These are the things Republicans need to learn from Trump...and fast....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If Republicans want to win, they need to follow the examples of Scott Walker and Ted Cruz....and Donald is an article and the most important point is this....

Five Big Things The Other Candidates Can Learn From Donald Trump - John Hawkins - Page full

4) Being Willing To Fight: What good is a Republican Party that wins at the ballot box and STILL loses every ideological battle to the Left? A lot of conservatives have been asking themselves that question lately because that’s what we’ve been seeing for the last few years. Other than a few conservatives with brass cojones like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Louie Gohmert and Tim Scott, the Republican party in D.C. seems to think they should be able to win fights with the Left without anyone getting mad at them. The only thing most Republicans are willing to fight for is the agenda of the Mr. Burns clones at the Chamber of Commerce and the only people they’re willing to go to the mat against are their own supporters.

On the other hand, Donald Trump just took on the Democrats, the media, pundits who don’t like him and half the establishment Republicans in Washington and HE WON. Suddenly, Democrats are nervous. The media and other GOP candidates are talking about sanctuary cities. There has even been a bill introduced in Congress to curtail them. This isn’t because a woman was murdered. Sadly, American citizens are raped and murdered by illegal aliens literally every day of the week.

It’s because Donald Trump had the courage to stand in there and fight when 98% of the Republicans in Congress would have folded like a tent. Not only did Trump refuse to fold, he doubled down, issued press releases defending his position, and he threatened to sue businesses that broke contracts with him.

There are plenty of Republicans -- Mitt Romney, John McCain and John Boehner included -- who pull out the brass knuckles when they’re fighting other Republicans and then roll over on their bellies like lapdogs when they have to take on the Democrats.

Trump has already proven he’s made of sterner stuff.
The democrats might finally be seeing Republicans who aren't afraid to take them on, who don't buy into the "you're a meany if you don't do what we want." And we might actually have some Repbulicans who don't spit out "I can reach across the aisle," as a virtue instead of the weakness we know that it is. A real fighter makes the other side reach across to him, and makes them see things his way....

That is why christie is a joke, he already played the "I can work with the other side," Bullshit that Dole, Romney, and McCain failed with.
That's a lot of Trump's appeal... People are tired of career politicians who just want to maintain the status quo and place more emphasis on pleasing the lobbyists and special interests than looking out for the voters....
That's a lot of Trump's appeal... People are tired of career politicians who just want to maintain the status quo and place more emphasis on pleasing the lobbyists and special interests than looking out for the voters....

Rush made the point this week....when you listen to the career criminal and the woman who helped her husband rape women, she and the other lefty statist, racists on the democrat side.....they never say they can "reach across the aisle" or "work with the other side" all they say is that republicans hate Mexicans, hate black people, want to steal from the poor, and push old people off of cliffs....

And gee, I wonder why republicans lose at the Presidential level...........
The GOP sits around trying to figure out which Prog policy they want to adopt next. Should they be pro abortion or pro illegal immigration or maybe just tackle both at the same time.
Cant teach old dog new tricks,,,,especially when they dont want to learn. The task is to pick the person who best matches those things now.
I missed something

The article said Trump took on the Democrats, and won.

On what issue did he take the Democrats on? What did he win?
I don't think the author of the article knows what he is talking about.
We have a great example in the Congressional GOP leadership. Instead of standing up and using their majority to push for the very things the PEOPLE elected them to do, they roll over and try to "work with" the opposition.

Dingy Harry and Queen Nancy have to be rolling over laughing.

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