"They are not terrorists"? South under Hamas' fire, AGAIN

Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Sure it wasn't another false alarm, like on Thursday? Anyway where's Iron Dome? Have you all run out of missiles?
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.
The one you touching the electric fence? Israeli brutality at its best!

Oh, so you admit Gaza is surrounded by an electrified fence? Where have we seen that before?


Yeah, that's totally the same.

We also launched rockets from concentration camps.
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Sure it wasn't another false alarm, like on Thursday? Anyway where's Iron Dome? Have you all run out of missiles?

Iron dome isn't supposed to cover open fields, and it's the 10,000 that I point it out, what's one more time...
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.

LINK from a non partisan source ?
Published time: November 23, 2014 10:59

Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian farmer near the Gaza border, the Palestinian Health Ministry said. This is the first fatality since the latest tentative ceasefire agreement in August, when the 50-day Gaza war ended.

The ministry has identified the man as Fadel Mohammed Halawa, 32. He was allegedly shot dead to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp. According to the man’s relatives, he was out in search of song birds, who inhabit trees located near the border. They are said to be quite expensive in Gaza's markets.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian farmer along Gaza border RT News

Did you read your Russian state media report then tinny, as it is full of statements like

Palestinian sources say

the Palestinian Health Ministry said

He was allegedly shot dead to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp

the bullet hit Halawa in the back and was most likely fired from a nearby army watchtower.

Then the Israelis followed protocol and called for him to leave which he ignored, they fired warning shots in the air and he still did not leave so they fired at the man. Nothing more than a common terrorists up to no good.
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.
The one you touching the electric fence? Israeli brutality at its best!

Oh, so you admit Gaza is surrounded by an electrified fence? Where have we seen that before?


Yeah, that's totally the same.

We also launched rockets from concentration camps.

No, you dropped bombs, fired missiles and artillery shells into the concentration camp that is Gaza.
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Sure it wasn't another false alarm, like on Thursday? Anyway where's Iron Dome? Have you all run out of missiles?

Iron dome isn't supposed to cover open fields, and it's the 10,000 that I point it out, what's one more time...

Your report stated, "...a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol..." that implies it was very close. So what really happened then was that, assuming it really wasn't a false alarm, a projectile of some description landed in some open fields, miles away from anyone. No harm done, nothing to get worked up about, nothing to see, just a siren going off. Not much of a story is it? Probably why the article has to jazz it up with implied danger/aggression/terror. No-one buys a paper saying nothing much happened today, do they?
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.

LINK from a non partisan source ?
Published time: November 23, 2014 10:59

Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian farmer near the Gaza border, the Palestinian Health Ministry said. This is the first fatality since the latest tentative ceasefire agreement in August, when the 50-day Gaza war ended.

The ministry has identified the man as Fadel Mohammed Halawa, 32. He was allegedly shot dead to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp. According to the man’s relatives, he was out in search of song birds, who inhabit trees located near the border. They are said to be quite expensive in Gaza's markets.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian farmer along Gaza border RT News

Did you read your Russian state media report then tinny, as it is full of statements like

Palestinian sources say

the Palestinian Health Ministry said

He was allegedly shot dead to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp

the bullet hit Halawa in the back and was most likely fired from a nearby army watchtower.

Then the Israelis followed protocol and called for him to leave which he ignored, they fired warning shots in the air and he still did not leave so they fired at the man. Nothing more than a common terrorists up to no good.

Wait, "THEN the Israelis followed protocol and called for him to leave" after they'd shot him, hmm. In the back? hmm, that implies he was in the process of retreating when some gun-happy IDF thug decided to kill him anyway, just to relieve the boredom.
I also find it very suspicious right after EU re-evaluates Hamas as a terrorist org. that Israel blows its siren stating Gaza fired a rocket, which they are searching for. So predictable.

Not as predictable as team Palestine coming on denying that anything happened and blaming the Israeli's of making it up.
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
I and the rest of the world are oblivious of Israels BULLSHITERY.......Its Time.....for a Palestinian State....The Jews of Israel never intended to have Peace........Time to bring in the UN forces and return the stolen Pali-Land.

You had over 60 years to play fair.......you didn't and you never would have.....Mr Peres that bastion of real Jewishness agrees...........You have played your hand.....Israel only for Jews......your idea of Freedom and Democracy...is a joke......All real Democracys allow freedom of faith and equality to all......your proposed elimination of all,... but Jews has ranked you as a Paraih State.........No more money should be allowed to be sent to Israel and sanctions imposed immediately

Well done the EU...Its time for the US to follow suit............By the way you treat the Palestinians makes your Crocodile Tears hollow......You cried wolf too often...........I always said the demise of Israel will be of its own doing.....because the different factions HATE each other........of course the Zionist Terrorists are to blame,you only need their history to fine out why.

Haven't you heard there is a Palestinian state, and has been since 1988, it is just that the Palestinians don't want to take up statehood because they would have to work for a living then.

And when did they acquire this "pali land" can you produce the treaty that gave them the land from either of its last two legal owners ?

Will you be saying well done when the EU turns round and demands that Palestine enforces the charters it has recently signed. Or the court finds the appeal to be valid and returns hamas to full terrorist status.

Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.

LINK from a non partisan source ?
You and your bloody LINKS ? STINK

Team Palestine started it so now they get it back 10 times over.
So challenger, you don't care about the mental anguish that rocket sirens cause? Nice.
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.
The one you touching the electric fence? Israeli brutality at its best!

Oh, so you admit Gaza is surrounded by an electrified fence? Where have we seen that before?


Between Saudi and Yemen of course, were more arab muslims are shot dead in one month that Israel has shot in 66 years.

