They can't define what an assult weapon is, but they will ban them...

A ban on semi-autos is a blanket ban. That is what that town in by Chicago is doing,
No it isn't. They are banning certain categories of semis. Read the damned legislation.

It covers basically any semi-automatic with a detachable magazine.

That's all of them except for M-1's.

M-1 use a clip, the M-2 a magazine.

Yes, the clip goes in through the top of the mechanism, as opposed to a bottom feeding mag. The magazine in an M-1 is internal.

your point?
It isn’t worse. It’s easier.


If it's easier then why are knives and bare hands used to kill more people than rifles every year?

And Suicide is a choice but we all know how you hate it when people have choices

Yeah. It easier to kill with a knife than a gun. That’s perfect logic. Thanks for playing.

Then tell me why knives are used more often to kill than rifles.

Where are you getting your stats?

Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2016 | Statistic

Rifles? That’s a wonderful clarification that makes you a into an equivocating loser. So boring to talk to people who cannot be honest.

Just the FBI

Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Just in case you can't read the table I will give you the salient poits

in 2016 homicides with rifles 374
with knives 1604
with fists/feet 656

So I'll ask you if it's so much easier to kill with a rifle (especially those scary black ones) why do murders with knives and/or fists outnumber murders with rifles?

Dishonest. The subject is guns. Not “rifles”.
If it's easier then why are knives and bare hands used to kill more people than rifles every year?

And Suicide is a choice but we all know how you hate it when people have choices

Yeah. It easier to kill with a knife than a gun. That’s perfect logic. Thanks for playing.

Then tell me why knives are used more often to kill than rifles.

Where are you getting your stats?

Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2016 | Statistic

Rifles? That’s a wonderful clarification that makes you a into an equivocating loser. So boring to talk to people who cannot be honest.

Just the FBI

Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Just in case you can't read the table I will give you the salient poits

in 2016 homicides with rifles 374
with knives 1604
with fists/feet 656

So I'll ask you if it's so much easier to kill with a rifle (especially those scary black ones) why do murders with knives and/or fists outnumber murders with rifles?

Dishonest. The subject is guns. Piss off.

Oh so ow an "assault weapon" is ALL guns

When did the definition change?
Imagine that... Some snowflake in Illinois wants to Ban the following...

The list is long and includes all the following models or duplicates thereof: AK, AKM, AKS, AK-47, AK-74, ARM, MAK90, Misr, NHM 90, NHM 91, SA 85, SA 93, VEPR, AR-10, AR-15, Bushmaster XM15, Armalite M15, Olympic Arms PCR, AR70, Calico Liberty, Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle, Dragunov SVU, Fabrique NationalFN/FAL, FN/LAR, FNC, Hi-Point Carbine, HK-91, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle, SAR-8, Sturm, Ruger Mini-14, and more.

Shit is getting deep boys and girls...

Town votes to ban assault rifles, fine violators $1,000 a day

An assault weapon is, by definition, anything that can be used in an assault.

Those include, baseball bats, knives, Lead pipes, pressure cookers, cars, trucks, scissors and on and on........

All you have to do is understand a simple concept to understand why these bans will not work.

Murderers Murder, it's what they do.

Rapists Rape, it's what they do.

Taking away a tool of the criminal simply leads them to find another tool.

Murderers will murder, and rapists will rape. Prepare for that fact, or fall as one of their victims.

It's really that simple.
Does the right to bear arms...

... supersede the safety...

... and well being of others?

That seems to be the question...

... our society is struggling with.

A rape victim likely feels safer "bearing arms" after being raped. Should her rights be superseded because of the paranoia expressed by those that never lived through such an event?
and whether taking away guns like this has actually ever worked to make anyone more safe, more free---- or less?
Yes, more safe and freer from the threat of massacres, as demonstrated by the safety of pupils in the other developed nations.

As history shows.




Yeah right... More safe.


Does the right to bear arms...

... supersede the safety...

... and well being of others?

That seems to be the question...

... our society is struggling with.

A better question is whether the forced inability of law-abiding citizens to defend ourselves and uphold our constitutional rights because of the actions of a very tiny few makes us a safer, freer and better society for all, and whether taking away guns like this has actually ever worked to make anyone more safe, more free---- or less? History says otherwise.

How many times have you been forced to defend yourself with a gun?

