They have Trump now, transcript of witness shows why Trump withheld aid, damning evidence...

And why would obama not give them lethal aid...oh yeah, as we learned on that video.....he told putin he would be able to be more flexible after he was re-elected....

This is not about Obama + congress approved aid given ,and congress gave appropriate aid according to Dr. HIll.

Hill is a hack....when obama was in office she wrote a paper on why military aid should not be given, now she is all for giving military moron.
Who told you that and was it in context?

Here you go...

Under Obama, Democrat Witness Fiona Hill Argued Against Lethal Aid For Ukraine

During the Democrats’ partisan impeachment hearings on Thursday, their witness Fiona Hill, a former White House official, testified she was concerned that a hold on aid might endanger Ukraine’s security. But in 2015, Hill penned an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a mistake.

In both her closed-door testimony last month and her public hearing on Thursday, Hill said she was concerned about Ukraine’s safety and stability as it defends itself against Russia should President Trump continue to withhold aid.

But while she was the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution a few years prior, Hill wrote an op-ed titled “How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war,” in which she strongly disagreed with the idea that “increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity … would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers.”

“It is hard to find effective alternatives to the current sanctions policy, but if we plunge headlong into sending weapons, we may lose our allies, and we may never have the opportunity to get things right,” Hill wrote.

Other witnesses who testified before the House Intelligence Committee admitted that Trump’s policy of denying lethal defensive assistance to the Ukrainians has been more effective than President Barack Obama’s policies in Ukraine and Russia.

Hill also previously testified that she has absolutely no direct knowledge of both the phone call with Ukraine and why the aid was withheld.
so the conditions 5 years ago, are the same as now or even 2 or 3 years from then?

we can't evolve?? progress? learn from mistakes?

Now that is funny...obama in office....military aid bad.....Trump in office, and she runs up there to attack him........after he provides military aid which she now supports......

And why would obama not give them lethal aid...oh yeah, as we learned on that video.....he told putin he would be able to be more flexible after he was re-elected....

This is not about Obama + congress approved aid given ,and congress gave appropriate aid according to Dr. HIll.

Hill is a hack....when obama was in office she wrote a paper on why military aid should not be given, now she is all for giving military moron.
Who told you that and was it in context?

Here you go...

Under Obama, Democrat Witness Fiona Hill Argued Against Lethal Aid For Ukraine

During the Democrats’ partisan impeachment hearings on Thursday, their witness Fiona Hill, a former White House official, testified she was concerned that a hold on aid might endanger Ukraine’s security. But in 2015, Hill penned an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a mistake.

In both her closed-door testimony last month and her public hearing on Thursday, Hill said she was concerned about Ukraine’s safety and stability as it defends itself against Russia should President Trump continue to withhold aid.

But while she was the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution a few years prior, Hill wrote an op-ed titled “How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war,” in which she strongly disagreed with the idea that “increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity … would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers.”

“It is hard to find effective alternatives to the current sanctions policy, but if we plunge headlong into sending weapons, we may lose our allies, and we may never have the opportunity to get things right,” Hill wrote.

Other witnesses who testified before the House Intelligence Committee admitted that Trump’s policy of denying lethal defensive assistance to the Ukrainians has been more effective than President Barack Obama’s policies in Ukraine and Russia.

Hill also previously testified that she has absolutely no direct knowledge of both the phone call with Ukraine and why the aid was withheld.
so the conditions 5 years ago, are the same as now or even 2 or 3 years from then?

we can't evolve?? progress? learn from mistakes?
Her op-ed was after Putin invaded, so not much has changed other the Putin getting entrenched because Barry Hussein was such a pussy Putin puppet.
Mainstream media has claimed Giuliani investigated corruption in Ukraine for political purposes. Other reports said Giuliani’s probe falls in line with the State Department’s longstanding policy of battling corruption in Ukraine to advance U.S. interests in the region.

“We provided $250 million worth of security assistance, defense assistance and $140 million or so of additional security assistance…to fight corruption continued this year,” said Secretary of State Pompeo. “That’s what happened in Washington with respect to Ukraine.”

State Department documents also showed that Zlochevsky assembled an international team, led by Hunter Biden, to protect his embezzlement. The team included Devon Archer, CIA official Joseph Blade and former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski. Documents showed Kwasniewski received nearly $1.2 million for his services. The amount received by Archer and Hunter Biden was reportedly concealed by Latvia.

