Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.
No your TDS prevents you from seeing that this kind if thing was inevitable. Domocrat Mayors/Governors doing nothing about rogue citizens terrorizing cities, Democrats and liberal organizations/companies FUNDING them and finally the media outright praising them - WAS BOUND to lead to this.
And there will be a LOT more until people stop funding/praising/hiding these storm troopers of the left.
And your TDS prevents you from seeing the ugliness that is on this thread, and in the hearts of many Trumpsters.
Again ignoring half of reality.
What do you expect??
Maybe you are ok with domestic terrorist being fully funded/praised/excused/protected by half the government and the media. Maybe as long as it isn't your town - who cares?
Desperate people do desperate things. 35 people dead now caused by these leftist stormtroppers out burning/looting/vandalizing other American citizens property and people see their elected officials doing exactly fuck all to stop them - in fact deny the reality of it and silently giving them there approval.
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.
No your TDS prevents you from seeing that this kind if thing was inevitable. Domocrat Mayors/Governors doing nothing about rogue citizens terrorizing cities, Democrats and liberal organizations/companies FUNDING them and finally the media outright praising them - WAS BOUND to lead to this.
And there will be a LOT more until people stop funding/praising/hiding these storm troopers of the left.
And your TDS prevents you from seeing the ugliness that is on this thread, and in the hearts of many Trumpsters.
And people like you show that you do not have a problem with BLM savages looting and burning down businesses.
Of course I do. Since you don't bother to actually find out, you just operate in arrogant ignorance.

So while I hold my side accountable for its destructive bullshit -- from BLM the group to Antifa to PC to Identity Politics to Cancel Culture -- you don't have the balls to do the same.

All you know is closing your eyes and pointing your finger, like a good, obedient Trumpster.
Why would I hold somebody accountable for protecting a business event protecting themselves from a mob attack
The Trumpsters are proudly exposing themselves now.

Another example of why freedom of expression is so critical. We need to know about this.
No your TDS prevents you from seeing that this kind if thing was inevitable. Domocrat Mayors/Governors doing nothing about rogue citizens terrorizing cities, Democrats and liberal organizations/companies FUNDING them and finally the media outright praising them - WAS BOUND to lead to this.
And there will be a LOT more until people stop funding/praising/hiding these storm troopers of the left.
And your TDS prevents you from seeing the ugliness that is on this thread, and in the hearts of many Trumpsters.

You sure are a whiny little shit who I doubt would protect a business or your house.

Carry on there whiny.
Sure thing, Trumpster.

And proudly so.

Deplorables, didn't work.
Apparently calling people "Trumpsters" is the new Kill Shot.
They're really melting down. Interesting to watch.

No one is melting down. They are having a hard time believing that you actually think everyone should let rioters and arsonists carry on. Interesting to watch.
Please quote me saying that, or inferring that. And look at post 98.

You guys are so lost in your Trumpism that you're no longer attached to reality.

So, show me where I said that.
They're really melting down. Interesting to watch.

No one is melting down. They are having a hard time believing that you actually think everyone should let rioters and arsonists carry on. Interesting to watch.
Please quote me saying that, or inferring that. And look at post 98.

You guys are so lost in your Trumpism that you're no longer attached to reality.

So, show me where I said that.

Well I'm attached to reality in a big way. I just don't see a problem with defending yourself and your business. Shooting into a crowds of rioters and arsonists is a good way to do that. If more people did do that then the rioters and looters would be gone.

You seem to think that the rioters and looters should do as they please and that no one should defend themselves or their businesses. That's what it sounds like to me.
They're really melting down. Interesting to watch.

No one is melting down. They are having a hard time believing that you actually think everyone should let rioters and arsonists carry on. Interesting to watch.
Please quote me saying that, or inferring that. And look at post 98.

You guys are so lost in your Trumpism that you're no longer attached to reality.

So, show me where I said that.

Well I'm attached to reality in a big way. I just don't see a problem with defending yourself and your business. Shooting into a crows of rioters and arsonists is a good way to do that. If more people did do that then the rioters and looters would be gone.
Could be. Then why did you attack out of ignorance? Do you think that's constructive?
They should have listened to Melania's wise counsel:

"Like all of you, I have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. It is a harsh reality that we are not proud of parts of our history. I encourage people to focus on the future while still learning from our past. We must remember that, today, we are all one community, comprised of many races, religions and ethnicities." "Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong and yet we still have so much to learn from one another. With that in mind, I’d like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals."

