Things to add to CRT teachings, now that we're going to teach "real US history"...

Wait, what? So Biden opposed bussing because it was judicial overreach. The principal of the matter be damned. If Biden was alive during the Civil War and supported slavery, it would have been ok as long as he had the support of the majority of his constituents, right? Well, of course not, that is different somehow, right?

You twist yourself into knots trying to defend the bonehead you elected and the Democratic Party.

Well, no, guy. The problem here was that Busing was really, really a terrible idea, and everyone - black and white - was against it. It's why it's not still being done today. (But not before it did damage to Urban School Systems by accelerating white flight to the Burbs.)

It tried to correct a problem by creating an even worse problem, moving kids across the city to try to achieve an artificial balance.
I suppose we could create a body from across the political, social and educational spectrum that would sit down, go over verifiable facts from our history, and create the best, most comprehensive, and most accurate possible story of our racial history based on agreed-upon researched and verified reality.

But that would require curiosity, patience, honesty, communication and collaboration.

Since America no longer has those qualities, this issue will probably just devolve into what everything else does: A childish, hyperbolic shouting match that improves or advances nothing, and just divides us further.

"Exceptional" no more, that's for sure.
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God you are an idiot. 12 former presidents owned slaves. George Washington, our founding father, owned them while he was in office.

Yes, that's why I call them the "Founding Slave Rapists", and don't have this 'We need to obey the constitution because these men were so holy." They were complete shitheads who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes and wanted to keep their slaves.

Since you are such a Biden fan, I will quote him:

re Obama..."the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."

He was comparing Obama to clowns like Jackson and Sharpton, so in CONTEXT, it was a clumsy compliment.

With regards to bussing (sic): "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this."

Again- the problem here was that busing (bussing means to kiss someone) was creating a lot of tensions because NOBODY - black or white - liked their kid being shipped across the city to a strange neighborhood on the whim of a judge. It's why busing is no longer done today. So your argument is that he was right to oppose a stupid policy.

You complain that a Southerner would want to keep a statue of Robert E. Lee, who had MANY more positive attributes than Joe Biden, but have no problem electing a guy that has made many racially charged comments in the past.

Biden never started a war to overthrow the government, ordered thousands of men to death in USELESS battles, or owned slaves. He was actually a piece of human garbage, which is why we need to tear down every statue.

An argument could be made against nearly every single historical figure in history. Comparing Lee to Hitler is about as hyperbolic as you can get.

Oh, I agree, in the words of the fictional Malcom Reynolds "


But Lee was a special level of sumbitch. He put the interests of slave owners above the interests of the country he swore an oath to protect. He doesn't deserve statues.

At best, 5% of Southerners owned slaves. Despite what you have been told, slavery wasn't the only issue on the table. The bigger issue was states rights and slavery was one of those for certain. The 95% of Southerners would not have fought and died for something that didn't directly affect them.

Actually, that number was closer to 20%.

But you might be on to something. Why did the whites who didn't own slaves fight for the Confederacy? Because they were racists! The main terror these folks had was that once freed, the slaves would retaliate against their white oppressors. They might even want to date your sister. The HORROR of it all.

Then again, you dumb ass Cleetuses vote Republican as they slowly dismantle your white Middle Class lifestyle because they play on your racial, religious and sexual fears.

"Hey, why did my good union job go away?"
"Never mind that, there's a boy in a dress, and he wants to use the lady's room!!!"
"Dur dangit, that makes me mad, Billy-Bob!"

There are plenty of things to be proud of about my Southern heritage. Southern food, which has a large influence from African culture, is fantastic. We are generally church going Protestants. Despite your vitriol for it, Christianity promotes morality. Southerners who are not Christians are still heavily influenced by the people around them. This is why the South is known to be a "friendly" place. Places where most people are not religious tend to be much more harsh and even rude and certainly more immoral. Certain Southern accents are made for movies because they are so grand. Gone with The Wind comes to mind. That is also part of our culture.

