They want Kid Rock to stop using Stars and Bars....hmmm...what about the "Dixie" Chics?

A caller to Rush's radio show today made this observation...the left is going after Kid Rock because he uses the Stars and Bars at his concerts.......the caller pointed out....wellllllll...what about the "Dixie" Chics....should they be forced to give up their name? Should they return all the money they have made using that racist name....and which political party did they support....?
It just goes to show just how stupid DittoNazis are to,
1. think that crap up
2. get the screener to allow it
3. put the call on the air by the equally stupid host
4. and parrot it on a public forum.

Allow me to translate.....: The caller made a valid point ...if we are going to crap our pants to get an old flag taken down on the charge it is racist...but then we vote for the political party that flew that flag......and then don't want to recognize that the "Dixie" in Chick, is as racist as that flag we want to ignore it as much as possible.....
Here is something to think about this whole Confederate flag flap started because it was discovered Dylann Roof was holding one in a picture. Since that time there has been tons of media coverage over the flag all kinds of post and threads about it here ranging from it coming down to what it means to different people to TV land taking the Dukes of Hazzard of the air but when was the last time anyone mentioned or even gave a second thought to the nine people murdered?
Lots of people....especially right wing pundits complaining about President Obama speaking at their memorial service.

No, people complained because he used the funeral for his own political purposes and that involved create race hate while the victims families were asking for peace......
The Dixie Chicks got ripped for saying they were ashamed of their country while performing overseas I don't think having a Confederate flag backdrop in your concert is up to that level.

Actually she said they were ashamed to be from Texas, by association with George Bush.
Fine in any event I still believe that ranks worse than having Confederate flag backdrop.

I don't know if you traveled abroad in the few years after the Bush Iraq-and-roll party, but I did. As soon as you were identified as American you got this look... kind of saying "well?" I would just sigh and say, "yeah I know, I know -- we're working on it". Neither party needed to articulate the word "Bush" -- it was the elephant in the room, and a national shame. So Natalie Maines wasn't by any stretch the only one saying that by way of accounting for ourselves. It's the position Bush put us in. were put in your place in countries that allowed their citizens to be marched into death have no moral compass or historical perspective.
The Dixie Chicks got ripped for saying they were ashamed of their country while performing overseas I don't think having a Confederate flag backdrop in your concert is up to that level.

Actually she said they were ashamed to be from Texas, by association with George Bush.
Fine in any event I still believe that ranks worse than having Confederate flag backdrop.
The Dixie Chicks were mercilessly demonized by the RW neocon nuts.

If fair is fair, shouldn't the treatment of Kid Rock be appropriate payback?

The Dixie chicks have Dixie in their names...they are obviously racists......
What is racist about the name "Dixie"? Explain please.

Dixie - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Dixie" as a region[edit]

As a definite geographic location within the United States, "Dixie" is usually defined as the eleven Southern states that seceded in late 1860 and early 1861 to form the new confederation named the Confederate States of America. They are (in order of secession): South Carolina,Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Yyyyeah, unfortunately your own link notes two (speculative) etymologies that, again, have nothing to do with politics, or the Confederacy:

1. The word "Dixie" refers to privately issued currency originally from the Citizens State Bank (located in the French Quarter of New Orleans) and then other banks in Louisiana.[4] These banks issued ten-dollar notes,[5] labeled "Dix", French for "ten", on the reverse side. The notes were known as "Dixies" by English-speaking southerners, and the area around New Orleans and the French-speaking parts of Louisiana came to be known as "Dixieland". Eventually, usage of the term broadened to refer to the Southern states in general.

2. The word preserves the name of a "Mr. Dixy", a slave owner on Manhattan Island, where slavery was legal until 1827 (see History of slavery in New York). His rule was so kind that "Dixy's Land" became famed far and wide as an elysium abounding in material comforts.
Add to this the fact that the song "Dixie" --- which may directly relate to #2 above --- was published in 1859. Well before the Civil War and the CSA. By a guy from Ohio.

Yeah moron, but those aren't the ones that are the problem are is the fact that "Dixie" represented the slave states that left the if you lefty morons would allow other people to focus on the "innocent" definition of anything if you could focus on the one defintion that would allow you to persecute an innocent person....

