They're Here!

It's kinda funny....why in the world would liberals want to take the blame for the next attack?
I mean seriously,we all know it's coming yet liberals dont seem to care.
Why is that?
Because they want it.

It should be inbread homophobic fucks vs. the inbread islamofascist fucks so you could all kill each other while the rest of us continue evolving.

And what does 'liberal' really mean? Having a brain and humanity? While you are what - a fucking fuck that thinks he/she is superior to everyone else? Go ahead and close off your country just like Communist countries did!!!!! The commies also thought they are the shit and wanted to 'protect' themselves from the 'degenerate West.'

Oooh, now I did it ... compared you to totalitarian commie fuckwads.

Worry about your own part of the world asshole.

We're all in this together, sweetheart, in case you haven't noticed, IS is a global threat. Also, refugees have a special protection when it comes to human rights and every country is BOUND to receive refugees. If not by law then by MORALITY.

What happens in the US is definitely the rest of the world's business as well because of the power US wields around the world. Some of us (the rest of the world) know more about you and your politics/policies than you do.
It's kinda funny....why in the world would liberals want to take the blame for the next attack?
I mean seriously,we all know it's coming yet liberals dont seem to care.
Why is that?
Because they want it.

It should be inbread homophobic fucks vs. the inbread islamofascist fucks so you could all kill each other while the rest of us continue evolving.

And what does 'liberal' really mean? Having a brain and humanity? While you are what - a fucking fuck that thinks he/she is superior to everyone else? Go ahead and close off your country just like Communist countries did!!!!! The commies also thought they are the shit and wanted to 'protect' themselves from the 'degenerate West.'

Oooh, now I did it ... compared you to totalitarian commie fuckwads.

Worry about your own part of the world asshole.

We're all in this together, sweetheart, in case you haven't noticed, IS is a global threat. Also, refugees have a special protection when it comes to human rights and every country is BOUND to receive refugees. If not by law then by MORALITY.

What happens in the US is definitely the rest of the world's business as well because of the power US wields around the world. Some of us (the rest of the world) know more about you and your politics/policies than you do.

No we're not all part of this. You're in Sweden, the country that is committing suicide faster than any other.
You idiots welcome Muslims in, some will be radicals. The Swedish birthrate is pathetic, apparently all native males are impotent, eunuchs, or pussy-whipped children.
Your country will be gone in a few more decades, hopefully you are over 50 and won't witness it.
No, we're not all part of this, your country didn't lift a finger to stop Hitler, and they won't do anything now except commit suicide.
Oh you democrats MUST be so excited! The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed! Yup, folks New Orleans is now home to islamic jihadists.
Just think how proud that state must be to be the FIRST!

Oh and NONE of us are left out because we have a load of that human trash coming about 30 miles from me and they are dumping those wonderful folks in the upper middle class area!

Read the story and see IF your city is on the list to get these human trash in YOUR area!

These folks are normal people trying to escape FROM the Islamofascist fucktards. That is why they are called refugees. IS would love for them to stay in Syria and take part in their little caliphate building, but they don't want that, they want to live in peace and democracy, that is why they are FLEEING the country to the west.

Most IS fucktards have western passports and come from western countries (France, Belgium, Australia, Sweden, even the US), they are not hiding among the refugee hordes - they can easily fly to the US with no issues whatsoever.

So please, take it easy and stop the nonsensical fear mongering.

Nice selfies. Anything to say about the topic?
I DO hope YOU get your share of them. Do you live in a gun free or restricted state? Just the state, not prying but does YOUR state ALLOW you to defend yourself?
In every state you can defend yourself, dumbass.
Can you carry on the streets in say California? In most cases NO so you are dead. Hope you get a real nice group!
Self defense doesn't mean you need to look like this, dumbass.

So your plan is to scream like a girl?
It's kinda funny....why in the world would liberals want to take the blame for the next attack?
I mean seriously,we all know it's coming yet liberals dont seem to care.
Why is that?
Because they want it.

It should be inbread homophobic fucks vs. the inbread islamofascist fucks so you could all kill each other while the rest of us continue evolving.

And what does 'liberal' really mean? Having a brain and humanity? While you are what - a fucking fuck that thinks he/she is superior to everyone else? Go ahead and close off your country just like Communist countries did!!!!! The commies also thought they are the shit and wanted to 'protect' themselves from the 'degenerate West.'

Oooh, now I did it ... compared you to totalitarian commie fuckwads.

Worry about your own part of the world asshole.

We're all in this together, sweetheart, in case you haven't noticed, IS is a global threat. Also, refugees have a special protection when it comes to human rights and every country is BOUND to receive refugees. If not by law then by MORALITY.

