They have Trump now, transcript of witness shows why Trump withheld aid, damning evidence...

Yeah.....why did Trump withhold the aid, temporarily? In this shocking revelation from actual testimony it is now known that Trump withheld aid......because he wanted the lazy, greedy, assholes in Europe to pay more....
2Aguy, I am beginning to feel sorry for you. Your desperation to exonerate Trump is morphing from tragedy to comedy. Neither Duffy nor Sandy cleared Trump. I didn't read your link, just the paste, but that isn't the entire conversation. It's been clear from the beginning that other countries have given more money to Ukraine even before Trump was scared into releasing the money because he knew about the whistleblower's accusation well before it went public. It has also been stated by OMB that Trump never asked about corruption in any other country in the world except Ukraine.
Yeah.....why did Trump withhold the aid, temporarily? In this shocking revelation from actual testimony it is now known that Trump withheld aid......because he wanted the lazy, greedy, assholes in Europe to pay more....
2Aguy, I am beginning to feel sorry for you. Your desperation to exonerate Trump is morphing from tragedy to comedy. Neither Duffy nor Sandy cleared Trump. I didn't read your link, just the paste, but that isn't the entire conversation. It's been clear from the beginning that other countries have given more money to Ukraine even before Trump was scared into releasing the money because he knew about the whistleblower's accusation well before it went public. It has also been stated by OMB that Trump never asked about corruption in any other country in the world except Ukraine.
Yeah, keep losing, loser.

No one feels sorry for you.
Yeah.....why did Trump withhold the aid, temporarily? In this shocking revelation from actual testimony it is now known that Trump withheld aid......because he wanted the lazy, greedy, assholes in Europe to pay more....

Impeachment Witness Deposition Reveals Why They Were Told To Hold Ukraine Aid

Newly released transcripts from the deposition of Mark Sandy, an official at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reveal that OMB was allegedly instructed to withhold aid to Ukraine because President Donald Trump was concerned “about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) responded to the release of the transcripts from the deposition, which happened on Chairman Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee, by writing on Twitter, “The transcript for OMB’s Mark Sandy was just released. The ONLY reason he was ever given why there was a hold on $ to Ukraine was “the President’s concern about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.” NOT bribery. NOT quid pro quo or any other WACKY Schiff conspiracy!”

Here is the interaction where the revelation was made [emphasis added]:

Question: Between July 19th and July 22nd, including July 22nd, did Mr. Duffey provide you any explanation as to why the President wanted to place a hold on Ukraine security assistance?

Sandy: No.

Question: Did you ask?

Sandy: Yes.

Question: And what was the response?

Sandy: He was not aware of the reason.

Question: To the best of your recollection, what precisely did he say to you when you asked for the reason for the President’s decision to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: That he was not aware.

Question: Did Mr. Duffey say that he was going to try to get additional information as to the reason for the hold?

Sandy: Yes. He certainly said that if he got additional information he would share it with us.

Question: At any point in time, from the moment that you walked into the [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] to anytime in history, has Mr. Duffey ever provided to you a reason why the President wanted to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: I recall in early September an email [from Mike Duffey] that attributed the hold to the President’s concern about other counties not contributing money to Ukraine.

Who is Mike Duffey??

Some sources told the Wall Street Journal that Duffey "took on the role because he was new to the job and wanted more insight into the apportionment process."

But his involvement was not typical.

"The involvement of a political official like Mr. Duffey in the apportionment process is unusual, according to several former OMB officials," the report said.
The latest Ukraine developments have a Wisconsin tie. Who is Michael Duffey?
Yeah.....why did Trump withhold the aid, temporarily? In this shocking revelation from actual testimony it is now known that Trump withheld aid......because he wanted the lazy, greedy, assholes in Europe to pay more....

Impeachment Witness Deposition Reveals Why They Were Told To Hold Ukraine Aid

Newly released transcripts from the deposition of Mark Sandy, an official at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reveal that OMB was allegedly instructed to withhold aid to Ukraine because President Donald Trump was concerned “about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) responded to the release of the transcripts from the deposition, which happened on Chairman Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee, by writing on Twitter, “The transcript for OMB’s Mark Sandy was just released. The ONLY reason he was ever given why there was a hold on $ to Ukraine was “the President’s concern about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.” NOT bribery. NOT quid pro quo or any other WACKY Schiff conspiracy!”

