They don't make Republican consevatives like they used to

People like this say all sorts of things and the Democrat party holds them to the highest standards:

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” - Lyndon Baines Johnson about the Great Society plan.
"You cannot go to a 7-11 or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian Accent." -Senator Joe Biden
"You'd find these potentates from down in Africa, you know, rather than eating each other, they'd just come up and get a good square meal in Geneva." -- Fritz Hollings (D, S.C.)
"You f*cking Jew b@stard." -- Hillary Clinton to political operative Paul Fray. This was revealed in "State of a Union: Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton" and has been verified by Paul Fray and three witnesses.

There are plenty more if you're willing to read them.

Thank you...Clinton's stock just went up in my book. The fyucking Jew Bastards have been medling in our country and it's foreign affairs for far too long. If she got elected and all she did was kick Israel to the curb she would have done more for this country than the last 8 presidents all put together.

So you're another one that will vote for her because she has a vagina. Got it.

What an ignorant statement. No ..I will probably not vote. I just don't see the republican party doing anything responsible and Clinton's reported statement that indicated we need to divorce ourselves from alignments with Israel has merit.

"No . . . I will probably not vote"

Since you won't, thinking that any opinion you have has any credibility proves you're stupid. If you aren't going to make the effort to vote, STFU about what you think the government should or should not do.

You simply hate Israel. At least be honest.

Of course I hate Israel but not so simply as you suggest. Tell your lies to the offspring and the offsprings of those that were murdered by the Jews on the Ship Liberty. There are thousands of reasons as an American to be disgusted with Israel and Jews. The meddling in our foreign affairs and politics.. I'm sorry that I am not conveniently ignorant of your crimes. That will never change. You are wasting your energy with me.

Since you say you hate Israel, it is that simple. You pick and choose incidents and conveniently ignore what the ragheads in that area have done.

You were a waste of existence long before this conversation every started.
There are several aspects that get overlooked, and boiled down into talking points that create fasle and misleading impressions.

Obama screwed up when he prmised you'd get to keep your plan. He didn't stop to think that the 10 essential benefits that must be offered with health insurance policies would increase the cost, which causes, from an operational perspective, the insurance companies to add those benefits to existing plans, thus creating a new group ID# for those plans, which makes them NOT the same plan.

Not being able to keep thier doctors is 100% on the providers, and not the ACA. He didn't stop to think that providers would chose NOT to contract with the ACA plans, especially the HMO's. But there has to be more to it. Providers that accept Medicare aleady settle for around 75% reimbursement, and Medicaid about 25%!...the ACA plans run about 80%. I know of many doctors in the very red state I work with, won't take the ACA plans for political reasons. Many of the residents of this state, hate HMO's, and will only get PPO's. With the ACA PPO plans, there is no shortage of providers because it's fee for service, not capitation.

These HMO VS PPO contracting issues pre-date the ACA.

Whats happening is, by simplification, the GOP has been able to blame every new, systemic, and preexisting cost driver for medical insurance out of pocket costs on the ACA.

What you can't parse, and comprehend, without 1-2 years of training and education in how the industry how much of these cost increases would still be there anyway without the ACA

Kindly explain to me how it is that Barack Obama didn't grasp the same things that you claim are so self evident if you know anything about healthcare insurance? Are you telling me that his signature legislative achievement...something that profoundly affects one sixth of our economy...was written by people that understand less about healthcare and the insurance industry than you do and that he simply didn't understand what he was talking about?

It's hard to square THAT notion with the reality that this was something put together by people LIKE Gruber who have PhD's in that very subject. I'm sorry but this wasn't a "miscalculation" by progressives, Toxic...this was a very calculated plan to put something over on the American people because they felt that the "end" justified the "means".
Obama, in terms of involvement, and micro management of it's details...and the many many authors of Obamacare, were probably busy putting the legal touches on the legislation because that's what Obama knows. Obama does not understand the insurance business, or the healthcare business.

Granted, he may very well have seen into the future and lied. However...the things that Gruber talks about have nothing to do with what I talked about.

