They Were Warned: Covington Catholic teen sues 54 news outlets, lawmakers and celebrities

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

The media released the video evidence they had at the time
It was not altered or doctored in any way.

They are free to draw conclusions on the evidence they have is the public.

MAGA boy is no angel

Save it for the courtroom Columbo.

Though I am not a lawyer, I do watch Judge Judy every day

The kid does not have a case

Yea, Columbo is not a lawyer either. Every day? Hell, with that experience you're almost there.
Qualifies me to discuss legal matters on the interweb
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
It's gonna be fun when those parents are left with the legal bills.

Truly! Not to mention, they have no case.

In order to prove "libel", you have to prove a few things:

1. First off, you have to prove the writer lied, on purpose, and that they did so "with malice". In other words, they deliberately set out to harm you;

2. Next, you have to prove "damages" or "loss" because of the slander. Since these boys are high school students, they didn't lose their jobs, their income, or have any sort of financial loss, because they're children.

3. Considering that the Catholic high school publically announced these children would be disciplined, lends credence to the idea that there was no mis-reporting, and no slander.

If I got one of those letters, I'd laugh and toss it into the round filer.
The Church that runs the school is also being sued, so that argument goes down the tubes.

Nick Sandmann's lawyers can easily prove damages. They don't have to be immediate to be valid.

In the case of Nick Sandmann, his lawyer doesn't have to prove actual malice because Sandman didn't choose to become a public figure.

Club 54: Sandmann attorneys threaten dozens with legal action for Covington coverage

The process would likely have to be the point. Libel and slander laws make it tough to win, even for non-public persons such as Sandmann. Sullivan doesn’t apply in this case; the respondents in the prospective lawsuits made Sandmann into a public figure without participation from him. That relieves the plaintiff from having to establish “actual malice” toward Sandmann, but they would still have to prove that these media outlets and individuals acted with some form of malice to prevail.
all they have to do is show intent to defame his name.
Truly! Not to mention, they have no case.

In order to prove "libel", you have to prove a few things:

1. First off, you have to prove the writer lied, on purpose, and that they did so "with malice". In other words, they deliberately set out to harm you;

2. Next, you have to prove "damages" or "loss" because of the slander. Since these boys are high school students, they didn't lose their jobs, their income, or have any sort of financial loss, because they're children.

3. Considering that the Catholic high school publically announced these children would be disciplined, lends credence to the idea that there was no mis-reporting, and no slander.

If I got one of those letters, I'd laugh and toss it into the round filer.
The Church that runs the school is also being sued, so that argument goes down the tubes.

Nick Sandmann's lawyers can easily prove damages. They don't have to be immediate to be valid.

In the case of Nick Sandmann, his lawyer doesn't have to prove actual malice because Sandman didn't choose to become a public figure.

Club 54: Sandmann attorneys threaten dozens with legal action for Covington coverage

The process would likely have to be the point. Libel and slander laws make it tough to win, even for non-public persons such as Sandmann. Sullivan doesn’t apply in this case; the respondents in the prospective lawsuits made Sandmann into a public figure without participation from him. That relieves the plaintiff from having to establish “actual malice” toward Sandmann, but they would still have to prove that these media outlets and individuals acted with some form of malice to prevail.
Sandman was criticized for his actions
That is neither slander or libel

Your silly smirk makes you look like a jerk is not slanderous. It is a statement of opinion

The people being sued lied about his actions. So did you. He could sue you if he wanted to. You're defaming him on a public forum. You'd better get your ducks in a row and stop lying about him before you receive a summons.

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

I spent 35 years working in the law, a$$hat, that's why I know they don't have a case. The lawyers are just trying trying to frighten news media into silence, and it's not working, nor should it. Their carefully edited video notwithstanding, these kids don't have a legal leg to stand on. And I can well imagine the judge slamming the chaperones for letting these children try to take on and swarm adults, which is what the unedited video shows.