Here is the interaction where the revelation was made [emphasis added]:

Question: Between July 19th and July 22nd, including July 22nd, did Mr. Duffey provide you any explanation as to why the President wanted to place a hold on Ukraine security assistance?

Sandy: No.

Question: Did you ask?

Sandy: Yes.

Question: And what was the response?

Sandy: He was not aware of the reason.

Question: To the best of your recollection, what precisely did he say to you when you asked for the reason for the President’s decision to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: That he was not aware.

Question: Did Mr. Duffey say that he was going to try to get additional information as to the reason for the hold?

Sandy: Yes. He certainly said that if he got additional information he would share it with us.

Question: At any point in time, from the moment that you walked into the [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] to anytime in history, has Mr. Duffey ever provided to you a reason why the President wanted to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: I recall in early September an email [from Mike Duffey] that attributed the hold to the President’s concern about other counties not contributing money to Ukraine.
Newly released transcripts from the deposition of Mark Sandy, an official at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reveal that OMB was allegedly instructed to withhold aid to Ukraine because President Donald Trump was concerned “about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.”
Why did at least two career officials at OMB resign over Trump's decision to withhold aid from Ukraine?

Mark Sandy transcript: Budget official testimony undermines impeachment defense on freezing Ukraine aid - CNNPolitics

"A career budget official undercut one of the White House's arguments for freezing $400 million in security aid to Ukraine, according to a newly released transcript.

"Mark Sandy, a career official in the Office of Management and Budget, said that the White House did not tell his office that the was being frozen over concerns about other countries' contributions until months after the hold was put in place.

"Sandy described deep dissatisfaction within the OMB after the hold was put in place, including questions being raised about the legality of the freeze and the resignations of officials who expressed concerns about the move."

Don't you think Trump should turn over all relevant paperwork to congress in order to find out who's lying in this matter?
I Think Impeachment Rules need changed in The House. They rigged this shit from
The start. Impeachment is supposed to be Bi-Partisan, and not a biased with hunt with rigged rules.

It should take a 2/3rd majority to even hold an inquiry,
Yeah.....why did Trump withhold the aid, temporarily? In this shocking revelation from actual testimony it is now known that Trump withheld aid......because he wanted the lazy, greedy, assholes in Europe to pay more....
Impeachment Witness Deposition Reveals Why They Were Told To Hold Ukraine Aid

Newly released transcripts from the deposition of Mark Sandy, an official at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reveal that OMB was allegedly instructed to withhold aid to Ukraine because President Donald Trump was concerned “about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) responded to the release of the transcripts from the deposition, which happened on Chairman Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee, by writing on Twitter, “The transcript for OMB’s Mark Sandy was just released. The ONLY reason he was ever given why there was a hold on $ to Ukraine was “the President’s concern about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.” NOT bribery. NOT quid pro quo or any other WACKY Schiff conspiracy!”

Here is the interaction where the revelation was made [emphasis added]:

Question: Between July 19th and July 22nd, including July 22nd, did Mr. Duffey provide you any explanation as to why the President wanted to place a hold on Ukraine security assistance?

Sandy: No.

Question: Did you ask?

Sandy: Yes.

Question: And what was the response?

Sandy: He was not aware of the reason.

Question: To the best of your recollection, what precisely did he say to you when you asked for the reason for the President’s decision to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: That he was not aware.

Question: Did Mr. Duffey say that he was going to try to get additional information as to the reason for the hold?

Sandy: Yes. He certainly said that if he got additional information he would share it with us.

Question: At any point in time, from the moment that you walked into the [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] to anytime in history, has Mr. Duffey ever provided to you a reason why the President wanted to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: I recall in early September an email [from Mike Duffey] that attributed the hold to the President’s concern about other counties not contributing money to Ukraine.
Not likely to get a Constitutional amendment.
And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...

Sondland says there was a Quid Pro Quo...

There's a simple way to clear all of this up.

Have Bolton, Guliani, Mulvany, Perry, Pompeo all appear in front of Congress, under oath, and testify about what they know.

And when they all say there was no quid pro quo, you'll believe them and say the democrats should just shut it all down, right?
blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.

And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...
You are nuts!!!!!!!

