They are letting Just anyone in..

Libya, Syria and Somalia do not have governments to provide vetting for the savage fighters coming here. There are no records, there is nothing. There might be some records at a terrorist bomb making camp but they would not be useful.
That's why records from other countries tracking terrorist activities are being used. If there were no records, it wouldn't take 18 months to vet them.
Libya, Syria and Somalia do not have governments to provide vetting for the savage fighters coming here. There are no records, there is nothing. There might be some records at a terrorist bomb making camp but they would not be useful.
That's why records from other countries tracking terrorist activities are being used. If there were no records, it wouldn't take 18 months to vet them.

oh yeah----"records" -------since the advent of computers -----ALL CRIME HAS BEEN VANQUISHED
Read up on what's really going on, Rustic. Then try again.

Only those whose visas have already been approved after vetting, and those with existing green cards (who have already been vetted, many of whom live and work here), are being let in.
The so called "vetting" that has been done is out of a cracker jack box....
Sure, Rustic. That's why NOT A SINGLE REFUGEE from any of these countries has carried out a terrorist attack in this country. Because we're not doing our job. If we can do it better, fine, but the place to focus is HERE and giving more tools to the FBI and Homeland to keep an eye on folks like the several terrorists the FBI had looked at and then closed investigations on. Maybe they need more people, maybe they need more freedom to keep cases open. I don't know what they need, but that's where the biggest screw ups seem to have been in the past two years.

I am not sure that no terrorist actions were done by immigrants from muzzie lands-----I am not sure which lands are on the list---but I do know that terrorist acts have been done by immigrants from muzzie lands in the USA------in fact one of the recent sluts with bombs on her stinking whorish ass was a Pakistani. ----I can name a few murderers---
does rashid baz ring a bell? is Lebanon on the list?. Remember the Pakistani kid who tried to bomb times square?
You kinda make my point for me, Rosie. Pakistan is not on the list of banned countries. I agree with you that if there has to be a ban, Pakistan should be among them. A lot of people get up to a lot of trouble there.
Why let any refuge in? We can't care for our own poor people so why let refuges in? Just so some politician can pat themselves on the back for being compassionate?
Read up on what's really going on, Rustic. Then try again.

Only those whose visas have already been approved after vetting, and those with existing green cards (who have already been vetted, many of whom live and work here), are being let in.
The so called "vetting" that has been done is out of a cracker jack box....
Sure, Rustic. That's why NOT A SINGLE REFUGEE from any of these countries has carried out a terrorist attack in this country. Because we're not doing our job. If we can do it better, fine, but the place to focus is HERE and giving more tools to the FBI and Homeland to keep an eye on folks like the several terrorists the FBI had looked at and then closed investigations on. Maybe they need more people, maybe they need more freedom to keep cases open. I don't know what they need, but that's where the biggest screw ups seem to have been in the past two years.

I can almost guarantee that there are big plans in the works..The 9/11 men were going back and forth to their countries and using American schools for years to get ready.
I find it stupid that he is banning some but not all of them..
Like that is going to stop anyone..
Libya, Syria and Somalia do not have governments to provide vetting for the savage fighters coming here. There are no records, there is nothing. There might be some records at a terrorist bomb making camp but they would not be useful.
WOW! Really? :rolleyes:

then we should have had thousands and thousands of terrorist attacks in the USA by refugees or terrorists from those countries just coming to the USA on the easy peasy pass button.
Why let any refuge in? We can't care for our own poor people so why let refuges in? Just so some politician can pat themselves on the back for being compassionate?
Don't play the poor card if you approve of the Wall.
Read up on what's really going on, Rustic. Then try again.

Only those whose visas have already been approved after vetting, and those with existing green cards (who have already been vetted, many of whom live and work here), are being let in.
The so called "vetting" that has been done is out of a cracker jack box....
Sure, Rustic. That's why NOT A SINGLE REFUGEE from any of these countries has carried out a terrorist attack in this country. Because we're not doing our job. If we can do it better, fine, but the place to focus is HERE and giving more tools to the FBI and Homeland to keep an eye on folks like the several terrorists the FBI had looked at and then closed investigations on. Maybe they need more people, maybe they need more freedom to keep cases open. I don't know what they need, but that's where the biggest screw ups seem to have been in the past two years.
It only takes one to fuck up the country, these refugees are not necessary for the health of this country
Why let any refuge in? We can't care for our own poor people so why let refuges in? Just so some politician can pat themselves on the back for being compassionate?
Don't play the poor card if you approve of the Wall.

Did you flunk math or are you just uninformed? Illegals cost us billions of dollars each year, the savings will quickly pay for the wall then free up billions we can spend on our own people. Run away with your tail tucked between your legs.
Libya, Syria and Somalia do not have governments to provide vetting for the savage fighters coming here. There are no records, there is nothing. There might be some records at a terrorist bomb making camp but they would not be useful.
WOW! Really? :rolleyes:

then we should have had thousands and thousands of terrorist attacks in the USA by refugees or terrorists from those countries just coming to the USA on the easy peasy pass button.

Exactly! And the fake news never reports all the massacres because of the liberals.

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