There is no basis for a law suit. NONE. Nobody lied about these boys,
Did you see that candycorn wimped out and proved she lied? she said the kid deserved what he got for what he did. but she can't say what he actually did, so how does that mean he deserved it? I mean dude, my head spins from all the leftists stupid in here. facts are leftists killers that's for sure.

he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.
The kid was not arrested
He was criticized for acting like an ass

I did like Smoky’s idea about conservatives being eradicated though. Every now and the nicotine lets up and she has a cogent thought.

The fact that you think sarcastic mocking of your Nazi attitudes is a good idea tells me YOUR drugs have not let up at all.

Just like mocking the nicotine riddled hag that came up with it.

"Just telling you you're wrong because I don't like you because I wish you were wrong." Got it. I'll get right on caring about your opinion of me . . . how's never work for you?

Meanwhile, thanks for going on record that you think Nazism is a good plan so long as it's implemented against the "right" people.
They were warned - just apologize, admit you were wrong, and it all goes away. Nope.....

It will be an up-hill battle, but if they get Jury Trials, as much as Americans hate Fake-News right now, they could stand to make a ton of money.

Forget the money - Just the negative publicity alone for attacking children with / over fake news simply because they wore a hat supporting the President of the United States, choosing to ignore the 'Stolen Valor Vet' and Black Hate Group to do so, will be damaging.

“I think the whole fighting-back part benefits Sandmann in some way, to restore his reputation in the court of public opinion as well as in the court of law,” said Clay Calvert, who teaches media law at the University of Florida.'

Nick Sandmann, Covington Catholic teen, begins legal battle against media, celebrities
It's gonna be fun when those parents are left with the legal bills.

Truly! Not to mention, they have no case.

In order to prove "libel", you have to prove a few things:

1. First off, you have to prove the writer lied, on purpose, and that they did so "with malice". In other words, they deliberately set out to harm you;

2. Next, you have to prove "damages" or "loss" because of the slander. Since these boys are high school students, they didn't lose their jobs, their income, or have any sort of financial loss, because they're children.

3. Considering that the Catholic high school publically announced these children would be disciplined, lends credence to the idea that there was no mis-reporting, and no slander.

If I got one of those letters, I'd laugh and toss it into the round filer.
The Church that runs the school is also being sued, so that argument goes down the tubes.

Nick Sandmann's lawyers can easily prove damages. They don't have to be immediate to be valid.

In the case of Nick Sandmann, his lawyer doesn't have to prove actual malice because Sandman didn't choose to become a public figure.

Club 54: Sandmann attorneys threaten dozens with legal action for Covington coverage

The process would likely have to be the point. Libel and slander laws make it tough to win, even for non-public persons such as Sandmann. Sullivan doesn’t apply in this case; the respondents in the prospective lawsuits made Sandmann into a public figure without participation from him. That relieves the plaintiff from having to establish “actual malice” toward Sandmann, but they would still have to prove that these media outlets and individuals acted with some form of malice to prevail.
all they have to do is show intent to defame his name.
Good luck with that
he acted like an ass.
so I called him an ass.

So like I said, he dared to be on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, despite knowing that the likes of you have expressly stated that this is eeeevil. Therefore, he deserved whatever he got for not staying segregated into the ghetto where he belongs.

Don’t know what you’re talking about there smoky.

He acted like an ass.
I called him an ass.

If you disagree…feel free.

I'm outlining what he did that could make the likes of you say he "acted like an ass". Since all he actually did was stand on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, this is the only possible explanation: you consider conservatives behaving as though they're citizens with rights to be behaving badly.

he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
How did he "act like an ass," douchebag?

He had the temerity to express an opinion that Cornball has decreed is not allowed, instead of slinking around in the shadows, being properly ashamed of not agreeing with the left and recognizing that he has no right to exist.
Don’t know what you’re talking about there smoky.

He acted like an ass.
I called him an ass.

If you disagree…feel free.

I'm outlining what he did that could make the likes of you say he "acted like an ass". Since all he actually did was stand on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, this is the only possible explanation: you consider conservatives behaving as though they're citizens with rights to be behaving badly.

he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
How did he "act like an ass," douchebag?
he didn't budge when the fake vietnam vet came at him. he stood his ground, and as we all know, leftists can't stand someone standing their ground.