THEY ALL SAID THERE WAS A TIT FOR TAT, a quid offer and what had to be done to receive it.

Quid pro quo

Where are you getting all the witnesses say there wasn't one?????? It was just the opposite....

You didn't watch the hearing or read the witnesses depositions, did ya?
who and when??


I'm not a liar.

Trump, Mulveney Sondland Volker, Perry, Amb Taylor, and all the people in the admin that have quit due to its illegality.....

Read Gordon Sondland’s Opening Statement

First, Secretary Perry, Ambassador Volker and I worked with Mr. Rudy Giuliani on Ukraine matters at the express direction of the President of the United States. We did not want to work with Mr. Giuliani. Simply put, we played the hand we were dealt. We all understood that if we refused to work with Mr. Giuliani, we would lose an important opportunity to cement relations between the United States and Ukraine. So we followed the President’s orders.

Second, although we disagreed with the need to involve Mr. Giuliani, we did not believe that his role was improper at the time. As I previously testifed, if I had known of all of Mr.Giuliani’s dealings or of his associations with individuals now under criminal indictment, I would not have acquiesced to his participation. Still, given what we knew at the time, what we were asked to do did not appear to be wrong.

Third, let me say: precisely because we did not think that we were engaging in improper behavior, we made every effort to ensure that the relevant decisionmakers at the National

Security Council and State Department knew the important details of our efforts. The suggestion that we were engaged in some irregular or rogue diplomacy is absolutely false. I have now identified certain State Department emails and messages that provide contemporaneous support for my view. These emails show that the leadership of State, NSC, and the White House were all informed about the Ukraine efforts from May 23, 2019, until the security aid was released on September 11, 2019. I will quote from some of those messages with you shortly.

Fourth, as I testified previously, Mr. Giuliani’s requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Zelensky. Mr. Giuliani demanded that Ukraine make a public statement announcing investigations of the 2016 election/DNC server and Burisma. Mr. Giuliani was expressing the desires of the President of the United States, and we knew that these investigations were important to the President.

Fifth, in July and August 2019, we learned that the White House had also suspended security aid to Ukraine. I was adamantly opposed to any suspension of aid, as the Ukrainians needed those funds to fight against Russian aggression. I tried diligently to ask why the aid was suspended, but I never received a clear answer. In the absence of any credible explanation for the suspension of aid, I later came to believe that the resumption of security aid would not occur until there was a public statement from Ukraine committing to the investigations of the 2016 election and Burisma, as Mr. Giuliani had demanded. I shared concerns of the potential quid pro quo regarding the security aid with Senator Ron Johnson. And I also shared my concerns with the Ukrainians.

Finally, at all times, I was acting in good faith. As a presidential appointee, I followed the directions of the President. We worked with Mr. Giuliani because the President directed us to do so. We had no desire to set any conditions on the Ukranians. Indeed, my personal view -- which I shared repeatedly with others -- was that the White House meeting and security assistance should have proceeded without pre-conditions of any kind. We were working to overcome the problems, given the facts as they existed. Our only interest was to advance long-standing U.S. policy and to support Ukraine’s fragile democracy.
Last edited:
Let's face it.... You do not care that Trump was self dealing... You don't care if he CHEATS in the upcoming election.... if cheating helps him win, so be it, eh?
blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.

And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...
You are nuts!!!!!!!

THEY ALL SAID THERE WAS A TIT FOR TAT, a quid offer and what had to be done to receive it.

Quid pro quo

Where are you getting all the witnesses say there wasn't one?????? It was just the opposite....

You didn't watch the hearing or read the witnesses depositions, did ya?
Stop letting these Trump sycophants gas light you.....ignore them, they already know what it is -- they just like seeing you try to convince them of something they already know....

Years from now they will all be saying "Of course there was a quid pro quo....but that's in the past, get over it libs"
blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.

And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...
You are nuts!!!!!!!

THEY ALL SAID THERE WAS A TIT FOR TAT, a quid offer and what had to be done to receive it.

Quid pro quo

Where are you getting all the witnesses say there wasn't one?????? It was just the opposite....

You didn't watch the hearing or read the witnesses depositions, did ya?
Stop letting these Trump sycophants gas light you.....ignore them, they already know what it is -- they just like seeing you try to convince them of something they already know....

