They Ran to Walmart and the Polling Booth

I am amazed that Right Wingers are more upset that a few poor people got a few extra carts of groceries from Wal-Mart with Wal-Mart as an open co-conspirator...

But they aren't nearly as upset with the big banks and Wall Street looting hundreds of billions from average working folks t horugh their home values and busted 401K's still getting bailouts and bonuses...

talk about misdirected rage.

Why should Americans be mad at the evil banks and Wall Street when the fueror Odummer continues to line their pockets?

I am amazed that Right Wingers are more upset that a few poor people got a few extra carts of groceries from Wal-Mart with Wal-Mart as an open co-conspirator...

But they aren't nearly as upset with the big banks and Wall Street looting hundreds of billions from average working folks t horugh their home values and busted 401K's still getting bailouts and bonuses...

talk about misdirected rage.

You just keep spouting out the hits...:lol::lol:
MESSAGE TO JOE - The Obama Administration has been printing $85,000,000,000 (that's billion) - EVERY MONTH - to prop up Wall Street.
There has never-ever been a President in American history that is more of a friend of Wall Street as Barack Obama - not even close.
[FLIP] - heres a nickel kid, buy some gum to amuse yourself. :clap2:
Poetic justice.

And who is whining about it?

The rw's who want children, the elderly, our vets, the disabled to starve to death.

Gee. what a shocker that is.

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