They are Americans

These are a few white nationalist organizations. Which ones are simply proud Americans?

There are so few of these organizations that they are not impactful on the body politic in the least. On the other hand, BLM is an anti-American Marxist party that approves the use of violence and has the implicit support (sometimes outright support) of the federal gubmint.
Yes they are Tommy. Tuberville gets it right, nationalists are Americans. They are patriots. Nothing wrong with being a patriot.

---...a white nationalist is an American': GOP Sen. Tuberville---

You have black nationalist you have white nationalists if they want to use that word who cares. As long as they are good, decent people. Whether they go to a church where they go to a mosque whatever it might be. As long as they’re good people, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a white man or black man looking back on their history and being proud of it. In fact, one should actually argue it’s vital to being a man to being strong minded to being stoic. It’s really important to be proud of where you come from.

The history of Africa, the history of Europe it’s really important for people who come from there to be proud of it.
The word 'nationalist' has been successfully redefined by the Marxist left to mean 'Nazi.' Just like they redefined abortion clinics to be 'women's health' clinics. Just like they redefined sex to include homos.
Idiot do you not know that NAZI is a acronym?
Don't forget now that two guys boning each other up the ass now constitutes a "marriage."
No, it constitutes sex. Just like to heterosexual people meeting up on a grindr date.

Don't you know that hillbilly.
The word 'nationalist' has been successfully redefined by the Marxist left to mean 'Nazi.'
Exactly. Nationalist = Patriot.

Tuberville is just trying to make sure we have a top notch army just like we did in WWII.
Yes they are Tommy. Tuberville gets it right, nationalists are Americans. They are patriots. Nothing wrong with being a patriot.

---...a white nationalist is an American': GOP Sen. Tuberville---

White Nationalists are racists. You can be a racist American. Our nation's history is full of them.
You have black nationalist you have white nationalists if they want to use that word who cares. As long as they are good, decent people. Whether they go to a church where they go to a mosque whatever it might be. As long as they’re good people, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a white man or black man looking back on their history and being proud of it. In fact, one should actually argue it’s vital to being a man to being strong minded to being stoic. It’s really important to be proud of where you come from.

The history of Africa, the history of Europe it’s really important for people who come from there to be proud of it.
White Nationalist is just the new name for White Supremacist it doesn't have a damn thing to do with history.
Of course they are Americans. Racist Americans.
Wrong, you bigoted creep. You’re being exactly what Tuberville warned about. Democrats intentionally misinterpreting terminology to apply to Americans. In Tuberville’s interpretation, the white aspect is only a descriptive, not a proclamation. As a proclamation it’s racist. Just like BET. As a descriptive it’s just that; a descriptive.
Democrat bigot opportunists and their stupid dupes like you look for the opportunity to make accusations of racism for the purpose of wittingly or unwittingly destroying American culture.
Wrong, you bigoted creep. You’re being exactly what Tuberville warned about. Democrats intentionally misinterpreting terminology to apply to Americans. In Tuberville’s interpretation, the white aspect is only a descriptive, not a proclamation. As a proclamation it’s racist. Just like BET. As a descriptive it’s just that; a descriptive.
Democrat bigot opportunists and their stupid dupes like you look for the opportunity to make accusations of racism for the purpose of wittingly or unwittingly destroying American culture.
White Nationalists are racists. Black Nationalists are racists. Quit trying to normalize racism.
White Nationalism

White nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity.[2][3][4] Many of its proponents identify with the concept of a white nation.[5]

White nationalists say they seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white states. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost in these countries.[4] Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of nonwhites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race.[6]
White Nationalism

White nationalism is a type of racial nationalism or pan-nationalism which espouses the belief that white people are a race[1] and seeks to develop and maintain a white racial and national identity.[2][3][4] Many of its proponents identify with the concept of a white nation.[5]

White nationalists say they seek to ensure the survival of the white race, and the cultures of historically white states. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost in these countries.[4] Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of nonwhites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race.[6]
That is a definition of white nationalism as proclamation. The descriptive of white nationalist is just that; a white person who is a patriot. Totally innocent.
But you and your American Pravda ilk are a blatant partisan bigots looking for opportunity to exercise your political bigotry.
That is a definition of white nationalism as proclamation. The descriptive of white nationalist is just that; a white person who is a patriot. Totally innocent.
But you and your American Pravda ilk are a blatant partisan bigots looking for opportunity to exercise your political bigotry.
You're arguing with people who don't care about our heritage.

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