Additionally, Ukrainian officials said some $16 million left Ukraine through two secretive units, which were under the protection of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

“From the Russia hoax to the shoddy Ukrainian sequel, the Democrats got caught,” stated Rep. Devin Nunes. “Let’s hope they finally learn a lesson, give their conspiracy theories a rest and focus on governing for a chance.”

Rudy Giuliani said he’s undeterred by the recent attacks against him. The attorney added he is committed to uncovering the Obama administration’s pay-to-play scheme, which may devastate the Democrat Party. He said the New York Mafia could not intimidate him in the past, and today, the Democrats won’t silence him either.
where is your link, backing up this drivel?
It says OAN RIGHT THERE But you seem to be slower than usual today!

State Department documents expose Biden-Ukraine corruption | One America News Network
This is not about Obama + congress approved aid given ,and congress gave appropriate aid according to Dr. HIll.

Hill is a hack....when obama was in office she wrote a paper on why military aid should not be given, now she is all for giving military moron.
Who told you that and was it in context?

Here you go...

Under Obama, Democrat Witness Fiona Hill Argued Against Lethal Aid For Ukraine

During the Democrats’ partisan impeachment hearings on Thursday, their witness Fiona Hill, a former White House official, testified she was concerned that a hold on aid might endanger Ukraine’s security. But in 2015, Hill penned an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a mistake.

In both her closed-door testimony last month and her public hearing on Thursday, Hill said she was concerned about Ukraine’s safety and stability as it defends itself against Russia should President Trump continue to withhold aid.

But while she was the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution a few years prior, Hill wrote an op-ed titled “How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war,” in which she strongly disagreed with the idea that “increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity … would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers.”

“It is hard to find effective alternatives to the current sanctions policy, but if we plunge headlong into sending weapons, we may lose our allies, and we may never have the opportunity to get things right,” Hill wrote.

Other witnesses who testified before the House Intelligence Committee admitted that Trump’s policy of denying lethal defensive assistance to the Ukrainians has been more effective than President Barack Obama’s policies in Ukraine and Russia.

Hill also previously testified that she has absolutely no direct knowledge of both the phone call with Ukraine and why the aid was withheld.
so the conditions 5 years ago, are the same as now or even 2 or 3 years from then?

we can't evolve?? progress? learn from mistakes?

Now that is funny...obama in office....military aid bad.....Trump in office, and she runs up there to attack him........after he provides military aid which she now supports......

all it shows is she supports the State Dept's mission... between different admins...

and yes, the State Dept's goals changed under admin changes, and with time...

Are you suppose to stick with a position that was at one time right and only later to find out, it was not working and changes needed to be made to improve the USA's national security?

I do not understand what point you are even trying to make with this...??
Mainstream media has claimed Giuliani investigated corruption in Ukraine for political purposes. Other reports said Giuliani’s probe falls in line with the State Department’s longstanding policy of battling corruption in Ukraine to advance U.S. interests in the region.

“We provided $250 million worth of security assistance, defense assistance and $140 million or so of additional security assistance…to fight corruption continued this year,” said Secretary of State Pompeo. “That’s what happened in Washington with respect to Ukraine.”

State Department documents also showed that Zlochevsky assembled an international team, led by Hunter Biden, to protect his embezzlement. The team included Devon Archer, CIA official Joseph Blade and former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski. Documents showed Kwasniewski received nearly $1.2 million for his services. The amount received by Archer and Hunter Biden was reportedly concealed by Latvia.

Additionally, Ukrainian officials said some $16 million left Ukraine through two secretive units, which were under the protection of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

“From the Russia hoax to the shoddy Ukrainian sequel, the Democrats got caught,” stated Rep. Devin Nunes. “Let’s hope they finally learn a lesson, give their conspiracy theories a rest and focus on governing for a chance.”

Rudy Giuliani said he’s undeterred by the recent attacks against him. The attorney added he is committed to uncovering the Obama administration’s pay-to-play scheme, which may devastate the Democrat Party. He said the New York Mafia could not intimidate him in the past, and today, the Democrats won’t silence him either.
where is your link, backing up this drivel?
It says OAN RIGHT THERE But you seem to be slower than usual today!

State Department documents expose Biden-Ukraine corruption | One America News Network
yes, but your post, should have included the link... if you can still edit it, putting it in there will help others looking for it!

thank you!
Mainstream media has claimed Giuliani investigated corruption in Ukraine for political purposes. Other reports said Giuliani’s probe falls in line with the State Department’s longstanding policy of battling corruption in Ukraine to advance U.S. interests in the region.