Years from now they will all be saying "Of course there was a quid pro quo....but that's in the past, get over it libs"
It's not for them specifically, it is simply for History's sake, showing the facts, for anyone reading about this in the future....

(specifically me! :p I've been here 12 years and plan on being here another 12 years, and I want a record, for future arguments!) :D:D
And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...

Sondland says there was a Quid Pro Quo...

There's a simple way to clear all of this up.

Have Bolton, Guliani, Mulvany, Perry, Pompeo all appear in front of Congress, under oath, and testify about what they know.
Give up. You lost.

Schifferbrains has nothing but hearsay, feelings, and opinions.
Yeah.....why did Trump withhold the aid, temporarily? In this shocking revelation from actual testimony it is now known that Trump withheld aid......because he wanted the lazy, greedy, assholes in Europe to pay more....

Impeachment Witness Deposition Reveals Why They Were Told To Hold Ukraine Aid

Newly released transcripts from the deposition of Mark Sandy, an official at the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), reveal that OMB was allegedly instructed to withhold aid to Ukraine because President Donald Trump was concerned “about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) responded to the release of the transcripts from the deposition, which happened on Chairman Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee, by writing on Twitter, “The transcript for OMB’s Mark Sandy was just released. The ONLY reason he was ever given why there was a hold on $ to Ukraine was “the President’s concern about other countries not contributing more to Ukraine.” NOT bribery. NOT quid pro quo or any other WACKY Schiff conspiracy!”

Here is the interaction where the revelation was made [emphasis added]:

Question: Between July 19th and July 22nd, including July 22nd, did Mr. Duffey provide you any explanation as to why the President wanted to place a hold on Ukraine security assistance?

Sandy: No.

Question: Did you ask?

Sandy: Yes.

Question: And what was the response?

Sandy: He was not aware of the reason.

Question: To the best of your recollection, what precisely did he say to you when you asked for the reason for the President’s decision to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: That he was not aware.

Question: Did Mr. Duffey say that he was going to try to get additional information as to the reason for the hold?

Sandy: Yes. He certainly said that if he got additional information he would share it with us.

Question: At any point in time, from the moment that you walked into the [Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility] to anytime in history, has Mr. Duffey ever provided to you a reason why the President wanted to place a hold on security assistance?

Sandy: I recall in early September an email [from Mike Duffey] that attributed the hold to the President’s concern about other counties not contributing money to Ukraine.
Mark Sandy, a career official in the Office of Management and Budget, said that the White House did not tell his office that the was being frozen over concerns about other countries' contributions until months after the hold was put in place. Sandy described deep dissatisfaction within the OMB after the hold was put in place, including questions being raised about the legality of the freeze and the resignations of officials who expressed concerns about the move.
White House officials -- including acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney -- have said that one of the key reasons US security assistance to Ukraine was held up in July was because other countries in Europe were not providing enough assistance to Kiev. But Sandy testified that he was only given that explanation in September, when the White House first asked OMB for information about what other countries were contributing, according to a transcript of the closed-door deposition released by House Democrats on Tuesday.

Read the transcript. On pg 179 it says the after the money was released, the "other country scenario came".
CNN spin.
blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.
We got him now! We surely got him now! Oops!


blub blub blub

when he realized he might have been caught, they found all kinds of assplanations:

it wasn't me.

it was perfect.

it's not a quid pro quo

i want nothing


that's the ticket.

And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...
You are nuts!!!!!!!

THEY ALL SAID THERE WAS A TIT FOR TAT, a quid offer and what had to be done to receive it.

Quid pro quo

Where are you getting all the witnesses say there wasn't one?????? It was just the opposite....

You didn't watch the hearing or read the witnesses depositions, did ya?
Stop letting these Trump sycophants gas light you.....ignore them, they already know what it is -- they just like seeing you try to convince them of something they already know....

Years from now they will all be saying "Of course there was a quid pro quo....but that's in the past, get over it libs"
It's not for them specifically, it is simply for History's sake, showing the facts, for anyone reading about this in the future....

(specifically me! :p I've been here 12 years and plan on being here another 12 years, and I want a record, for future arguments!) :D:D
I never thought about it like that....excellent idea...2016-04-07 12.44.54.jpg
Why would you punish the Ukraine by not giving them our congressionally passed military aid, because other countries are not helping them more?

