They are Americans

Where do you get this "racial" crap from? What do you think a soldier is there for? Our military is there fighting for "our side," with our weapons, paid for with our tax dollars, designed by our engineers, and that means us, our nation, our interests. Soldiers defend territories, territories are national, legal, political zones, ie, NATIONS, hence, N A T I O N A L.

Race doesn't even enter into the equation.
Except that he specifically mentioned the word 'white.'

Also, a nation is not the same as a country, a state, or a union, which is why we have different words for each. A nation is a group of people; we are part of America because we are part of a group of people who all call ourselves Americans. We are all still part of the American nation even if we go to another country (which is a piece of land) or step into the jurisdiction of another sovereign state or union (which are political entities).

People use the words interchangeably (as I said above), but their Poli-Sci definitions are where the word nationalism comes from. It means adherence to your nation of people, which could be Americans but could also be the Iroquois or the Kurds or Christians or Sikhs or Black people or white people. Therefore, someone's allegiance toward the nation of white people is what the world means when they say "white nationalism."

And that's what Senator Tuberville said. He didn't just say "nationalists," he said white nationalists. That's an entirely different thing.
Except that he specifically mentioned the word 'white.'
He was merely repeating the term that others are using because THEY used it first. It was not intended as exclusive.

Also, a nation is not the same as a country, a state, or a union, which is why we have different words for each.
All synonyms, not different things; English is REPLETE with multiple words which all express the same thought in slightly different ways. Each refers to a territory defined by land boundaries and the people within.

And that's what Senator Tuberville said. He didn't just say "nationalists," he said white nationalists.
Again, he was merely using the same phrase thrown at him time and time again to point out that, just as racism isn't color blind, nationalism, national pride or patriotism isn't either, and that national pride or nationalism is actually a GOOD thing, especially in your combat people there putting their lives on the line for you (and their) NATION.

The "white" part only enters into it because the leftwing race-baiters keep using it as a derogatory trying to cloud the issue for political ends.
Tommy wants to act like there is a such thing as a non racist white nationalist. Being a patriot who is a white dude is not being a white nationalist. He wants the line blurred cuz racist mofos are his constituents and he wants them to feel normal.
These are a few white nationalist organizations. Which ones are simply proud Americans?

dude, why are you a member of each....get woke and work for more welfare for hood rats
dude, why are you a member of each....get woke and work for more welfare for hood rats
This may help your postings become intelligible. Intelligible means able to understand.

Yes they are Tommy. Tuberville gets it right, nationalists are Americans. They are patriots. Nothing wrong with being a patriot.

---...a white nationalist is an American': GOP Sen. Tuberville---


Another racist thread from maga fuckups.
He was merely repeating the term that others are using because THEY used it first. It was not intended as exclusive.

All synonyms, not different things; English is REPLETE with multiple words which all express the same thought in slightly different ways. Each refers to a territory defined by land boundaries and the people within.

Again, he was merely using the same phrase thrown at him time and time again to point out that, just as racism isn't color blind, nationalism, national pride or patriotism isn't either, and that national pride or nationalism is actually a GOOD thing, especially in your combat people there putting their lives on the line for you (and their) NATION.

The "white" part only enters into it because the leftwing race-baiters keep using it as a derogatory trying to cloud the issue for political ends.
The term “White Nationalists” did not come from the left or racebaiters but the White Nationalists themselves. They invented it to replace “White Supremacists” and normalize their views and make themselves sound less overtly racists.

In my opinion, in combat, you want patriotic people, not necessarily nationalists. Nationalism is too often a tool of extreme ideologies….and around the world we seem to be heading towards that.
The media is going to learn that folks from Alabama don't get bent out of shape when the media tries to frame rhetoric in an inflammatory way. He's one of my senators and I'm quite pleased with his work so far.
Roll Tide!
The term “White Nationalists” did not come from the left or racebaiters but the White Nationalists themselves. They invented it to replace “White Supremacists” and normalize their views and make themselves sound less overtly racists.

In my opinion, in combat, you want patriotic people, not necessarily nationalists. Nationalism is too often a tool of extreme ideologies….and around the world we seem to be heading towards that.

BULLSHIT. Nationalism, is simply the diametric opposite of the spectral scale from globalism. At one extreme, your center of reference is the globe; in nationalism, the central frame of reference is your own country. One puts the planet ahead in consideration first of all else while the latter puts what is best for your own country ahead first of all else.

Patriotism and nationalism are merely synonymous with the other as you cannot be patriotic to your country without also putting the needs of your nation first as well--- nationalism. You have fallen into the trap of confusing simple healthy nationalism which was prevalent around the world throughout history with extremism when extremism can take so many other forms. No one who doesn't put their nation first cannot be said to be PATRIOTIC to that nation, PERIOD.

The Left spun all of this into "white" nationalism a few years ago as if people of other races cannot also be similarly patriotic as if race had anything to do with loyalty/patriotism when in fact, it is merely a BELIEF system, just as they try to claim that racism and bigotry are a failing limited only to white people even though racism and bigotry are part of the natural human condition we all suffer. And anyone who tells themself differently is simply lying to themselves and can easily be disproven logically.

