Things to add to CRT teachings, now that we're going to teach "real US history"...

He shouldn't have called ANYONE at that Rally a "fine person". None of them were.
Bullshit. Many people were there because they opposed the Democrats trying to cover up the history of their disgusting racist party.

That is the primary reason the Democrats wanted those statues taken down. The Democratic party of slavery, oppression and Jim Crow wants to erase their sordid history.
He shouldn't have called ANYONE at that Rally a "fine person". None of them were. And, yes, if you are out there fighting for a statue of an old dead racist, it's because you are a racist yourself.

God you are an idiot. 12 former presidents owned slaves. George Washington, our founding father, owned them while he was in office. Since you are such a Biden fan, I will quote him:

re Obama..."the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean."

With regards to bussing: "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this."

You complain that a Southerner would want to keep a statue of Robert E. Lee, who had MANY more positive attributes than Joe Biden, but have no problem electing a guy that has made many racially charged comments in the past.

Hey, funny thing. You go to Germany, you won't find ONE Statue of Hitler or any other prominent Nazi. Why? BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHAT THOSE GUYS DID WAS WRONG!

An argument could be made against nearly every single historical figure in history. Comparing Lee to Hitler is about as hyperbolic as you can get.

This shouldn't even be an issue at this point. A bunch of people tried to destroy the Union so a few rich white people could keep owning slaves.

At best, 5% of Southerners owned slaves. Despite what you have been told, slavery wasn't the only issue on the table. The bigger issue was states rights and slavery was one of those for certain. The 95% of Southerners would not have fought and died for something that didn't directly affect them.

Seriously, what are you proud of? That your part of the country systematically kidnapped, tortured, and raped human beings and sold them as property? That you were willing to destroy the Union so that this could continue? That you were willing to throw away THOUSANDS of lives to do it? That even after the war, when you were treated fairly beneficently, you then immediately tried to undo all the gains in rights for ex slaves?

Seriously, what the fuck do you have to be so proud of, Cleetus?

There are plenty of things to be proud of about my Southern heritage. Southern food, which has a large influence from African culture, is fantastic. We are generally church going Protestants. Despite your vitriol for it, Christianity promotes morality. Southerners who are not Christians are still heavily influenced by the people around them. This is why the South is known to be a "friendly" place. Places where most people are not religious tend to be much more harsh and even rude and certainly more immoral. Certain Southern accents are made for movies because they are so grand. Gone with The Wind comes to mind. That is also part of our culture.

Are you proud of anything being from the Midwest or are one of those one generation removed from Europe? The melting pot of the much of the NE is great in that there are a variety of cultures that you can experience. The downside is that there is no one heritage to speak of and the loyalties of many of the people are, understandably, to their homeland and not the US. I think that lack of pride in your country rubs off on too many people.
Britain was the only other country or government in the world? LOL you need to open a book. Slavery was banned in some cultures THOUSANDS of years before 1776. But you know since everyone else was doing it in America, that makes it ok, because America is exceptional.
What shit-hole country are you from? We're not talking "cultures" we're talking the US and world powers.
Point being that slavery was a generally accepted practice in 1776 until it wasn't.
Will you volunteer or send your kids to fight the Chinese to free the Uighur slaves? Didn't think so.
So pound that self-righteous bullshit up your....
What shit-hole country are you from? We're not talking "cultures" we're talking the US and world powers.
Point being that slavery was a generally accepted practice in 1776 until it wasn't.
Will you volunteer or send your kids to fight the Chinese to free the Uighur slaves? Didn't think so.
So pound that self-righteous bullshit up your....
Wait now you're saying someone that wont take on a country with a billion people and nuclear weapons by themselves is as bad as someone who has slaves? You're an idiot.
Wait now you're saying someone that wont take on a country with a billion people and nuclear weapons by themselves is as bad as someone who has slaves? You're an idiot.
Point being that slavery is accepted today, in China, as well as other places.
So your ancient no-slavery "cultures" example doesn't work.
Slavery was acceptable in 1776, period.
The Founding Fathers are American heroes, even if they had slaves.
Point being that slavery is accepted today, in China, as well as other places.
So your ancient no-slavery "cultures" example doesn't work.
Slavery was acceptable in 1776, period.
The Founding Fathers are American heroes, even if they had slaves.
Yes it does. It is a fact Jefferson knew slavery was wrong, but did nothing about it. Because he was gutless. Meanwhile several European countries had banned slavery hundreds of years before 1776, and yes, some ancient cultures even before that.

Slavery was not acceptable in 1776. Jefferson knew that.
Maybe they should also teach about all the black people who owned black slaves.


Those are 2 examples of the many blacks who owned black slaves. So no, it wasn't just whitey.

Mlk saw a rape and encouraged the rapist, he was also a womanizer and abuser.

Things to include in CRT teachings number...
6- Native Americans aka "Indians" were also themselves avid slave owners. So what now, wokesters, tear down all statues and symbols of native Americans in public arenas? Do you see where this insanity is going? No of course not.

What you probably don’t picture are Cherokee slaveholders, foremost among them Cherokee chief John Ross. What you probably don’t picture are the numerous African-American slaves, Cherokee-owned, who made the brutal march themselves, or else were shipped en masse to what is now Oklahoma aboard cramped boats by their wealthy Indian masters.
Point being that slavery is accepted today, in China, as well as other places.
So your ancient no-slavery "cultures" example doesn't work.
Slavery was acceptable in 1776, period.
The Founding Fathers are American heroes, even if they had slaves.
Slavery is accepted and practiced in Africa TODAY. They attack each other, and then hold the women as slaves and concubines.
Things to include in CRT teachings number...
6- Native Americans aka "Indians" were also themselves avid slave owners. So what now, wokesters, tear down all statues and symbols of native Americans in public arenas? Do you see where this insanity is going? No of course not.