The Ukraine has no say in what foreign countries give them.

That is one of the most absurd excuses...

And why would obama not give them lethal aid...oh yeah, as we learned on that video.....he told putin he would be able to be more flexible after he was re-elected....
Ah yes, another Trumpbot talking point. :lol:

Obama, and his REPUBLICAN congress did not appropriate military money for the Ukraine... there never was appropriated money for Obama to send, was there? No, not that I am aware of...? Why didn't the Republicans in Congress pass a bill for Military aid? Even if Obama didn't ask for it or want it at the time, or for whatever good reason, these things are up to Congress.... they decide foreign policy through their funding, or not funding....
Looks like they have Jojo "the World's Dumbest Politician and sexual Abuser" Biden by the SHORT HAIRS!

State Department Documents Expose Biden-Ukraine Corruption


Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to local residents, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Justin Hayworth)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:00 PM PT — Sunday, November 24, 2019

Newly released documents are revealing additional details of the alleged corruption scheme by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. A recent Freedom of Information request by watchdog group American Oversight has produced 100 pages of State Department documents, including testimonies from former prosecutors Viktor Shokin and Yuriy Lutsenko.

American Oversight


BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office


10:36 PM - Nov 22, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

27.7K people are talking about this

This comes amid elevated concerns that top Obama-era officials could be harboring ill-gotten gains of Ukrainian oligarchs in exchange for help in the 2016 election.

“When the President’s talking to the president of Ukraine, that’s the issue he’s worried about: why did this corruption take place, and if they’re investigating what went on,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “He had every right to ask about Biden.”

Reports confirmed Vice President Biden used his office to protect energy company Burisma from anti-corruption scrutiny. Documents showed the State Department was aware that Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky was involved in money laundering and the illegal off-shoring of at least $23 million from Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials said Hunter Biden, who served on Burisma’s board at the time, received a salary of $50,000 per month, plus a commission. The documents confirmed that in 2015, Zlochevsky paid $900,000 in consulting fees to Rosemont Seneca Partners, a company that represented the Bidens’ interests in Ukraine.

Zlochevsky has been under U.S. scrutiny for several years.

“I and other U.S. officials consistently advocated reinstituting a scuttled investigation of Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, as well as holding the corrupt prosecutors who closed the case to account,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent.

Despite all this, the left-leaning watchdog group is focusing on the contacts between Rudy Giuliani and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Report Ad

American Oversight


· Nov 22, 2019

BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office

American Oversight


It's clear why Mike Pompeo has refused to release this information to Congress.

It reveals a clear paper trail from Rudy Giuliani to the Oval Office to Secretary Pompeo to facilitate Giuliani’s smear campaign against a U.S. ambassador.


10:40 PM - Nov 22, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

8,764 people are talking about this

Mainstream media has claimed Giuliani investigated corruption in Ukraine for political purposes. Other reports said Giuliani’s probe falls in line with the State Department’s longstanding policy of battling corruption in Ukraine to advance U.S. interests in the region.

“We provided $250 million worth of security assistance, defense assistance and $140 million or so of additional security assistance…to fight corruption continued this year,” said Secretary of State Pompeo. “That’s what happened in Washington with respect to Ukraine.”

State Department documents also showed that Zlochevsky assembled an international team, led by Hunter Biden, to protect his embezzlement. The team included Devon Archer, CIA official Joseph Blade and former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski. Documents showed Kwasniewski received nearly $1.2 million for his services. The amount received by Archer and Hunter Biden was reportedly concealed by Latvia.

Additionally, Ukrainian officials said some $16 million left Ukraine through two secretive units, which were under the protection of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

“From the Russia hoax to the shoddy Ukrainian sequel, the Democrats got caught,” stated Rep. Devin Nunes. “Let’s hope they finally learn a lesson, give their conspiracy theories a rest and focus on governing for a chance.”

Rudy Giuliani said he’s undeterred by the recent attacks against him. The attorney added he is committed to uncovering the Obama administration’s pay-to-play scheme, which may devastate the Democrat Party. He said the New York Mafia could not intimidate him in the past, and today, the Democrats won’t silence him either.
Looks like they have Jojo "the World's Dumbest Politician and sexual Abuser" Biden by the SHORT HAIRS!

