These are the "People" We are Allowing in This Country

Squeals the INCEL who won't condemn the rape and murder of innocent concert goers.
Lol. You know all about what Hamas did, but nothing about the atrocities the IDF is doing. Proving you’re an establishment dupe.

Why have you gotten on your knees for old Joe?
Lol. You know all about what Hamas did, but nothing about the atrocities the IDF is doing. Proving you’re an establishment dupe.

Why have you gotten on your knees for old Joe?
What "atrocities?"
Lol. You know all about what Hamas did, but nothing about the atrocities the IDF is doing. Proving you’re an establishment dupe.

Why have you gotten on your knees for old Joe?

And still you refuse to condemn ham-ass and their rape and murder of foreign nationals at the music festival.

Hypocrisy is your middle name, douchebag.
Ever since that shithead Jimmy Carter was President we have let all kinds of low life Third World welfare queens into this country. From everywhere. So just now we are finding out what is wrong with a woke immigration policy? What a dumbass country I live in.
That is debatable…”vast majority”?

There is a lot of ongoing propaganda circulating both from Hamas and Israel, somewhere in the truths and histories.

Hamas barely won the election, by only a few seats. It remained fairly unpopular, based on polling, after it forcibly took power.

Moreover, half (50%) agreed with the following proposal: “Hamas should stop calling for Israel’s destruction, and instead accept a permanent two-state solution based on the 1967 borders.” Moreover, across the region, Hamas has lost popularity over time among many Arab publics. This decline in popularity may have been one of the motivating factors behind the group’s decision to attack.

In fact, Gazan frustration with Hamas governance is clear; most Gazans expressed a preference for PA administration and security officials over Hamas—the majority of Gazans (70%) supported a proposal of the PA sending “officials and security officers to Gaza to take over the administration there, with Hamas giving up separate armed units,” including 47% who strongly agreed. Nor is this a new view—this proposal has had majority support in Gaza since first polled by The Washington Institute in 2014.

In regards to ”hate” and “just working with them”. What does that mean?

Does it mean a 2-state solution
? Netanyahu has never been a proponent and has pretty much dismantled it. Israel has steadily increased its building of settlements, further dividing and breaking up the territory that was supposed to be a Palestinian state In addition to splitting the Gaza Palestinians from the Westbank Palestinians. It has systematically weakened the PA as a deliberate strategy. Support for a 2-state solution was high among the Palestinians.

Does it mean a 1-State solution? That seems far-fetched and even less likely than a 2-state solution.

Does it mean some variation on the status quo? A continuation of the policies that led to this? A 56 yr occupation with no end? A semi-autonomy under Israeli military control, military justice system and few rights and freedoms?

The Jews aren’t leaving, nor should they, this is their country too. Yet shouldn’t we also accept the fact that Palestinians aren’t going to conveniently go away either? Yet, that is what some in this Israeli government have called for, mass expulsion whether officially or attrition by the tacit approval (if not direct) of settler led violence and vigilantism in the West Bank.
So half of Palestinians support genocide against the Jews.
Isn’t it the height of hypocrisy that these crazed warmongers like to bemoan those who died on 10/7, yet they are all in on mass murdering innocent Pali women and children?

They're all fuvking lying hypocrites.
Nobody “died’ on 10/7, they were murdered by terrorist vermin that you worship, scum.

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