Gone with the Wind is a racist movie, shithead. It was part of that "Lost Cause" mythology we let the South spread. Today, if you see a movie with a character with a Southern Accent, that character is usually portrayed as stupid. (Kind of like if we want to make a character look smart, we give him a British Received Pronunciation Accent.)

I'd be fine with Christianity if you people actually did the stuff Jesus said. And for Christian Morality- 2000 years of slavery, racism, misogyny, homophobia, crusades, inquisitions, witch burnings, child abuse - all encouraged by the Church. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.


And, no, greasy, artery clogging food is nothing to be proud of.

Are you proud of anything being from the Midwest or are one of those one generation removed from Europe? The melting pot of the much of the NE is great in that there are a variety of cultures that you can experience. The downside is that there is no one heritage to speak of and the loyalties of many of the people are, understandably, to their homeland and not the US. I think that lack of pride in your country rubs off on too many people.
As far as pride in country, only one of us has a DD214. And it isn't you.

As a rule, I only tend to be proud of my own achievements, not those of others.. I can be proud of my Dad, who was a German Immigrant who served his country in World War II as a Translator and Medic, but those were his accomplishments, not mine. (Then again, I also didn't get his lifetime of PTSD or die at an early age because some rich asshole told him that Asbestos he was working with was totally safe.)

Frankly, as a student of history, there's not a lot to be proud of. America has done a lot of shitty things in her history, which is why we are hated around the world. True, we fought some good wars, like WWII, but we got into a lot of shitty ones where we inflicted untold misery on people. We were started on a lot of lofty principles, but the the fact that THIS shit still happens...


Shows we haven't lived up to them yet.
(Then again, I also didn't get his lifetime of PTSD or die at an early age because some rich asshole told him that Asbestos he was working with was totally safe.)
Did you get the jab and booster?
I got my booster yesterday... I'm sure you saw on a website where it makes you impotent or something like that. But, no, man, you are limp all on your own.
Go ahead and keep believing the rich assholes. Irony.
Yes, that's why I call them the "Founding Slave Rapists", and don't have this 'We need to obey the constitution because these men were so holy." They were complete shitheads who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes and wanted to keep their slaves.

He was comparing Obama to clowns like Jackson and Sharpton, so in CONTEXT, it was a clumsy compliment.

Again- the problem here was that busing (bussing means to kiss someone) was creating a lot of tensions because NOBODY - black or white - liked their kid being shipped across the city to a strange neighborhood on the whim of a judge. It's why busing is no longer done today. So your argument is that he was right to oppose a stupid policy.

Biden never started a war to overthrow the government, ordered thousands of men to death in USELESS battles, or owned slaves. He was actually a piece of human garbage, which is why we need to tear down every statue.

Oh, I agree, in the words of the fictional Malcom Reynolds "

View attachment 590772"​

But Lee was a special level of sumbitch. He put the interests of slave owners above the interests of the country he swore an oath to protect. He doesn't deserve statues.

Actually, that number was closer to 20%.

But you might be on to something. Why did the whites who didn't own slaves fight for the Confederacy? Because they were racists! The main terror these folks had was that once freed, the slaves would retaliate against their white oppressors. They might even want to date your sister. The HORROR of it all.

Then again, you dumb ass Cleetuses vote Republican as they slowly dismantle your white Middle Class lifestyle because they play on your racial, religious and sexual fears.

"Hey, why did my good union job go away?"
"Never mind that, there's a boy in a dress, and he wants to use the lady's room!!!"
"Dur dangit, that makes me mad, Billy-Bob!"

Gone with the Wind is a racist movie, shithead. It was part of that "Lost Cause" mythology we let the South spread. Today, if you see a movie with a character with a Southern Accent, that character is usually portrayed as stupid. (Kind of like if we want to make a character look smart, we give him a British Received Pronunciation Accent.)

I'd be fine with Christianity if you people actually did the stuff Jesus said. And for Christian Morality- 2000 years of slavery, racism, misogyny, homophobia, crusades, inquisitions, witch burnings, child abuse - all encouraged by the Church. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

View attachment 590770

And, no, greasy, artery clogging food is nothing to be proud of.

As far as pride in country, only one of us has a DD214. And it isn't you.