State Department Documents Expose Biden-Ukraine Corruption


Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to local residents, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Justin Hayworth)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:00 PM PT — Sunday, November 24, 2019

Newly released documents are revealing additional details of the alleged corruption scheme by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. A recent Freedom of Information request by watchdog group American Oversight has produced 100 pages of State Department documents, including testimonies from former prosecutors Viktor Shokin and Yuriy Lutsenko.

American Oversight


BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office


10:36 PM - Nov 22, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

27.7K people are talking about this

This comes amid elevated concerns that top Obama-era officials could be harboring ill-gotten gains of Ukrainian oligarchs in exchange for help in the 2016 election.

“When the President’s talking to the president of Ukraine, that’s the issue he’s worried about: why did this corruption take place, and if they’re investigating what went on,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “He had every right to ask about Biden.”

Reports confirmed Vice President Biden used his office to protect energy company Burisma from anti-corruption scrutiny. Documents showed the State Department was aware that Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky was involved in money laundering and the illegal off-shoring of at least $23 million from Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials said Hunter Biden, who served on Burisma’s board at the time, received a salary of $50,000 per month, plus a commission. The documents confirmed that in 2015, Zlochevsky paid $900,000 in consulting fees to Rosemont Seneca Partners, a company that represented the Bidens’ interests in Ukraine.

Zlochevsky has been under U.S. scrutiny for several years.

“I and other U.S. officials consistently advocated reinstituting a scuttled investigation of Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, as well as holding the corrupt prosecutors who closed the case to account,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent.

Despite all this, the left-leaning watchdog group is focusing on the contacts between Rudy Giuliani and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Report Ad

American Oversight


· Nov 22, 2019

BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office

American Oversight


It's clear why Mike Pompeo has refused to release this information to Congress.

It reveals a clear paper trail from Rudy Giuliani to the Oval Office to Secretary Pompeo to facilitate Giuliani’s smear campaign against a U.S. ambassador.


10:40 PM - Nov 22, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

8,764 people are talking about this

Mainstream media has claimed Giuliani investigated corruption in Ukraine for political purposes. Other reports said Giuliani’s probe falls in line with the State Department’s longstanding policy of battling corruption in Ukraine to advance U.S. interests in the region.

“We provided $250 million worth of security assistance, defense assistance and $140 million or so of additional security assistance…to fight corruption continued this year,” said Secretary of State Pompeo. “That’s what happened in Washington with respect to Ukraine.”

State Department documents also showed that Zlochevsky assembled an international team, led by Hunter Biden, to protect his embezzlement. The team included Devon Archer, CIA official Joseph Blade and former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski. Documents showed Kwasniewski received nearly $1.2 million for his services. The amount received by Archer and Hunter Biden was reportedly concealed by Latvia.

Additionally, Ukrainian officials said some $16 million left Ukraine through two secretive units, which were under the protection of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

“From the Russia hoax to the shoddy Ukrainian sequel, the Democrats got caught,” stated Rep. Devin Nunes. “Let’s hope they finally learn a lesson, give their conspiracy theories a rest and focus on governing for a chance.”

Rudy Giuliani said he’s undeterred by the recent attacks against him. The attorney added he is committed to uncovering the Obama administration’s pay-to-play scheme, which may devastate the Democrat Party. He said the New York Mafia could not intimidate him in the past, and today, the Democrats won’t silence him either.
Ain't nobody about to read all that dumb shit......

Especially since not one single investigation resulted from it.....

Maybe Biden is just better at this than Trump
And all those witnesses saying the same quid pro quo.....come on, keep saying they didn't say that....whatever makes you sleep at night...

Sondland says there was a Quid Pro Quo...

There's a simple way to clear all of this up.

Have Bolton, Guliani, Mulvany, Perry, Pompeo all appear in front of Congress, under oath, and testify about what they know.
Once again, Sondland corrected himself. He stated when he asked the president, he stated no quid pro quo.
Looks like they have Jojo "the World's Dumbest Politician and sexual Abuser" Biden by the SHORT HAIRS!