What happens in the US is definitely the rest of the world's business as well because of the power US wields around the world. Some of us (the rest of the world) know more about you and your politics/policies than you do.

No we're not all part of this. You're in Sweden, the country that is committing suicide faster than any other.
You idiots welcome Muslims in, some will be radicals. The Swedish birthrate is pathetic, apparently all native males are impotent, eunuchs, or pussy-whipped children.
Your country will be gone in a few more decades, hopefully you are over 50 and won't witness it.
No, we're not all part of this, your country didn't lift a finger to stop Hitler, and they won't do anything now except commit suicide.
You mean he is not even from the U.S.? His opinion about us then means shit.
It's kinda funny....why in the world would liberals want to take the blame for the next attack?
I mean seriously,we all know it's coming yet liberals dont seem to care.
Why is that?
Because they want it.

It should be inbread homophobic fucks vs. the inbread islamofascist fucks so you could all kill each other while the rest of us continue evolving.

And what does 'liberal' really mean? Having a brain and humanity? While you are what - a fucking fuck that thinks he/she is superior to everyone else? Go ahead and close off your country just like Communist countries did!!!!! The commies also thought they are the shit and wanted to 'protect' themselves from the 'degenerate West.'

Oooh, now I did it ... compared you to totalitarian commie fuckwads.

Worry about your own part of the world asshole.

We're all in this together, sweetheart, in case you haven't noticed, IS is a global threat. Also, refugees have a special protection when it comes to human rights and every country is BOUND to receive refugees. If not by law then by MORALITY.

What happens in the US is definitely the rest of the world's business as well because of the power US wields around the world. Some of us (the rest of the world) know more about you and your politics/policies than you do.
Some of you commie bastards mean nothing to us.
Oh you democrats MUST be so excited! The FIRST plane load of Syrian islamic terrorists have landed! Yup, folks New Orleans is now home to islamic jihadists.
Just think how proud that state must be to be the FIRST!

Oh and NONE of us are left out because we have a load of that human trash coming about 30 miles from me and they are dumping those wonderful folks in the upper middle class area!

Read the story and see IF your city is on the list to get these human trash in YOUR area!
All 14 of them..what a wave of an invasion...

So how many did it take to pull off 9/11.....?
As many white terrorist it takes to blow up a building..

Whats that have to do with importing terrorist?
The terrorists know that, in a free society, they can use those freedoms against us.

Unfortunately, it does get a bit more concerning when there are some who seem not to care.
No we're not all part of this. You're in Sweden, the country that is committing suicide faster than any other.
You idiots welcome Muslims in, some will be radicals. The Swedish birthrate is pathetic, apparently all native males are impotent, eunuchs, or pussy-whipped children.
Your country will be gone in a few more decades, hopefully you are over 50 and won't witness it.
No, we're not all part of this, your country didn't lift a finger to stop Hitler, and they won't do anything now except commit suicide.

Yes, we are.

Since you decided to talk about Sweden ... I do agree Sweden is taking on a bit more than they can chew. It should admit only as many refugees it can handle.

Swedish birthrate is normal to that of any civilised developed country with educated population. It has nothing to do with impotent males, but rather with 'potent' females - as more and more prefer to be educated/self sustaining economically and focus on other matters rather than the base reproductive drive. You should educate yourself on the demographic-economic paradox, which also the effect of female emancipation and empowerment on fertility rates.

You have NO idea about Swedish men. I am married to one. After spending a decade in the US being pursued by scores of American men offering me marriage just so I could stay in the country longer, I decided to go for a Swede. Take whatever you want from that.

Sweden is not 'my' country, I'm an immigrant here. Nation state is an old, obsolete concept. Yes, most Swedes are not going to be blond and blue eyed in 100 years, but I'm pretty sure the Swedish societal values will survive as they are superior to pretty much any other society currently in existence ...
It's kinda funny....why in the world would liberals want to take the blame for the next attack?
I mean seriously,we all know it's coming yet liberals dont seem to care.
Why is that?
Because they want it.

It should be inbread homophobic fucks vs. the inbread islamofascist fucks so you could all kill each other while the rest of us continue evolving.

And what does 'liberal' really mean? Having a brain and humanity? While you are what - a fucking fuck that thinks he/she is superior to everyone else? Go ahead and close off your country just like Communist countries did!!!!! The commies also thought they are the shit and wanted to 'protect' themselves from the 'degenerate West.'

Oooh, now I did it ... compared you to totalitarian commie fuckwads.
Other counties in the middle east have camps, seasonal locations, or rural communities for the refugees.

Why if we have them here, we can't contain them in a similar way. Give them passes or arrange trips for shopping, medical treatment beyond normal clinic, special visitation, for them within a radius. If they are found further, deport them. Make them carry ID and passes so if they are stopped and questioned police know where they belong or have over stayed the time and date of their passes.

