Think before you yell treason

Uhm you're trying to impeach a political rival in a election year, why dont you let 300 million Americans decide instead of a few hundred multimillionaire congressmen and women, what are you afraid of?

Subpoenas under Rep. Issa top 100

Issa plans hundreds of hearings

Operation Fast and Furious Fast Facts - CNN

Attorney General Eric Holder was cited for contempt.
Holder was cited for contempt for an "abuse of executive privilege".

That investigation lasted SIX YEARS.

Republicans sued the Obama Administration in federal court over its use of executive privilege, and won:

And then, of course, there was BENGHAAAAAAAZIIIII! For four years, the pseudocons could not let a day pass without bringing up Benghazi.

The Republicans held four years of hearings and investigations: Select Committee on Benghazi Releases Proposed Report

One. Giant. Nothing. Burger. After another.

Majority Leader McCarthy accidentally admitted the Benghazi hearings were intended as a strategy to fight and win the 2016 election:

How long did Mueller's investigation last? Oh yeah. Less than two years!

And then there is Trump's six year birther bullshit in an attempt to prove a hoax that Obama was not qualified to be US President because he had been born in Kenya:

"I have people that have been studying Obama's birth certificate and they cannot believe what they're finding ... I would like to have him show his birth certificate, and can I be honest with you, I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility ... then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics." - Donald J. Trump

And then there's this:

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama
Trump was angry his friend Speaker Pelosi did not impeach and forcibly remove President Bush from office.

Then Trump spent several years trying to get President Obama forcibly removed from office by chasing after a birther hoax.

Listening to Trump and his willfully stupid rubes whine as karma kicks them in the nuts these days is pleasing to my ears. :lol:
Current Democrats do not abide by the Constitution and Constitutional precedent; so that makes the treasonous bastards and their synchophants synonymous with a foreign country.
Pure bullshit.

List breaches of the Constitution stupid

You're the idiot that posted no House Resolution was passed for impeachment of Nixon the other day and also believes every accusation against Trump is true.

I don't answer questions from major idiots like yourself!
In fact I should have put your dumbed-down ass on ignore, before now.....
The founders put a very specific and narrow definition of treason in the constitution for a good reason. Republicans deserve to live in a country where allegiance to the leader is compulsory but most Americans rightly find the very concept repulsive.

You Stalinists have committed in an act of war by engaging in espionage against the president of the United States.

What you've done is treason.
All I've done is say things to dumbasses on the internet. Do you even realize how stupid you sound berating me as if I were personally responsible for all the things that scare and offend you? Grow the hell up Trumpbot.
So, you want to allow Trump to keep selling out this country?

Trump never "sold out" the country. That was Obama, you traitorous moron.

Nixon was duly elected as well, but he was impeached for doing crimes. If Trump has done crimes, or abused the power of his office, he should be impeached.

Nixon was to be impeached for SUGGESTING that the IRS be used against political enemies, he never did it, just suggested it. Obama USED THE IRS against his enemies, and you smiled and nodded - all praise the party. Obama did 10,000 times the number of crimes as Nixon, but was a party member, so the law didn't apply to him.

As for Trump, you traitors have lied, schemed, plotted, and manipulated since the day the American people defied your orders to cook up shit against him. Crimes? Fuck you traitor - YOU and your evil cabal of villains are the criminals. YOU refuse to accept the results of the election

And yes, threatening to cut off military aid unless that country provides dirt on a political rival is an impeachable offense.

Still, that was PROVEN to be yet another of your fucking lies. We have the transcripts of the call fucktard. We KNOW what was actually said, but you believe if you just lie harder you can succeed in your coup.

By the way, does Trump REALLY think that Xi is going to be inclined to help him out with dirt on Biden? I don't, because Trump has said bad things about China and currently is in a trade war with them.

You're dumb as a brick, which is why you're a Communist. China bribed Biden for decades. Trump threw that fact out into the fray.

See, Biden actually did everything you lied about Trump doing. You don't mind, Biden is a party member. Party is mother, party is father. All things for the party.
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.....Trump was elected fairly/legally/etc---and the Dems/leftists have not accepted that..they keep trying to get rid of a legally/fairly/etc elected POTUS = TREASON!!!
Karma Is A BITCH!

Americans accepted Obama. We didn't like him, but accepted him twice, even after Candy Crowley interfered.

You Stalinsts aren't American though, not even close.

The founders put a very specific and narrow definition of treason in the constitution for a good reason. Republicans deserve to live in a country where allegiance to the leader is compulsory but most Americans rightly find the very concept repulsive.

You Stalinists have committed in an act of war by engaging in espionage against the president of the United States.

What you've done is treason.
All I've done is say things to dumbasses on the internet. Do you even realize how stupid you sound berating me as if I were personally responsible for all the things that scare and offend you? Grow the hell up Trumpbot.

You, as a representative cheerleader of the Fascist democrat party. democrats are a traitor party. The enemy of the Constitutional Republic.

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