If ever, did you put yourself in jeopardy, knowing you had a gun, and that this simple possession gave you the courage to act against common sense?

The meme from the NRA and its fellow travelers is a gun is used 16 trillion times a day (yes, hyperbole, but used for effect) by simply showing the gun, and another 500 times a day, to shoot a bad guy.

Odd that any number can be put into this ^^^ paragraph, and used on forums such as this one. And yet, actual records / facts offer evidence that guns are used everyday to kill or maim a person, under varying circumstances.

Deaths and injury by gun shot are expensive ER interventions, and high speed projectiles do extensive damage to tissue and organs by tumbling upon impact. One who is honest understands why such weapons are used by those intent on killing masses of human beings with a weapon with less recoil and more effect on the target.

Whatever you say s0n...youve been wasting your breath on gun grabbing for what...50 years? I don't get it....

Once again you lie. And as usual the lie is an emotional response to facts. Or, you do not understand the fact of the nature of a wound made by a high velocity projectile?

I'm not the snowflake in the conversation s0n..... you're the guy who lives in San Francisco, rides an electric bike, and dives for cover when the word assault rifle is spoken. C'mon now......

You progressive assholes have been trying to get the Second Amendment scraped a decades and you haven't moved the ball as single yard

Who's not winning?:cul2:
What I don't get is the solution is right there in front of the progressive..... all should just move to California and everything will be hunky-dory. Go go go.....
Imagine that... Some snowflake in Illinois wants to Ban the following...

The list is long and includes all the following models or duplicates thereof: AK, AKM, AKS, AK-47, AK-74, ARM, MAK90, Misr, NHM 90, NHM 91, SA 85, SA 93, VEPR, AR-10, AR-15, Bushmaster XM15, Armalite M15, Olympic Arms PCR, AR70, Calico Liberty, Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle, Dragunov SVU, Fabrique NationalFN/FAL, FN/LAR, FNC, Hi-Point Carbine, HK-91, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle, SAR-8, Sturm, Ruger Mini-14, and more.

Shit is getting deep boys and girls...

Town votes to ban assault rifles, fine violators $1,000 a day
It’s a good start

I would make it simpler.......anything capable of being fired at a rate above 100 rpm is an assault rifle

"capable of" is subjective, if I take a gun and give it to someone who is not familiar with it, he may not be capable of 5 rounds per minute. Give that same gun to a trained marine, he might be able to far exceed that rate.
Imagine that... Some snowflake in Illinois wants to Ban the following...

The list is long and includes all the following models or duplicates thereof: AK, AKM, AKS, AK-47, AK-74, ARM, MAK90, Misr, NHM 90, NHM 91, SA 85, SA 93, VEPR, AR-10, AR-15, Bushmaster XM15, Armalite M15, Olympic Arms PCR, AR70, Calico Liberty, Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle, Dragunov SVU, Fabrique NationalFN/FAL, FN/LAR, FNC, Hi-Point Carbine, HK-91, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle, SAR-8, Sturm, Ruger Mini-14, and more.

Shit is getting deep boys and girls...

Town votes to ban assault rifles, fine violators $1,000 a day
Men can't define the parts of a woman's body/reproductive system, but want to Ban women's health organizations/the right for women to determine what to do with their own bodies.

They want to ban what they believe is the murder of an innocent child, can't blame em for that even if one disagrees that said fetus/zygot/"clump of cells" constitutes a "human" yet.

Ya'll need to stop lobbing regressive intellectual low balls.
By the way, I guarantee you there's a lot more problems with heroin in Deerfield, than with guns.

Maybe they should outlaw heroin..........................oh wait !
'Gunner' intransigence has brought this on. Those of us who honor our freedoms, including the ability to purchase and keep firearms, are very saddened that our fellow citizens who do not understand want to extend regulations. We do understand, though, that the insensitive, counter productive virulence of the 'gunners' has spooked so many people into reaction.

There is no gunner intransigence........the anti gunners have gotten everything they ever wanted....and all of it failed to do anything they said it would do...they got the assault weapon ban, it did nothing, they got magazine limits in states where shooters used 10 round magazines to shoot people, and on and on...they got federally mandated background checks, did nothing, 3 day waiting periods, did nothing.......and on and on....

The anti gunner crap about Gun Rights supporters being intransigent is simply a tactic to demand more surrendering by Gun Rights activists....