“We provided $250 million worth of security assistance, defense assistance and $140 million or so of additional security assistance…to fight corruption continued this year,” said Secretary of State Pompeo. “That’s what happened in Washington with respect to Ukraine.”

State Department documents also showed that Zlochevsky assembled an international team, led by Hunter Biden, to protect his embezzlement. The team included Devon Archer, CIA official Joseph Blade and former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski. Documents showed Kwasniewski received nearly $1.2 million for his services. The amount received by Archer and Hunter Biden was reportedly concealed by Latvia.

Additionally, Ukrainian officials said some $16 million left Ukraine through two secretive units, which were under the protection of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

“From the Russia hoax to the shoddy Ukrainian sequel, the Democrats got caught,” stated Rep. Devin Nunes. “Let’s hope they finally learn a lesson, give their conspiracy theories a rest and focus on governing for a chance.”

Rudy Giuliani said he’s undeterred by the recent attacks against him. The attorney added he is committed to uncovering the Obama administration’s pay-to-play scheme, which may devastate the Democrat Party. He said the New York Mafia could not intimidate him in the past, and today, the Democrats won’t silence him either.
where is your link, backing up this drivel?
It says OAN RIGHT THERE But you seem to be slower than usual today!

State Department documents expose Biden-Ukraine corruption | One America News Network
yes, but your post, should have included the link... if you can still edit it, putting it in there will help others looking for it!

thank you!
Too old, but I did put thatvarticlevwith link in at least 3 other threads....and no feedback excerpts LIKES:)
This is not about Obama + congress approved aid given ,and congress gave appropriate aid according to Dr. HIll.

Hill is a hack....when obama was in office she wrote a paper on why military aid should not be given, now she is all for giving military moron.
Who told you that and was it in context?

Here you go...

Under Obama, Democrat Witness Fiona Hill Argued Against Lethal Aid For Ukraine

During the Democrats’ partisan impeachment hearings on Thursday, their witness Fiona Hill, a former White House official, testified she was concerned that a hold on aid might endanger Ukraine’s security. But in 2015, Hill penned an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a mistake.

In both her closed-door testimony last month and her public hearing on Thursday, Hill said she was concerned about Ukraine’s safety and stability as it defends itself against Russia should President Trump continue to withhold aid.

But while she was the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution a few years prior, Hill wrote an op-ed titled “How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war,” in which she strongly disagreed with the idea that “increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity … would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers.”

“It is hard to find effective alternatives to the current sanctions policy, but if we plunge headlong into sending weapons, we may lose our allies, and we may never have the opportunity to get things right,” Hill wrote.

Other witnesses who testified before the House Intelligence Committee admitted that Trump’s policy of denying lethal defensive assistance to the Ukrainians has been more effective than President Barack Obama’s policies in Ukraine and Russia.

Hill also previously testified that she has absolutely no direct knowledge of both the phone call with Ukraine and why the aid was withheld.
so the conditions 5 years ago, are the same as now or even 2 or 3 years from then?

we can't evolve?? progress? learn from mistakes?
Her op-ed was after Putin invaded, so not much has changed other the Putin getting entrenched because Barry Hussein was such a pussy Putin puppet.
besides Trump's personal gain by the shakedown, who do you think benefits THE MOST by what Trump did in holding back military funds and refusing a DC meeting with Velensky? Putin's Russia... NOT the USA
Hill is a hack....when obama was in office she wrote a paper on why military aid should not be given, now she is all for giving military moron.
Who told you that and was it in context?

Here you go...

Under Obama, Democrat Witness Fiona Hill Argued Against Lethal Aid For Ukraine

During the Democrats’ partisan impeachment hearings on Thursday, their witness Fiona Hill, a former White House official, testified she was concerned that a hold on aid might endanger Ukraine’s security. But in 2015, Hill penned an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a mistake.

In both her closed-door testimony last month and her public hearing on Thursday, Hill said she was concerned about Ukraine’s safety and stability as it defends itself against Russia should President Trump continue to withhold aid.

But while she was the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution a few years prior, Hill wrote an op-ed titled “How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war,” in which she strongly disagreed with the idea that “increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity … would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers.”

“It is hard to find effective alternatives to the current sanctions policy, but if we plunge headlong into sending weapons, we may lose our allies, and we may never have the opportunity to get things right,” Hill wrote.

