Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

Trump has 2 enemies: the anti-fascist left, and black people

the enemy of Trump is my friend, my friends
Bunch of frauds on USMB.

The mother of Jacob Blake has more integrity then all the lefties here combined.

If the board is wide enough, the hands cannot reach the face.

Chinese Punishment of the Wooden Collar,punishment)._Wellcome_L0018762.jpg
A photo of a huge cangue is here:
(URL functions if typed in spacebar)
Actually, the rioters are out in force because they want to loot all that "free shit", and call it "reparations"....

Why don't you invite all of those "peaceful people" over, and show your support???

Ive looked at those demonstrators.. most of them are white, very few of them are looting.
Of course most of them are white...

They're ANTIFA...

And they're burning Kenosha down...

But I found a letter online that they might like to read...

Of course most of them are white...

They're ANTIFA...

And they're burning Kenosha down...

But I found a letter online that they might like to read...

So you guys are all so manly that you needed a misguided 17 year old to do your dirty work?

This is where I feel sorry for the kid... 17 years old isn't an age where you should be making these kinds of decisions. It's why we don't let 17 year olds vote. But you all got him pumped up, he killed two people and will probably end up spending the rest of his life in prison.
Of course most of them are white...

They're ANTIFA...

And they're burning Kenosha down...

But I found a letter online that they might like to read...

So you guys are all so manly that you needed a misguided 17 year old to do your dirty work?

This is where I feel sorry for the kid... 17 years old isn't an age where you should be making these kinds of decisions. It's why we don't let 17 year olds vote. But you all got him pumped up, he killed two people and will probably end up spending the rest of his life in prison.
Thinking this kid a hero is the thinking of a fool. Remember the nut job who shot up the Rs on a ball field, a few years ago? Some on the left thought he was justified, just like the idiots on the right think this kid was justified.

It’s time the nation separated into multiple parts. We can’t get along without killing each other and the elites are instigating it all.
Of course most of them are white...

They're ANTIFA...

And they're burning Kenosha down...

But I found a letter online that they might like to read...

So you guys are all so manly that you needed a misguided 17 year old to do your dirty work?

This is where I feel sorry for the kid... 17 years old isn't an age where you should be making these kinds of decisions. It's why we don't let 17 year olds vote. But you all got him pumped up, he killed two people and will probably end up spending the rest of his life in prison.
Actually, he now has an excellent lawyer (working pro bono) who is confident he can prove self-defense, and over $100K in a defense fund...

Once self-defense is proven, the only charge the kid will have will be carrying a firearm while underage (a simple misdemeanor), and it's very possible he could beat THAT through jury nullification (given that the residents of Kenosha are fed up with thugs trying to burn their city down)...
Actually, he now has an excellent lawyer (working pro bono) who is confident he can prove self-defense, and over $100K in a defense fund...

Once self-defense is proven, the only charge the kid will have will be carrying a firearm while underage (a simple misdemeanor), and it's very possible he could beat THAT through jury nullification (given that the residents of Kenosha are fed up with thugs trying to burn their city down)...

You're delusional, buddy. No one is going to let him kill two people and walk... There's no self-defense while committing an illegal act to start with, and his presense there was illegal. If that where the case, every burglar who kills a homeowner could argue "Self-defense".
Of course most of them are white...

They're ANTIFA...

And they're burning Kenosha down...

But I found a letter online that they might like to read...

So you guys are all so manly that you needed a misguided 17 year old to do your dirty work?

This is where I feel sorry for the kid... 17 years old isn't an age where you should be making these kinds of decisions. It's why we don't let 17 year olds vote. But you all got him pumped up, he killed two people and will probably end up spending the rest of his life in prison.
Thinking this kid a hero is the thinking of a fool. Remember the nut job who shot up the Rs on a ball field, a few years ago? Some on the left thought he was justified, just like the idiots on the right think this kid was justified.

It’s time the nation separated into multiple parts. We can’t get along without killing each other and the elites are instigating it all.

Really, you think that people don't have the right to defend themselves from crazy drugged up violent democrat felons trying to kill them? WOW. Crazy Alert!!!
Actually, he now has an excellent lawyer (working pro bono) who is confident he can prove self-defense, and over $100K in a defense fund...

Once self-defense is proven, the only charge the kid will have will be carrying a firearm while underage (a simple misdemeanor), and it's very possible he could beat THAT through jury nullification (given that the residents of Kenosha are fed up with thugs trying to burn their city down)...

You're delusional, buddy. No one is going to let him kill two people and walk... There's no self-defense while committing an illegal act to start with, and his presense there was illegal. If that where the case, every burglar who kills a homeowner could argue "Self-defense".
Oh brother----first off the kid had permission to be there so curfew likely didn't apply to him----secondly even a burglar has the right to protect himself usually all he need though is drop his weapon though or not steal----

This said being out after curfew is not the same as breaking into someone's home to rob them. How bizarre that you can't grasp this concept.
Of course most of them are white...

They're ANTIFA...

And they're burning Kenosha down...

But I found a letter online that they might like to read...

So you guys are all so manly that you needed a misguided 17 year old to do your dirty work?

This is where I feel sorry for the kid... 17 years old isn't an age where you should be making these kinds of decisions. It's why we don't let 17 year olds vote. But you all got him pumped up, he killed two people and will probably end up spending the rest of his life in prison.
Thinking this kid a hero is the thinking of a fool. Remember the nut job who shot up the Rs on a ball field, a few years ago? Some on the left thought he was justified, just like the idiots on the right think this kid was justified.

It’s time the nation separated into multiple parts. We can’t get along without killing each other and the elites are instigating it all.

Really, you think that people don't have the right to defend themselves from crazy drugged up violent democrat felons trying to kill them? WOW. Crazy Alert!!!
Really? The kid shows up at a riot with an automatic weapon, is looking for trouble. Hopefully he will do many years in the penitentiary.
Radicals on the right want blood. Radicals on the left want blood. Oh well maybe these idiots will kill each other, and we’ll end up better off.
Oh brother----first off the kid had permission to be there so curfew likely didn't apply to him----secondly even a burglar has the right to protect himself usually all he need though is drop his weapon though or not steal----

The fact the police didn't enforce the laws about breaking curfew, bringing a gun across state lines or being a minor with a gun, doesn't take away from the fact he was in fact breaking the law. His illegal actions put him in the situation he was in, therefore self defense doesn't apply.

This kid will do no time in a penitentiary or any other place. The case against him is already falling apart.

Fantasy time... He shot three people. Two of them fatally.
Oh brother----first off the kid had permission to be there so curfew likely didn't apply to him----secondly even a burglar has the right to protect himself usually all he need though is drop his weapon though or not steal----

The fact the police didn't enforce the laws about breaking curfew, bringing a gun across state lines or being a minor with a gun, doesn't take away from the fact he was in fact breaking the law. His illegal actions put him in the situation he was in, therefore self defense doesn't apply.

This kid will do no time in a penitentiary or any other place. The case against him is already falling apart.

Fantasy time... He shot three people. Two of them fatally.
I think self defense is still applicable. Sure, he should not have been there and he should not have been carrying a firearm. I can agree with you on these. However, the fact that he was being chased, and assaulted by these people, no one could reasonably expect that he should just sit there and take it.

Yes, I agree, he should not have put himself in that position, but, the other people should not have been attacking him either.

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