They’re Morons for Not Going to the White House

The Klan was/is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party.
There may have been some in the Trump Rally Crowd, because some democrats did vote for him.

They back Republicans today, their grandfathers and great grandfathers were Democrats.

Educate yourself before speaking fat boy. Explain Robert Byrd. Longest serving Senator ever and KKK member. And Democrat. Never renounced the Klan until he was on his deathbed. One of the highest ranking Klan members supported Hillary. Another fail. Try again.

Is he any different than your man fuck boy, Strom Thurmond. Hell they had a 2x4 in his back to keep him up, he probably had been dead for at least 10yrs already.

Deflection noted. Thurmond had his issues, but the Klan wasn't one of them.

Who the hell do you think voted for him in 1948 when he ran for POTUS on a segregationist platform fuck boy.

Not enough people obviously fucktard. I wasn't here in that year so I really don't care. Your lack of GED is showing. Now shut up before you get slapped again BOY.
Leroy, they are just like a Klan rally. Hell all you are missing are the sheets.

Well maybe I can be a Rhodes Scholar like you one day. :abgg2q.jpg: Go back to the sand box Trump Humper.

No, see you need that GED before aspiring to leave mommy's basement. Kicking your ass is just too easy boy.

I bet you are one of those dudes who wears a thong and wishes he was a woman. I don't get my ass kicked by a weak ass clown like you. You are one of those dudes who has an alligator mouth with a hummingbird ass.

Try it fat boy. Year's salary says you run away crying in under 30 seconds. You want to men In thongs huh? So you're gay as well as fat and impotent. Keep chirping. You're mildly entertaining pretending to be tough.

How can a fuck boy call someone else gay. :abgg2q.jpg:

You bring up wanting to see men in thomgs and I'm gay? Classic projection.

Not my fault you are sitting in front of your computer wearing a thong.
They back Republicans today, their grandfathers and great grandfathers were Democrats.

Educate yourself before speaking fat boy. Explain Robert Byrd. Longest serving Senator ever and KKK member. And Democrat. Never renounced the Klan until he was on his deathbed. One of the highest ranking Klan members supported Hillary. Another fail. Try again.

Is he any different than your man fuck boy, Strom Thurmond. Hell they had a 2x4 in his back to keep him up, he probably had been dead for at least 10yrs already.

Deflection noted. Thurmond had his issues, but the Klan wasn't one of them.

Who the hell do you think voted for him in 1948 when he ran for POTUS on a segregationist platform fuck boy.

Not enough people obviously fucktard. I wasn't here in that year so I really don't care. Your lack of GED is showing. Now shut up before you get slapped again BOY.

No fuck boy it just shows you are running that DS and you don't have a clue, in other words STFU and go outside and play hop scotch with the rest of the kids.
His rallies are just like a Klan rally ass clown and dumb asses like you probably have your kids front and center at the TV watching these rallies. The joke is you Trump Humper.

Describe the similarities between a rally for President Trump and a Klan rally.
They both have the word "rally" in them?

.....and the same folks attending.

There's maybe a handful of Klan members left, and hundreds of thousands of Trump rally attenders. Try again.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?
Describe the similarities between a rally for President Trump and a Klan rally.
They both have the word "rally" in them?

.....and the same folks attending.

There's maybe a handful of Klan members left, and hundreds of thousands of Trump rally attenders. Try again.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?

You sure about that?
They both have the word "rally" in them?

.....and the same folks attending.

There's maybe a handful of Klan members left, and hundreds of thousands of Trump rally attenders. Try again.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?

You sure about that?

About what? That I don't know any Klan members? I would know.
.....and the same folks attending.

There's maybe a handful of Klan members left, and hundreds of thousands of Trump rally attenders. Try again.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?

You sure about that?

About what? That I don't know any Klan members? I would know.

Most people don't know anyone in the Triple K. There are only a few hundred at most in a nation of more than 300,000,000.

And most of those guys and gals are Law Enforcement working under cover to keep an eye on the KKK, or working reporters seeing if they can get a scoop on this "highly important" group.

I learned everything I know about the KKK on TV.

.....and the same folks attending.

There's maybe a handful of Klan members left, and hundreds of thousands of Trump rally attenders. Try again.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?

You sure about that?

About what? That I don't know any Klan members? I would know.

A lot of folks don't know any Klan, but they still have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.
What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

Not even close.
I've attended both and they are VERY different.

Our church counter-protested a klan event and there were 6 people participating and we were 400 strong.

President Trump rallies are always over flowing and full of friendly people. The anti-Trump protesters outside the rallies were wearing face masks and being violent.

Have you ever attended either?
They wouldn't let me in
I'm under 70 and brown
Didn't see the rally where the guy beat a senior?
And the cons dad was arrested for KKK meeting?