You guys don’t like those who served, we get that.
But you do like hat boys who will never enlist and act like asses. We get that too.

You guys don't like those who served, we get that.

But you do like guys who pretended to serve and make public nuisances of themselves. We get that too.
The Church that runs the school is also being sued, so that argument goes down the tubes.

Nick Sandmann's lawyers can easily prove damages. They don't have to be immediate to be valid.

In the case of Nick Sandmann, his lawyer doesn't have to prove actual malice because Sandman didn't choose to become a public figure.

Club 54: Sandmann attorneys threaten dozens with legal action for Covington coverage

The process would likely have to be the point. Libel and slander laws make it tough to win, even for non-public persons such as Sandmann. Sullivan doesn’t apply in this case; the respondents in the prospective lawsuits made Sandmann into a public figure without participation from him. That relieves the plaintiff from having to establish “actual malice” toward Sandmann, but they would still have to prove that these media outlets and individuals acted with some form of malice to prevail.
Sandman was criticized for his actions
That is neither slander or libel

Your silly smirk makes you look like a jerk is not slanderous. It is a statement of opinion

The people being sued lied about his actions. So did you. He could sue you if he wanted to. You're defaming him on a public forum. You'd better get your ducks in a row and stop lying about him before you receive a summons.

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

I spent 35 years working in the law, a$$hat, that's why I know they don't have a case. The lawyers are just trying trying to frighten news media into silence, and it's not working, nor should it. Their carefully edited video notwithstanding, these kids don't have a legal leg to stand on. And I can well imagine the judge slamming the chaperones for letting these children try to take on and swarm adults, which is what the unedited video shows.

There is no basis for a law suit. NONE. Nobody lied about these boys,

"I spent 35 years working in the law, and anyone who's read my posts and seen what a consistently imbecilic babbling moron I am should totally believe that and treat my pronouncements as gospel."

FYI, emptying the trash cans and scrubbing the toilets at a courthouse does not qualify as "working in the law". And you have never uttered a single word on this board EVER that inclines me to believe you ever did more than that.
I'm outlining what he did that could make the likes of you say he "acted like an ass". Since all he actually did was stand on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, this is the only possible explanation: you consider conservatives behaving as though they're citizens with rights to be behaving badly.

he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
How did he "act like an ass," douchebag?
he didn't budge when the fake vietnam vet came at him. he stood his ground, and as we all know, leftists can't stand someone standing their ground.

You guys don’t like those who served, we get that.
But you do like hat boys who will never enlist and act like asses. We get that too.

You guys don't like those who served, we get that.

But you do like guys who pretended to serve and make public nuisances of themselves. We get that too.

You’re siding with hat boy over a veteran
You’re siding with shin splints over Mueller

I’m fine with those who served…perhaps the nicotine has warped your brain?
The Church that runs the school is also being sued, so that argument goes down the tubes.

Nick Sandmann's lawyers can easily prove damages. They don't have to be immediate to be valid.

In the case of Nick Sandmann, his lawyer doesn't have to prove actual malice because Sandman didn't choose to become a public figure.

Club 54: Sandmann attorneys threaten dozens with legal action for Covington coverage

The process would likely have to be the point. Libel and slander laws make it tough to win, even for non-public persons such as Sandmann. Sullivan doesn’t apply in this case; the respondents in the prospective lawsuits made Sandmann into a public figure without participation from him. That relieves the plaintiff from having to establish “actual malice” toward Sandmann, but they would still have to prove that these media outlets and individuals acted with some form of malice to prevail.
Sandman was criticized for his actions
That is neither slander or libel

Your silly smirk makes you look like a jerk is not slanderous. It is a statement of opinion

The people being sued lied about his actions. So did you. He could sue you if he wanted to. You're defaming him on a public forum. You'd better get your ducks in a row and stop lying about him before you receive a summons.

