They Aren’t ‘Migrants,’ They Are Illegal Aliens

PS -- I'm not sure what the rules are here about saying what, but to be appropriately coy and polite, if you post further replies to me and are met with silence, please don't assume I necessarily read them. Bye.
you can't stand the heat, can you?--and you just got here!!!!!
It almost feels unfair to point out that your own post is blatant hate-mongering from a clearly hateful person.

The people I know from our south are far better, more honest, more moral, and harder-working people than you seem to be, from the limited sample size of your nasty post. I don't consider humans to be cockroaches, least of all those who are less privileged and entitled than US-born whiners (who got every advantage by virtue of being born, and STILL are too worthless to make anything of themselves), i.e. those immigrants who and are doing everything they can to make it work for themselves and their loved ones.

Perhaps "BrokeLoser" is a perfect handle -- and perhaps working hard, saving up, ending the mental hate games against people you don't know, and similar measures might make you self-identify in a more positive way (because, you know, you would actually merit a better self-description with different and more useful life choices)? Just spitballing, I don't know you and maybe I have it all wrong. But if I don't respond to your hate-posts in the future, please don't assume I have read them and have no response ... no offernse, it's like how I don't read Nazi literature for example, and that's not because they're so undeniably compelling.
who gives a shit if you respond or not? not I....if you don't enjoy the reading here, stay away...this is AMERICA---nobody has to agree w/you, weather you like it or not
--'those immigrants who and are doing everything they can to make it work for themselves and their loved ones.'.....make sure its the legal way....if it isn't, get the fuck out of AMERICA....and if you don't like it, you can leave also....
i might be getting confused about you, NOT, you come off as a moron who expects every one to agree w/you---well, that ain't happening
It almost feels unfair to point out that your own post is blatant hate-mongering from a clearly hateful person.

The people I know from our south are far better, more honest, more moral, and harder-working people than you seem to be, from the limited sample size of your nasty post. I don't consider humans to be cockroaches, least of all those who are less privileged and entitled than US-born whiners (who got every advantage by virtue of being born, and STILL are too worthless to make anything of themselves), i.e. those immigrants who and are doing everything they can to make it work for themselves and their loved ones.

Perhaps "BrokeLoser" is a perfect handle -- and perhaps working hard, saving up, ending the mental hate games against people you don't know, and similar measures might make you self-identify in a more positive way (because, you know, you would actually merit a better self-description with different and more useful life choices)? Just spitballing, I don't know you and maybe I have it all wrong. But if I don't respond to your hate-posts in the future, please don't assume I have read them and have no response ... no offernse, it's like how I don't read Nazi literature for example, and that's not because they're so undeniably compelling.
go live in mexico....AMERICANS should be sticking up for AMERICANS----not the illegals
You seem to like to substitute name-calling for informed discussion and any sort of reason or information. Got it. I prefer to avoid monkeys at the zoo hurling feces at one another, but if that's your thing, enjoy.
but you don't avoid the monkeys in DC (the scum demonRATS)....they don't throw it, they just shit on AMERICANS
If you illegally cross the are invading.
I don't give a fuck who it is.
They should take those invaders, detain them, and ship them back. If they attempt to reenter the nation they should be ID'd and put into labor camps. The children, should be sent back.
You're clearly a fascist, and therefore an unacceptable presence in the USA. Move to Russia now, racist subhuman.

No, migrants aren't invaders. And you want labor camps? Yes, you're a fascist. You are not going to do well in this country in the future, because after this huge Trump-Q-Insurrection debacle, your rotten ilk will not be popular. That is already happening as even RepubliQan idiots are now wanting vaccinations as they see people sick and dying.

You lose, facha boy. Get out now.
You're clearly a fascist, and therefore an unacceptable presence in the USA. Move to Russia now, racist subhuman.

No, migrants aren't invaders. And you want labor camps? Yes, you're a fascist. You are not going to do well in this country in the future, because after this huge Trump-Q-Insurrection debacle, your rotten ilk will not be popular. That is already happening as even RepubliQan idiots are now wanting vaccinations as they see people sick and dying.

You lose, facha boy. Get out now.


TLDR hooker
ummmmmm yes, Mr Trump was trying to make America better--plain and simple
....don't try to double talk and babble crap it ....yes--if go over the speed limit, I get a ticket -DUH are a BootCamper also...SU about typos and spellings...everyone makes them on USMB must not be too smart --ILlegal--mean it's the OPPOSITE of legal --DUH, what's your point? I know you people LOVE and honor criminals = idiocy
Your true babbling psychologically-unhinged nature is showing, angry little arrested-adolescent boy.

Trump was trying to enrich himself and feed his own ego, nothing more.

Any illegal immigrants is better for the USA than you are, white-right traitor boy.
As crimes go, illegal entry is a trivial one. Why do people get so upset over it? RACISM, pure and simple. White-right racist lowlife, confused Ugly-AmeriKKKan bigoted devils hate helping brown refugees, it threatens their whiteness. How pathetic.
Bullshit. You're the problem. Try walking across the border into any other country in the world.
Your true babbling psychologically-unhinged nature is showing, angry little arrested-adolescent boy.

Trump was trying to enrich himself and feed his own ego, nothing more.

Any illegal immigrants is better for the USA than you are, white-right traitor boy.
Get the fuck out of here, you racist troll.
Bullshit. You're the problem. Try walking across the border into any other country in the world.
You watch your mouth when addressing me, boy. You and all treasonous white-right racists like you are our #1 problem in this country, in terms of terrorist threat, endangering adolescent behavior, and treason.

I in fact was once apprehended as an illegal immigrant in Mexico. I had to pay $10 for a visa. So, little incel twerp, shove it deep.
Get the fuck out of here, you racist troll.
You can shut your mouth right now, traitor. I'm 0% racist, which is what offends you. You think white-right Nazi crap is normal, as that's how you were raised, and among your ilk it's the norm.

But you are unaware, obviously, that your ilk don't qualify as human.
You can shut your mouth right now, traitor. I'm 0% racist, which is what offends you. You think white-right Nazi crap is normal, as that's how you were raised, and among your ilk it's the norm.

But you are unaware, obviously, that your ilk don't qualify as human.
You’re a demon. you’re the last one who should be deciding who’s human or not

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