I don't question your intellect or reasoning skills. I do question your capacity to consider the possibility that these may be unintended consequences, of a law that we had to pass to find out what's in it.

With all due respect, Toxic...after watching him for six years, it's my impression that Obama knows about as much about crafting health care legislation as he does about economics...which is to say...very little! You posit that he was probably so busy "micromanaging" the legalities of the ACA that he didn't really understand the bill itself? That's an amusing concept since Barry has no history of writing successful legislation and has never demonstrated a work ethic that would have him pouring over the minutia of a 2000 plus page bill. Let's be honest here...he was the "big picture" guy who had the "vision" of government supported healthcare for all Americans...he was never the architect of how we would arrive at that.

My take on what happened is that President Obama wanted a single-payer healthcare system...was told he couldn't get the votes for that to pass Congress...and took what he could get before the GOP took over the House...which was a complete cluster fuck written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and rammed through using the nuclear option.

The ACA itself was so bad that Democrats knew they would never get the public to go along with it unless they lied about what it would mean. So they did...repeatedly...and about major provisions in the bill.
The idea that Obama knows nothing about crafting health care legislation, and knowing enough to orchestrate palusible lies about it, seems a contradiction.

Your "take" is confirmation of my doubt that you'll consider the objective evidence fairly.

It's not a contradiction at all, Toxic. Barack Obama has never been a legislator. If you go back and look at his history he was absolutely pathetic at getting anything he wrote passed as law when he was in the Illinois Senate. It wasn't until Emile Jones decide to groom him for a run as a US Senator by feeding him other Democrat's bills to sign onto as a "co-sponsor" that he got a single piece of legislation passed. The same scenario took place once Barry became a US Senator...he was repeatedly allowed to sign on as a "co-sponsor" of other Democrat's work because he was seen as a rising "star" in the Party after giving that speech at the Democratic National Convention. I'd be shocked if Barack Obama had anything at all to do with the actual writing of the ACA. Crafting legislation is hard work and that's NEVER been his thing.

As for how much you need to know about something to tell lies about it? You should know from coming here on a regular basis that some of the most ignorant people on this site tell the biggest whoppers.
Granted...and in order for Obama to have approved of lies to get the ACA passed, he either delegated the specifics of those lies, or he had to give line item approval.

So that conversation would need to go something like this:

"Mr President, we need to tell people their plans won't change, when they will."......Obama: "Let's do that"

On and on in that fashion.

In that scenario, I think the white house staff, Obama, and the ACA authors, made a rookie mistake of monumental the point of malpractice, and I find it hard to believe that the same people brilliant enough to get Obama reelected would do something that stupid.

However...since the average American voter is stupid, maybe they thought nobody would notice?
Thank you...Clinton's stock just went up in my book. The fyucking Jew Bastards have been medling in our country and it's foreign affairs for far too long. If she got elected and all she did was kick Israel to the curb she would have done more for this country than the last 8 presidents all put together.

So you're another one that will vote for her because she has a vagina. Got it.

What an ignorant statement. No ..I will probably not vote. I just don't see the republican party doing anything responsible and Clinton's reported statement that indicated we need to divorce ourselves from alignments with Israel has merit.

"No . . . I will probably not vote"

Since you won't, thinking that any opinion you have has any credibility proves you're stupid. If you aren't going to make the effort to vote, STFU about what you think the government should or should not do.

You simply hate Israel. At least be honest.

Of course I hate Israel but not so simply as you suggest. Tell your lies to the offspring and the offsprings of those that were murdered by the Jews on the Ship Liberty. There are thousands of reasons as an American to be disgusted with Israel and Jews. The meddling in our foreign affairs and politics.. I'm sorry that I am not conveniently ignorant of your crimes. That will never change. You are wasting your energy with me.

Since you say you hate Israel, it is that simple. You pick and choose incidents and conveniently ignore what the ragheads in that area have done.

You were a waste of existence long before this conversation every started.

