Think The Economy Is Going To Help Trump Next Year?

A majority of Americans say the economy is only benefitting the wealthy, despite record-low unemployment and rising wages.

A poll by Pew Research Center found that 69% of Americans say the economy is helping the wealthy, while hurting the poor, those without college degrees and the middle class.

Americans say strong economy only helping the rich

I wonder if those people are voting next year?
Earnings growth for the S&P are predicted to be negligible but w/ interest rates staying low the only place to get a decent return is equities. We may have seen peak employment so that won't be much help. So...........the admin is floating the idea of a tax cut for the middle class (they said that was what the first one was for).
BTW, if you think it's a coincidence Trump is about to be impeached by the House and a basically worthless Phase I trade deal has been agreed to in principle so he can point to a success (that really isn't one) you are naive.

It's not the government's responsibility to pay people. It's government's responsibility to make sure business pays people a living wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been increased since the bush boy years.

Business is raking in billions but refuse to pay their employees a living wage. The only way they are going to do that is if they are forced to by law.

Raise the minimum wage to a living wage, less people will qualify for public assistance and more people will have money to spend to drive our economy.

It's so very irresponsible to cut taxes when we have such a huge deficit and debt.

Raising the minimum wage will not harm business and will help our nation and economy.

It's government's responsibility to make sure business pays people a living wage.

Can you post where that is spelled out in the Constitution?

Raise the minimum wage to a living wage, less people will qualify for public assistance

What percentage of minimum wage workers are even eligible for public assistance?

more people will have money to spend to drive our economy.

Money in the hands of the business owner doesn't "drive our economy"?
How many minimum wage workers generate enough added value to earn your "living wage"?
Raising the minimum wage will not harm business

Except for the ones it puts under. And the ones it stops from being created.
The economy will definitely have an impact on Trump's re-election effort. If it tanks, he's fucked.

GDP growth has been nosediving, the Dow has been flat, and the manufacturing index is in negative territory. All because of his stupid tariff war.

The outlook is not good if he doesn't end that stupidity before we go into a recession.
And the possibility of a phase 1 coming soon is just BS and doesn't address any of the most important points Trump just needs a win to wave it in his morons faces
Xi Jinping just needs to write our Dotard a nice letter like Kim did and Comrade Donald will fall madly in love with him.

Trump's fake war on China just might be the biggest hoax of the multitude of hoaxes he has pulled on the rubes.


Oh, yeah. Trump is playing the stock market like a Stradivarius; it's a beautiful thing to see.

3.5% unemployment! Full employment: it's historic; it's actually inconvenient -- employers can't find anyone who can READ.

At a local restaurant and a warehouse store I go to, they've hired one retarded (quite impaired: social workers show up daily to mind him), a homeless who smells BAD, a psychotic waitress who hugs me and demands my first name, and a verrrrryyy strange quiet guy with limp tiny hands whom I haven't classified yet. This is all okay with me, though I am finding another restaurant, can't have someone grabbing me, but I know they are hiring the handicapped because there's just no one else to hire!

Oh, yeah, if the Dems don't find some way to sabotage this economy, how could they win. They will try EVERYTHING to cause a crash. Sell your stocks as soon as you make a good gain, punters, because the bad guys will try to crash it suddenly.
STRIKE the last words,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the bad guy ,the garbage trump, got caught
A majority of Americans say the economy is only benefitting the wealthy, despite record-low unemployment and rising wages.

A poll by Pew Research Center found that 69% of Americans say the economy is helping the wealthy, while hurting the poor, those without college degrees and the middle class.

Americans say strong economy only helping the rich

I wonder if those people are voting next year?
Earnings growth for the S&P are predicted to be negligible but w/ interest rates staying low the only place to get a decent return is equities. We may have seen peak employment so that won't be much help. So...........the admin is floating the idea of a tax cut for the middle class (they said that was what the first one was for).
BTW, if you think it's a coincidence Trump is about to be impeached by the House and a basically worthless Phase I trade deal has been agreed to in principle so he can point to a success (that really isn't one) you are naive.

It's not the government's responsibility to pay people. It's government's responsibility to make sure business pays people a living wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been increased since the bush boy years.

Business is raking in billions but refuse to pay their employees a living wage. The only way they are going to do that is if they are forced to by law.