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

I spent 35 years working in the law, a$$hat, that's why I know they don't have a case. The lawyers are just trying trying to frighten news media into silence, and it's not working, nor should it. Their carefully edited video notwithstanding, these kids don't have a legal leg to stand on. And I can well imagine the judge slamming the chaperones for letting these children try to take on and swarm adults, which is what the unedited video shows.

There is no basis for a law suit. NONE. Nobody lied about these boys,
carefully edited video?

you mean like the ones CNN and others used to make them look bad? yet when they show you the full video, suddenly editing matters?
he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
How did he "act like an ass," douchebag?
he didn't budge when the fake vietnam vet came at him. he stood his ground, and as we all know, leftists can't stand someone standing their ground.

You guys don’t like those who served, we get that.
But you do like hat boys who will never enlist and act like asses. We get that too.

You guys don't like those who served, we get that.

But you do like guys who pretended to serve and make public nuisances of themselves. We get that too.

You’re siding with hat boy over a veteran
You’re siding with shin splints over Mueller

I’m fine with those who served…perhaps the nicotine has warped your brain?
yes I'm siding with the young amercian who did nothing. so why don't you name what he did. why are you afraid to say? the indian falsely stated he was in vietnam, and he wasn't, so you are backing a liar and an admitted one because he said he lied. Also, the indian instigated the entire situation, to which the young man did not respond. so I know who you are. you prefer to pick on a kid because you hate them and would kill them after birth.
Last edited:
he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
How did he "act like an ass," douchebag?
he didn't budge when the fake vietnam vet came at him. he stood his ground, and as we all know, leftists can't stand someone standing their ground.

You guys don’t like those who served, we get that.
But you do like hat boys who will never enlist and act like asses. We get that too.

You guys don't like those who served, we get that.

But you do like guys who pretended to serve and make public nuisances of themselves. We get that too.

You’re siding with hat boy over a veteran
You’re siding with shin splints over Mueller

I’m fine with those who served…perhaps the nicotine has warped your brain?
i'm siding with one situation over another.

you're the one running around lobbing out titles and stereotypes as if we should give blanket passes to such groups.

i can name veterans who've committed mass shootings and various other crimes but by your agenda driven logic, they're to be excused cause they're a vet. i'll take each situation on their own and not use stereotypes to do my thinking for me.
Sandman was criticized for his actions
That is neither slander or libel

Your silly smirk makes you look like a jerk is not slanderous. It is a statement of opinion

The people being sued lied about his actions. So did you. He could sue you if he wanted to. You're defaming him on a public forum. You'd better get your ducks in a row and stop lying about him before you receive a summons.

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

I spent 35 years working in the law, a$$hat, that's why I know they don't have a case. The lawyers are just trying trying to frighten news media into silence, and it's not working, nor should it. Their carefully edited video notwithstanding, these kids don't have a legal leg to stand on. And I can well imagine the judge slamming the chaperones for letting these children try to take on and swarm adults, which is what the unedited video shows.

There is no basis for a law suit. NONE. Nobody lied about these boys,
carefully edited video?

you mean like the ones CNN and others used to make them look bad? yet when they show you the full video, suddenly editing matters?

The full unedited video makes the kids look totally out of control. Nathan Phillips blocked them from attack the big ass grown up black men who were heckling them. Again, these are children. Where were the chaperones. As a parent, if my kid got involved in a dangerous situation like that on a school outing, I'd want someone's ass for not looking out for these kids.

Where are the parents? The teachers?
The people being sued lied about his actions. So did you. He could sue you if he wanted to. You're defaming him on a public forum. You'd better get your ducks in a row and stop lying about him before you receive a summons.

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

I spent 35 years working in the law, a$$hat, that's why I know they don't have a case. The lawyers are just trying trying to frighten news media into silence, and it's not working, nor should it. Their carefully edited video notwithstanding, these kids don't have a legal leg to stand on. And I can well imagine the judge slamming the chaperones for letting these children try to take on and swarm adults, which is what the unedited video shows.