Anti gunner...give us what we want.

Gun Rights..... it won't work.

They get what they want, it doesn't work....

Anti gunner....we want more gun banning

2nd Amendment got what you wanted, now you are back for more?

Gun Rights...give up another item another public shooting...give up another item another gun......that is what is happening....there is no appeasing anti gunners, they want all the guns....
It hardly matters what question would be better asked, the reality is that overall opinion is swinging toward greater supervision of firearms ownership and transport. Public relations efforts on the part of the N.R.A. and its sympathizers would have been much better directed toward calm, quiet education. Rabid, frothing recitation of constitutional amendments while implicitly suggesting armed intervention worked to the advantage of their adversaries, and against the rest of us.

We had calm discussions and we showed that nothing you asshats wanted does anything to stop what you say you want stopped...but you demanded it anyway, you got most of it, it didn't work, so you came back for more....

The irrational, unreasonable assholes are you, who demand more and more without any results for what you get, and with a growing reduction in our Right to bear arms....

Screw you....
and whether taking away guns like this has actually ever worked to make anyone more safe, more free---- or less?
Yes, more safe and freer from the threat of massacres, as demonstrated by the safety of pupils in the other developed nations.

As history shows.

Those other countries have guns.....their nuts just don't walk into schools...except in Britain where they almost had two in the last few years...stopped by dumb luck, not their gun laws...and then Australia...where their gun laws have also not stopped their mass shootings...since they continue to have public shootings.....

And since the 1990s as more Americans own and carry guns...our school children are more safe, not less, from mass shootings....

You are talking out of your ass, since nothing you posted is true or accurate.

Here...actual research that shows you don't know what you are talking about..

Schools are safer than they were in the 90s, and school shootings are not more common than they used to be, researchers say

Their research also finds that shooting incidents involving students have been declining since the 1990s.


Four times the number of children were killed in schools in the early 1990s than today, Fox said.

“There is not an epidemic of school shootings,” he said, adding that more kids are killed each year from pool drownings or bicycle accidents. There are around 55 million school children in the United States, and on average over the past 25 years, about 10 students per year were killed by gunfire at school, according to Fox and Fridel’s research.

And more information that shows you are lying, and don't know what you are talking about...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Why do you anti gunners have to lie about every aspect of this debate?...and then you have the balls to demand that we deal with your bad faith by giving in to your demands...
Yeah. It easier to kill with a knife than a gun. That’s perfect logic. Thanks for playing.

Then tell me why knives are used more often to kill than rifles.

Where are you getting your stats?

Murder - number of victims by weapons used 2016 | Statistic

Rifles? That’s a wonderful clarification that makes you a into an equivocating loser. So boring to talk to people who cannot be honest.

Just the FBI

Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Just in case you can't read the table I will give you the salient poits

in 2016 homicides with rifles 374
with knives 1604
with fists/feet 656

So I'll ask you if it's so much easier to kill with a rifle (especially those scary black ones) why do murders with knives and/or fists outnumber murders with rifles?

Dishonest. The subject is guns. Piss off.

Oh so ow an "assault weapon" is ALL guns

When did the definition change?

Yep........the left think they can win the House....if they can do that they can impeach Trump the day after the election and give the democrats in the Senate the power to refuse to allow Trump's judicial nominees....with the help of cowardly republicans who will agree not to allow Trump to nominate while he is being impeached.....

So they think they own it they don't have to hide what they really want.....they want all guns, and if they get the House or the Senate they will block Trump until they can get a democrat President to replace ginsburg, kennedy and by that time Thomas.....
Imagine that... Some snowflake in Illinois wants to Ban the following...

The list is long and includes all the following models or duplicates thereof: AK, AKM, AKS, AK-47, AK-74, ARM, MAK90, Misr, NHM 90, NHM 91, SA 85, SA 93, VEPR, AR-10, AR-15, Bushmaster XM15, Armalite M15, Olympic Arms PCR, AR70, Calico Liberty, Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle, Dragunov SVU, Fabrique NationalFN/FAL, FN/LAR, FNC, Hi-Point Carbine, HK-91, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle, SAR-8, Sturm, Ruger Mini-14, and more.

Shit is getting deep boys and girls...

Town votes to ban assault rifles, fine violators $1,000 a day
The thread premise is as ignorant as it wrong.

The town clearly defined what an assault weapon is.