What you probably don’t picture are Cherokee slaveholders, foremost among them Cherokee chief John Ross. What you probably don’t picture are the numerous African-American slaves, Cherokee-owned, who made the brutal march themselves, or else were shipped en masse to what is now Oklahoma aboard cramped boats by their wealthy Indian masters.
John Ross was half white, dipshit. He got rich off of slavery. I have zero problems with statues of him being removed from public areas.
John Ross was half white, dipshit. He got rich off of slavery. I have zero problems with statues of him being removed from public areas.
Barack Hussein Obama was also half white, dipshit. I guess anybody who's even half white is guilty as charged. :cuckoo:
Obama owned slaves?
He was half White, so his ancestors did. He should pitch in from his own entitled pocket because his ancestors may have done something.

Oh wait, Obama didn't even lift a finger to help his own poor suffering brother / family in Kenya. What was that again he used to say um let me see, "keeper of my brother blah blah blah...". These DemNazis sure do have a way with words, don't they.

Now if this was someone else, the fake news media would be interviewing him 24/7 for four years, but since he's the DemNazi Messiah's brother, faggetaboutit.

He was half White, so his ancestors did. He should pitch in from his own entitled pocket because his ancestors may have done something. Oh wait, Obama didn't even lift a finger to help his own poor suffering brother in Kenya. What was that again he used to say "keeper of my brother blah blah blah...". These DemNazis sure do have a way with words, don't they.

Now if this was someone else, the fake news media would be interviewing him 24/7 for four years, but since he's the DemNazi Messiah's brother, faggetaboutit.

Sorry I triggered you. Now you're just going off on totally unrelated tangents. It got me to laugh at you though. So there is that. Bottom line I dont think slave holder statues should be on public property. History will agree with me on that. In fact, they are all coming down as we speak. And there is nothing you can do about it.
Sorry I triggered you. Now you're just going off on totally unrelated tangents. It got me to laugh at you though. So there is that. Bottom line I dont think slave holder statues should be on public property. History will agree with me on that. In fact, they are all coming down as we speak. And there is nothing you can do about it.
Hmmmm...maybe that's why Obama threw his mom and grandmother under the bus, the same people who raised him as opposed to his dead beat alcoholic father he dedicated a book to, just because his father had the right skin color. But then again, the piece of Marxist anti American shit didn't even care about his own family in Kenya.
Hmmmm...maybe that's why Obama threw his mom and grandmother under the bus, the same people who raised him as opposed to his dead beat alcoholic father he dedicated a book to, just because his father had the right skin color. But then again, the piece of Marxist anti American shit didn't even care about his own family in Kenya.
Do you always bring up Obama for no reason when you're triggered?
Yes it does. It is a fact Jefferson knew slavery was wrong, but did nothing about it. Because he was gutless. Meanwhile several European countries had banned slavery hundreds of years before 1776, and yes, some ancient cultures even before that. Slavery was not acceptable in 1776. Jefferson knew that.
Of course Jefferson knew slavery was morally wrong, BUT, he also knew that the southern states needed slavery and would never sign the Declaration if it freed the slaves. So he (and several other Founding Fathers) made the strategic decision to not address slavery in 1776. It wasn't "gutless", it was a strategic decision. Britain didn't stop slavery until 1833. Look what happened in 1860, the southern states left the union over slavery.
Was the founding of the US worth a delay in eliminating slavery? Hell yes it was.
Of course Jefferson knew slavery was morally wrong, BUT, he also knew that the southern states needed slavery and would never sign the Declaration if it freed the slaves. So he (and several other Founding Fathers) made the strategic decision to not address slavery in 1776. It wasn't "gutless", it was a strategic decision. Britain didn't stop slavery until 1833. Look what happened in 1860, the southern states left the union over slavery.
Was the founding of the US worth a delay in eliminating slavery? Hell yes it was.
Yeah, it was pretty much gutless.

You think the founding of the US was worth an almost 100 year delay in getting rid of slavery? LOL that just shows how inhumane you are.
Yeah, it was pretty much gutless.
You think the founding of the US was worth an almost 100 year delay in getting rid of slavery? LOL that just shows how inhumane you are.
1. Jefferson was NOT the only Founding Father, so why do you blame him? He was founding a new country.
It was the original "1776 Committee" from 13 colonies.

2. Yes I think the founding of the US was worth a 100 year delay in getting rid of slavery. Slavery was there like it or not. It wasn't going away in 1776 no matter what, so there was no "delay", it was the way the world was. Eliminating slavery in 1776 was what we call a "non-starter".
3. How inhumane I am? I look at history as a realist, not as a whiny idealist. What part of slavery wasn't going away in 1776 no matter what, don't you get?
4. You can't look at the world in 1776 thru the "woke eyes" of 2022. You can, but you would be wrong. The world was a much different place back then.
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1. Jefferson was NOT the only Founding Father, so why do you blame him? He was founding a new country.
It was the original "1776 Committee" from 13 colonies.
View attachment 590679

2. Yes I think the founding of the US was worth a 100 year delay in getting rid of slavery. Slavery was there like it or not. It wasn't going away in 1776 no matter what, so there was no "delay", it was the way the world was. Eliminating slavery in 1776 was what we call a "non-starter".
3. How inhumane I am? I look at history as a realist, not as a whiny idealist. What part of slavery wasn't going away in 1776 no matter what, don't you get?
Drive around Rome Italy, France, Spain etc. You will see statues and monuments of rulers, Caesars and kings who conquered, invaded and killed. The Vatican itself has a long history of crusades and Inquisitions, but nobody is calling for it to be torn down and destroyed. It seems this insanity is exclusive to Leftists and their Marxist brethren.

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