Like a baker who baked cakes, cookies and pastries all the time for gay couples, and just refused to make one wedding cake....and you guys couldn't let that stand and had to go after them for that....and put them out of business, ruining their lives........over a fucking wedding cake........

So according to your own totalitarian rules...."Dixie" has a racist definition and that is the only one that fucking matters......morons....
The only part of "Dixie" that counts according to the rules set up by the totalitarian left........

Dixie - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Dixie" as a region[edit]

As a definite geographic location within the United States, "Dixie" is usually defined as the eleven Southern states thatseceded in late 1860 and early 1861 to form the new confederation named the Confederate States of America. They are (in order of secession): South Carolina,Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Those states seceded because of slavery.....the same reason the flag in South Carolina was created...right...? So no matter that many people in the South do not consider the Confederate Flag a symbol of flew for racists, so it is in fact racist.....

"Dixie" has a racist it is in fact racist...according to your own totalitarian the "Dixie" Chicks must be driven from the public square in shame.......
The Dixie Chicks got ripped for saying they were ashamed of their country while performing overseas I don't think having a Confederate flag backdrop in your concert is up to that level.

Actually she said they were ashamed to be from Texas, by association with George Bush.
Fine in any event I still believe that ranks worse than having Confederate flag backdrop.

I don't know if you traveled abroad in the few years after the Bush Iraq-and-roll party, but I did. As soon as you were identified as American you got this look... kind of saying "well?" I would just sigh and say, "yeah I know, I know -- we're working on it". Neither party needed to articulate the word "Bush" -- it was the elephant in the room, and a national shame. So Natalie Maines wasn't by any stretch the only one saying that by way of accounting for ourselves. It's the position Bush put us in. were put in your place in countries that allowed their citizens to be marched into death have no moral compass or historical perspective.

There were no "death camps" in Canada, Gomer.
The only part of "Dixie" that counts according to the rules set up by the totalitarian left........

Dixie - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Dixie" as a region[edit]

As a definite geographic location within the United States, "Dixie" is usually defined as the eleven Southern states thatseceded in late 1860 and early 1861 to form the new confederation named the Confederate States of America. They are (in order of secession): South Carolina,Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

Those states seceded because of slavery.....the same reason the flag in South Carolina was created...right...? So no matter that many people in the South do not consider the Confederate Flag a symbol of flew for racists, so it is in fact racist.....

"Dixie" has a racist it is in fact racist...according to your own totalitarian the "Dixie" Chicks must be driven from the public square in shame.......

You are batshit wackadoo.
Once again ... "Dixie" as a euphemism for the South already existed before secession, before the War, and has nothing to do with slavery or race.

See your doctor.
A caller to Rush's radio show today made this observation...the left is going after Kid Rock because he uses the Stars and Bars at his concerts.......the caller pointed out....wellllllll...what about the "Dixie" Chics....should they be forced to give up their name? Should they return all the money they have made using that racist name....and which political party did they support....?

The Dixie Chicks don't perform anymore. So what exactly are you insisting they remove from their concerts that they're not having?

And what word are you insisting the give up and why?
A caller to Rush's radio show today made this observation...the left is going after Kid Rock because he uses the Stars and Bars at his concerts.......the caller pointed out....wellllllll...what about the "Dixie" Chics....should they be forced to give up their name? Should they return all the money they have made using that racist name....and which political party did they support....?
It just goes to show just how stupid DittoNazis are to,
1. think that crap up
2. get the screener to allow it
3. put the call on the air by the equally stupid host
4. and parrot it on a public forum.

Allow me to translate......
October 3, 2007

RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.
He can exercise his right to display the flag, just like everyone can exercise their right to patronize his business,

or not. What's the problem exactly?
The Dixie Chicks don't perform anymore. So what exactly are you insisting they remove from their concerts that they're not having?

Yeah they do ... They just got off a six show European tour in April ... Plan to do another tour in Europe next year.
It's just that nobody here in the States gives a fuck about their sorry asses ... They did that to themselves.

The Dixie Chicks don't perform anymore. So what exactly are you insisting they remove from their concerts that they're not having?

Yeah they do ... They just got off a six show European tour in April ... Plan to do another tour in Europe next year.
It's just that nobody here in the States gives a fuck about their sorry asses ... They did that to themselves.

Did what?
Did what?

