Things progressives have destroyed or in process


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
1. Comedy. On topic, Silverman just apologized and promises to never use a gay slur again.

2. Intellectual honesty. Trump is a failure because we want it so. It's Republicans who support the wealthy, etc. etc. The objective isn't as important as what the elite wants you to think.

3. Hollywood. Liberalism built Hollywood, the progressives tore it down.

4. Music. Liberalism created amazing music, the progressives tore it down.

5. Respect. It's more important you exercise free speech individualism than to respect tradition, history, culture etc.

6. The Constitution. Your right to free speech must be consistent with progressive indoctrination or you stand to be ruined.

7. Work ethic. You're entitled.

8. Gender and heterosexuality. It doesn't matter that marriage between a man and woman is consistent with all things, while homosexuality and turn genders are contradictions. Men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom.

9. Country. Ever wonder why every country south of us is third world? What better way to destroy the USA than open immigration?

10. Media. They don't report news, they provide story telling heavy on what if, could, might, etc. etc.

11. Socialism. The internet and smart phones are primarily the work of progressives. They get rich off our dumbing down to propaganda and thought control. Be careful to use words selectively or you may hurt someone's feelings. Better to be dishonest. Study every word of those you don't agree with, with hopes you can exploit them.

12. California. What a beautiful State California was. Progressives ruined it.

13. Backbone. Progressive indoctrination replaces the backbone with a cry room.

14. Discipline. You can't discipline kids anymore. Better they misbehave and shoot the place up.

15. Culture, tradition and unity. Culture and tradition might hurt someone's feelings, so better we're divided and promote chaos.

16. Education. Reduce education to the lowest common denominator, such as those who cannot speak English. Teachers are entitled to express their progressive art throughout our school systems. This way they can provide an education in ideology as opposed to something useful, such as writing, solving problems and effectiveness.

Just a few examples, feel free to add.
Progressives destroy everything they touch. That's the point of Progressivism.

Other things they destroy:

17. Holidays: Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving etc.

18. Math

19. Science

20. The environment

21. Civil Society
1. Comedy. On topic, Silverman just apologized and promises to never use a gay slur again.

2. Intellectual honesty. Trump is a failure because we want it so. It's Republicans who support the wealthy, etc. etc. The objective isn't as important as what the elite wants you to think.

3. Hollywood. Liberalism built Hollywood, the progressives tore it down.

4. Music. Liberalism created amazing music, the progressives tore it down.

5. Respect. It's more important you exercise free speech individualism than to respect tradition, history, culture etc.

6. The Constitution. Your right to free speech must be consistent with progressive indoctrination or you stand to be ruined.

7. Work ethic. You're entitled.

8. Gender and heterosexuality. It doesn't matter that marriage between a man and woman is consistent with all things, while homosexuality and turn genders are contradictions. Men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom.

9. Country. Ever wonder why every country south of us is third world? What better way to destroy the USA than open immigration?

10. Media. They don't report news, they provide story telling heavy on what if, could, might, etc. etc.

11. Socialism. The internet and smart phones are primarily the work of progressives. They get rich off our dumbing down to propaganda and thought control. Be careful to use words selectively or you may hurt someone's feelings. Better to be dishonest. Study every word of those you don't agree with, with hopes you can exploit them.

12. California. What a beautiful State California was. Progressives ruined it.

13. Backbone. Progressive indoctrination replaces the backbone with a cry room.

14. Discipline. You can't discipline kids anymore. Better they misbehave and shoot the place up.

15. Culture, tradition and unity. Culture and tradition might hurt someone's feelings, so better we're divided and promote chaos.

16. Education. Reduce education to the lowest common denominator, such as those who cannot speak English. Teachers are entitled to express their progressive art throughout our school systems. This way they can provide an education in ideology as opposed to something useful, such as writing, solving problems and effectiveness.

Just a few examples, feel free to add.
^ :cuckoo:

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