They're doing it again: Media starts picking 2012 GOP candidates


Lady Templar & Kafir
Dec 28, 2010
In the last presidential election cycle, we saw some solid conservative candidates get blown out of the water by the media's unspoken but tenacious insistence that THEY pick the GOP candidate for president.

And, like lambs to the political/proverbial 'slaughter'...Most didn't even realize it was happening, and/or, didn't care one whit about it. They followed along, and put their mark on the ballot, like good little children, accepting the media's choice in the race against "the one".

Well...It's beginning again, and is shouldn't surprise anyone.
These kinds of stories have been few and far between over the past year, but I've seen at least 3 different polls come out over the past few weeks, with differing results. All done by media outlets and NOT reputable polling orgs.

Link: CNN 2012 Poll: Obama and Palin going in different directions?
Two-thirds of Republicans questioned say they would likely support Huckabee as their nominee in 2012. The former Arkansas governor and 2008 GOP presidential candidate is considering another bid for the White House. So is another candidate from the last election, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Fifty-nine percent of Republicans say they would likely support Romney. That number drops to 54 percent for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia, who is also contemplating a run for the White House.
Read the rest at the link....

Are you serious?

*He favors a total ban on smoking in public, even outdoors.
*He agrees with Michelle Obama's "food police" notions.
*He used his faith in an attempt to gain votes in the Iowa caucus (I attended the caucus in my district), and then dropped his faith like a hot 'tater when he made his way to New Hampshire. (Yes, this tactic could be chalked up to simple campaign strategy, but, for a "man of the cloth" who apparently wants to reform our constitutional republic into a quasi-theocracy, this was a man merely "pimping" his faith when necessary). He then used his faith again, telling voters that he didn't understand why Christians weren't voting for him, and that they weren't thinking of their faith first, if they didn't vote for him.

I wouldn't vote for him for dog-catcher, much less president.
Once again.. my choice in the GOP won't be the top hyped candidate...

I am not a Huckabee guy and I am less of a Palin supporter than I was when she was VP candidate... my guy from the 2008 campaign is no longer in the picture (Thompson)...

I will have to look at everything between now and then before I decide which candidate is the right one for me and the right one for the country
Once again.. my choice in the GOP won't be the top hyped candidate...

I am not a Huckabee guy and I am less of a Palin supporter than I was when she was VP candidate... my guy from the 2008 campaign is no longer in the picture (Thompson)...

I will have to look at everything between now and then before I decide which candidate is the right one for me and the right one for the country

Fred was my guy too.
I volunteered at his HQ in Des Moines, before caucus time.

I know others felt he didn't have the so-called "fire in the belly" thing going on, but...I don't measure a candidate by how "flashy" they are. I measure them by their words and deeds.
Fred was a solid federalist conservative. Still is.
All you need to know about Huckabee was that he campaigned with Chuck fricking Norris at his side. Really? Seriously? Wow. Celebrity endorsements for presidential candidates are always dumb...but Norris is a new low. It shows you he's willing to do anything tactic-wise to get a vote. Kind of backs up the anecdote above about using religion.

Thompson seems pretty solid a candidate. He seems to have a common-sense approach...a real one (not the fake one they all say they have)...but I'm wondering if he's just all pithy one-liners at the end of the day. I know he wont run again...but I have to say I kind of like his style.

Mitt has my interest because he's a true business man. I think that's what we really need right now in the White House. Someone with economic chops and confidence behind it. I'm usually a left-leaner...but I'm willing to suck it up on a few issues (I'm pro-life and pro-gun anyway) if we get a true business man in charge.
Don't worry boys

Fox News will pick the GOP candidate for you

Yawn... more baseless idiocy from you... try actually adding something pertinent

Now, who is being naive??

Do you honestly believe that the Murdoch empire will not be heavilly involved in selecting the GOP candidate? Fox can make or break you as a candidate. Having the Fox News pundits singing your praises 24/7 while they attack your opponents will decide who gets the nod
Don't worry boys

Fox News will pick the GOP candidate for you

Yawn... more baseless idiocy from you... try actually adding something pertinent

Now, who is being naive??

Do you honestly believe that the Murdoch empire will not be heavilly involved in selecting the GOP candidate. Fox can make or break you as a candidate. Having the Fox News pundits singing your praises 24/7 while they attack your opponents will decide who gets the nod

Nice try to spin out, asshole

Picking and 'making or breaking' are 2 different things.. ANY media can 'make or break' a candidate

And no, Fox will not be 'involved' in picking the candidate...

It's just another feeble attempt by you to put forth a smoke screen about Fox and the REP party
Fox will have an influence. Whether that influence is enough to overtake the heads of the base is a good question.
I always look to see who the media supports.

Then vote for the other person.

Turns out I almost always vote for an (R). Can't imagine why.
Don't worry boys

Fox News will pick the GOP candidate for you

Yawn... more baseless idiocy from you... try actually adding something pertinent

Now, who is being naive??

Do you honestly believe that the Murdoch empire will not be heavilly involved in selecting the GOP candidate? Fox can make or break you as a candidate. Having the Fox News pundits singing your praises 24/7 while they attack your opponents will decide who gets the nod

Do YOU honestly believe that CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, ABC & NBC won't be heavily involved in selecting YOUR candidate?

Yawn... more baseless idiocy from you... try actually adding something pertinent

Now, who is being naive??

