There’s more racism from Blacks against whites compared to whites against blacks recently

There are numbers and the numbers show that whites get attacked or killed by another whiye person 85 percent of the time. We see videos, but ignore is the legislation passed by majority white state legislators, referendums but majority white city councils, and education policy from primariliy white school boards.

There is not more racism by blacks against whites. But white racists looking for a reason to defend their continuing racism come in forums like this and lie to each other.
There was a BLM leader who back in 2020. Said that looting is a form of reparations. And BLM is backed by practically all Democrats.

93 percent of the over 2500 protests had no looting. And much of the overall violence had nothing to do with BLM. That man made a stupid comment out of anger. MLK said it best:

“Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non¬-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I’m absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segment of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.”

And nearly 60 years after that speech whites like you guys still don't listen. Instead you make up a lie about how it is blacks now who are the racists and whites are just poor innocent victims.
Here’s the real stats white people suffer more at the hands of police then do Black people.

Actually whites commit more crimes and some with the entitlement mentality try fighting cops. You don't see too many blacks having armed standoffs with police.
Teaching that slavery was a benefit is enough to show that the OP is full of feces.
With the exception of Russia, all of the countries practicing slavery today are non-white; including African nations. Western whites ceased the practice 150+ years ago.

Why is slavery practiced TODAY by so many non-whites?
Actually whites commit more crimes and some with the entitlement mentality try fighting cops. You don't see too many blacks having armed standoffs with police.

If you say it enough times, it will magically be true some day.

Back in the 50s and 60s it was the other way around. But even back then most white folks and black folks got along. And that’s the case today most Black people and white people get along with each other.

In the past eight years, though perhaps egged on by opportunistic Democrats, we’ve seen tons of examples of mobs of Black people, viciously beating white people, including white women.

these videos of gangs of Black people beating up whites, do not exist the other way around. There are no examples of six white people beating the hell out of blacks.

There are no Black people getting hung from trees. There are no Klansman burning crosses in the lawns of Black people. Today’s Democrat party is extremely racist almost all of them senators and congressmen “ Take a knee “ and subscribe to the insane idea that white homeless people are privileged.

I’ll challenge anyone here on the Democrat side my fellow Democrats show a single video of seven or 10 or 20 white people beating the hell out of blacks. Show it. Show us a video of KKK people in their hoods burning a Cross in a black person’s lawn.

Put up

I really feel bad. My heart goes out to my fellow Democrats, who are so brainwashed that they are going against their own country. The founding fathers, the men and women, black, and white, who built this country. I have love for all my fellow Americans. I pray that my fellow Democrats change their ways and wake up.

From 2016

Nonwhites viciously attacked white Trump supporters

And there are tons of videos of old white Trump supporters aged 70 plus from 2020 getting viciously beat by BLM mobs.

OK I’ll challenge any of my fellow Democrats put up . Put up some videos showing six or 10 white people from the last eight years beating the living hell out of blacks.

In b4 the far left loons use the racist word against Trump supporters . Because they don’t understand English maybe or they never actually read posts. Or they’re so addicted to drugs that they don’t even know what you’re saying. I pray for these people nothing but love for my fellow Americans.

A few examples of anecdotal evidence is opinion, not fact. Do you have any crime statistics to back up your opinion?
This was one of the most irresponsible statements I’ve ever heard from a “leader”…. encouraging and justifying looting as a form of reparations. That statement alone made businesses rethink where they should set up shop. HINT: urban areas with lax theft laws aren’t high on the list.
That certainly is the case. And expect none of the far left wing BLM supporter here to even talk about that.. we vividly remember that black woman BLM supporter getting on TV saying Looting is a form of reparations. Imagine for a moment, a white Republican women getting on TV and saying “beating up Blacks is a form of reparations, looting Black people is a form of reparations”. Reparations because blacks owned white slaves. The whole “400 years a slave” propagated by blm argument is total propaganda.

BLM supporters on the US message board are some of the most selfish entitled people in this country. Their whole existence is about lying about other people calling other people racist when they are the most racist people themselves. I hope and pray that they change their ways.

People like us, Trump supporters, traditional Democrats go by common sense if there’s a guy who says that someone is born privileged because of their skin color or who refuses to hire someone for a job because of their skin color ….that’s a racist.