I laugh -
They very well may not have let you in, but not because you are under 70 and brown.

Would other reason would it be?

Didn't have a ticket maybe?

Hillary for president T-shirt?
There's maybe a handful of Klan members left, and hundreds of thousands of Trump rally attenders. Try again.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?

You sure about that?

About what? That I don't know any Klan members? I would know.

Most people don't know anyone in the Triple K. There are only a few hundred at most in a nation of more than 300,000,000.

You don't have to be one or know one to have the same mindset as one.

And most of those guys and gals are Law Enforcement working under cover to keep an eye on the KKK, or working reporters seeing if they can get a scoop on this "highly important" group.

I learned everything I know about the KKK on TV.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?

You sure about that?

About what? That I don't know any Klan members? I would know.

Most people don't know anyone in the Triple K. There are only a few hundred at most in a nation of more than 300,000,000.

You don't have to be one or know one to have the same mindset as one.

And most of those guys and gals are Law Enforcement working under cover to keep an eye on the KKK, or working reporters seeing if they can get a scoop on this "highly important" group.

I learned everything I know about the KKK on TV.


I don't think so. I've seen the Triple K on Springer, and believe me, I have nothing in common with them.

But my point about the small numbers of the KKK are indisputable.
I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?

You sure about that?

About what? That I don't know any Klan members? I would know.

Most people don't know anyone in the Triple K. There are only a few hundred at most in a nation of more than 300,000,000.

You don't have to be one or know one to have the same mindset as one.

And most of those guys and gals are Law Enforcement working under cover to keep an eye on the KKK, or working reporters seeing if they can get a scoop on this "highly important" group.

I learned everything I know about the KKK on TV.


I don't think so. I've seen the Triple K on Springer, and believe me, I have nothing in common with them.

But my point about the small numbers of the KKK are indisputable.

Sure you do, you all are Trump Humpers.
There's maybe a handful of Klan members left, and hundreds of thousands of Trump rally attenders. Try again.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

I wouldn't know, I don't know any sheetwearers. Do you? Or are you just sure they must, because reasons?

You sure about that?

About what? That I don't know any Klan members? I would know.

A lot of folks don't know any Klan, but they still have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.
Mind readers of the world, unite!

Seriously, your skills in that arena are severely lacking.
We certainly
There's maybe a handful of Klan members left, and hundreds of thousands of Trump rally attenders. Try again.

What you fail to admit is they have the same mindset as the sheetwearers.

Not even close.
I've attended both and they are VERY different.

Our church counter-protested a klan event and there were 6 people participating and we were 400 strong.

President Trump rallies are always over flowing and full of friendly people. The anti-Trump protesters outside the rallies were wearing face masks and being violent.

Have you ever attended either?
They wouldn't let me in
I'm under 70 and brown
Didn't see the rally where the guy beat a senior?
And the cons dad was arrested for KKK meeting?

They let me and my brown family in. Including our gay son.

Keep trying.

So you had the rainbow coalition.
We certainly are the rainbow coalition when we are altogether!

White, brown, black, mixed, gay, bisexual, Army, Navy .... and all conservatives who support the President to varying degrees.
Sure you do, you all are Trump Humpers.
...and we all breath oxygen and are carbon based life forms.
And so are you, probably. Therefor you have much in common with the Klan too.

See how that works, moron? Did your mom ever sue the doctor that left the umbilical cord wrapped around your neck too long? Or did she figure it wasn't worth the trouble?
Sure you do, you all are Trump Humpers.
...and breath oxygen and are a carbon based life form.
And so are you, probably. Therefor you have much in common with the Klan too.

See how that works, moron? Did your mom ever sue the doctor that left the umbilical cord around your neck too long?

Did yours when you were dropped on that big ass head.
That Rapinoe guy is annoying

She is a champion though.

She should try out for the men's team
She wants to be man
She thinks that she is a man.
Hell she's closer to being a man than most Progressive men -

I saw she said "I derseve this"...nice teamwork ya narcissist bint.
She also deserves a kick in the ass.

She's an ugly individual...inside and out.

Wow, you & trump think a woman's value is all in her appearance.

And as far as the inside paert, you & Trump are the same & you can't get uglier than that.
I don't think so. I've seen the Triple K on Springer, and believe me, I have nothing in common with them.

But my point about the small numbers of the KKK are indisputable.

I think nowdays they're calling it 'white nationalist'. Or maybe just nationalist.
Can't tell you how much of a shit I do not give.

If they go or don't go is up to them.

If they get the invite and don't go then they will have to explain to their kids and grandkids how they decided to decline an invitation to the White House.

I'm sure the kids will understand.

Given that Trump will be given as much esteem in the History Books as Hitler, the kids will understand just fine.

Nobody puts their picture of shaking hands with Hitler at the 1936 Olympiad on the mantle, either.

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