There is no basis for a law suit. NONE. Nobody lied about these boys,
carefully edited video?

you mean like the ones CNN and others used to make them look bad? yet when they show you the full video, suddenly editing matters?

The full unedited video makes the kids look totally out of control. Nathan Phillips blocked them from attack the big ass grown up black men who were heckling them. Again, these are children. Where were the chaperones. As a parent, if my kid got involved in a dangerous situation like that on a school outing, I'd want someone's ass for not looking out for these kids.

Where are the parents? The teachers?
post that video big mouth. i want the portion that backs your fking idiotic claim. canada fraud.
Last edited:
The people being sued lied about his actions. So did you. He could sue you if he wanted to. You're defaming him on a public forum. You'd better get your ducks in a row and stop lying about him before you receive a summons.

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

I spent 35 years working in the law, a$$hat, that's why I know they don't have a case. The lawyers are just trying trying to frighten news media into silence, and it's not working, nor should it. Their carefully edited video notwithstanding, these kids don't have a legal leg to stand on. And I can well imagine the judge slamming the chaperones for letting these children try to take on and swarm adults, which is what the unedited video shows.

There is no basis for a law suit. NONE. Nobody lied about these boys,
carefully edited video?

you mean like the ones CNN and others used to make them look bad? yet when they show you the full video, suddenly editing matters?

The full unedited video makes the kids look totally out of control. Nathan Phillips blocked them from attack the big ass grown up black men who were heckling them. Again, these are children. Where were the chaperones. As a parent, if my kid got involved in a dangerous situation like that on a school outing, I'd want someone's ass for not looking out for these kids.

Where are the parents? The teachers?
one day you're going to say something not totally and unequivocally stupid.

and i'm sure i'm going to miss it.
I'm outlining what he did that could make the likes of you say he "acted like an ass". Since all he actually did was stand on a public street wearing a MAGA hat, this is the only possible explanation: you consider conservatives behaving as though they're citizens with rights to be behaving badly.

he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
How did he "act like an ass," douchebag?
he didn't budge when the fake vietnam vet came at him. he stood his ground, and as we all know, leftists can't stand someone standing their ground.

You guys don’t like those who served, we get that.
But you do like hat boys who will never enlist and act like asses. We get that too.

You guys don't like those who served, we get that.

But you do like guys who pretended to serve and make public nuisances of themselves. We get that too.
Who pretended?
he acted like an ass.

So I called him an ass.

Sorry to be repetitive. But he acts like an ass…so I called him an ass.
How did he "act like an ass," douchebag?
he didn't budge when the fake vietnam vet came at him. he stood his ground, and as we all know, leftists can't stand someone standing their ground.

You guys don’t like those who served, we get that.
But you do like hat boys who will never enlist and act like asses. We get that too.

You guys don't like those who served, we get that.

But you do like guys who pretended to serve and make public nuisances of themselves. We get that too.

You’re siding with hat boy over a veteran
You’re siding with shin splints over Mueller

I’m fine with those who served…perhaps the nicotine has warped your brain?

No, honey, I'm siding with a US citizen who stood quietly on a public street over an asshole who was harassing him and trying to pick a fight. The fact that he's ALSO lying about his service is just an extra side note. Even if he HAD been in Vietnam and had medals falling out of his every orifice, that doesn't make his behavior any less wrong. "Veteran" does NOT mean "automatically right in everything he does until the end of time."

I haven't actually SAID anything about anyone other than those two, but thank you for reminding me that you're unhinged enough to think every topic is about "TRRRRUMMMMMPPP!!!!" and every disagreement with you can ONLY be because the other person supports "TTTTTRRRRRUUUUUMMMPPP!!!!", as opposed to being because you are one of the stupidest and most useless lifeforms to ever squirm across the ground.

You're fine with those who served . . . as long as they fit your narrative. Perhaps obsessing with the thought of nicotine has warped your brain . . . what the hell am I saying? You never had a brain.
The people being sued lied about his actions. So did you. He could sue you if he wanted to. You're defaming him on a public forum. You'd better get your ducks in a row and stop lying about him before you receive a summons.