As a rule, I only tend to be proud of my own achievements, not those of others.. I can be proud of my Dad, who was a German Immigrant who served his country in World War II as a Translator and Medic, but those were his accomplishments, not mine. (Then again, I also didn't get his lifetime of PTSD or die at an early age because some rich asshole told him that Asbestos he was working with was totally safe.)

Frankly, as a student of history, there's not a lot to be proud of. America has done a lot of shitty things in her history, which is why we are hated around the world. True, we fought some good wars, like WWII, but we got into a lot of shitty ones where we inflicted untold misery on people. We were started on a lot of lofty principles, but the the fact that THIS shit still happens...

View attachment 590771
Shows we haven't lived up to them yet.
Democrat elites love useless wars and mass murder in general.

Leftists oppose slavery so much they enable it and profit off it.

JoeB131 is so dumb he still thinks Democrat politicians are on the side of working folk.

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Yes, that's why I call them the "Founding Slave Rapists", and don't have this 'We need to obey the constitution because these men were so holy." They were complete shitheads who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes and wanted to keep their slaves.

Well, at least we see now where you brain-dead leftists are coming from. The Constitution means nothing to you. Granted, it was a key component in making us the most powerful and greatest nation in the world, but indoctrinated folks like you think you know better.

He was comparing Obama to clowns like Jackson and Sharpton, so in CONTEXT, it was a clumsy compliment.

Actually, he was comparing Obama to every other black politician. If a Republican had said this, say Trump, you would be the FIRST one to call it a racist comment.

But you might be on to something. Why did the whites who didn't own slaves fight for the Confederacy? Because they were racists!

You are very misinformed.

Then again, you dumb ass Cleetuses vote Republican as they slowly dismantle your white Middle Class lifestyle because they play on your racial, religious and sexual fears.

I live in a Republican state and our middle class lifestyle is quite a bit better than yours. Our cost of living is higher as is our AVERAGE salary. Here is where you go into your nonsense about not knowing which state I live in. You can do your own research and compare average salaries across all red, Southern states vs Illinois and compare that to the cost of living. Common sense dictates which one of us is an idiot for way we vote.

"Hey, why did my good union job go away?"
"Never mind that, there's a boy in a dress, and he wants to use the lady's room!!!"
"Dur dangit, that makes me mad, Billy-Bob!"

We don't have unions. Never needed them. We will have a higher average salary than your state.

You are the morons pushing boys to be able to act like girls. It never concerned us before your party made it a thing.

As far as pride in country, only one of us has a DD214. And it isn't you.

You clearly didn't join the military for love of country, but rather benefits and a paycheck. My military family, who were very highly ranked(Lt. Col. and Col.), would spit on you for your lack of patriotism.

Frankly, as a student of history, there's not a lot to be proud of.

You are indoctrinated and no student of anything other then left-wing rhetoric.
... They were complete shitheads ...
YOU claiming intellectual superiority over a doorknob would be absurd, but over the Founding Fathers? Hilarious. Two and a half centuries from now not a living soul on earth will even know where your stone is, let alone who the fuck you were.
Yeah Sure, the Left has been demonizing devout White Christians for decades since the GW Bush years and before, maybe as far as Regan, as ignorant racists. Your posts confirm that you’re one of their foot soldiers.
The KKK are far right Christian terrorists. Saying so does not mean I am saying ALL Christians are terrorists, you unbelievably stupid fuck.

I understand how you can make this fascinating mental error since you tards think Muslim terrorists mean all Muslims are terrorists.

This is what happens when you are that stupid.
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Well, at least we see now where you brain-dead leftists are coming from. The Constitution means nothing to you. Granted, it was a key component in making us the most powerful and greatest nation in the world, but indoctrinated folks like you think you know better.

Actually, it had nothing to do with it. America did well for a VERY Short period of time because we were the only country not devastated by the World Wars. So the American "Golden Age" really ended a long time ago when the rest of the world caught up.