But look at the far left, and what the BLM supporters have done …they invent the definition of racism to suit their needs.

And to your point that’s why you don’t see Macy’s or any major restaurant in any inner city in America because of theft and looting. It’s a shame for the hard-working people of the inner cities.
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BLM supporters, the supporters of Kamala Harris of the US message board. They simply don’t care about hard-working Black people in the inner cities who said enough is enough were tired of BLM were tired of millionaire race baiter’s. We want a better life.

No videos at all from any of the BLM racist of the US message board. All they’re doing is using propaganda words and hyped up statements they get from the media They can’t show 10 white people beating the hell out of one black. They can’t show 20 white kids chasing down and brutalizing a black man. It doesn’t exist in this country. If that type of thing happened, it will be front line in the center on the news for a year in a row. CNN would hold candlelight vigil’s , rich white people would hold hands. The same rich white people who live in the suburbs next to Al Sharpton, who have no clue what it’s like to live in 2023 is a hard-working, black man or white man in this country.

The words I use the word Trump supporters use clearly show we care about the hard-working, Black people and white people, but the racist of the US message board are on drugs. They simply don’t care about any of this language they just lie about other posters.

Why doesn’t CNN hold of candlelight vigil for the tons of examples of mobs of left-wing BLM blacks beating the hell out of whites. ?????

Why don’t people on the US message board on the far left say something about this. Instead of going off topic and of course, as we all know, they lie every day and make up the view that people who bring us these videos are “racist”. They make up total nonsense arguments. Heck they think that Trump supporters are “white supremacists”.

It’s unbearable to converse with these blm people …hell even have to live in the same country with them

And so this is the result of racism from Democrat politicians, Democrat politicians with no accountability no honestly no sincerity.

I’m hopeful for the future. There has been a counter action to the cancel culture. There is starting to be more of a counteraction to the racist BLM organization, especially from the working class people of America.
BLM supporters, the supporters of Kamala Harris of the US message board. They simply don’t care about hard-working Black people in the inner cities were said enough is enough were tired of BLM were tired of millionaire race baiter’s. We want a better life.

No videos at all from any of the BLM racist of the US message board. They don’t exist. They can’t show 10 white people beating the hell out of one black. They can’t show 20 white kids chasing down and brutalizing a black man. It doesn’t exist in this country. If that type of thing happened, it will be front line in the center on the news for a year in a row. CNN would hold candlelight vigil’s people would hold hands.

Why doesn’t CNN hold of candlelight vigil for the tons of examples of mobs of left-wing BLM blacks beating the hell out of whites. Why don’t people on the US message board on the far left to say something about this. Instead of going off topic and of course, as we all know, they lie every day and make up the view that people who bring us these videos are racist. They make up total nonsense arguments.

It’s unbearable to converse with these people …hell even have to live in the same country with them

And so this is the result of racism from Democrat politicians, Democrat politicians with no accountability no honestly no sincerity.
Why doesn’t CNN hold of candlelight vigil for the tons of examples of mobs of left-wing BLM blacks beating the hell out of whites. Why don’t people on the US message board on the far left to say something about this. Instead of going off topic and of course, as we all know, they lie every day and make up the view that people who bring us these videos are racist. They make up total nonsense arguments.
Mainly because it doesn't happen that much.
With the exception of Russia, all of the countries practicing slavery today are non-white; including African nations. Western whites ceased the practice 150+ years ago.

Why is slavery practiced TODAY by so many non-whites?
There are slaves in Britain. So tell me why do right wing whites still practice racism in America long after slavery ended and 59 years after the civil rights act was passed?
A few examples of anecdotal evidence is opinion, not fact. Do you have any crime statistics to back up your opinion?
There are slaves in Britain. So tell me why do right wing whites still practice racism in America long after slavery ended and 59 years after the civil rights act was passed?
There are slaves in the United Kingdom??? That’s news to me. Even if you verify that, it will pail in comparison to the volume of non-white countries practicing slavery today. Also, you are trying to perpetuate the false narrative that ALL and ONLY right wing whites are racist. Seriously? Racism can be found all over the globe…. Even among the liberal whites that you support. Liberal Whites don’t believe minorities are capable of getting a free state-issued ID card. Do you believe that?

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