Other witnesses who testified before the House Intelligence Committee admitted that Trump’s policy of denying lethal defensive assistance to the Ukrainians has been more effective than President Barack Obama’s policies in Ukraine and Russia.

Hill also previously testified that she has absolutely no direct knowledge of both the phone call with Ukraine and why the aid was withheld.
so the conditions 5 years ago, are the same as now or even 2 or 3 years from then?

we can't evolve?? progress? learn from mistakes?
Her op-ed was after Putin invaded, so not much has changed other the Putin getting entrenched because Barry Hussein was such a pussy Putin puppet.
besides Trump's personal gain by the shakedown, who do you think benefits THE MOST by what Trump did in holding back military funds and refusing a DC meeting with Velensky? Putin's Russia... NOT the USA
He is showing how corrupt your party is, and after the election he will be more flexible to show how evil it is also.
Why would you punish the Ukraine by not giving them our congressionally passed military aid, because other countries are not helping them more?

The Ukraine has no say in what foreign countries give them.

That is one of the most absurd excuses...

So uninformed.
blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.

And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...
You are nuts!!!!!!!

THEY ALL SAID THERE WAS A TIT FOR TAT, a quid offer and what had to be done to receive it.

Quid pro quo

Where are you getting all the witnesses say there wasn't one?????? It was just the opposite....

You didn't watch the hearing or read the witnesses depositions, did ya?

None of them said that.
And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...

Sondland says there was a Quid Pro Quo...

There's a simple way to clear all of this up.

Have Bolton, Guliani, Mulvany, Perry, Pompeo all appear in front of Congress, under oath, and testify about what they know.

He did not.
Hill is a hack....when obama was in office she wrote a paper on why military aid should not be given, now she is all for giving military moron.
Who told you that and was it in context?

Here you go...

Under Obama, Democrat Witness Fiona Hill Argued Against Lethal Aid For Ukraine

During the Democrats’ partisan impeachment hearings on Thursday, their witness Fiona Hill, a former White House official, testified she was concerned that a hold on aid might endanger Ukraine’s security. But in 2015, Hill penned an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a mistake.

In both her closed-door testimony last month and her public hearing on Thursday, Hill said she was concerned about Ukraine’s safety and stability as it defends itself against Russia should President Trump continue to withhold aid.

But while she was the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution a few years prior, Hill wrote an op-ed titled “How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war,” in which she strongly disagreed with the idea that “increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity … would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers.”

“It is hard to find effective alternatives to the current sanctions policy, but if we plunge headlong into sending weapons, we may lose our allies, and we may never have the opportunity to get things right,” Hill wrote.

Other witnesses who testified before the House Intelligence Committee admitted that Trump’s policy of denying lethal defensive assistance to the Ukrainians has been more effective than President Barack Obama’s policies in Ukraine and Russia.

Hill also previously testified that she has absolutely no direct knowledge of both the phone call with Ukraine and why the aid was withheld.
so the conditions 5 years ago, are the same as now or even 2 or 3 years from then?

we can't evolve?? progress? learn from mistakes?
Her op-ed was after Putin invaded, so not much has changed other the Putin getting entrenched because Barry Hussein was such a pussy Putin puppet.
besides Trump's personal gain by the shakedown, who do you think benefits THE MOST by what Trump did in holding back military funds and refusing a DC meeting with Velensky? Putin's Russia... NOT the USA

There was no personal shakedown.
Who is hurt the most by everything Trump does, Russia.
I Think Impeachment Rules need changed in The House. They rigged this shit from
The start. Impeachment is supposed to be Bi-Partisan, and not a biased with hunt with rigged rules.

It should take a 2/3rd majority to even hold an inquiry,

The constitution says a simple majority...

YOu guys had no problem with partisan impeachment rules when you impeached Clinton for getting a blow job.

Still never happened.
Mark Sandy, a career official in the Office of Management and Budget, said that the White House did not tell his office that the was being frozen over concerns about other countries' contributions until months after the hold was put in place. Sandy described deep dissatisfaction within the OMB after the hold was put in place, including questions being raised about the legality of the freeze and the resignations of officials who expressed concerns about the move.
White House officials -- including acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney -- have said that one of the key reasons US security assistance to Ukraine was held up in July was because other countries in Europe were not providing enough assistance to Kiev. But Sandy testified that he was only given that explanation in September, when the White House first asked OMB for information about what other countries were contributing, according to a transcript of the closed-door deposition released by House Democrats on Tuesday.