Saudi Yemen barrier - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva

Sure it wasn't another false alarm, like on Thursday? Anyway where's Iron Dome? Have you all run out of missiles?

Iron dome isn't supposed to cover open fields, and it's the 10,000 that I point it out, what's one more time...

Your report stated, "...a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol..." that implies it was very close. So what really happened then was that, assuming it really wasn't a false alarm, a projectile of some description landed in some open fields, miles away from anyone. No harm done, nothing to get worked up about, nothing to see, just a siren going off. Not much of a story is it? Probably why the article has to jazz it up with implied danger/aggression/terror. No-one buys a paper saying nothing much happened today, do they?

I wonder how you would react if "a projectile" landed not that far away from you. I can see you now running round looking for some clean clothes after you soiled the ones you were wearing. We had a Pakistani muslim posting on a British board who'e screen name was maro Mahan, Urdu for shitty knickers as that is what he did when faced with any danger
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.

LINK from a non partisan source ?
Published time: November 23, 2014 10:59

Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian farmer near the Gaza border, the Palestinian Health Ministry said. This is the first fatality since the latest tentative ceasefire agreement in August, when the 50-day Gaza war ended.

The ministry has identified the man as Fadel Mohammed Halawa, 32. He was allegedly shot dead to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp. According to the man’s relatives, he was out in search of song birds, who inhabit trees located near the border. They are said to be quite expensive in Gaza's markets.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian farmer along Gaza border RT News

Did you read your Russian state media report then tinny, as it is full of statements like

Palestinian sources say

the Palestinian Health Ministry said

He was allegedly shot dead to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp

the bullet hit Halawa in the back and was most likely fired from a nearby army watchtower.

Then the Israelis followed protocol and called for him to leave which he ignored, they fired warning shots in the air and he still did not leave so they fired at the man. Nothing more than a common terrorists up to no good.

Wait, "THEN the Israelis followed protocol and called for him to leave" after they'd shot him, hmm. In the back? hmm, that implies he was in the process of retreating when some gun-happy IDF thug decided to kill him anyway, just to relieve the boredom.

Try again without twisting the words round. He was asked to leave the area as he should not be there, he refused and the shots were fired in the air. He still refused and so was shot at. It is only the Palestinian sources that say he was shot in the back. No doubt some hamas/fatah spat that resulted in an innocent bystander getting shot AGAIN.
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.

LINK from a non partisan source ?
Published time: November 23, 2014 10:59

Israeli forces have shot dead a Palestinian farmer near the Gaza border, the Palestinian Health Ministry said. This is the first fatality since the latest tentative ceasefire agreement in August, when the 50-day Gaza war ended.

The ministry has identified the man as Fadel Mohammed Halawa, 32. He was allegedly shot dead to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp. According to the man’s relatives, he was out in search of song birds, who inhabit trees located near the border. They are said to be quite expensive in Gaza's markets.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian farmer along Gaza border RT News

Did you read your Russian state media report then tinny, as it is full of statements like

Palestinian sources say

the Palestinian Health Ministry said

He was allegedly shot dead to the east of the Jabalya refugee camp

the bullet hit Halawa in the back and was most likely fired from a nearby army watchtower.

Then the Israelis followed protocol and called for him to leave which he ignored, they fired warning shots in the air and he still did not leave so they fired at the man. Nothing more than a common terrorists up to no good.
By shooting an unarmed civilian in Palestine.

Israel's typical one sides ceasefire. It doesn't apply to them.
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.​

Israel already broke the truce a week or two ago by killing a farmer.
The one you touching the electric fence? Israeli brutality at its best!

Oh, so you admit Gaza is surrounded by an electrified fence? Where have we seen that before?

So Jews were sending suicide bombers into Euopean cities?
Thank you, Europe.
A rocket was fired from Gaza early Friday afternoon, breaking the truce reached at the end of the last Hamas terror war.

"Color red" rocket warning sirens were sounded in communities in the Eshkol Regional Council area just outside of Gaza, and shortly thereafter it was reported that a rocket struck just outside a community in Eshkol; no wounds or damage were reported.

On Thursday there was a false alarm in Be'er Sheva, with rocket sirenssounding reportedly due to a technical malfunction.

The attack comes a day after Hamas held its largest military exercise since Operation Protective Edge on the ruins of two former Israeli villages - Dugit and Nissanit - in Gaza which were evacuated in the 2005 Disengagement plan, allowing Hamas to take over.

In the past few months, since the end of Operation Protective Edge, various incidents have occurred indicating Hamas' attempt to rebuild and regain military strength.

Gaza Rocket Lands Outside of Eshkol Town - Defense Security - News - Arutz Sheva
I and the rest of the world are oblivious of Israels BULLSHITERY.......Its Time.....for a Palestinian State....The Jews of Israel never intended to have Peace........Time to bring in the UN forces and return the stolen Pali-Land.

You had over 60 years to play fair.......you didn't and you never would have.....Mr Peres that bastion of real Jewishness agrees...........You have played your hand.....Israel only for Jews......your idea of Freedom and Democracy...is a joke......All real Democracys allow freedom of faith and equality to all......your proposed elimination of all,... but Jews has ranked you as a Paraih State.........No more money should be allowed to be sent to Israel and sanctions imposed immediately

Well done the EU...Its time for the US to follow suit............By the way you treat the Palestinians makes your Crocodile Tears hollow......You cried wolf too often...........I always said the demise of Israel will be of its own doing.....because the different factions HATE each other........of course the Zionist Terrorists are to blame,you only need their history to fine out why.

Boy do you have things extremely twisted. The Palestinians had over 60 years to play nice. THEY do not want peace. They want all of Israel. They absolutely do not deserve a country. There are enough Arab countries anyway, why make another one for a fake people ?
The Palestinians are just a thorn in the side of the world.

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