With the lie that we depend upon Mideast oil has become clear there really SIMPLY is no reason for the USA to be in that area. The cold war is over... we don't need any listening posts. Our drones can send the only message that your "ragheads" understand anyway... It appears the useless man behind the curtain is a Jew and his manipulations have been exposed. The Jews have been believing that they are special in the eyes of god. It is high time they put that theory to test and bother their special sky fairy patron for further assistance.
Kindly explain to me how it is that Barack Obama didn't grasp the same things that you claim are so self evident if you know anything about healthcare insurance? Are you telling me that his signature legislative achievement...something that profoundly affects one sixth of our economy...was written by people that understand less about healthcare and the insurance industry than you do and that he simply didn't understand what he was talking about?

It's hard to square THAT notion with the reality that this was something put together by people LIKE Gruber who have PhD's in that very subject. I'm sorry but this wasn't a "miscalculation" by progressives, Toxic...this was a very calculated plan to put something over on the American people because they felt that the "end" justified the "means".
Obama, in terms of involvement, and micro management of it's details...and the many many authors of Obamacare, were probably busy putting the legal touches on the legislation because that's what Obama knows. Obama does not understand the insurance business, or the healthcare business.

Granted, he may very well have seen into the future and lied. However...the things that Gruber talks about have nothing to do with what I talked about.

I don't question your intellect or reasoning skills. I do question your capacity to consider the possibility that these may be unintended consequences, of a law that we had to pass to find out what's in it.

With all due respect, Toxic...after watching him for six years, it's my impression that Obama knows about as much about crafting health care legislation as he does about economics...which is to say...very little! You posit that he was probably so busy "micromanaging" the legalities of the ACA that he didn't really understand the bill itself? That's an amusing concept since Barry has no history of writing successful legislation and has never demonstrated a work ethic that would have him pouring over the minutia of a 2000 plus page bill. Let's be honest here...he was the "big picture" guy who had the "vision" of government supported healthcare for all Americans...he was never the architect of how we would arrive at that.

My take on what happened is that President Obama wanted a single-payer healthcare system...was told he couldn't get the votes for that to pass Congress...and took what he could get before the GOP took over the House...which was a complete cluster fuck written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and rammed through using the nuclear option.

The ACA itself was so bad that Democrats knew they would never get the public to go along with it unless they lied about what it would mean. So they did...repeatedly...and about major provisions in the bill.
The idea that Obama knows nothing about crafting health care legislation, and knowing enough to orchestrate palusible lies about it, seems a contradiction.

Your "take" is confirmation of my doubt that you'll consider the objective evidence fairly.

It's not a contradiction at all, Toxic. Barack Obama has never been a legislator. If you go back and look at his history he was absolutely pathetic at getting anything he wrote passed as law when he was in the Illinois Senate. It wasn't until Emile Jones decide to groom him for a run as a US Senator by feeding him other Democrat's bills to sign onto as a "co-sponsor" that he got a single piece of legislation passed. The same scenario took place once Barry became a US Senator...he was repeatedly allowed to sign on as a "co-sponsor" of other Democrat's work because he was seen as a rising "star" in the Party after giving that speech at the Democratic National Convention. I'd be shocked if Barack Obama had anything at all to do with the actual writing of the ACA. Crafting legislation is hard work and that's NEVER been his thing.

As for how much you need to know about something to tell lies about it? You should know from coming here on a regular basis that some of the most ignorant people on this site tell the biggest whoppers.
Granted...and in order for Obama to have approved of lies to get the ACA passed, he either delegated the specifics of those lies, or he had to give line item approval.

So that conversation would need to go something like this:

"Mr President, we need to tell people their plans won't change, when they will."......Obama: "Let's do that"

On and on in that fashion.

In that scenario, I think the white house staff, Obama, and the ACA authors, made a rookie mistake of monumental the point of malpractice, and I find it hard to believe that the same people brilliant enough to get Obama reelected would do something that stupid.

However...since the average American voter is stupid, maybe they thought nobody would notice?

Come on, Toxic...there was no "rookie mistake". What took place was a deliberate attempt to mislead the American people. When Barack Obama stood on stages across the country...wagged his finger at his audience...and stated that "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD! If you like your doctor, you can keep them, PERIOD!" he knew that wasn't the case. Quite frankly...he knew he was being dishonest.

