Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

Looks like the citizens in Kenosha are fighting back...

Too bad he couldn't have gotten more kill shots.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.

If saying "enough is enough" to all this violence, mayhem, looting, arson and murder is what makes a person a "Trumpster", why aren't you a Trumpster Wokemac?
Because I can see a bigger picture. Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties can't. Or choose not to.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
when I see innocent people having their cars and businesses burned down, I feel empathy for these victims.

Instead of seeing the actual big picture, all you are really seeing is an opportunity to posture that you are superior.
I realize that's your perspective.

Nothing I can do about that.
Obviously you can't do anything about your stupidity either.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.

If saying "enough is enough" to all this violence, mayhem, looting, arson and murder is what makes a person a "Trumpster", why aren't you a Trumpster Wokemac?
Because I can see a bigger picture. Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties can't. Or choose not to.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
when I see innocent people having their cars and businesses burned down, I feel empathy for these victims.

Instead of seeing the actual big picture, all you are really seeing is an opportunity to posture that you are superior.
I realize that's your perspective.

Nothing I can do about that.
Of course there is something you can do about it. All you have to do is stop calling people names if they oppose domestic terrorism and then act like you are above it all.

Easy peasy.
Same kind of response I got from Regressive Lefties when I criticized Obama.

Do you guys get trained at the same place? Oh, never mind.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.

If saying "enough is enough" to all this violence, mayhem, looting, arson and murder is what makes a person a "Trumpster", why aren't you a Trumpster Wokemac?
Because I can see a bigger picture. Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties can't. Or choose not to.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
when I see innocent people having their cars and businesses burned down, I feel empathy for these victims.

Instead of seeing the actual big picture, all you are really seeing is an opportunity to posture that you are superior.
I realize that's your perspective.

Nothing I can do about that.
Of course there is something you can do about it. All you have to do is stop calling people names if they oppose domestic terrorism and then act like you are above it all.

Easy peasy.
Same kind of response I got from Regressive Lefties when I criticized Obama.

Do you guys get trained at the same place? Oh, never mind.
What guys?

I realize that people have been trained to see only identity, but I am just one individual and not a member of a group.

You should try looking at people as individuals some day. It might help liberate you from your mental straight jacket you have imposed on yourself.

As an individual, I reject burning the belongings of innocent people. You will just have to learn that we are just very different in this respect mr Woke.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.

If saying "enough is enough" to all this violence, mayhem, looting, arson and murder is what makes a person a "Trumpster", why aren't you a Trumpster Wokemac?
Because I can see a bigger picture. Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties can't. Or choose not to.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
when I see innocent people having their cars and businesses burned down, I feel empathy for these victims.

Instead of seeing the actual big picture, all you are really seeing is an opportunity to posture that you are superior.
I realize that's your perspective.

Nothing I can do about that.
Of course there is something you can do about it. All you have to do is stop calling people names if they oppose domestic terrorism and then act like you are above it all.

Easy peasy.
Same kind of response I got from Regressive Lefties when I criticized Obama.

Do you guys get trained at the same place? Oh, never mind.
What guys?

I realize that people have been trained to see only identity, but I am just one individual and not a member of a group.

You should try looking at people as individuals some day. It might help liberate you from your mental straight jacket you have imposed on yourself.

As an individual, I reject burning the belongings of innocent people. You will just have to learn that we are just very different in this respect mr Woke.
But I do too. You just assume I don't. You should try looking at people as individuals some day.

This is why I no longer bother with asymmetrical online conversations. They are pointless when the other person can only see their side.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
Sniper Warfare.. The rioters will not even hear the shot that kills them. no where to hide since they have no idea where the shots came from.

The rioters will do the same. The problem is they are going to be murdering innocent civilians. Once violence begins it is extremely difficult to stop it. And since it seems the Dems feel it benefits them expect to see more of the same.
You can always hope. Of course you hope cause you sure wouldn't want this guy to be true blue American and not a Natzi.

A true-blue American wouldn't gun down total strangers in the street.

Now, since this morning, we've found out he's from Antioch, IL, and that he's a member of a Police Groupie organization...

So just to draw a wonderful contrast here.

Black guy goes to check on his kids in a van, gets shot in the back seven times.

White guy walks down the street with an Assault Rifle, shoots, three people, two fatally, and the Kenosha Police let him leave the scene as happy as a clam.

That's all kinds of messed up, yo!
But I do too. You just assume I don't. You should try looking at people as individuals some day.

This is why I no longer bother with asymmetrical online conversations. They are pointless when the other person can only see their side.

that and you look really silly when someone calls you on your false assumptions and lack of facts.
The reason that people NEED something other than a single shot musket (eye roll) is that when you're face with a mob you need fire power or you will be beaten to death. None of those rioters have a right to burn and loot. The have the right to peacefully assemble and protest. When they stop being peaceful then they have nobody to blame but themselves for what will eventually happen! The average citizen is getting sick and tired of BLM and their tactics. They're fighting back and ironically it's going to be the Police that BLM will call on to protect them from harm!

Hey, do you know what we are sick of... black folks being shot for simple mistakes while white people can run amok with assault rifles shooting people.

That's what a lot of us are sick of.

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