You see, your DEAR LEADER, Trump ran on "Make America Great Again", so clearly you no longer consider America to be great. Of course, where you weasels get caught is WHEN it stopped being great and who made it stop being great. (Hint. It was Republicans destroying the middle class by busting up unions. )

Actually, he was comparing Obama to every other black politician. If a Republican had said this, say Trump, you would be the FIRST one to call it a racist comment.
Trump says things that are 100 times worse, and then backs them up with bad policies.

I live in a Republican state and our middle class lifestyle is quite a bit better than yours.
Except you never say what state that is, probably because you know damned well I'll find data proving it's practically a third world shithole.

Our cost of living is higher as is our AVERAGE salary. Here is where you go into your nonsense about not knowing which state I live in. You can do your own research and compare average salaries across all red, Southern states vs Illinois and compare that to the cost of living. Common sense dictates which one of us is an idiot for way we vote.

I have. Once again- THE PROVERTY MAP.

If you live In Jesus-Land, you live in a poor state.

We don't have unions. Never needed them. We will have a higher average salary than your state.

You are the morons pushing boys to be able to act like girls. It never concerned us before your party made it a thing.

Yes, we realize that you dumb white trash were happy to not have workers rights... Again- the poverty map.

You clearly didn't join the military for love of country, but rather benefits and a paycheck. My military family, who were very highly ranked(Lt. Col. and Col.), would spit on you for your lack of patriotism.

Um, okay... you realize that the real hard work in the military is done by the enlisted, not the officers, right? Or the old joke, "Don't call me 'Sir', I work for a living."

And I'm sure that those officers didn't join the military to get ROTC scholarships or some shit like that. They volunteered their services free of charge.

But to the point, I didn't have to join the military for a paycheck. I came from a nice, unionized middle class neighborhood, and I could have joined the union like my idiot brother did. (He's the one who supports Trump, and he doesn't have a clue.) I joined because I believed in something. Now that I am older and a lot more cynical, not so much.

You are indoctrinated and no student of anything other then left-wing rhetoric.

Funny to listen to someone repeating Hate Radio talking points talking about being 'indoctrinated".

Again, up until 2008, I was pretty right wing. Then my boss and Cigna screwed me over with the announcement, "I am glad I don't have to deal with a union." (Quite right. If there was a union, they'd have to respect my seniority and I would have had decent health care coverage!) When Bush left office, I had a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage, and had to take a pay cut. You see, that's what happens when you put Republicans in charge. THEY BRING YOU RECESSIONS. The Ten of the last 11 recessions happened when a REPUBLICAN was in charge.

The only reason I weathered TRUMP RECESSION pretty well was that I knew that guy was going to fuck it up, so I spent the previous three years paying down debt and setting aside money just in case.
YOU claiming intellectual superiority over a doorknob would be absurd, but over the Founding Fathers? Hilarious. Two and a half centuries from now not a living soul on earth will even know where your stone is, let alone who the fuck you were.

Well, since I intend to be cremated when I die and have my ashes scattered over my land in Wisconsin, I probably won't have a stone, Dripping Poop.

But the Founding Slave Rapists were not saints, they were not heroes.

They were a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes and keep their slaves.
Trump says things that are 100 times worse, and then backs them up with bad policies.

Quotes please...and in context.

Except you never say what state that is, probably because you know damned well I'll find data proving it's practically a third world shithole.

It doesn't matter what state it is. You can find good and bad stuff about every single state. Yes, there are poor people in my state. They are called Democrats. The professionals that work are not poor and have a very good standard of living.

I have. Once again- THE PROVERTY MAP

Again, doesn't matter. The poor people that are in my state vote for Democrats for more free stuff. If they would work to better themselves instead of voting for Democrats, they wouldn't be poor.

Yes, we realize that you dumb white trash were happy to not have workers rights... Again- the poverty map.

My "dumb white trash" self makes far more money than you and is far more successful than you. Your salary wouldn't even be AVERAGE where I live and you live in a high cost of living and high taxed state. You would need to move to a different side of town or to another part of my state to feel comfortable and to be around your "people"...the poor, indoctrinated fools with their hands out that vote for Democrats.
The KKK are far right Christian terrorists. Saying so does not mean I am saying ALL Christians are terrorists, you unbelievably stupid fuck.