The left are trying to conflagrate the simple act of patriotic nationalism/pride/loyalty as a WHITE, RACIST thing with Aryan supremacist/extremist views as a way of delegitimizing everyone who doesn't comport with leftwing socialistic radical globalist views to take them out of the election picture in an attempt to monopolize elections completely into a one-party system, and you know this as well as I do. Please do not take me for a fool.

America would never have won a world war or gone to the Moon without national pride/nationalism/patriotism. It's all the same thing. Sorry you've been so lied to that it has blinded you/brainwashed you into believing differently.

Oh and don't ever call me a keyboard warrior ever again. I merely speak the truth that I know the VAST majority will agree with, while truth can still be spoken in this country.
The term “White Nationalists” did not come from the left or racebaiters but the White Nationalists themselves. They invented it to replace “White Supremacists” and normalize their views and make themselves sound less overtly racists.

In my opinion, in combat, you want patriotic people, not necessarily nationalists. Nationalism is too often a tool of extreme ideologies….and around the world we seem to be heading towards that.

tommy tubberville couldn't explain what a white supremist was because he is a racist.
All synonyms, not different things; English is REPLETE with multiple words which all express the same thought in slightly different ways. Each refers to a territory defined by land boundaries and the people within.
That's what I was alluding to in my earlier post; in casual conversation or as political spin, people often use nation, country, state, and union interchangeably. In political science, though, a nation is a function of society, not geography or politics, and that definition is where the term nationalism gets its meaning.

Nationalism isn't just the love of American values; it is placing Americans above all others with the rest below, and demanding that it gets more of the benefits of society. White nationalism is the same belief, just for white people. I hope you can see how that kind of demand is, to put it lightly, bad.
people often use nation, country, state, and union interchangeably.
Well, a state is not really interchangeable as it pertains to a subset of a nation, and a union is an even broader term, but nation and country?

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Pretty much synonymous with each other so of course people use them interchangeably, so, nationalism is really just prioritizing one's country first ahead of others, the de facto standard mode of thinking throughout mankind's history, which is what makes this discussion so absurd. What next, back to arguing what a woman is???

In political science, though, a nation is a function of society, not geography or politics, and that definition is where the term nationalism gets its meaning.
If you say so, but no one here is arguing some arcane political /science/ in the everyday lexicon of calling people Nazis, terrorists or racists just for taking pride in one's country over all other countries.

Nationalism isn't just the love of American values; it is placing Americans above all others with the rest below, and demanding that it gets more of the benefits of society.
When a father or mother acts for the best interests of their family, putting their household and children's interests ahead of all families in general, that is just another expression of "nationalism," taking care of one's own. Are you now going to start calling all parents racist? Do you know any parents who don't put their own family, household and children first? That is what is so stupid about this argument and the claims of some of you people. America used to be a family, a team, united, until the radical, deranged Left took over and tore us apart.

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Here are two sources right from the web---- do you see one word about racism in either one? Nope. Nationalism is a GREAT thing. It is a NORMAL thing. It is the PREFERRED, COMMON state of most people throughout history. And it still is, except with befuddled, confused, brainwashed white American liberals.

White nationalism is the same belief, just for white people.
Who says? And if we accept white nationalism for white people, then we must accept black nationalism, brown nationalism, yellow nationalism and red nationalism for black, brown, yellow and red people. I mean, what do you think the Black Panthers are? Don't you see that these are artificial and unnecessary subsets of nationalism? Because nationalism applies to ALL people! So why conflate it into a means of trying to DIVIDE people up, much less claim that just because white people put white people first and black people put black people first, that this is any different from normal family interests? It is NORMAL for people to congregate according to common interests just as cheetahs congregate with cheetahs and tigers congregate with tigers, but would you call THEM racist?

LOOK--- the point here is not that there isn't racist people out there, but the danger here is in wrongly ascribing racism to EVERYONE who simply takes pride in their country and wants to put their country first before worrying about other countries by putting unnecessary and inaccurate labels on them! Bottom line is that it is simply bullshit to claim that being nationalistic (of any color or none) is the same as the kind of Aryan Supremacism mentality sponsored by Hitler 100 years ago!

Now, I want to see Coyote read this and give me another disagree on these points! Where are you Mrs. C??? Nationalism in its native form is simply that which is on the far end of the scale from GLOBALISM. One might almost argue this is as much an ECONOMIC mindset as it is a social or political one.
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Yes they are Tommy. Tuberville gets it right, nationalists are Americans. They are patriots. Nothing wrong with being a patriot.

---...a white nationalist is an American': GOP Sen. Tuberville---

I wouldn’t say they are patriots but they are Americans
The word 'nationalist' has been successfully redefined by the Marxist left to mean 'Nazi.' Just like they redefined abortion clinics to be 'women's health' clinics. Just like they redefined sex to include homos.
The word 'nationalist' has been successfully redefined by the Marxist left to mean 'Nazi.' Just like they redefined abortion clinics to be 'women's health' clinics. Just like they redefined sex to include homos.

Don't forget now that two guys boning each other up the ass now constitutes a "marriage."

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