There will be no unity until Trump's seditionists are no more.

"If you need thousands of troops for your inauguration, then you were likely not elected by the people."
Dump lost by about 8 million votes. Biden won the popular and the electoral vote. Anyone with a functioning brain would know Biden was elected by the people.

Mighty convenient timing for a sudden change of heart from people who for 4 fucking years whined about Russia's election interference. Whatever happened to that big-talk about burning the whole damn system to the ground?
When have you ever heard me say anything about burning anything to the ground? Dump helped the Russians. They couldnt pin him down but anyone with a brain knows he colluded with them.
You are an indoctrinated loser. there is no help for you just cease to exist. You people have nothing, no marriages, no kids, no faith, no existence, nothing.
Republicans don't have any faith. If they had, they would have never stormed the WH and had five people killed. Jesus would have never orchestrated such evil.
They barricades were removed, the doors opened. You have no faith, you are not a Christian, you are not married, you have no kids, no family, no life, no faith. You just hate.
Yea, and those who did the killing? What about the dead? What do you call that? The work of God? Dude, your arguments are beyond retarded. You better bail out of this while you can, because you are going no where with an argument that has no legs.

But you support China and they killed tens of millions during the Cultural Revolution. Same people. Why do you support them?
They do not.
That goes for your side as well. Dressing up and playing soldier is totally different from the real thing. I know the scenarios and not many of your side has the guts to do more than scream and run for their bunkers
Hopefully we won't find out who is right on this score.
Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.

They are what they accuse Trump of being.

You see, none of them follow any principles. They are not people of honor. They do not think, only react. They are filled with nothing but a visceral hatred so intense, they will support ANYTHING that helps get rid of the object of their absolutely maniacal hatred

they are the biggest threat to our republic we have ever seen.
Give it a rest. Orange man lost. His days are numbered like football jerseys. 20JAN21 will be the end of a major fucking error.
We will watch cities being vaporized.
Do you know what vaporized means? Obviously you don't or you wouldnt have made such a stupid claim.
All you lefties gather 'round!

I have come into possession of original blueprints for the construction of gas showers sans ignition from a German source.

Since you so badly want to build that sort of thing I can cut you a good deal on copies.

Hey, if Xiden can sell out America for profit why should not we all???
The Nazis of Germany were right wingers staunchly opposed to communism. So are America’s Nazis. Today’s neoNazis are avowed right wingers. And their allegiance to America’s orange Fuhrer. Sieg Trump.
The nazis were socialists who were jealous of the jews money-------so they claimed racism even though they were the biggest most hateful violent racists aruond---as they took out the jews, they stole their property. In order to make the jews better victims, they disarmed first before the gas chambers just like the socialist fascist aka dems are doing now. The nazis promised free housing, free medical, free HEALTHY food, and provided free entertainment in the form of CAMPS especially as they related to kids for early indoctrination like our socialist do now. The Nazis had their brown shirts riot and burn cities to intimidate the people and create chaos--the dems have blm and anti fa doing the same shit.

Soros the psychopath learned well how to bring about an evil cult that would attack others...the only difference now is that atleast then the nazis were intelligent and workaholics. todays libs tend to be lazier and stupider---while the american people intended to be the targets atleast have kept their weapons.
Ever notice how people who hate the USA use terms like sedition and treason when they don't even believe in the USA. McCarthy was right.
People like you and McCarthy use the USA. You don't love it. If you did, you wouldn't be on the side of the terrorists.
And which side might the so called terrorist be on ???? Oh wait, their on both sides lately, but who are these alledged terrorist on both sides ??? If I was running score, I'd say that the right has a lot of catching up to do.

The left is trying to move the right to the front of the line based upon one incident, so isn't that special ????? Meanwhile behind the scenes the left plans it's next move or counter move.

The leftist engage in bad policies and bad thing's from a government backed position, and when the right calls them out on it, somehow it becomes the right who are the bad guy's and gal's. Is there no end to this madness ??
Except you are wrong. George Floyd protests: 'Boogaloo' member held in precinct attack I'm glad you aren't running score.

"The Leftists engage in bad policies?" LOl! For starters, we don't piss away $2 trillion dollars to the rich who didn't need it. We don't engage in human rights violations. We don't support presidents who use the office for their own financial benefit. We don't support illegal activity by Trump. You do. We don't support an agenda of lying to the public about covid. We don't support a policy of xenophobia, racism, etc.
All unproven leftist narrative bullcrap talking points. We've heard this bullcrap forever now, and the score is still 10 leftist incidents to just one right-wing incident to your favor. I believe that as long as the left keep living in denial, then the resistance to the left will never let up.
Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.