If families want to sponsor them, they will have to take not just financial care but legal responsibility for them.

Arrange work details in the camps or for certain labor they are either specially skilled in or as community service like work picking trash, farm labor, sweeping streets, delivering supplies for the camp, create jobs in the camps for schools, clinics, infrastructure, water, power, repair and maintenance of tent/cabins/ buildings, food service and preparation, etc., that they can earn money till they qualify for green cards for part time work and have learned the language sufficiently.
Those with high tech or special skills might request jobs in high needed fields, but perhaps require some gps or paging system to monitor where they go when outside the camps.

We need a way to keep tabs on them and when they can return, be able to round them all up and sent them back.

If there are special circumstances they can apply for sanctuary and begin the process of legal immigration.

Maybe there should be a requirement that social welfare, food stamps and such be eligible only after they have been here and worked for 5 or 10 yrs. Coming here should not be a free ride beyond minimal needs in the camps.

We don't want them to stay, but encourage them to go home. Maybe teach some of them skilled to rebuild and repair their country when they get back. Teach them skills to run a community, city and their country. Teach them basics in clinical medicine, health checks, immunization, paramedics, firefighting and rescue basics. Just enough to help them start to rebuild their homes, communities and lives when they return in the future. Skills they can use in the camps to care for their own people now. Eventually it relieves the burden of US workers and volunteers to care for them.
It will be extremely interesting to find out how many of these terrorists will be put in 'open carry' states and or 'CC' states.
Imagine being a fly on the wall in the Oval office.
"Listen up everyone. The fucking last thing our party wants is to have a bunch of these terrorists attack people who are armed with handguns. Not good for the election results. So make fucking positive you put the terrorists only in places where all guns are prohibited".
Some fucking sand monkey is going to do or say something and get his fucking hat knocked off. You wait.
Then Obama will declare martial law and suspend the election indefinitely.
No we're not all part of this. You're in Sweden, the country that is committing suicide faster than any other.
You idiots welcome Muslims in, some will be radicals. The Swedish birthrate is pathetic, apparently all native males are impotent, eunuchs, or pussy-whipped children.
Your country will be gone in a few more decades, hopefully you are over 50 and won't witness it.
No, we're not all part of this, your country didn't lift a finger to stop Hitler, and they won't do anything now except commit suicide.

Yes, we are.

Since you decided to talk about Sweden ... I do agree Sweden is taking on a bit more than they can chew. It should admit only as many refugees it can handle.

Swedish birthrate is normal to that of any civilised developed country with educated population. It has nothing to do with impotent males, but rather with 'potent' females - as more and more prefer to be educated/self sustaining economically and focus on other matters rather than the base reproductive drive. You should educate yourself on the demographic-economic paradox, which also the effect of female emancipation and empowerment on fertility rates.

You have NO idea about Swedish men. I am married to one. After spending a decade in the US being pursued by scores of American men offering me marriage just so I could stay in the country longer, I decided to go for a Swede. Take whatever you want from that.

Sweden is not 'my' country, I'm an immigrant here. Nation state is an old, obsolete concept. Yes, most Swedes are not going to be blond and blue eyed in 100 years, but I'm pretty sure the Swedish societal values will survive as they are superior to pretty much any other society currently in existence ...

Do you honestly think most Muslims coming to Sweden will assimilate and leave their religion and culture behind ?
It'd be smarter of Obama Admin to put them in carry states because the terrorists would have to relocate to pull anything off.

It doesn't matter though, the terrorist cells are already installed. The best we can do is hope that our people (police, FBI, etc) are able to stay on top of their plots and foil their attacks.
Not so sure about the Doc.

The facilities listed are mostly religious charity offices.
These are going to be processing Muslim refugees? We can't even get them to accept contraception as a part of their health insurance packages...

People are clueless...religious charities are ALWAYS the ones who deal with human offal created/invited in by the govt.
It's kinda funny....why in the world would liberals want to take the blame for the next attack?
I mean seriously,we all know it's coming yet liberals dont seem to care.
Why is that?
Because they want it.

It should be inbread homophobic fucks vs. the inbread islamofascist fucks so you could all kill each other while the rest of us continue evolving.

And what does 'liberal' really mean? Having a brain and humanity? While you are what - a fucking fuck that thinks he/she is superior to everyone else? Go ahead and close off your country just like Communist countries did!!!!! The commies also thought they are the shit and wanted to 'protect' themselves from the 'degenerate West.'

Oooh, now I did it ... compared you to totalitarian commie fuckwads.

don't kid yourself. Both sides want disgusting progressive rejects like you dead. It's the only thing we agree on.

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