What he was counting on (and rightly so) is that the main stream media wouldn't call him on what he was saying because they wanted government run health care as much as he did.
When the media becomes complicit in lies told by politicians bad things happen in a democracy.
Obama, in terms of involvement, and micro management of it's details...and the many many authors of Obamacare, were probably busy putting the legal touches on the legislation because that's what Obama knows. Obama does not understand the insurance business, or the healthcare business.

Granted, he may very well have seen into the future and lied. However...the things that Gruber talks about have nothing to do with what I talked about.

I don't question your intellect or reasoning skills. I do question your capacity to consider the possibility that these may be unintended consequences, of a law that we had to pass to find out what's in it.

With all due respect, Toxic...after watching him for six years, it's my impression that Obama knows about as much about crafting health care legislation as he does about economics...which is to say...very little! You posit that he was probably so busy "micromanaging" the legalities of the ACA that he didn't really understand the bill itself? That's an amusing concept since Barry has no history of writing successful legislation and has never demonstrated a work ethic that would have him pouring over the minutia of a 2000 plus page bill. Let's be honest here...he was the "big picture" guy who had the "vision" of government supported healthcare for all Americans...he was never the architect of how we would arrive at that.

My take on what happened is that President Obama wanted a single-payer healthcare system...was told he couldn't get the votes for that to pass Congress...and took what he could get before the GOP took over the House...which was a complete cluster fuck written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and rammed through using the nuclear option.

The ACA itself was so bad that Democrats knew they would never get the public to go along with it unless they lied about what it would mean. So they did...repeatedly...and about major provisions in the bill.
The idea that Obama knows nothing about crafting health care legislation, and knowing enough to orchestrate palusible lies about it, seems a contradiction.

Your "take" is confirmation of my doubt that you'll consider the objective evidence fairly.

It's not a contradiction at all, Toxic. Barack Obama has never been a legislator. If you go back and look at his history he was absolutely pathetic at getting anything he wrote passed as law when he was in the Illinois Senate. It wasn't until Emile Jones decide to groom him for a run as a US Senator by feeding him other Democrat's bills to sign onto as a "co-sponsor" that he got a single piece of legislation passed. The same scenario took place once Barry became a US Senator...he was repeatedly allowed to sign on as a "co-sponsor" of other Democrat's work because he was seen as a rising "star" in the Party after giving that speech at the Democratic National Convention. I'd be shocked if Barack Obama had anything at all to do with the actual writing of the ACA. Crafting legislation is hard work and that's NEVER been his thing.

As for how much you need to know about something to tell lies about it? You should know from coming here on a regular basis that some of the most ignorant people on this site tell the biggest whoppers.
Granted...and in order for Obama to have approved of lies to get the ACA passed, he either delegated the specifics of those lies, or he had to give line item approval.

So that conversation would need to go something like this:

"Mr President, we need to tell people their plans won't change, when they will."......Obama: "Let's do that"

On and on in that fashion.

In that scenario, I think the white house staff, Obama, and the ACA authors, made a rookie mistake of monumental the point of malpractice, and I find it hard to believe that the same people brilliant enough to get Obama reelected would do something that stupid.

However...since the average American voter is stupid, maybe they thought nobody would notice?

Come on, Toxic...there was no "rookie mistake". What took place was a deliberate attempt to mislead the American people. When Barack Obama stood on stages across the country...wagged his finger at his audience...and stated that "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD! If you like your doctor, you can keep them, PERIOD!" he knew that wasn't the case. Quite frankly...he knew he was being dishonest.

What he was counting on (and rightly so) is that the main stream media wouldn't call him on what he was saying because they wanted government run health care as much as he did.
You do realize you're expressing an impossibility...right?

You don't know what Obama was thinking.

You only know what you believe Obama was thinking.