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

I spent 35 years working in the law, a$$hat, that's why I know they don't have a case. The lawyers are just trying trying to frighten news media into silence, and it's not working, nor should it. Their carefully edited video notwithstanding, these kids don't have a legal leg to stand on. And I can well imagine the judge slamming the chaperones for letting these children try to take on and swarm adults, which is what the unedited video shows.

There is no basis for a law suit. NONE. Nobody lied about these boys,
carefully edited video?

you mean like the ones CNN and others used to make them look bad? yet when they show you the full video, suddenly editing matters?

The full unedited video makes the kids look totally out of control. Nathan Phillips blocked them from attack the big ass grown up black men who were heckling them. Again, these are children. Where were the chaperones. As a parent, if my kid got involved in a dangerous situation like that on a school outing, I'd want someone's ass for not looking out for these kids.

Where are the parents? The teachers?

Spoken like someone who didn't bother to watch the video, but just looked up a leftist blog to tell you what to think.

By all means, tell us EXACTLY what time stamp they "look[ed] totally out of control", or where they were "blocked from attack [sic]" anyone.

And why are you so quick to blame the parents and teachers and chaperones, but not the adults who were actually endangering the kids and causing the situation in the first place?
The people being sued lied about his actions. So did you. He could sue you if he wanted to. You're defaming him on a public forum. You'd better get your ducks in a row and stop lying about him before you receive a summons.

NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

The media released the video evidence they had at the time
It was not altered or doctored in any way.

They are free to draw conclusions on the evidence they have is the public.

MAGA boy is no angel

Save it for the courtroom Columbo.

Though I am not a lawyer, I do watch Judge Judy every day

The kid does not have a case
I know an imbecile when I see one, and you definitely qualify.

I doubt a high profile lawyer like L. Lin Wood would take the case if there was no chance of winning. The odds that Nick will win are very good.
NO ONE has been sued, and no on is being sued. Get over that notion. It's not going to happen.

The lawyers sent out "chill letters" intended to make people stop talking about his client on threat of law suit. It's not going to work. I personally find it offensive that the parents of these children hire a public relations firm and a team of lawyers to defend their little brats, there claiming white privelege to an extent and degree seldom seen.

It is Nathan Phillips who is being slandered here by these so-called "Christian" families and their rich people's army of spin doctors, lawyers and liars. Sandman is not and has never been a "public figure". Getting his name splashed all over social medial doesn't make him a public figure, so that dog will not hunt.

These spoilt brats and their obnoxious parents are going to get bitch slapped into next week for these elitist, racist and frankly, lying tactics. I hope they're bankrupted by it.

Get back to us when you figure out the legal process...dumbass.
Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

I spent 35 years working in the law, a$$hat, that's why I know they don't have a case. The lawyers are just trying trying to frighten news media into silence, and it's not working, nor should it. Their carefully edited video notwithstanding, these kids don't have a legal leg to stand on. And I can well imagine the judge slamming the chaperones for letting these children try to take on and swarm adults, which is what the unedited video shows.

There is no basis for a law suit. NONE. Nobody lied about these boys,
carefully edited video?

you mean like the ones CNN and others used to make them look bad? yet when they show you the full video, suddenly editing matters?

The full unedited video makes the kids look totally out of control. Nathan Phillips blocked them from attack the big ass grown up black men who were heckling them. Again, these are children. Where were the chaperones. As a parent, if my kid got involved in a dangerous situation like that on a school outing, I'd want someone's ass for not looking out for these kids.

Where are the parents? The teachers?

Spoken like someone who didn't bother to watch the video, but just looked up a leftist blog to tell you what to think.

By all means, tell us EXACTLY what time stamp they "look[ed] totally out of control", or where they were "blocked from attack [sic]" anyone.

And why are you so quick to blame the parents and teachers and chaperones, but not the adults who were actually endangering the kids and causing the situation in the first place?
she's more than welcome to show me a video and give me the timestamp and i'll go look for these "totally out of control" kids.

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