They Aren’t ‘Migrants,’ They Are Illegal Aliens

Immigration is a complex issue, it's better we let the experts deal with it. The one thing I do know is immigrants made this country. Immigration continues to help this country. I live near Omaha Nebraska and we can't get enough workers. Are more jobs than there are workers we need more immigrants.

There is a difference between legal migration and illegal migration and companies at one time were able to obtain work visas.

From your comments it seem you have no clue how the system works and are just parroting the DNC notes of the day.

The fact is the system Biden is using is not correct either and you and those like you should know what you support is allowing those people you claim you want to help to be held as slaves to Cartels and gangs.

So just saying to leave it to experts is a childish response and you should educate yourself better when it come to illegal migration.
And perhaps you should read those lost cuz what you just said is not true. A person can cross our border at any point, yes it's preferred that to go through official checkpoint but it's not illegal to cross our border at any point we are free Nation not a tolitarian State.
Indeed it is illegal.

However, Title 8 of the federal code criminalizes entering the country without authorization. Section 1325(a), or improper entry, applies to migrants who enter into the United States without proper inspection at a port of entry, avoid examination or inspection, or make false statements while entering or attempting to enter. Violation of § 1325(a) as a first offense is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, up to six months’ imprisonment, or both. Section 1326, or illegal reentry, applies to migrants who unlawfully reenter; attempt to reenter; or are found in the United States after having been previously removed, excluded, deported or denied admission. This crime is a felony, and those convicted may be punished with up to two years’ imprisonment. The term of imprisonment may be enhanced up to a maximum of 20 years if the individual’s prior removal was based on past crimes.

Illegal entry and reentry are heavily prosecuted crimes today. In 2016, more than half of federal criminal prosecutions were for immigration violations, with the vast majority of those prosecutions brought under §§ 1325 and 1326. In April 2019, 65.6 percent of federal prosecutions filed in U.S. magistrate courts had a lead charge under § 1325, and 28.2 percent had a lead charge under § 1326. The number of prosecutions are still a relatively small proportion of total apprehensions per year by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This was true even under Sessions’s zero-tolerance policy: Even a generous estimate still puts prosecutions at only 32 percent of total apprehensions of adults outside a port of entry. However, the process by which these crimes in particular are prosecuted allows for large numbers of individuals to be processed, charged and convicted.
Yes, you're obsessed, you sick fuck. They are generally productive whether legal or not. And really this is none of your business. You never care when USA govt and corporations are screwing up Central America so you're only reasonable tactic now is to STFU
You just keep on babbling. You don't seem to care what the dictators, various rebel groups and drug cartels of South and Central America are doing right now and neither do the citizens of those areas because they let it happen, so why should I care about what the US Government did Decades ago ? I bet your one of those morons who believe we should pay for slavery to.
I expressed a concern about illegal aliens flooding the country. Did you notice I said nothing about legal immigration. You leftist commie scum racist genocider loser.
You've got a big mouth, little boy, but not in person, of course. Just another Trumpoid coward, ill-raised by dysfunctional and useless people, destined to rant and contort with anger over your upbringing and your own failures, which of course you blame on Communists and immigrants, right?

You said nothing of substance at all, boy. So how about you shut your adolescent mouth?
You just keep on babbling. You don't seem to care what the dictators, various rebel groups and drug cartels of South and Central America are doing right now and neither do the citizens of those areas because they let it happen, so why should I care about what the US Government did Decades ago ? I bet your one of those morons who believe we should pay for slavery to.
Cowardly cretinous coward boy: The dictators are those put in place by the USA, you halfwit. The whole mess was created by USA policy.

You are one of those morons who thinks that ill deeds by the powerful should go unpunished. But that isn't how it works. The criminals who have exploited Central America, wrecked it, and now left the people hung out to dry, have no choice now but to accept all those refugees. And we will accept them. And you will shut up about it.
Sinajuavi trivial crime!!!! ahhahahahahahahah more hahahahahahaha
1. it RUINS the US
2. it's a national security issue --DUH
You're delusional. No, it is a trivial crime, in a legal sense. I believe simple illegal entry is a misdemeanor. Do you grasp the concept? A serious crime is something like kidnapping, rape or murder. Get it?

It ruins the USA? No, it does not. Those immigrants help us, as they are all better people than any of you white-right racist Trumpoid insurrectionist fascist bigoted incel perverts.
Cowardly cretinous coward boy: The dictators are those put in place by the USA, you halfwit. The whole mess was created by USA policy.

You are one of those morons who thinks that ill deeds by the powerful should go unpunished. But that isn't how it works. The criminals who have exploited Central America, wrecked it, and now left the people hung out to dry, have no choice now but to accept all those refugees. And we will accept them. And you will shut up about it.
Internet tough is hilarious. Democrats are going to loss so bad it will be the Obama era redux.
1. fact: they are less educated
2. they overcrowd schools
3. cost $$$$ processing them in and THEN $$$ for social services/schools/etc
4. increase crime - fact
etc etc
Most illegals enter with visas and overstay their visas.

We have 21,000 Border Patrol Agents, Customs and Immigration at every port of entry and the US Coast Guard. These people work hard to do their jobs. Are you accusing them of being traitors?
where do you come up with this stupid shit?....if any1 is a traitor, its your master beijing xiden and the rest of the scum demonRATS
"Illegals" is incorrect. The word is not a noun. And used for people, it is insulting and racist, which of course is why you love the term, right, Ugly AmeriKKKan?
what a commie are shot
You obviously know nothing about Central America, and I doubt you could find Guatemala on a map.

Those countries are screwed up mostly due to bad USA policy. Google this: "1954 CIA coup Guatemala". Google this: "General Efraín Ríos Montt genocide Guatemala".

Meanwhile, since you know nothing, shut up.
individual countries....go whine to their governments...good luck
You're a cretin, obviously. The virus is not the "Chinese flu", you racist scum. It is a deadly virus which you're ignoring, and you are guilty of criminal negligence. Vaccinations are not death jabs, you flaming moron.

We're better off with 1000 illegal Hondurans here than one ranting white-right fascist imbecile like you.
you have no brain, therefore, there can be no dialogue
individual countries....go whine to their governments...good luck
Govts installed and propped up by the USA.

Yes, the USA is guilty of creating this mess, and the guilt sticks to those like you who deny it and lie.
what a commie are shot
Think so, boy? Why don't you try it? That would entertain me greatly.

You cowardly incel punk loser Trumpoids really need to find a real hobby besides jerking off to black-on-white porn as you do for hours daily.

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