Read the transcript. On pg 179 it says the after the money was released, the "other country scenario came".

Fortunately it is the President of the U.S. that sets foreign policy not Mr. Sandy and thankfully not you.
And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...

Sondland says there was a Quid Pro Quo...

There's a simple way to clear all of this up.

Have Bolton, Guliani, Mulvany, Perry, Pompeo all appear in front of Congress, under oath, and testify about what they know.
Once again, Sondland corrected himself. He stated when he asked the president, he stated no quid pro quo.

They can't hear that.
And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...

Sondland says there was a Quid Pro Quo...

There's a simple way to clear all of this up.

Have Bolton, Guliani, Mulvany, Perry, Pompeo all appear in front of Congress, under oath, and testify about what they know.
Once again, Sondland corrected himself. He stated when he asked the president, he stated no quid pro quo.

A: so, mr witness, you stated that you saw mr perp steal that aircraft carrier.

W: yes, i did. and so did a lot of other people.

A: thank you.

B: but did not mr perp tell you something else?

W: yes, months after stealing the aircraft carrier, when it was about to become public, mr perp contacted me and he said to me: "I did not steal that aircraft carrier."

perptards: W testified that perp did not steal that aircraft carrier!


Oh another retard
blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.

Thank you for the refill!

Good God a'mighty... ya know... at some point one has to look at how RETARDED some people are here, and how they just LIE, LIE, LIE, and spew the corrupt demtrash propaganda wing garbage as if there was a SHRED of TRUTH or PROOF to ANY of it, and realize these people are NOT worth arguing with. They're just IDIOTS on the internet that have NO bearing over ANYTHING, other than the BULL SHIT they post here. They can't change the truth, they can't change an outcome, their opinions here are about as WORTHLESS as PISS DOWN A TOILET.
Hill is a hack....when obama was in office she wrote a paper on why military aid should not be given, now she is all for giving military moron.
Who told you that and was it in context?

Here you go...

Under Obama, Democrat Witness Fiona Hill Argued Against Lethal Aid For Ukraine

During the Democrats’ partisan impeachment hearings on Thursday, their witness Fiona Hill, a former White House official, testified she was concerned that a hold on aid might endanger Ukraine’s security. But in 2015, Hill penned an op-ed in the Washington Post arguing that providing lethal weapons to Ukraine would be a mistake.

In both her closed-door testimony last month and her public hearing on Thursday, Hill said she was concerned about Ukraine’s safety and stability as it defends itself against Russia should President Trump continue to withhold aid.

But while she was the director of the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution a few years prior, Hill wrote an op-ed titled “How aiding the Ukrainian military could push Putin into a regional war,” in which she strongly disagreed with the idea that “increasing the Ukrainian army’s fighting capacity … would allow it to kill more rebels and Russian soldiers.”

“It is hard to find effective alternatives to the current sanctions policy, but if we plunge headlong into sending weapons, we may lose our allies, and we may never have the opportunity to get things right,” Hill wrote.

Other witnesses who testified before the House Intelligence Committee admitted that Trump’s policy of denying lethal defensive assistance to the Ukrainians has been more effective than President Barack Obama’s policies in Ukraine and Russia.

Hill also previously testified that she has absolutely no direct knowledge of both the phone call with Ukraine and why the aid was withheld.
so the conditions 5 years ago, are the same as now or even 2 or 3 years from then?

we can't evolve?? progress? learn from mistakes?
Her op-ed was after Putin invaded, so not much has changed other the Putin getting entrenched because Barry Hussein was such a pussy Putin puppet.
besides Trump's personal gain by the shakedown, who do you think benefits THE MOST by what Trump did in holding back military funds and refusing a DC meeting with Velensky? Putin's Russia... NOT the USA
Who benefited most by Obama doing nothing while Putin invaded Ukraine? Obama's puppetmaster Putin, that's who. But Obama sent blankets.....
Why would you punish the Ukraine by not giving them our congressionally passed military aid, because other countries are not helping them more?

The Ukraine has no say in what foreign countries give them.

That is one of the most absurd excuses...

And why would obama not give them lethal aid...oh yeah, as we learned on that video.....he told putin he would be able to be more flexible after he was re-elected....
was the election and tape of that, prior to Putin's invasion in to the Ukraine?

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