An assault weapon is whatever a given lawmaking body determines it to be.
Imagine that... Some snowflake in Illinois wants to Ban the following...

The list is long and includes all the following models or duplicates thereof: AK, AKM, AKS, AK-47, AK-74, ARM, MAK90, Misr, NHM 90, NHM 91, SA 85, SA 93, VEPR, AR-10, AR-15, Bushmaster XM15, Armalite M15, Olympic Arms PCR, AR70, Calico Liberty, Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle, Dragunov SVU, Fabrique NationalFN/FAL, FN/LAR, FNC, Hi-Point Carbine, HK-91, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle, SAR-8, Sturm, Ruger Mini-14, and more.

Shit is getting deep boys and girls...

Town votes to ban assault rifles, fine violators $1,000 a day
The thread premise is as ignorant as it wrong.

The town clearly defined what an assault weapon is.

An assault weapon is whatever a given lawmaking body determines it to be.

And From the ruling in Heller and Caetano, what they just did is unConstitutional since the AR-15 and all of those other rifles are the most common and popular rifles in the country, which are specifically protected by those rulings........
and whether taking away guns like this has actually ever worked to make anyone more safe, more free---- or less?

Yes, more safe and freer from the threat of massacres, as demonstrated by the safety of pupils in the other developed nations. As history shows.

ANOTHER JACKASS SPEAKS, from the "history book" of Leftist Propaganda.

How gun confiscation has made you safe and free over the years:

1911, Turkey
Established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, were rounded up and exterminated. Search Armenian Genocide.
1929, Soviet Union
Established gun control. In 1937, about 2 million dissidents, including 30000 military officers, were rounded up and imprisoned or executed. Search The Great Purges
1935, China
Established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents were rounded up and exterminated.
1938, Germany
Established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, leaving a populace unable to defend itself against the Gestapo and SS. Hundreds of thousands died as a result.
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." - Adolf Hitler, dinner talk on April 11, 1942, quoted in Hitler's Table Talk 1941-44: His Private Conversations, Second Edition, Pg. 425-426.
1956, Cambodia
Established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, 1-2 million 'educated' people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. SPECIAL NOTE: The law was passed in 1956, but was not used for 20 years. But it WAS used.
1964, Guatemala
Established gun control. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
1970, Uganda
Established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated. The total dead are said to be 2-3 million.
1996, Australia
In 1996, with the homicide rate at 1.6/100000, The National Firearms Agreement was signed into law. Australians were forced by the new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars. By 2002, the homicide rate had risen to 1.8/100000. Since then, the rate has steadily declined(as well as the USA and other developed countries) to 1.2/100000 for the 2008 - 10 period. Theoretically, if gun confiscation reduced murder(or other violent crime), rates should have immediately dropped and remained lower.

And so it goes. Now if a lot of people do what I think they will and should do, they will defy this new law and fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. And the Idiot Left here, all they have to say is that everyone should just OBEY THE NEW LAW, this from a group of people who've done nothing but SPIT IN THE FACE OF LAW ever since Trump took office---- now with the democratic Oregon governor refusing to send the National Guard as she is "shocked" Trump would use them to defend the border. Yes, Folks, that is the Left---- they always have ONE standard for YOU but quite another one for THEMSELVES. Fuck the Left.
Imagine that... Some snowflake in Illinois wants to Ban the following...

The list is long and includes all the following models or duplicates thereof: AK, AKM, AKS, AK-47, AK-74, ARM, MAK90, Misr, NHM 90, NHM 91, SA 85, SA 93, VEPR, AR-10, AR-15, Bushmaster XM15, Armalite M15, Olympic Arms PCR, AR70, Calico Liberty, Dragunov SVD Sniper Rifle, Dragunov SVU, Fabrique NationalFN/FAL, FN/LAR, FNC, Hi-Point Carbine, HK-91, Kel-Tec Sub Rifle, SAR-8, Sturm, Ruger Mini-14, and more.

Shit is getting deep boys and girls...

Town votes to ban assault rifles, fine violators $1,000 a day
The thread premise is as ignorant as it wrong.

The town clearly defined what an assault weapon is.

An assault weapon is whatever a given lawmaking body determines it to be.

The fact that you are comfortable with any governing body have that much arbitrary power over a explicit right shows how much of a fucking government tool you are.

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