Whatever it is that makes it so they tour in Europe and not in the States ... I don't know, you tell me :dunno:

:dunno: All I know is I was playing them on the air when they were on a tiny indie label. Haven't followed them much since they got big. You know how it is -- you taste success, you forget the little people that sent you there... :crybaby:

Presumably they have a better fan base in Europe. That happens, somebody breaks there but not here, or vice versa. Jimi Hendrix found success in Europe before audiences caught up here IIRC....
Did what?

Whatever it is that makes it so they tour in Europe and not in the States ... I don't know, you tell me :dunno:

:dunno: All I know is I was playing them on the air when they were on a tiny indie label. Haven't followed them much since they got big. You know how it is -- you taste success, you forget the little people that sent you there... :crybaby:

Presumably they have a better fan base in Europe. That happens, somebody breaks there but not here, or vice versa. Jimi Hendrix found success in Europe before audiences caught up here IIRC....

The last I heard there fans around here were burning their CD's, t-shirts and concert tickets ... I guess they did something to piss their fans off.

Did what?

Whatever it is that makes it so they tour in Europe and not in the States ... I don't know, you tell me :dunno:

:dunno: All I know is I was playing them on the air when they were on a tiny indie label. Haven't followed them much since they got big. You know how it is -- you taste success, you forget the little people that sent you there... :crybaby:

Presumably they have a better fan base in Europe. That happens, somebody breaks there but not here, or vice versa. Jimi Hendrix found success in Europe before audiences caught up here IIRC....

The last I heard there fans around here were burning their CD's, t-shirts and concert tickets ... I guess they did something to piss their fans off.

Never heard that.
This is going on in Louisiana? News to me.
Did what?

Whatever it is that makes it so they tour in Europe and not in the States ... I don't know, you tell me :dunno:

:dunno: All I know is I was playing them on the air when they were on a tiny indie label. Haven't followed them much since they got big. You know how it is -- you taste success, you forget the little people that sent you there... :crybaby:

Presumably they have a better fan base in Europe. That happens, somebody breaks there but not here, or vice versa. Jimi Hendrix found success in Europe before audiences caught up here IIRC....

The last I heard there fans around here were burning their CD's, t-shirts and concert tickets ... I guess they did something to piss their fans off.

Never heard that.
This is going on in Louisiana? News to me.

Well ... I am no expert ... But I can use Google.

"The comments at the concert beginning a Dixie Chicks world tour sparked off possibly the biggest black balling in the history of American music. Spoken 10 days before the beginning of the Iraq War, the backlash took the Dixie Chicks from the biggest concert draw in country music to relative obscurity in country music in a matter of weeks"

Destroying The Dixie Chicks Ten Years After

Did what?

Whatever it is that makes it so they tour in Europe and not in the States ... I don't know, you tell me :dunno:

:dunno: All I know is I was playing them on the air when they were on a tiny indie label. Haven't followed them much since they got big. You know how it is -- you taste success, you forget the little people that sent you there... :crybaby:

Presumably they have a better fan base in Europe. That happens, somebody breaks there but not here, or vice versa. Jimi Hendrix found success in Europe before audiences caught up here IIRC....

The last I heard there fans around here were burning their CD's, t-shirts and concert tickets ... I guess they did something to piss their fans off.

Never heard that.
This is going on in Louisiana? News to me.

Well ... I am no expert ... But I can use Google.

"The comments at the concert beginning a Dixie Chicks world tour sparked off possibly the biggest black balling in the history of American music. Spoken 10 days before the beginning of the Iraq War, the backlash took the Dixie Chicks from the biggest concert draw in country music to relative obscurity in country music in a matter of weeks"

Destroying The Dixie Chicks Ten Years After

Oh hell, I've seen that page before. Nothing new.
But that was like 11 years ago, and it wasn't fans reacting with hostility -- it was the System.

If they're eschewing activity in the States in favour of Europe (I don't know that they are, but if), I'd guess it's because the corporate System is still rigged against them. That wouldn't be the case in Europe or elsewhere.

That would be my guess anyway.

All of this aside, and to the point of this absurdly silly thread, the name of the band is taken from Lowell George's song "Dixie Chicken", and the term Dixie is simply a euphemism for the culture of the South, and has nothing to do with racism or the Civil War anyway. Which I thought we already established.

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