They are what they accuse Trump of being.

You see, none of them follow any principles. They are not people of honor. They do not think, only react. They are filled with nothing but a visceral hatred so intense, they will support ANYTHING that helps get rid of the object of their absolutely maniacal hatred

they are the biggest threat to our republic we have ever seen.
Give it a rest. Orange man lost. His days are numbered like football jerseys. 20JAN21 will be the end of a major fucking error.
I dont care about Trump. I care about this country.

We CANNOT have unity until EVERYBODY stops fighting their idiotic cultural war.
You cant claim to care about this country and pretend the state this country is in was not caused by Dump conning weak minded terrorists. If you actually cared about the country you would slap the shit out of anyone claiming the election was stolen so some sense can flood back into their heads.
Spoken as only a mindless partisan can speak.

This country has been under siege for MONTHS by those who believe as you believe.
Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.

They are what they accuse Trump of being.

You see, none of them follow any principles. They are not people of honor. They do not think, only react. They are filled with nothing but a visceral hatred so intense, they will support ANYTHING that helps get rid of the object of their absolutely maniacal hatred

they are the biggest threat to our republic we have ever seen.
Give it a rest. Orange man lost. His days are numbered like football jerseys. 20JAN21 will be the end of a major fucking error.
I dont care about Trump. I care about this country.

We CANNOT have unity until EVERYBODY stops fighting their idiotic cultural war.
You cant claim to care about this country and pretend the state this country is in was not caused by Dump conning weak minded terrorists. If you actually cared about the country you would slap the shit out of anyone claiming the election was stolen so some sense can flood back into their heads.
Trump was trying to change our ways that we are moving to.
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

You must be exterminated. You are in reality all talk. None of the Progressive entertainers and media will put their lives on the line. None of them.

I didn't see any Fox news radicals out there defending their narrative. Did you?

I must be exterminated? Really? For what, defending Democracy? And how are you planning on exterminating me? Should I notify the authorities? I'm sure the moderators are going to love that one.
"If you need thousands of troops for your inauguration, then you were likely not elected by the people."
Dump lost by about 8 million votes. Biden won the popular and the electoral vote. Anyone with a functioning brain would know Biden was elected by the people.

Mighty convenient timing for a sudden change of heart from people who for 4 fucking years whined about Russia's election interference. Whatever happened to that big-talk about burning the whole damn system to the ground?
When have you ever heard me say anything about burning anything to the ground? Dump helped the Russians. They couldnt pin him down but anyone with a brain knows he colluded with them.

Suddenly it's tantamount to treason to question election integrity or stage protests. Even though the vast majority of the tens of thousands of DC protesters remained "mostly peaceful", that old excuse just ain't gonna cut it anymore. Like I said, this sudden shift in tone is mighty convenient.
You can question all you want to. You can decide not to believe the republican voting officials that said the election was fair. You can disbelieve all the republican appointed judges that laughed Dumps suits out the court due to lack of evidence. You can do all that but if you fuck up and try to overturn the results you will be dealt with harshly.

If only the accusation of "sedition" was limited specifically to the people who actually broke into the capitol building and committed actual crimes but in reality there's a broad brush smear campaign against a huge swathe of Americans who did nothing wrong.
You did something wrong if you support the notion Dump was cheated out of the election. You are a major part of the problem. Now we cant tell you apart from the insane ones that "did something wrong" as you put it.
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Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.

They are what they accuse Trump of being.

You see, none of them follow any principles. They are not people of honor. They do not think, only react. They are filled with nothing but a visceral hatred so intense, they will support ANYTHING that helps get rid of the object of their absolutely maniacal hatred

they are the biggest threat to our republic we have ever seen.
Give it a rest. Orange man lost. His days are numbered like football jerseys. 20JAN21 will be the end of a major fucking error.
I dont care about Trump. I care about this country.

We CANNOT have unity until EVERYBODY stops fighting their idiotic cultural war.
You cant claim to care about this country and pretend the state this country is in was not caused by Dump conning weak minded terrorists. If you actually cared about the country you would slap the shit out of anyone claiming the election was stolen so some sense can flood back into their heads.
Trump was trying to change our ways that we are moving to.
Authoritarian Dictatorship right?
Leftist using sedition and treason is hilarious. You need to be in the gulags before there is unity.
Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.

They are what they accuse Trump of being.

