These are the allegations in the Joe Biden impeachment inquiry

The two impeachment charges against him were lying under oath to a federal grand jury (i.e. perjury) and obstruction of justice. These are easily verifiable facts. Why are Democrats so willfully ignorant? You people really think he was charged with getting a blowjob. Tells me that you get all your political information from late night comedians.
To be exact, the charge wasn't perjury.

William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious,
false and misleading testimony to the grand jury

Perjury requires the answers be germane to the case.
I look forward to the evidence proving these being presented under oath and with cross examination
Well so far Comer in congress hasn't been able to substantiate anything actually done by Joe Biden. And half his witnesses actually provided exculpatory evidence. Such as Devon Archer, who in his 20 phone calls, never heard Biden discuss business with his son Hunter.
Tax returns with money Joe can't account for would be nice.
An actual witness who can testify under oath that Joe did anything other than say "Hi" to his son during a business meeting.
An actual benefit that ANY of Hunter's customers got from the Vice President (who actually has no official power other than presiding over the senate and waiting for the president to die.)

Any of those would be nice.
Ok, well let’s see how this plays out. That’s why it’s called an inquiry…
Is there any evidence that would be acceptable to you?

any wrong-doing by Joe Biden.
The "nO eViDEnCe!" crowd can ignore this.

Abuse of power, obstruction and corruption.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced the House is launching an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden, citing at least six separate allegations that led to the decision.

First, he cited the House Oversight Committee’s findings that Biden “did lie to the American people about his own knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings.”

Second, McCarthy also cited bank records that show “nearly $20 million in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies.”

Third, McCarthy also said the Treasury Department has “more than 150 transactions involving the Biden family and other business associates that were flagged as suspicious activity by U.S. banks.”

Fourth, McCarthy cited an FBI informant who alleged that the president and his son both received bribes of $5 million each.

Fifth, McCarthy cited Biden using “his official office to coordinate with Hunter Biden’s business partners about Hunter’s role in Burisma Ukrainian energy company,” referring to recent revelations from Hunter Biden’s laptop that then-Vice President Biden used private or alias accounts to send government information to Hunter.

Finally, McCarthy said — likely in reference to the Justice Department’s handling of its investigation of Hunter Biden, “Despite the serious allegations, it appears that the president’s family has been offered special treatment by Biden’s own administration — treatment that [they] not otherwise would have received if they were not related to the President.”

No evidence, just accusations.

Most of them aren't even against Joe Biden. They're against 'The Biden Family'. President Biden isn't responsible for his family's actions, dumbass.

Face it, ya got nothing against Joe Biden except delusions!
You don't make a plea deal if you aren't being prosecuted.
You said he was never prosecuted for perjury.
You are wrong.

In fact the NY Judge assessed him with a heavy fine for lying under oath. That's what perjury is if you don't know.
Bill Clinton was never prosecuted for perjury. FACT

try and find a credible link that says Bill Clinton was prosecuted for a perjury. You won't find one. Because you people swallow shit other people make up
Bill Clinton was never prosecuted for perjury. FACT

try and find a credible link that says Bill Clinton was prosecuted for a perjury. You won't find one. Because you people swallow shit other people make up
I posted my credible link that says he was. Post your link that says he wasn't. Then we can discuss fact.


  1. the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation:
This issue has been settled long ago, bubba.

Bill paid a fine and lost his license.

The prosecutor dropped the case because of the agreement, but Bill Clinton admitted that he lied in front of a Grand Jury....and that's why they impeached him.
three factual quotes:
the articles of impeachment charged him with perjury and obstruction of justice

Clinton was acquitted on both articles of impeachment, with neither receiving the two-thirds majority needed for a conviction, and remained in office.

fmr President Clinton does not have a criminal conviction. Nor was he charged with a crime.

and it's easy to refute imbeciles who listened to dopes like FOX News Napolitano

Independent Counsel Robert Ray made a deal with fmr President Clinton on Clinton's last day in office. The deal was that Clinton would admit wrongdoing and accept, without challenge, a few forms of punishment (including a 5-year disbarment in Arkansas... technically a suspension of license to practice rather than a disbarment). At the time the deal was made, Clinton was not charged, so he obviously also was not indicted (because one has to be charged before being indicted).

In exchange for agreeing to the penalties, fmr President Clinton would not be criminally charged after leaving office (remember he made the deal on the last day in office). Which means that even that with which Clinton was being threatened was not what Napolitano claimed. Clinton was not threatened with getting charged or indicted as a sitting President. Clinton avoided an almost certain indictment and a possible conviction which would have been initiated after leaving office.
I posted my credible link that says he was. Post your link that says he wasn't. Then we can discuss fact.


  1. the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation:
You posted a credible link claiming Bill Clinton was prosecuted for perjury? In what universe?
You posted a credible link claiming Bill Clinton was prosecuted for perjury? In what universe?
In this one in response to your post. Now again post your credible source saying Clinton was never prosecuted for perjury.
"A New York Judge, SCOTUS, and the Arkansas Bar all disagree with you." regarding me stating Bill Clinton was never prosecuted for perjury.

you/Mud said "He took a plea deal to avoid being found guilty of perjury."

It was to avoid any future prosecutions, where in a court of law a defendant has the presumption of innocence. If it were about being guilty the court should've taken the case.

perjury as a legal term. not lying as the public sees it.

you are misrepresenting facts:

On his last day in office, Clinton agreed to accept a five-year suspension of his Arkansas law license.

In exchange, Clinton will receive immunity from further prosecution and avoids a possible indictment on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice after he leaves office.

Clinton acknowledged he knowingly gave false answers to questions about Lewinsky when he was deposed in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case. Clinton said today’s agreement brings “complete closure” to the matter.

“I tried to walk a fine line between acting lawfully and testifying falsely, but I now recognize that I did not fully accomplish that goal and that certain of my responses to questions about Ms. Lewinsky were false,” Clinton said in a written statement read by Press Secretary Jake Siewert.

please stop lying. It's turned into trolling
Link/Cite the court, the prosecutor, and the judge involving your imaginary prosecution of Bill Clinton for perjury.
I did. But here's another source. Are you deliberately continuing to demand sources from me while you have no intention of supporting your own argument?

The prosecutor was Ken Starr, special counsel appointed to investigate the allegations against Clinton. He returned 11 counts of crimes including perjury and obstruction of justice. The House voted articles of impeachment based specificially on those two crimes.

"In December 1998, President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House for perjury and obstruction of justice. The charges had to with his testimony denying a sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, testimony given during a deposition for a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by another woman, Paula Jones. In the Senate, the perjury charge received forty-five votes, and the obstruction of justice charge received fifty votes, both falling short of the two-thirds threshold for removal. . ."
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