They're Quite Mad, You Know

Well, in my stupid ungodly mind......

Do to others before they do it to you.

In my demented terminology.....

Fuck the fucking fuckers, before the fucking fuckers fuck you.

The left are not just mad. They are demented and dangerously enraged. Their followers hope for an economic melt down.

They would rather have a nuclear exchange with NK or even Russia just to say they were right.

That is not a joke, and I think many of you are understanding now what we are dealing with.
just watched a bit of a new series called the 'Purge'. It must be based off the leftists mentality. I couldn't watch, too demented to me. And I can't truly believe it made it to airing. read up on it. This just may be our future if trump is not supported.
It's frustration. They've tried everything but Trump is stll standing

Trump is finished. These are mortal wounds. Republicans are preparing to throw Trump under the bus.

The family separations created a seismic shift in public opinion. Especially among the evangelicals. You can’t go back from that.

Everything that Trump has done since has only made things worse. The Singapore meeting with Kim that bought NK enough time to build a nuclear arsenal. The fracturing of NATO. The totalling abasing press conference with Putin. The disastrous trade war (what kind of fool starts a trade war with 7 different trading partners at once?), and last but not least the shredding of the NAFTA trading partnership.

Unhinged, and stupid. And you voted for him. Birds of a feather I guess.
Trump just revamped a 20 year old budget flaw and is getting a dozen justices a week confirmed. While you Leftards chase his laser dots on the floor he is reshaping America for decades.

Hardly. Conservative justices don’t legislate nor do they budget. Those are the two chief factors in the economy.

The Republican Party has proven itself so corrupt and venal that they will literally support and provide cover for a deranged racist idiot in the White House.

They’re seeking to limit and control the damage that he does so as not to lose power. How is this any different than Iran Contra when Republicans who thought they knew better than the President what the country needed to do?

Hyper-partisan Drive .... Engage ...

It's frustration. They've tried everything but Trump is stll standing

Trump is finished. These are mortal wounds. Republicans are preparing to throw Trump under the bus.

The family separations created a seismic shift in public opinion. Especially among the evangelicals. You can’t go back from that.

Everything that Trump has done since has only made things worse. The Singapore meeting with Kim that bought NK enough time to build a nuclear arsenal. The fracturing of NATO. The totalling abasing press conference with Putin. The disastrous trade war (what kind of fool starts a trade war with 7 different trading partners at once?), and last but not least the shredding of the NAFTA trading partnership.

Unhinged, and stupid. And you voted for him. Birds of a feather I guess.
Trump just revamped a 20 year old budget flaw and is getting a dozen justices a week confirmed. While you Leftards chase his laser dots on the floor he is reshaping America for decades.

Hardly. Conservative justices don’t legislate nor do they budget. Those are the two chief factors in the economy.

The Republican Party has proven itself so corrupt and venal that they will literally support and provide cover for a deranged racist idiot in the White House.

They’re seeking to limit and control the damage that he does so as not to lose power. How is this any different than Iran Contra when Republicans who thought they knew better than the President what the country needed to do?

Hyper-partisan Drive .... Engage ...

she must think if she goes more off the rails, we'll change our minds?
Everbody is crazy except Ttiump.

Yep, only you retarded feeble minded fucks of Trumpdon believe that crock of shit.

No one said "everybody".

Just you people.

I'm sorry, everyone with a freakin brain.

Someone comes out with a negative story about Trump. Trumps calls in "fake News" & you idiotic, mindless fucks believe Trump.
Lol, they way you tRumpkins bury your collective head in the sand when literally everyone else can see the huge problems with this illegitimate *administration* says it's you kids who are "quite mad you know".

What huge problems? The economy is good we are not in another war, it's a nice day outside.....

The only problem I see if I was a liberal is I can't shove socialism down the throats of America except in the blue states.

Everbody is crazy except Ttiump.

Yep, only you retarded feeble minded fucks of Trumpdon believe that crock of shit.

not everybody

just leftards such as yourself

Tell me, who the fuck has to say Trump is an inept crazy fucker for you asswipes to believe it?

Fox News?
Mike Pence?
--LOL you are a fucking moron
Everbody is crazy except Ttiump.

Yep, only you retarded feeble minded fucks of Trumpdon believe that crock of shit.

No one said "everybody".

Just you people.

I'm sorry, everyone with a freakin brain.

Someone comes out with a negative story about Trump. Trumps calls in "fake News" & you idiotic, mindless fucks believe Trump.