You can't be sure enough to end your opinion using the word "PERIOD"
With all due respect, Toxic...after watching him for six years, it's my impression that Obama knows about as much about crafting health care legislation as he does about economics...which is to say...very little! You posit that he was probably so busy "micromanaging" the legalities of the ACA that he didn't really understand the bill itself? That's an amusing concept since Barry has no history of writing successful legislation and has never demonstrated a work ethic that would have him pouring over the minutia of a 2000 plus page bill. Let's be honest here...he was the "big picture" guy who had the "vision" of government supported healthcare for all Americans...he was never the architect of how we would arrive at that.

My take on what happened is that President Obama wanted a single-payer healthcare system...was told he couldn't get the votes for that to pass Congress...and took what he could get before the GOP took over the House...which was a complete cluster fuck written behind closed doors by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and rammed through using the nuclear option.

The ACA itself was so bad that Democrats knew they would never get the public to go along with it unless they lied about what it would mean. So they did...repeatedly...and about major provisions in the bill.
The idea that Obama knows nothing about crafting health care legislation, and knowing enough to orchestrate palusible lies about it, seems a contradiction.

Your "take" is confirmation of my doubt that you'll consider the objective evidence fairly.

It's not a contradiction at all, Toxic. Barack Obama has never been a legislator. If you go back and look at his history he was absolutely pathetic at getting anything he wrote passed as law when he was in the Illinois Senate. It wasn't until Emile Jones decide to groom him for a run as a US Senator by feeding him other Democrat's bills to sign onto as a "co-sponsor" that he got a single piece of legislation passed. The same scenario took place once Barry became a US Senator...he was repeatedly allowed to sign on as a "co-sponsor" of other Democrat's work because he was seen as a rising "star" in the Party after giving that speech at the Democratic National Convention. I'd be shocked if Barack Obama had anything at all to do with the actual writing of the ACA. Crafting legislation is hard work and that's NEVER been his thing.

As for how much you need to know about something to tell lies about it? You should know from coming here on a regular basis that some of the most ignorant people on this site tell the biggest whoppers.
Granted...and in order for Obama to have approved of lies to get the ACA passed, he either delegated the specifics of those lies, or he had to give line item approval.

So that conversation would need to go something like this:

"Mr President, we need to tell people their plans won't change, when they will."......Obama: "Let's do that"

On and on in that fashion.

In that scenario, I think the white house staff, Obama, and the ACA authors, made a rookie mistake of monumental the point of malpractice, and I find it hard to believe that the same people brilliant enough to get Obama reelected would do something that stupid.

However...since the average American voter is stupid, maybe they thought nobody would notice?

Come on, Toxic...there was no "rookie mistake". What took place was a deliberate attempt to mislead the American people. When Barack Obama stood on stages across the country...wagged his finger at his audience...and stated that "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD! If you like your doctor, you can keep them, PERIOD!" he knew that wasn't the case. Quite frankly...he knew he was being dishonest.

What he was counting on (and rightly so) is that the main stream media wouldn't call him on what he was saying because they wanted government run health care as much as he did.
You do realize you're expressing an impossibility...right?

You don't know what Obama was thinking.

You only know what you believe Obama was thinking.

You can't be sure enough to end your opinion using the word "PERIOD"

Ah, that was an exact quote from Barack Obama, was how HE ended his opinion.
So you're another one that will vote for her because she has a vagina. Got it.

What an ignorant statement. No ..I will probably not vote. I just don't see the republican party doing anything responsible and Clinton's reported statement that indicated we need to divorce ourselves from alignments with Israel has merit.

"No . . . I will probably not vote"

Since you won't, thinking that any opinion you have has any credibility proves you're stupid. If you aren't going to make the effort to vote, STFU about what you think the government should or should not do.

You simply hate Israel. At least be honest.

Of course I hate Israel but not so simply as you suggest. Tell your lies to the offspring and the offsprings of those that were murdered by the Jews on the Ship Liberty. There are thousands of reasons as an American to be disgusted with Israel and Jews. The meddling in our foreign affairs and politics.. I'm sorry that I am not conveniently ignorant of your crimes. That will never change. You are wasting your energy with me.

Since you say you hate Israel, it is that simple. You pick and choose incidents and conveniently ignore what the ragheads in that area have done.