"I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice. And never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes. Be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. Every day let us remember that we are one nation under God and we need to cherish one another. My husband's administration has worked to try and affect change when it comes to issues around race and religion in this country. ... My husband knows how to make a real change. From the day that I met him, he has only wanted to make this country the best it can be."

Melania Trump: loyal American, patriot, First Lady, husband of president, born to foreign parents cannot run for office.​
Kamela Harris: hates America, subversive, wants to change everything, born to foreign parents, CAN run for president!​
Just doesn't seem right.
They're really melting down. Interesting to watch.

No one is melting down. They are having a hard time believing that you actually think everyone should let rioters and arsonists carry on. Interesting to watch.
Please quote me saying that, or inferring that. And look at post 98.

You guys are so lost in your Trumpism that you're no longer attached to reality.

So, show me where I said that.

Well I'm attached to reality in a big way. I just don't see a problem with defending yourself and your business. Shooting into a crows of rioters and arsonists is a good way to do that. If more people did do that then the rioters and looters would be gone.
Could be. Then why did you attack out of ignorance? Do you think that's constructive?

Nothing ignorant about what was done. And yeah. I do think that was pretty damned constructive as it showed the rioters and looters that not everyone was going to let them do as they please.
They're really melting down. Interesting to watch.

No one is melting down. They are having a hard time believing that you actually think everyone should let rioters and arsonists carry on. Interesting to watch.
Please quote me saying that, or inferring that. And look at post 98.

You guys are so lost in your Trumpism that you're no longer attached to reality.

So, show me where I said that.

Well I'm attached to reality in a big way. I just don't see a problem with defending yourself and your business. Shooting into a crows of rioters and arsonists is a good way to do that. If more people did do that then the rioters and looters would be gone.
Could be. Then why did you attack out of ignorance? Do you think that's constructive?

Nothing ignorant about what was done. And yeah. I do think that was pretty damned constructive as it showed the rioters and looters that not everyone was going to let them do as they please.
I wasn't talking about what happened. I was talking about your post. Do you understand that?
They're really melting down. Interesting to watch.

No one is melting down. They are having a hard time believing that you actually think everyone should let rioters and arsonists carry on. Interesting to watch.
Please quote me saying that, or inferring that. And look at post 98.

You guys are so lost in your Trumpism that you're no longer attached to reality.

So, show me where I said that.

Well I'm attached to reality in a big way. I just don't see a problem with defending yourself and your business. Shooting into a crows of rioters and arsonists is a good way to do that. If more people did do that then the rioters and looters would be gone.
Could be. Then why did you attack out of ignorance? Do you think that's constructive?

Nothing ignorant about what was done. And yeah. I do think that was pretty damned constructive as it showed the rioters and looters that not everyone was going to let them do as they please.
I wasn't talking about what happened. I was talking about your post. Do you understand that?

I sure do and I was talking about yours.
We've seen new faces in Madison, and they are not only returning school kids. They are moving in the night, with purpose. Take your pick in this case, Kenosha can be considered either a suburb of Milwaukee or a suburb of Shy. More establishments have boarded themselves up.
In a nutshell...

There are large groups of well organized and well funded people who are burning/looting/vandalizing other people's property, who have NOTHING to do with what they are pretending to be "protesting" about. And meanwhile the media either ignore or outright defend these people. Half of the government is telling you it isn't really happening, and silently in support of it. The Democratic convention went by for 4 days and not one mention of the violence and destruction.
These people, by definition, are domestic terrorist. PERIOD. People destroying property, harassing people and even attacking people if they don't comply... is terrorism.
I have said for well over a month - last night was BOUND to happen. Only surprise to me is it took this long and only one dies. (nevermind the other 35 dead caused by rioting... we won't talk about that)
So now... ONE MAN from the "other side" fights back. And NOW the left want something done.

And that about sums it up.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.
There will be more shooting of rioters but it will be done smart; they will shoot from covered and concealed positions with no warning. They will pick their targets and they will drop more and more until no one wants to be a rioter or a looter anymore. They will never show themselves and they won't give interviews with twitter journalists, because they have no intention of going to jail.

And then they will go home and sleep the sleep of the just.

And their communities will be better for it.

I tend to agree. Don't be obvious. Pick a protected spot and take down a couple. The rest will run like hell. End of riot and arson. Works for me.
Kenosha police 2 dead ...under investigation
The guy in my second pic will live

I'm shocked they've been so peaceful ...according to the news

It sounds like some nut with an AR-15 shot into a crowd....

That boy's going to prison for a long time.
Did the Koreans go to jail for protecting their property?

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