I have no reason to believe you people, true.
It's frustration. They've tried everything but Trump is stll standing

Trump is finished. These are mortal wounds. Republicans are preparing to throw Trump under the bus.

The family separations created a seismic shift in public opinion. Especially among the evangelicals. You can’t go back from that.

Everything that Trump has done since has only made things worse. The Singapore meeting with Kim that bought NK enough time to build a nuclear arsenal. The fracturing of NATO. The totalling abasing press conference with Putin. The disastrous trade war (what kind of fool starts a trade war with 7 different trading partners at once?), and last but not least the shredding of the NAFTA trading partnership.

Unhinged, and stupid. And you voted for him. Birds of a feather I guess.

On the contrary; the trap is sprung, the bait taken and the final end to radical leftism is rising on the horizon—a new dawn dawning; a civilization soon forever free of Marxism. Whether or not Donald Trump remains President, his three year strategy has drawn all anti-American elements right out into the national public spotlight and like vampires huddled beneath a new morning sun, all the once covert, deeply hidden enemies of America shall be judged and reckoned with. All Americans who climbed into bed with these most extreme cultural perversions and cultural replacement platforms of the radical left will soon learn they have gone so far in their collusion with anti-human, anti-American madness there's no going back to normal—not ever. The cat's out of the bag, the battue has begun. Let the wheel turn, the cycle to cycle and history right itself.
It's frustration. They've tried everything but Trump is stll standing

Trump is finished. These are mortal wounds. Republicans are preparing to throw Trump under the bus.

The family separations created a seismic shift in public opinion. Especially among the evangelicals. You can’t go back from that.

Everything that Trump has done since has only made things worse. The Singapore meeting with Kim that bought NK enough time to build a nuclear arsenal. The fracturing of NATO. The totalling abasing press conference with Putin. The disastrous trade war (what kind of fool starts a trade war with 7 different trading partners at once?), and last but not least the shredding of the NAFTA trading partnership.

Unhinged, and stupid. And you voted for him. Birds of a feather I guess.
Trump is doing just fine.
It's frustration. They've tried everything but Trump is stll standing

Trump is finished. These are mortal wounds. Republicans are preparing to throw Trump under the bus.

The family separations created a seismic shift in public opinion. Especially among the evangelicals. You can’t go back from that.

Everything that Trump has done since has only made things worse. The Singapore meeting with Kim that bought NK enough time to build a nuclear arsenal. The fracturing of NATO. The totalling abasing press conference with Putin. The disastrous trade war (what kind of fool starts a trade war with 7 different trading partners at once?), and last but not least the shredding of the NAFTA trading partnership.

Unhinged, and stupid. And you voted for him. Birds of a feather I guess.
Presidential AND welcomed
Thank you, Mr president.

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Obama meets with families of shooting victims
It's frustration. They've tried everything but Trump is stll standing

Trump is finished. These are mortal wounds. Republicans are preparing to throw Trump under the bus.

The family separations created a seismic shift in public opinion. Especially among the evangelicals. You can’t go back from that.

Everything that Trump has done since has only made things worse. The Singapore meeting with Kim that bought NK enough time to build a nuclear arsenal. The fracturing of NATO. The totalling abasing press conference with Putin. The disastrous trade war (what kind of fool starts a trade war with 7 different trading partners at once?), and last but not least the shredding of the NAFTA trading partnership.

Unhinged, and stupid. And you voted for him. Birds of a feather I guess.

Ahhh shaddup already ya stupid Canuck and worry about your faggity Trudeau....who Trump is taking to the woodshed on trade.

Sick of your gas, lady

How'd that NAFTA re-write work out for you Sassy?

I see by the latest numbers that Trump has lowered the trade surplus with Canada by $9 billion dollars per year. You started with a nearly $12 billion trade surplus in goods and services with Canada and Trump has that down overall deficit down to under $3 billion per year. In May of this year, Canada posted its first ever overall trade surplus with the USA.

In 2016, the USA trade deficit of manufactured goods with Canada was just under $11 billion. In 2018, that trade deficit is over $19 billion, and for the first 6 months of 2019, the trade deficit in manufactured goods stands at just over $9 billion dollars, and is currently running at $3 billion per month.

If Trump would like to go to the woodshed with Trump again, we'd be more than happy to accommodate him.

This is our "faggotty" Prime Minister taking on a boxing opponent in a charity match. This isn't a stunt man or doctored video, like fat boy Trump and Vince McMahon.


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