You were a waste of existence long before this conversation every started.

With the lie that we depend upon Mideast oil has become clear there really SIMPLY is no reason for the USA to be in that area. The cold war is over... we don't need any listening posts. Our drones can send the only message that your "ragheads" understand anyway... It appears the useless man behind the curtain is a Jew and his manipulations have been exposed. The Jews have been believing that they are special in the eyes of god. It is high time they put that theory to test and bother their special sky fairy patron for further assistance.

The Jews are special in the eyes of God. I see your despising of them is because you hate religion or is it that you just hate the Jewish religion. That's also simple to see.
And you're completely right...I AM assuming what Obama was thinking when he made those statements but it's comments by someone like Jonathon Gruber that makes me think I 'm pretty spot on with my assumptions.
These guys would be drummed out of the GOP is they said things like this today.

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater

One can't doubt that the American objective in Iraq has failed - different plans have to be made. And the kernal here is the acknowlegement of defeat.
William F Buckley

Freedom is an indivisible word. If we want to enjoy it, and fight for it, we must be prepared to extend it to everyone, whether they are rich or poor, whether they agree with us or not, no matter what their race or the color of their skin
Wendell Willkie

What a stupid post, those are mainstream Republican views today
When the media becomes complicit in lies told by politicians bad things happen in a democracy.

In my experience I have had no problems choosing my doctors or specialists.
What an ignorant statement. No ..I will probably not vote. I just don't see the republican party doing anything responsible and Clinton's reported statement that indicated we need to divorce ourselves from alignments with Israel has merit.

"No . . . I will probably not vote"

Since you won't, thinking that any opinion you have has any credibility proves you're stupid. If you aren't going to make the effort to vote, STFU about what you think the government should or should not do.

You simply hate Israel. At least be honest.

Of course I hate Israel but not so simply as you suggest. Tell your lies to the offspring and the offsprings of those that were murdered by the Jews on the Ship Liberty. There are thousands of reasons as an American to be disgusted with Israel and Jews. The meddling in our foreign affairs and politics.. I'm sorry that I am not conveniently ignorant of your crimes. That will never change. You are wasting your energy with me.

Since you say you hate Israel, it is that simple. You pick and choose incidents and conveniently ignore what the ragheads in that area have done.

You were a waste of existence long before this conversation every started.

With the lie that we depend upon Mideast oil has become clear there really SIMPLY is no reason for the USA to be in that area. The cold war is over... we don't need any listening posts. Our drones can send the only message that your "ragheads" understand anyway... It appears the useless man behind the curtain is a Jew and his manipulations have been exposed. The Jews have been believing that they are special in the eyes of god. It is high time they put that theory to test and bother their special sky fairy patron for further assistance.

The Jews are special in the eyes of God. I see your despising of them is because you hate religion or is it that you just hate the Jewish religion. That's also simple to see.

Right! All religion, Jews, America's involvement with Israel and the fact that Jews believe they are special in the eyes of the fraud AKA God.
When the media becomes complicit in lies told by politicians bad things happen in a democracy.

In my experience I have had no problems choosing my doctors or specialists.
"No . . . I will probably not vote"

Since you won't, thinking that any opinion you have has any credibility proves you're stupid. If you aren't going to make the effort to vote, STFU about what you think the government should or should not do.

You simply hate Israel. At least be honest.

Of course I hate Israel but not so simply as you suggest. Tell your lies to the offspring and the offsprings of those that were murdered by the Jews on the Ship Liberty. There are thousands of reasons as an American to be disgusted with Israel and Jews. The meddling in our foreign affairs and politics.. I'm sorry that I am not conveniently ignorant of your crimes. That will never change. You are wasting your energy with me.

Since you say you hate Israel, it is that simple. You pick and choose incidents and conveniently ignore what the ragheads in that area have done.

You were a waste of existence long before this conversation every started.

With the lie that we depend upon Mideast oil has become clear there really SIMPLY is no reason for the USA to be in that area. The cold war is over... we don't need any listening posts. Our drones can send the only message that your "ragheads" understand anyway... It appears the useless man behind the curtain is a Jew and his manipulations have been exposed. The Jews have been believing that they are special in the eyes of god. It is high time they put that theory to test and bother their special sky fairy patron for further assistance.

