'THEY KNEW': Leaked Pelosi docs admit Obama, Clinton lied about Benghazi

Whas'matter C4A? Learning your govt is capable of lying to you bothers you, huh?!

Stevens, Benghazi, and the lies are part of Barry's legacy now and forever more.
Whas'matter C4A? Learning your govt is capable of lying to you bothers you, huh?!

Stevens, Benghazi, and the lies are part of Barry's legacy now and forever more.
Answer the questions above please....from all of your links, I could not find a date of this document, probably sent to all House Members....

All this memo is , is a recap of what happened that could have been retrieved and probably was retrieved from a summary of at least one Benghazi investigation reports because it sounds very very familiar to me.....

And the Benghazi reports have come out and said that the attack ended up being the from the first group of terrorist that took credit for the attack, who right afterwards ended up reneging that they were responsible, 12 days after the Benghazi attack, the FBI stated that it was this initial group that initiated it, buttttt, there was Intelligence information that the administration did receive, that stated is was from a spontaneous attack, which later turned out to be false INTELLIGENCE..... not information Obama or Rice or Clinton made up.

Didn't you watch that 10 hours of interrogating Hillary done by Gowdy's committee? ALL of this information also came out in this meeting back in October of 2015.
Of course they knew...and our resident LIV democrats were fucking clueless as to what was going on.....
"The memo states all talking points and background information about the Benghazi attacks and included in a bold font that UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claims about an internet video were “later proved false.”

Documents from Nancy Pelosi’s computer were leaked by the Romanian hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” including a memo showing that the House Minority Leader knew the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi and choose to hide those facts.

memo states all talking points and background information about the Benghazi attacks and included in a bold font that UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claims about an internet video were “later proved false.”


In the memo, Democrats also detail that her claim “contradicted some early reports” but they did not mention that Hillary Clinton also promoted that fabricated story about the internet video when she spoke at the transfer of remains ceremony to honor the four Americans killed.

E-mails released by the State Department proved that Clinton knowingly lied to the American public and corresponded with her daughter about the fact that the attacks were linked to a terrorist group."

"Democrats were issued talking points in the memo to respond to the Benghazi attacks, they were basically as follows: call people who question it “conspiracy theorists,” attack Republicans for turning it into a witch hunt against Clinton, and blame the GOP for “voting against funding diplomacy and development.”

THEY KNEW: Leaked Pelosi docs admit Obama, Clinton lied about Benghazi


Indictments coming down any day now, any day................................

Funny, because you were probably one of the idiots that were claiming they didn't know.. Hack boi

This Memo was written three years after Benghazi, by which time it was known exactly what happened. Nowhere in this memo does it say that anyone lied. It said Susan Rice's speech to the United Nations contradicted some earlier reports. It does indicate initial confusion as to the reason for the attack.

From the Memo:

In the three years since the attack, there have been seven Congressional investigations into the attacks and their aftermath (and an eighth is underway), as well as an FBI inquiry and an internal Department of State Accountability Review Board report. The public results of these nine completed investigations share common themes:

There are mentions on Page 1 of events which occurred in June and July of 2015.

If you think this Memo is some sort of "gotcha" moment, you're sadly mistaken. It doesn't say what you think it says.
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"The memo states all talking points and background information about the Benghazi attacks and included in a bold font that UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claims about an internet video were “later proved false.”

Documents from Nancy Pelosi’s computer were leaked by the Romanian hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” including a memo showing that the House Minority Leader knew the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi and choose to hide those facts.

memo states all talking points and background information about the Benghazi attacks and included in a bold font that UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claims about an internet video were “later proved false.”


In the memo, Democrats also detail that her claim “contradicted some early reports” but they did not mention that Hillary Clinton also promoted that fabricated story about the internet video when she spoke at the transfer of remains ceremony to honor the four Americans killed.

E-mails released by the State Department proved that Clinton knowingly lied to the American public and corresponded with her daughter about the fact that the attacks were linked to a terrorist group."

"Democrats were issued talking points in the memo to respond to the Benghazi attacks, they were basically as follows: call people who question it “conspiracy theorists,” attack Republicans for turning it into a witch hunt against Clinton, and blame the GOP for “voting against funding diplomacy and development.”

THEY KNEW: Leaked Pelosi docs admit Obama, Clinton lied about Benghazi
"The memo states all talking points and background information about the Benghazi attacks and included in a bold font that UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claims about an internet video were “later proved false.”

Documents from Nancy Pelosi’s computer were leaked by the Romanian hacker “Guccifer 2.0,” including a memo showing that the House Minority Leader knew the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi and choose to hide those facts.

memo states all talking points and background information about the Benghazi attacks and included in a bold font that UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s claims about an internet video were “later proved false.”


In the memo, Democrats also detail that her claim “contradicted some early reports” but they did not mention that Hillary Clinton also promoted that fabricated story about the internet video when she spoke at the transfer of remains ceremony to honor the four Americans killed.

E-mails released by the State Department proved that Clinton knowingly lied to the American public and corresponded with her daughter about the fact that the attacks were linked to a terrorist group."

"Democrats were issued talking points in the memo to respond to the Benghazi attacks, they were basically as follows: call people who question it “conspiracy theorists,” attack Republicans for turning it into a witch hunt against Clinton, and blame the GOP for “voting against funding diplomacy and development.”

THEY KNEW: Leaked Pelosi docs admit Obama, Clinton lied about Benghazi

What EXACTLY do you believe you found or what exactly does "Infowars" believe they found? Within 2 weeks of the incident the Administration came out and said it was a terrorist attact and could have been partly due to the video but was initially by an alqaeda like group of terrorists.

And shortly after that the first of the Benghazi Investigations said the same thing.

-When was this memo document written by Nancy Pelosi Easy?

-Was this Pelosi document written BEFORE the two weeks, shortly after the two weeks, or after the Benghazi Investigation?

Do you ever try to put two and two together or do you always blindly believe what these right wing media/conspiracy sites tell you without even checking or verifying?
Look dude, the fucking emails showing that they were repeatedly asking for more security in Benghazi were released a long fucking time ago. Their requests were repeatedly denied by the State Department, "like a broken record". It's no right wing conspiracy, it's the truth, jackass.

And the motivation for the lies is clear. Obama was running campaign commercials here in the swing state of Ohio saying that he decimated Al Qaeda. So getting 4 Americans, including a US ambassador, killed by AQ was a huge embarrassment. Especially in AQ controlled territory where Obama promised that there would be no boots on the ground.

And on top of all that, Congress never authorized war against Libya in the first place.
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