State Department Documents Expose Biden-Ukraine Corruption


Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to local residents, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019, in Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Justin Hayworth)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:00 PM PT — Sunday, November 24, 2019

Newly released documents are revealing additional details of the alleged corruption scheme by Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine. A recent Freedom of Information request by watchdog group American Oversight has produced 100 pages of State Department documents, including testimonies from former prosecutors Viktor Shokin and Yuriy Lutsenko.

American Oversight


BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office


10:36 PM - Nov 22, 2019
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This comes amid elevated concerns that top Obama-era officials could be harboring ill-gotten gains of Ukrainian oligarchs in exchange for help in the 2016 election.

“When the President’s talking to the president of Ukraine, that’s the issue he’s worried about: why did this corruption take place, and if they’re investigating what went on,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “He had every right to ask about Biden.”

Reports confirmed Vice President Biden used his office to protect energy company Burisma from anti-corruption scrutiny. Documents showed the State Department was aware that Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky was involved in money laundering and the illegal off-shoring of at least $23 million from Ukraine.

Ukrainian officials said Hunter Biden, who served on Burisma’s board at the time, received a salary of $50,000 per month, plus a commission. The documents confirmed that in 2015, Zlochevsky paid $900,000 in consulting fees to Rosemont Seneca Partners, a company that represented the Bidens’ interests in Ukraine.

Zlochevsky has been under U.S. scrutiny for several years.

“I and other U.S. officials consistently advocated reinstituting a scuttled investigation of Zlochevsky, Burisma’s founder, as well as holding the corrupt prosecutors who closed the case to account,” said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent.

Despite all this, the left-leaning watchdog group is focusing on the contacts between Rudy Giuliani and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

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American Oversight


· Nov 22, 2019

BREAKING: State Department releases Ukraine documents to American Oversight

Documents show links between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office …

State Department Releases Ukraine Documents to American Oversight - American Oversight
Documents show links Between Pompeo, Giuliani, Oval Office

American Oversight


It's clear why Mike Pompeo has refused to release this information to Congress.

It reveals a clear paper trail from Rudy Giuliani to the Oval Office to Secretary Pompeo to facilitate Giuliani’s smear campaign against a U.S. ambassador.


10:40 PM - Nov 22, 2019
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Mainstream media has claimed Giuliani investigated corruption in Ukraine for political purposes. Other reports said Giuliani’s probe falls in line with the State Department’s longstanding policy of battling corruption in Ukraine to advance U.S. interests in the region.

“We provided $250 million worth of security assistance, defense assistance and $140 million or so of additional security assistance…to fight corruption continued this year,” said Secretary of State Pompeo. “That’s what happened in Washington with respect to Ukraine.”

State Department documents also showed that Zlochevsky assembled an international team, led by Hunter Biden, to protect his embezzlement. The team included Devon Archer, CIA official Joseph Blade and former President of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski. Documents showed Kwasniewski received nearly $1.2 million for his services. The amount received by Archer and Hunter Biden was reportedly concealed by Latvia.

Additionally, Ukrainian officials said some $16 million left Ukraine through two secretive units, which were under the protection of former Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.

“From the Russia hoax to the shoddy Ukrainian sequel, the Democrats got caught,” stated Rep. Devin Nunes. “Let’s hope they finally learn a lesson, give their conspiracy theories a rest and focus on governing for a chance.”

Rudy Giuliani said he’s undeterred by the recent attacks against him. The attorney added he is committed to uncovering the Obama administration’s pay-to-play scheme, which may devastate the Democrat Party. He said the New York Mafia could not intimidate him in the past, and today, the Democrats won’t silence him either.
Ain't nobody about to read all that dumb shit......

Especially since not one single investigation resulted from it.....

Maybe Biden is just better at this than Trump
Of course DUMBSHIT would say that!
You are nuts!!!!!!!

THEY ALL SAID THERE WAS A TIT FOR TAT, a quid offer and what had to be done to receive it.

Quid pro quo

Where are you getting all the witnesses say there wasn't one?????? It was just the opposite....

You didn't watch the hearing or read the witnesses depositions, did ya?
Uhhh. No.


Exactly ZERO people said they heard Trump ask for a quid pro quo.

The STAR WITNESS Vindman even said Trump specifically said NO quid pro quo.

But lots of witnesses FELT a quid pro quo. That's what confused you.

If you thought more and FELT less hate you'd know that.

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