I understand how you can make this fascinating mental error since you tards think Muslim terrorists mean all Muslims are terrorists.

This is what happens when you are that stupid
Once again, you’re completely omitting that the KKK was established by Democrats as the anti republican mikitary wing of the Democratic Party. You keep avoiding disassociating the word Democrat from the KKK and it’s history. You lack the intellectual honesty to admit that the KKK and Democrat went hand in hand.

Funny part is these same lunatics keep repeating that CRT is “actual history” but refuse to mention the word Democrat and KKK in the same sentence when it comes to their history.

Newsflash: Racism in 19th and 20th century US history was all Democrats. Let’s start teaching kids the truth.
Actually, it had nothing to do with it. America did well for a VERY Short period of time because we were the only country not devastated by the World Wars. So the American "Golden Age" really ended a long time ago when the rest of the world caught up.

You see, your DEAR LEADER, Trump ran on "Make America Great Again", so clearly you no longer consider America to be great. Of course, where you weasels get caught is WHEN it stopped being great and who made it stop being great. (Hint. It was Republicans destroying the middle class by busting up unions. )

Trump says things that are 100 times worse, and then backs them up with bad policies.

Except you never say what state that is, probably because you know damned well I'll find data proving it's practically a third world shithole.

I have. Once again- THE PROVERTY MAP.
View attachment 591337
If you live In Jesus-Land, you live in a poor state.

Yes, we realize that you dumb white trash were happy to not have workers rights... Again- the poverty map.

Um, okay... you realize that the real hard work in the military is done by the enlisted, not the officers, right? Or the old joke, "Don't call me 'Sir', I work for a living."

And I'm sure that those officers didn't join the military to get ROTC scholarships or some shit like that. They volunteered their services free of charge.

But to the point, I didn't have to join the military for a paycheck. I came from a nice, unionized middle class neighborhood, and I could have joined the union like my idiot brother did. (He's the one who supports Trump, and he doesn't have a clue.) I joined because I believed in something. Now that I am older and a lot more cynical, not so much.

Funny to listen to someone repeating Hate Radio talking points talking about being 'indoctrinated".

Again, up until 2008, I was pretty right wing. Then my boss and Cigna screwed me over with the announcement, "I am glad I don't have to deal with a union." (Quite right. If there was a union, they'd have to respect my seniority and I would have had decent health care coverage!) When Bush left office, I had a busted 401K, and underwater mortgage, and had to take a pay cut. You see, that's what happens when you put Republicans in charge. THEY BRING YOU RECESSIONS. The Ten of the last 11 recessions happened when a REPUBLICAN was in charge.

The only reason I weathered TRUMP RECESSION pretty well was that I knew that guy was going to fuck it up, so I spent the previous three years paying down debt and setting aside money just in case.
Again JoeB131 is eager to show us what a dumbass he is.

Quotes please...and in context.

Mexicans are rapists. Shithole Countries. Obama wasn't born here. Execute the Central Park 5. (even after they were proven innocent).

It doesn't matter what state it is. You can find good and bad stuff about every single state. Yes, there are poor people in my state. They are called Democrats. The professionals that work are not poor and have a very good standard of living.
Again, every state- but all the poorest ones seem to be down in Jesusland. And you won't admit which state it is.. which says a lot.


Again, doesn't matter. The poor people that are in my state vote for Democrats for more free stuff. If they would work to better themselves instead of voting for Democrats, they wouldn't be poor.

40% of Americans would be considered "Poor" by your standards... The only thing that keeps Republicans alive is that poor white people keep voting against their own economic interests.

My "dumb white trash" self makes far more money than you and is far more successful than you. Your salary wouldn't even be AVERAGE where I live and you live in a high cost of living and high taxed state. You would need to move to a different side of town or to another part of my state to feel comfortable and to be around your "people"...the poor, indoctrinated fools with their hands out that vote for Democrats.

Again, Cleetus, I am waiting for you to tell me about your fancy Double Wide,


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