They Ran to Walmart and the Polling Booth


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I'm sure most of you are aware of the Walmart rush over the weekend once the word got out about no limits being applied to EBT purchases, and then the ultimate crash. Pictures of carts in line just overflowing with goods was order of the day.

It has occurred to me the same thing happened at the polling booth, resulting in Obama votes. He set the stage that the entitled would all have their own carts to load with goods and services for which they didn't have to work for. Once that demographic of America realized there was the opportunity to obtain 'something' for nothing, they came out in droves.

The Walmart debacle, just like Obama re-election, was just a reminder of what to many Americans value in their lives as important, which is why America is doomed


Rant off

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Guy, you need to get a grip.

The Right wing complaining about entitlements is fairly retarded.

For years, the 1%ers have been destroying the middle class through "Right to Work", "At-Will Employment", Automation and Off-shoring, to the point where those Wal-Mart people could have gotten good jobs, and can't now.

And here's the thing. People will not watch their children starve or freeze to satisfy your principles.

They will go to whoever is going to throw them a line.
How is the line at Saks Fifth Avenue when Republicans are running for office?

The only difference is the Saks customers end up with more goodies than all the WalMart customers combined
Lets compare the shopping carts of the WalMart Shoppers and the Saks Fith Avenue shopper


The 40% of Americans who are WalMart shoppers have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
The 1% of Americans who shop at Saks Fifth Avenue have 34.6% of available wealth
they are animals in Louisiana. look at how those people acted during katrina!
here in tn, during the massive flood and tornado outbreak, there was no shit like that. we helped each other. there was no looting. theee was no murders and damn sure no gun grab!
Lets compare the shopping carts of the WalMart Shoppers and the Saks Fith Avenue shopper


The 40% of Americans who are WalMart shoppers have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
The 1% of Americans who shop at Saks Fifth Avenue have 34.6% of available wealth

But what has Obama done through 2011?

Here's your answer


Lets compare the shopping carts of the WalMart Shoppers and the Saks Fith Avenue shopper


The 40% of Americans who are WalMart shoppers have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
The 1% of Americans who shop at Saks Fifth Avenue have 34.6% of available wealth

But what has Obama done through 2011?

Here's your answer



Very true

There is no question that the game is rigged to allow the rich to get richer

Meanwhile. Conservatives ask.........What are we going to do about the WalMart shopper?
It's a rigged game that lots of people never even knew or heard about as they worked hard, accumulated assets, lived within their means, and prospered to levels they once could only dream about.

But, hey, kudos to whomever it is that sees to it that so many others aren't allowed to participate. After all, there's only so much to go around, right?
I'm sure most of you are aware of the Walmart rush over the weekend once the word got out about no limits being applied to EBT purchases, and then the ultimate crash. Pictures of carts in line just overflowing with goods was order of the day.

It has occurred to me the same thing happened at the polling booth, resulting in Obama votes. He set the stage that the entitled would all have their own carts to load with goods and services for which they didn't have to work for. Once that demographic of America realized there was the opportunity to obtain 'something' for nothing, they came out in droves.

The Walmart debacle, just like Obama re-election, was just a reminder of what to many Americans value in their lives as important, which is why America is doomed


Rant off


A very good post, for it illustrates how too much power and control, in the wrong hands, can conquer and divide. With voters on entitlements, and really enjoying it, the numbers will grow and jobs will continue to decline. Small businesses, the backbone of our country, are closing their doors. The can't hire more than 50 people without healthcare penalties that will drive them to bankruptcy, therefore they cannot grow. One example from yesterday:

According to the owners of the Bonnie Doon ice cream factory in Indiana, Obamacare has forced them to shut their doors. They admit there are other factors - including the realities of trying to operate a small business in the Obama economy - but they say the number one reason they’re closing is the impending cost of Obamacare implementation.

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So we are now comparing people who shop at Saks who can pay for it
to people at Wal Mart who loaded up their shopping carts thinking they were
gonna get free stuff?
Looks to me like the people at Saks were customers.
The people at Wal Mart were trying to steal.
They knew there was a problem with the system
and they tried to take advantage.
Freeloaders and muchers are people too. They deserve to be treated with respect, not like gum under your shoe.

Hey brother, can you spare a dollar?

Guy, you need to get a grip.

The Right wing complaining about entitlements is fairly retarded.

For years, the 1%ers have been destroying the middle class through "Right to Work", "At-Will Employment", Automation and Off-shoring, to the point where those Wal-Mart people could have gotten good jobs, and can't now.

And here's the thing. People will not watch their children starve or freeze to satisfy your principles.

They will go to whoever is going to throw them a line.

We need somewhere to keep such brainless fodder.
Then when they grow up they can laugh along and wonder how were they ever so stupid
So we are now comparing people who shop at Saks who can pay for it
to people at Wal Mart who loaded up their shopping carts thinking they were
gonna get free stuff?

Google the term metaphor
The 40% of Americans who are WalMart shoppers have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
The 1% of Americans who shop at Saks Fifth Avenue have 34.6% of available wealth

This idea that there is a finite amount of wealth that was issued by some entity...
And a certain segment of society (white people) were "issued" the bulk of that wealth and people of color were not given the same is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard.
The 40% of Americans who are WalMart shoppers have two tenths of a percent of our wealth
The 1% of Americans who shop at Saks Fifth Avenue have 34.6% of available wealth

This idea that there is a finite amount of wealth that was issued by some entity...
And a certain segment of society (white people) were "issued" the bulk of that wealth and people of color were not given the same is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard.

There has never been a finite amount of wealth

But when additional wealth is available....guess who has first dibs?
I'm getting the impression that those that tried to get more then what was allowed on their account because of the system being down did nothing wrong.Because they are the have nots and some in this country have more had every right to "steal" to sort of balance things out....

Man what the fuck is going on here?
I'm getting the impression that those that tried to get more then what was allowed on their account because of the system being down did nothing wrong.Because they are the have nots and some in this country have more had every right to "steal" to sort of balance things out....

Man what the fuck is going on here?

The Golden Rule states that "He who has the gold makes the rules"

Those Saks Fifth Avenue shoppers are doing the same thing that you accuse those Walmart shoppers of doing....scamming the system
I am amazed that Right Wingers are more upset that a few poor people got a few extra carts of groceries from Wal-Mart with Wal-Mart as an open co-conspirator...

But they aren't nearly as upset with the big banks and Wall Street looting hundreds of billions from average working folks t horugh their home values and busted 401K's still getting bailouts and bonuses...

talk about misdirected rage.

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