The Jews are special in the eyes of God. I see your despising of them is because you hate religion or is it that you just hate the Jewish religion. That's also simple to see.

Right! All religion, Jews, America's involvement with Israel and the fact that Jews believe they are special in the eyes of the fraud AKA God.

That makes your opinion invalidly biased and unworthy of respect much like yourself son.
Come on, Toxic...there was no "rookie mistake". What took place was a deliberate attempt to mislead the American people. When Barack Obama stood on stages across the country...wagged his finger at his audience...and stated that "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD! If you like your doctor, you can keep them, PERIOD!" he knew that wasn't the case. Quite frankly...he knew he was being dishonest.

What he was counting on (and rightly so) is that the main stream media wouldn't call him on what he was saying because they wanted government run health care as much as he did.
You do realize you're expressing an impossibility...right?

You don't know what Obama was thinking.

You only know what you believe Obama was thinking.

You can't be sure enough to end your opinion using the word "PERIOD"

Bull, the outcome was so predictable that we can clearly reasonably conclude he knew it in advance and lied. His objective wasn't lowering healthcare costs or improving healthcare, it was government control of healthcare, so he said whatever it took to get it.
When the media becomes complicit in lies told by politicians bad things happen in a democracy.

In my experience I have had no problems choosing my doctors or specialists.
Of course I hate Israel but not so simply as you suggest. Tell your lies to the offspring and the offsprings of those that were murdered by the Jews on the Ship Liberty. There are thousands of reasons as an American to be disgusted with Israel and Jews. The meddling in our foreign affairs and politics.. I'm sorry that I am not conveniently ignorant of your crimes. That will never change. You are wasting your energy with me.

Since you say you hate Israel, it is that simple. You pick and choose incidents and conveniently ignore what the ragheads in that area have done.

You were a waste of existence long before this conversation every started.

With the lie that we depend upon Mideast oil has become clear there really SIMPLY is no reason for the USA to be in that area. The cold war is over... we don't need any listening posts. Our drones can send the only message that your "ragheads" understand anyway... It appears the useless man behind the curtain is a Jew and his manipulations have been exposed. The Jews have been believing that they are special in the eyes of god. It is high time they put that theory to test and bother their special sky fairy patron for further assistance.

The Jews are special in the eyes of God. I see your despising of them is because you hate religion or is it that you just hate the Jewish religion. That's also simple to see.

Right! All religion, Jews, America's involvement with Israel and the fact that Jews believe they are special in the eyes of the fraud AKA God.

That makes your opinion invalidly biased and unworthy of respect much like yourself son.

Meaning what? We won't be BBF's? A staggering loss I'm sure..
When the media becomes complicit in lies told by politicians bad things happen in a democracy.

In my experience I have had no problems choosing my doctors or specialists.
Since you say you hate Israel, it is that simple. You pick and choose incidents and conveniently ignore what the ragheads in that area have done.

You were a waste of existence long before this conversation every started.

With the lie that we depend upon Mideast oil has become clear there really SIMPLY is no reason for the USA to be in that area. The cold war is over... we don't need any listening posts. Our drones can send the only message that your "ragheads" understand anyway... It appears the useless man behind the curtain is a Jew and his manipulations have been exposed. The Jews have been believing that they are special in the eyes of god. It is high time they put that theory to test and bother their special sky fairy patron for further assistance.

The Jews are special in the eyes of God. I see your despising of them is because you hate religion or is it that you just hate the Jewish religion. That's also simple to see.

Right! All religion, Jews, America's involvement with Israel and the fact that Jews believe they are special in the eyes of the fraud AKA God.

That makes your opinion invalidly biased and unworthy of respect much like yourself son.

Meaning what? We won't be BBF's? A staggering loss I'm sure..

I wouldn't piss on you to put you out if you were on fire. The only way I would actually spend enough time to do that is if I could drink a cup of it and piss gasoline.
When the media becomes complicit in lies told by politicians bad things happen in a democracy.

