machine recounts. Several states did audits of ballots. Some did audits of equipment. 60+ lawsuits plus appeals. The DoJ investigating. Several states investigating. Trump himself hiring 2 independent research firms to investigate. Scores of conservatives across the country independently hunting for fraud. Websites launched to help find fraud. Lawyers stripped of their law license or sanctioned for lying in court about election fraud. And 3 years later, still nothing proves the election was stolen. That will be no different in 30 years or even 300 years because it was all a Big Lie, started by the Biggest Liar this country has ever known. The Qult members who reject all of that just to cling to their delusions that the election was stolen from them are the biggest losers of all time
Six alleged fake Donald Trump electors in Nevada have been indicted by a grand jury convened by state Attorney General Aarono Ford, CNN reported on Wednesday. Nevada indicts pro-Trump fake electors: report

Trump’s fake electors were attempting to steal the election from the rightful winner.

They are indicted in three states and the theft may have been pulled off on “Insurrection Day” had Mike Pence not stood by the oath he took to protect the Constitution from Trump and the MAGA constitutional terrorists who tried to kill it that day.
If the fraudulent votes would have been thrown out, that second set of electors would have been the right electors.
He had no reason believe they were going to riot.
DJT had 1 million supporters there on that day to “stop the steal” which meant Biden loses and Trump wins. He said if Mike Pence does the right thing the mob wins too.

Then he tweets that Mike Pence lacked courage to do right by the mob and he sat there for a couple hours watching his mob chant Hang Mike Pence while beating cops and ransacking the Capitol.

If a million Dumb ass Ashley Babbitt’s had shown up as she thought were there stopping the steal who knows how violent it would’ve been.

Trump is a loser to only inspire 2000 stupid Ashley Babbitt’s to storm the Capitol for him.
And 3 years later, still nothing proves the election was stolen.

Putin’s objective is to undermine liberal western democracy throughout the world.

If the fraudulent votes would have been thrown out, that second set of electors would have been the right electors

But those Trump fake electors signed an official certification that Trump won their state and they were the official electors and sent copies to Congress and the national archives. Pence was to use the excuse that he had two sets of electors in front of him so the only way to proceed was to throw the entire states votes out based on the lie.

Putin would have awarded Pence The Russian Federation Decoration for Impeccable Service


if Pence had the guts to go along with the fake elector plot to fuck up the most powerful western liberal democracy in the world.

It’s been almost three years and Putin didn’t get Pence on J6 but he got fifty million Lennypartivs being loyal Russian Federation agents continuing to undermine and destroy the most powerful western liberal democracy in the entire history of the world.
DJT had 1 million supporters there on that day to “stop the steal” which meant Biden loses and Trump wins. He said if Mike Pence does the right thing the mob wins too.

Then he tweets that Mike Pence lacked courage to do right by the mob and he sat there for a couple hours watching his mob chant Hang Mike Pence while beating cops and ransacking the Capitol.

If a million Dumb ass Ashley Babbitt’s had shown up as she thought were there stopping the steal who knows how violent it would’ve been.

Trump is a loser to only inspire 2000 stupid Ashley Babbitt’s to storm the Capitol for him.
Did you have a point of some kind to make?
there was no insurrection on jan 6th ! why do i say this ? its simple ....what happened on jan 6th although serious and illegal was a few hundred people trespassing and causing minor damage to the capital ! if it were a serious insurrection it sure didnt last very long may be 2 or 3 hrs ...... but even though we have only had one very brief instance of vilonce from the right the liars on the left harp constantly about how violent and dangerous the right is ..... but lets get real.... a real insurrection and rebellion against government lasts a lot longer that a few hrs ! it goes on for yrs in a protracted assault on the rule of law ...and thats just what weve seen from the treasonous left for the past few yrs ! the true insurrection and attack on the rule of law and the constitution is coming from the scum on the left ! the only people that have taken US territory and attempted to institute their own marxist gov are leftist [remember CHOP in Seattle ] and the most vicious attacks against law enforcement and gov buildings and private property has come from dems ! dems are traitors ! and i know many on the faggot left will dispute this .... but remember there has been nore will there be any more acts of mob violence since the brief meltdown on jan 6th from the right ... and we all know this cant be said for the violent left ! they will loot burn assault destroy and kill again this summer again in their quest for marxist rule and power .
The Deep State finds negotiations with other Americans unpleasant, so as usual, they projected their activities against their political adversaries. Their lies are consistent, which is the best light one can put on their disenchantment of negotiating with leaders on the right.
were over 2000 cops injured on jan 6th ? were over 2 dozen people killed ? was there over 2 billion in damages ? all said things leftists did in 2020 .
Is it possible to condemn both? I do. All who are proven to have committed crimes in any of the riots should be prosecuted and sentenced if found guilty. As should those who violently attempted to overturn the 2020 election.
Is it possible to condemn both? I do. All who are proven to have committed crimes in any of the riots should be prosecuted and sentenced if found guilty. As should those who violently attempted to overturn the 2020 election.
no one has been charged with insurrection .. why is that ?

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