Do you honestly believe that the Murdoch empire will not be heavilly involved in selecting the GOP candidate? Fox can make or break you as a candidate. Having the Fox News pundits singing your praises 24/7 while they attack your opponents will decide who gets the nod

Do YOU honestly believe that CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, ABC & NBC won't be heavily involved in selecting YOUR candidate?


Much harder to coordinate the efforts of six competing media outlets than for Murdoch to send out word who his favored candidate is.
Now, who is being naive??

Do you honestly believe that the Murdoch empire will not be heavilly involved in selecting the GOP candidate? Fox can make or break you as a candidate. Having the Fox News pundits singing your praises 24/7 while they attack your opponents will decide who gets the nod

Do YOU honestly believe that CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, ABC & NBC won't be heavily involved in selecting YOUR candidate?


Much harder to coordinate the efforts of six competing media outlets than for Murdoch to send out word who his favored candidate is.

Tell that to Rahm, Carville and Snuffalupagous, who engaged in coordinated morning "chats", via phone.

Wanna revise and extend?
Was John McCain annointed by Fox News in 2008?

He of McCain-Kennedy (anmesty) and McCain-Feingold (limits on independent corporate campaign ads)?

Was John McCain Rupert Murdoch's pick?
Was John McCain annointed by Fox News in 2008?

He of McCain-Kennedy (anmesty) and McCain-Feingold (limits on independent corporate campaign ads)?

Was John McCain Rupert Murdoch's pick?

Just more little facts that skip wrongwinger's little shit filled mind
In the last presidential election cycle, we saw some solid conservative candidates get blown out of the water by the media's unspoken but tenacious insistence that THEY pick the GOP candidate for president.

And, like lambs to the political/proverbial 'slaughter'...Most didn't even realize it was happening, and/or, didn't care one whit about it. They followed along, and put their mark on the ballot, like good little children, accepting the media's choice in the race against "the one".

Well...It's beginning again, and is shouldn't surprise anyone.
These kinds of stories have been few and far between over the past year, but I've seen at least 3 different polls come out over the past few weeks, with differing results. All done by media outlets and NOT reputable polling orgs.

Link: CNN 2012 Poll: Obama and Palin going in different directions?
Two-thirds of Republicans questioned say they would likely support Huckabee as their nominee in 2012. The former Arkansas governor and 2008 GOP presidential candidate is considering another bid for the White House. So is another candidate from the last election, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Fifty-nine percent of Republicans say they would likely support Romney. That number drops to 54 percent for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia, who is also contemplating a run for the White House.
Read the rest at the link....

Are you serious?

*He favors a total ban on smoking in public, even outdoors.
*He agrees with Michelle Obama's "food police" notions.
*He used his faith in an attempt to gain votes in the Iowa caucus (I attended the caucus in my district), and then dropped his faith like a hot 'tater when he made his way to New Hampshire. (Yes, this tactic could be chalked up to simple campaign strategy, but, for a "man of the cloth" who apparently wants to reform our constitutional republic into a quasi-theocracy, this was a man merely "pimping" his faith when necessary). He then used his faith again, telling voters that he didn't understand why Christians weren't voting for him, and that they weren't thinking of their faith first, if they didn't vote for him.

I wouldn't vote for him for dog-catcher, much less president.

1. What's your evidence that Opinion Research Corp., CNN's pollster isn't reputable?

2. Who was 'supposed' to be the GOP candidate in 2008, before the media supposed manipulated the outcome?
In the last presidential election cycle, we saw some solid conservative candidates get blown out of the water by the media's unspoken but tenacious insistence that THEY pick the GOP candidate for president.

And, like lambs to the political/proverbial 'slaughter'...Most didn't even realize it was happening, and/or, didn't care one whit about it. They followed along, and put their mark on the ballot, like good little children, accepting the media's choice in the race against "the one".

Well...It's beginning again, and is shouldn't surprise anyone.
These kinds of stories have been few and far between over the past year, but I've seen at least 3 different polls come out over the past few weeks, with differing results. All done by media outlets and NOT reputable polling orgs.

Link: CNN 2012 Poll: Obama and Palin going in different directions?
Two-thirds of Republicans questioned say they would likely support Huckabee as their nominee in 2012. The former Arkansas governor and 2008 GOP presidential candidate is considering another bid for the White House. So is another candidate from the last election, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Fifty-nine percent of Republicans say they would likely support Romney. That number drops to 54 percent for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia, who is also contemplating a run for the White House.
Read the rest at the link....

Are you serious?

*He favors a total ban on smoking in public, even outdoors.
*He agrees with Michelle Obama's "food police" notions.
*He used his faith in an attempt to gain votes in the Iowa caucus (I attended the caucus in my district), and then dropped his faith like a hot 'tater when he made his way to New Hampshire. (Yes, this tactic could be chalked up to simple campaign strategy, but, for a "man of the cloth" who apparently wants to reform our constitutional republic into a quasi-theocracy, this was a man merely "pimping" his faith when necessary). He then used his faith again, telling voters that he didn't understand why Christians weren't voting for him, and that they weren't thinking of their faith first, if they didn't vote for him.

I wouldn't vote for him for dog-catcher, much less president.

1. What's your evidence that Opinion Research Corp., CNN's pollster isn't reputable?
Never made that conclusion.

Futher, since when does a media outlet's polling firm have to be "reputable" in order for their polling to influence voters?

2. Who was 'supposed' to be the GOP candidate in 2008, before the media supposed manipulated the outcome?
Someone more conservative than Bush.

Not talking a "social con" mind you, but someone more conservative when it comes to the fiscal side of things.

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