In my experience I have had no problems choosing my doctors or specialists.
With the lie that we depend upon Mideast oil has become clear there really SIMPLY is no reason for the USA to be in that area. The cold war is over... we don't need any listening posts. Our drones can send the only message that your "ragheads" understand anyway... It appears the useless man behind the curtain is a Jew and his manipulations have been exposed. The Jews have been believing that they are special in the eyes of god. It is high time they put that theory to test and bother their special sky fairy patron for further assistance.

The Jews are special in the eyes of God. I see your despising of them is because you hate religion or is it that you just hate the Jewish religion. That's also simple to see.

Right! All religion, Jews, America's involvement with Israel and the fact that Jews believe they are special in the eyes of the fraud AKA God.

That makes your opinion invalidly biased and unworthy of respect much like yourself son.

Meaning what? We won't be BBF's? A staggering loss I'm sure..

I wouldn't piss on you to put you out if you were on fire. The only way I would actually spend enough time to do that is if I could drink a cup of it and piss gasoline.

Oh my! ..aren't you the angry little fyucker! What you are NOT though is a conservative. You are one of those half baked christian fascist neo cons. In short you are a fraud.
Come on, Toxic...there was no "rookie mistake". What took place was a deliberate attempt to mislead the American people. When Barack Obama stood on stages across the country...wagged his finger at his audience...and stated that "If you like your plan, you can keep it, PERIOD! If you like your doctor, you can keep them, PERIOD!" he knew that wasn't the case. Quite frankly...he knew he was being dishonest.

What he was counting on (and rightly so) is that the main stream media wouldn't call him on what he was saying because they wanted government run health care as much as he did.
You do realize you're expressing an impossibility...right?

You don't know what Obama was thinking.

You only know what you believe Obama was thinking.

You can't be sure enough to end your opinion using the word "PERIOD"

Bull, the outcome was so predictable that we can clearly reasonably conclude he knew it in advance and lied. His objective wasn't lowering healthcare costs or improving healthcare, it was government control of healthcare, so he said whatever it took to get it.

The worst part about it is that when it's shown that he lied, Democrats still support it saying that people now having coverage was the main thing.
When the media becomes complicit in lies told by politicians bad things happen in a democracy.

In my experience I have had no problems choosing my doctors or specialists.
The Jews are special in the eyes of God. I see your despising of them is because you hate religion or is it that you just hate the Jewish religion. That's also simple to see.

Right! All religion, Jews, America's involvement with Israel and the fact that Jews believe they are special in the eyes of the fraud AKA God.

That makes your opinion invalidly biased and unworthy of respect much like yourself son.

Meaning what? We won't be BBF's? A staggering loss I'm sure..

I wouldn't piss on you to put you out if you were on fire. The only way I would actually spend enough time to do that is if I could drink a cup of it and piss gasoline.

Oh my! ..aren't you the angry little fyucker! What you are NOT though is a conservative. You are one of those half baked christian fascist neo cons. In short you are a fraud.

Not angry. Disgusted that people like you live in this world. Don't like what I have to say, tough shit son. I wasn't put on this world to please you or any of your sorry kind.
In my experience I have had no problems choosing my doctors or specialists.
Right! All religion, Jews, America's involvement with Israel and the fact that Jews believe they are special in the eyes of the fraud AKA God.

That makes your opinion invalidly biased and unworthy of respect much like yourself son.

Meaning what? We won't be BBF's? A staggering loss I'm sure..

I wouldn't piss on you to put you out if you were on fire. The only way I would actually spend enough time to do that is if I could drink a cup of it and piss gasoline.

Oh my! ..aren't you the angry little fyucker! What you are NOT though is a conservative. You are one of those half baked christian fascist neo cons. In short you are a fraud.

Not angry. Disgusted that people like you live in this world. Don't like what I have to say, tough shit son. I wasn't put on this world to please you or any of your sorry kind.

Oh yes you were. The mentally challenged are by definition ignorant and at the mercy of those that reason with less effort. You are and always will be someone's pawn.

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