Raise the minimum wage to a living wage, less people will qualify for public assistance and more people will have money to spend to drive our economy.

It's so very irresponsible to cut taxes when we have such a huge deficit and debt.

Raising the minimum wage will not harm business and will help our nation and economy.

It's government's responsibility to make sure business pays people a living wage.

Can you post where that is spelled out in the Constitution?

Raise the minimum wage to a living wage, less people will qualify for public assistance

What percentage of minimum wage workers are even eligible for public assistance?

more people will have money to spend to drive our economy.

Money in the hands of the business owner doesn't "drive our economy"?
How many minimum wage workers generate enough added value to earn your "living wage"?

Raising the minimum wage will not harm business

Except for the ones it puts under. And the ones it stops from being created.

A majority of Americans say the economy is only benefitting the wealthy, despite record-low unemployment and rising wages.

A poll by Pew Research Center found that 69% of Americans say the economy is helping the wealthy, while hurting the poor, those without college degrees and the middle class.

Americans say strong economy only helping the rich

I wonder if those people are voting next year?
Actually the impeachment fiasco will get Trump reelected, his approval rating goes up daily with this. You do know Trump's approval rating is higher than Obama's at the same time in his presidency and Trump is in the process of impeachment. I cannot thank you Looney liberals enough.
So you tards believe in

It’s funny how everyone agrees with polls when they support their beliefs.
A majority of Americans say the economy is only benefitting the wealthy, despite record-low unemployment and rising wages.

A poll by Pew Research Center found that 69% of Americans say the economy is helping the wealthy, while hurting the poor, those without college degrees and the middle class.

Americans say strong economy only helping the rich

I wonder if those people are voting next year?

Very funny, lol! I notice you didn't post the poll that asked if people were better off today than 3 years ago. But that is ok. As long as people like you are delusional, we have the advantage-)
Of course it will help him, if it doesn't decay. Economies fluctuate, they cycle. Anyone who claims to know is guessing.

If we get a good China trade deal, it's tough to imagine a slowdown for the next year.
Of course it will help him, if it doesn't decay. Economies fluctuate, they cycle. Anyone who claims to know is guessing.

If we get a good China trade deal, it's tough to imagine a slowdown for the next year.
We'll get a trade deal A bullshit one so he can wave it in front of his dotards
Of course it will help him, if it doesn't decay. Economies fluctuate, they cycle. Anyone who claims to know is guessing. If we get a good China trade deal, it's tough to imagine a slowdown for the next year.
We'll get a trade deal A bullshit one so he can wave it in front of his dotards
Markets will go nuts when it's announced, but then the deal will be analyzed and within a couple of days the markets will look again.
forget about it the deal you get will be more trump bs

The breaking news is a HUGE purchase of our agriculture commodities by China in return for our raising the tariffs on them. A good deal ---- and it secures the farm vote for Trump for 2020. Win--win. Well, for the GOP and for China, anyway. Not so much for the Left.
A majority of Americans say the economy is only benefitting the wealthy, despite record-low unemployment and rising wages.

A poll by Pew Research Center found that 69% of Americans say the economy is helping the wealthy, while hurting the poor, those without college degrees and the middle class.

Americans say strong economy only helping the rich

I wonder if those people are voting next year?
Earnings growth for the S&P are predicted to be negligible but w/ interest rates staying low the only place to get a decent return is equities. We may have seen peak employment so that won't be much help. So...........the admin is floating the idea of a tax cut for the middle class (they said that was what the first one was for).
BTW, if you think it's a coincidence Trump is about to be impeached by the House and a basically worthless Phase I trade deal has been agreed to in principle so he can point to a success (that really isn't one) you are naive.

It's not the government's responsibility to pay people. It's government's responsibility to make sure business pays people a living wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been increased since the bush boy years.

Business is raking in billions but refuse to pay their employees a living wage. The only way they are going to do that is if they are forced to by law.

Raise the minimum wage to a living wage, less people will qualify for public assistance and more people will have money to spend to drive our economy.

It's so very irresponsible to cut taxes when we have such a huge deficit and debt.

Raising the minimum wage will not harm business and will help our nation and economy.

Your State and Local governments can raise the minimum wage without the Federal Government help.

States like California have higher minimum wages than Texas, so how has that help those people out?

So fix your State economy instead of asking Big Brother to do it for you...

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