You see, none of them follow any principles. They are not people of honor. They do not think, only react. They are filled with nothing but a visceral hatred so intense, they will support ANYTHING that helps get rid of the object of their absolutely maniacal hatred

they are the biggest threat to our republic we have ever seen.
Give it a rest. Orange man lost. His days are numbered like football jerseys. 20JAN21 will be the end of a major fucking error.
I dont care about Trump. I care about this country.

We CANNOT have unity until EVERYBODY stops fighting their idiotic cultural war.
You cant claim to care about this country and pretend the state this country is in was not caused by Dump conning weak minded terrorists. If you actually cared about the country you would slap the shit out of anyone claiming the election was stolen so some sense can flood back into their heads.
Spoken as only a mindless partisan can speak.

This country has been under siege for MONTHS by those who believe as you believe.
The people that believe like I do believe Biden won the election. If you dont have proof that will stand up in a court of law to change that truth then you shut up and vote next time and hope you win. You dont try to force your wishes to come true because you are a sore loser.
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Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

Save your weak demands and threats for those who care. Come get some. We'll leave the light on for you . . .
Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.

They are what they accuse Trump of being.

You see, none of them follow any principles. They are not people of honor. They do not think, only react. They are filled with nothing but a visceral hatred so intense, they will support ANYTHING that helps get rid of the object of their absolutely maniacal hatred

they are the biggest threat to our republic we have ever seen.
Give it a rest. Orange man lost. His days are numbered like football jerseys. 20JAN21 will be the end of a major fucking error.
I dont care about Trump. I care about this country.

We CANNOT have unity until EVERYBODY stops fighting their idiotic cultural war.
You cant claim to care about this country and pretend the state this country is in was not caused by Dump conning weak minded terrorists. If you actually cared about the country you would slap the shit out of anyone claiming the election was stolen so some sense can flood back into their heads.
Trump was trying to change our ways that we are moving to.
Not sure what thats supposed to mean. Can you elaborate?
Steve Schmidt said it so eloquently. There will be no unity with seditionists.

After their terrorist attack on the country, unity is only possible with accountability. That's the only way moving forward. Not only is accountability imperative, it is necessary if we are to hold onto this Democracy. If the Right thinks this country is simply going to sweep this terrorist attack under the rug, think again.

Save your weak demands and threats for those who care. Come get some. We'll leave the light on for you . . .

Your side lost. Its your move. 20Jan21 will be Dumps last day.
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There will be no unity with seditionists.

Don't exclude yourself from that. There will be no unity with people like you either. You're simply the opposite end of the extreme.
Are you so cynical as to think all our political is reduced to extremes? Can you accept that most Americans prefer a centrist approach, not seditious "proud Boys" racism or anti--fan radical anarchy?

Biden inclusiveness not Trump nationalism.

Seditionists don't care about democracy. Most Americans do.

With friends like seditionists, why are you afraid of AOC? Which one poses the greater threat to democracy?

If you think dems are centrist you're an idiot.
If you think 75,000,000 votes were cast in support of one narrow political ideology, or that Democrats don' contain a variety of political thought and faction, you are either not paying attention or have succumbed to prropagandistic brainwashing.

Such ossified thinking cannot offer solutions and shouldn't weigh in on the momentous problems we face today. In fact, such thiinking lays squarely at the center of our problems.

Do I you know what makes this huge, diverse nation so great? Our mastery at the art of political compromise. One party rule has never, and will.never.serve a form of government of, by and for free people.

Fuck compromising with commies!!!
And your spelling is atrocious.
Spoken as only a true fascist can speak.

They are what they accuse Trump of being.

You see, none of them follow any principles. They are not people of honor. They do not think, only react. They are filled with nothing but a visceral hatred so intense, they will support ANYTHING that helps get rid of the object of their absolutely maniacal hatred

they are the biggest threat to our republic we have ever seen.
Give it a rest. Orange man lost. His days are numbered like football jerseys. 20JAN21 will be the end of a major fucking error.
I dont care about Trump. I care about this country.

We CANNOT have unity until EVERYBODY stops fighting their idiotic cultural war.
You cant claim to care about this country and pretend the state this country is in was not caused by Dump conning weak minded terrorists. If you actually cared about the country you would slap the shit out of anyone claiming the election was stolen so some sense can flood back into their heads.
Spoken as only a mindless partisan can speak.

This country has been under siege for MONTHS by those who believe as you believe.
The people that believe like I do believe Biden won the election. If you dont have proof that will stand up in a court of law to change that truth then you shut up and vote next time and hope you win. You dont try to force your wishes to come true because you are a sore loser.
But, he's a sore loser, so he will deny reality from now on. To hell with him. He's too far gone. There is no bringing people like that back to planet earth.

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