Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

When the Police aren't allowed to do their jobs then citizens will be forced to do it for them! Why does this surprise anyone? The violence in our streets right now is being caused by liberal politicians who refuse to stand up to the BLM looters. This blood is on THEIR heads!

I'd be happy if the police did their jobs. The problem is they are shooting people in the back, choking them to death, shooting kids playing with toys, beating people senseless...

The violence is there because people are fed up with it.

No your TDS prevents you from seeing that this kind if thing was inevitable. Domocrat Mayors/Governors doing nothing about rogue citizens terrorizing cities, Democrats and liberal organizations/companies FUNDING them and finally the media outright praising them - WAS BOUND to lead to this.
And there will be a LOT more until people stop funding/praising/hiding these storm troopers of the left.

Awesome. A few more gun nuts shooting into crowds like this, people will start demanding common sense gun control.

When we find out more about this shooter, we are going to find out he was probably some kind of a nutbag, and we'll happily hang him around your side's neck.
I would be happy to see criminals stop making the fine upstanding officers shoot their sorry scum asses.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.
You scum demoncraps exposed yourselves long ago.
Democrats think riots that have killed 40 people and hurt many many others are freedom of expression.

They are total scum.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.
As opposed the the Marxist democrat rioters Who have been at it for 80 plus days of course.
No mirrors in the homes of wingers on either end of this.

Our wingers are killing us.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.

If saying "enough is enough" to all this violence, mayhem, looting, arson and murder is what makes a person a "Trumpster", why aren't you a Trumpster Wokemac?
Because I can see a bigger picture. Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties can't. Or choose not to.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
Looks like the citizens in Kenosha are fighting back...

Heading into a third of demands for justice, Sheriff Beth said social media is attracting more demonstrators -- and he believes they are rebels without a cause.

"The professional agitators is what we call them, that come from other places, they don't care. Them coming here, burning a building or looting a building is like, most everybody in this room is like, we're going out to dinner," Beth said.

Sheriff believes social media is attracting 'professional agitators' to Kenosha
can you say white nationalist groups!!

So, if they are looting, it’s okay with you?
So was the shooter a BLM? I heard there were armed people protesting with them, but they were telling them they wouldn’t allow looting and burning businesses.
The guy that shot them was being chased by them. I also understand that had a molotov cocktail in their hand. The shooter turned himself in immediately.

Probably because the crowd was ready to beat him into a pulp for shooting at them. He's going to jail for a very long time.

Yeah, you keep blathering that but you have a shit record for accurate predictions.
Shooting into crowds?? How bout shooting into rioters who want to loot and burn.

Awesome is right.

Again, you are probably going to find out this guy has ties to racist groups or some other highly evolved crazies, and you aren't going to be feeling all that great about it... but enjoy it for now, I guess, that two people were murdered by this nut.

Speaking of highly evolved crazies.

And if you find out he's just an average citizen who's defending his property against a mob of BLM terrorists intent on burning him out? Will you hang THAT around your side's neck?

Uh, no... because he shouldn't have military grade weaponry and he shouldn't be out there picking a fight.

Businesses have insurance.... I'm not getting upset that businesses are being damaged. Things can be replaced, lives cannot.

Insurance doesn't cover riot damage, dumbass.
On the contrary - I will be shown to be right.
I have been saying for the past month this was going to happen. Whether the guy was a normal person or crazy is irrelevant. As long as these terrorist are being funded/praised/excused and protected by you and the rest of the left - the inevitability of counter reaction, right or wrong, is going to happen. Only thing I am surprised about is it took this long. Indeed, others will be emboldened by this - and there will be more like it.

Awesome.... I will just show how much Trump has lost control of the country when the MAGAts go around shooting into crowds.

Sorry, man, when this guy turns out to be a Nazi, you are going to look all manner of foolish.

Not Trump. Democrats.
Their just feeding their kids for God's sakes.
Did you see the clips of him being chased by the three?
Of who being chased by what three?

I have no idea what I'm suppose to be looking at!!

The guy that shot them was being chased by them. I also understand that had a molotov cocktail in their hand. The shooter turned himself in immediately.

So the shooter says!!

They threw a cocktail at him seconds before he shot.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.

If saying "enough is enough" to all this violence, mayhem, looting, arson and murder is what makes a person a "Trumpster", why aren't you a Trumpster Wokemac?
Because I can see a bigger picture. Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties can't. Or choose not to.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
when I see innocent people having their cars and businesses burned down, I feel empathy for these victims.

Instead of seeing the actual big picture, all you are really seeing is an opportunity to posture that you are superior.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.

If saying "enough is enough" to all this violence, mayhem, looting, arson and murder is what makes a person a "Trumpster", why aren't you a Trumpster Wokemac?
Because I can see a bigger picture. Trumpsters and Regressive Lefties can't. Or choose not to.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
when I see innocent people having their cars and businesses burned down, I feel empathy for these victims.

Instead of seeing the actual big picture, all you are really seeing is an opportunity to posture that you are superior.
I realize that's your perspective.

Nothing I can do about that.
Sooner or later people will catch on. Democrats are burning and looting our country with the approval of the party. Sad. MAGA, for the children.
It’s easier to start the violence than to stop it. We don't know where it goes from here. Anger builds. Memories are made. People react. We are under no duty to allow Leftwing Nazi thugs attack us, loot us, and burn our buildings down. We ALWAYS retain the right to protect ourselves and our community. While we are in the habit of "letting the police handle it" clearly that isn't happening. I suspect next, that the same civilian leadership that refused to hold Antifa/BLM to account will now try to make the citizens that protected themselves, and example, by destroying them through "legal" procedure. If they attempt to do so, he needs to refuse to waive his right to a speedy trial and get this before a Jury of his peers, who need to nullify any unjust laws they are trying to hold him accountable to.

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